Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

  function _0x9ec5d9() {
    var _0x28ff1c = _0x15fc,
      _0x3c0c2d = _0x54dca1[_0x28ff1c(0x342)]('|');
    _0x1b7ee6: {
      if (_0x5e9fcd) {
        for (var _0x662171 = 0x0; _0x662171 < _0x5daf30[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x662171++)
          for (var _0x12758f = _0x5daf30[_0x662171], _0x4627df = 0x0; _0x4627df < _0x48568f[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x4627df++) {
            if (!_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x4627df], 'i')) && _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](_0x28ff1c(0x37f) + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df]) && void 0x0 == sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)]) {
              sessionStorage['territory'] = _0x4627df + 0x1, sessionStorage['removeItem']('goToBoss'), void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x38d));
              break _0x1b7ee6;
            if (_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x4627df], 'i'))) {
              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('^' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df]), 'i') && void 0x0 == sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)]) {
                for (var _0x17e4ee = 0x0; _0x17e4ee < _0x48568f['length']; _0x17e4ee++)
                  if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('^' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x3c0c2d[_0x17e4ee] + '$', 'i'))) {
                    sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] = _0x17e4ee + 0x1, sessionStorage['removeItem']('goToBoss'), void 0x0 != sessionStorage['lastCommand'] && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('lastCommand');
                    break _0x1b7ee6;
              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x37f) + _0x4c8d45 + '|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|(' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + (_0x2cb347 ? 'в' : 'м') + '|' + (_0x2cb347 ? _0x28ff1c(0x304) : 'меды') + _0x28ff1c(0x2d7) + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '$', 'i'))) {
                void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && (sessionStorage['dobivatTerr'] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('lastCommand');
                break _0x1b7ee6;
              _0x17e4ee = '';
              if (_0x2cb347) {
                if (0x9 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] && 0xa != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] && 0xb != sessionStorage['dobivatTerr']) {
                  if (_0x12758f['match'](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x3ea) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x356) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x3bb), 'i'))) {
                    sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x7;
                    break _0x1b7ee6;
                  } else {
                    if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x1d6) + _0x4c8d45 + 'всехсиних|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x248), 'i'))) {
                      sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x8;
                      break _0x1b7ee6;
                    } else {
                      if (_0x12758f['match'](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x3e4) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x3b2) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x384), 'i'))) {
                        sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x5;
                        break _0x1b7ee6;
                      } else {
                        if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x204) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x311) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x2d2), 'i'))) {
                          sessionStorage['dobivatTerr'] = 0x0;
                          break _0x1b7ee6;
                        } else {
                          if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x2b2) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x34e) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + 'синихм', 'i'))) {
                            sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x1;
                            break _0x1b7ee6;
                          } else {
                            if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('красных медов|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x3e0) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + 'красныхм', 'i'))) {
                              sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x2;
                              break _0x1b7ee6;
                            } else {
                              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x259) + _0x4c8d45 + 'синихв|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x282), 'i'))) {
                                sessionStorage['dobivatTerr'] = 0x3;
                                break _0x1b7ee6;
                              } else {
                                if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('красных воинов|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0xf7) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x296), 'i'))) {
                                  sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x4;
                                  break _0x1b7ee6;
                                } else {
                                  if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x36c) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x303) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0xf6), 'i'))) {
                                    sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = 0x6;
                                    break _0x1b7ee6;
                _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x2c1) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + ')(в)?стоп')) ? _0x17e4ee = 0x9 : _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('(терра|воины|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x36a))) ? _0x17e4ee = 0xa : _0x12758f['match'](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x2c1) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x35c))) ? _0x17e4ee = 0xb : _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x2c1) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + ')(в)?выход')) && (_0x5b8ac7(_0x801578, _0x326f93), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0xf8)), sessionStorage['removeItem'](_0x28ff1c(0x31b)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x38d)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x233)] = 0x0);
              _0x2cb347 || (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('(терра|меды|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x3fe))) ? _0x17e4ee = 0xc : _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x11d) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x39a))) ? _0x17e4ee = 0xd : _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x11d) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + ')(м)?уходим')) ? _0x17e4ee = 0xe : _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x11d) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0x3b3))) && (_0x5b8ac7(_0x801578, _0x326f93), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0xf8)), sessionStorage['removeItem'](_0x28ff1c(0x31b)), sessionStorage['removeItem'](_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x38d)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x233)] = 0x0));
              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x2bd) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x28ff1c(0xdf) + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x2f4), 'i')) && !_0x31f69d) {
                _0x51912b && _0x5b8ac7(_0x51912b, _0x19a2b5);
                break _0x1b7ee6;
              } else {
                if (_0x12758f['match'](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x392) + _0x4c8d45 + 'жувыкл|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x28ff1c(0x30e), 'i')) && _0x31f69d) {
                  _0x51912b && _0x5b8ac7(_0x51912b, _0x19a2b5);
                  break _0x1b7ee6;
              if (_0x17e4ee) {
                void 0x0 == sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)]), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = _0x17e4ee;
                break _0x1b7ee6;
              '' != _0x599d04 && '' != setClrChatAl && _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](setClrChatAl) && _0x5b8ac7(_0x599d04, _0x326f93);
      if (!action && !_0x281ada && !_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](/Клан |Чат альянса|Почта|Территория|Активация/i) && (_0x17e4ee = _0x12758f = _0x662171 = '', _0x1cb5ce || _0x4118bc)) {
        var _0x1752da = _0x124d7d(_0x1cb5ce + ' ' + _0x4118bc);
        '' != _0x599d04 && '' != setClrChatAl && _0x1752da[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](setClrChatAl) && _0x5b8ac7(_0x599d04, _0x326f93);
        for (_0x4627df = 0x0; _0x4627df < _0x48568f[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x4627df++) _0x1752da['match'](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x4627df], 'i')) && (_0x662171 = _0x4627df + 0x1), _0x1752da['match'](new RegExp(_0x4c8d45 + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df], 'i')) && (_0x12758f = _0x4627df + 0x1), _0x1752da['match'](new RegExp(cs16 + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df], 'i')) && (_0x17e4ee = _0x4627df + 0x1);
        _0x17e4ee ? (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] = _0x17e4ee, sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x1a2)), _0x5d4e41()) : _0x12758f ? (sessionStorage['territory'] = _0x12758f, sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x1a2)), _0x5d4e41()) : _0x662171 && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] = _0x662171, sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('goToBoss'), _0x5d4e41());
    if (_0x5e9fcd && !_0x855995) {
      for (_0x3c0c2d = 0x0; _0x3c0c2d < _0x48568f[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x3c0c2d++)
        if (_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x3c0c2d], 'i')) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] == _0x3c0c2d + 0x1) {
          sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('blockTerrRun1'), sessionStorage['removeItem'](_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)), sessionStorage['removeItem'](_0x28ff1c(0xf8));
    _0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](_0x28ff1c(0x260)) && _0x1a9f0e ? _0x5b8ac7(_0x1a9f0e, _0x326f93) : (!_0x1f3486['match'](/Арена|Выживание|мой герой|битва героев|^Территория$|Алтарь клана/i) || _0x1f3486['match'](/Арена|Выживание/i) && '' == _0x942041 && ('' != _0x215b49 || '' != _0x43b894 || _0x390dff[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)]('(Твой|Ваш) герой погиб, жди(те)? окончания боя'))) && !_0x5bf9af && 0x0 < sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] && (_0x3f3716[0x1][_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](/14|17|20/) && 0x19 <= _0x3f3716[0x2] || _0x3f3716[0x1][_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](/15|21/)) && !_0x855995 && _0x5b8ac7(_0x28ff1c(0x214) + sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] + '/', _0x326f93), /14|15|17|20|21/ ['test'](_0x3f3716[0x1]) || (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x233)] = 0x0, sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x31b)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)), sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0xf8)), _0xf188d0[0x3] = 0x0);
  var _0x113ce8 = 'Cl',
    _0x4c031b = 'e',
    _0x3e518e = 'm',
    _0x498934 = '-',
    _0x3c7064 = 'ht',
    _0x5d8e80 = 'p',
    _0x45a08a = 's',
    _0x165fce = ':',
    _0x2d639d = ,
    _0x59b2ae = 'H',
    _0x56f538 = 'o',
    _0x284e7f = 'd',
    _0x358b16 = 'j',
    _0x193f54 = _0x17081f + _0x15d6bb + _0x45a08a + _0x47773e + _0x44646a + _0x4bb619 + _0x36131c + _0x4bb619 + _0x1809e3 + _0x2d639d + _0x44646a + _0x3e518e + _0x29684c + _0x113ce8 + _0x4c031b + _0x3e518e + _0x4c031b + _0x4bb619 + _0x1809e3 + _0x498934 + _0x59b2ae + _0x40e184 + _0x1809e3 + _0x45a08a + _0x56f538 + _0x4bb619 + _0x29684c + _0x284e7f + _0x29684c + _0x3e518e + _0x40e184 + _0x54a96c + _0x4bb619 + _0x29684c + _0x2ac2d7 + _0x2d639d + _0x358b16 + _0x45a08a + _0x56f538 + _0x4bb619,
    _0x259eeb = _0x17081f + _0x15d6bb + _0x45a08a + _0x47773e + _0x44646a + _0x4bb619 + _0x36131c + _0x4bb619 + _0x1809e3 + _0x2d639d + _0x44646a + _0x3e518e + _0x29684c + _0x113ce8 + _0x4c031b + _0x3e518e + _0x4c031b + _0x4bb619 + _0x1809e3 + _0x498934 + _0x59b2ae + _0x40e184 + _0x1809e3 + _0x45a08a + _0x56f538 + _0x4bb619 + _0x29684c + _0x284e7f + _0x29684c + _0x3e518e + _0x40e184 + _0x54a96c + _0x4bb619 + _0x29684c + _0x40e184 + _0x2d639d + _0x358b16 + _0x45a08a + _0x56f538 + _0x4bb619;

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