Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

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   var l = '<div id="successModal" class="f_modal"> <div class="modal-content"> <span class="close" onclick="document.getElementById(\'successModal\').style.display = \'none\'">&times;</span> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="text-col"> <h2>Welcome to <span class="purple">MT4</span></h2> <p class="subtitle"> First of all, congratulations for making this exciting move! You are only a few short steps away from setting up your account, so pay very close attention here as you need to make sure your system is setup correctly. </p> </div> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/main2.png" class="main-img"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/step1.png" class="main-img"> </div> <div class="text-col"> <div class="thankyou-step"> <div class="thankyou-step-item active">01</div> <div class="thankyou-step-item">02</div> </div> <h2 class="item-h">Phone Call Verification &amp; Setup</h2> <p class="item-p"> As you have seen, in this program, <strong>we take security very seriously and in order to verify you</strong> are a real person and to validate your account, one of our start up specialists will be calling you within the next 30mins. (Mon-Fri) </p> <p class="item-p"> If you aren\'t available, <strong>please answer the call and schedule an appointment</strong> for a more convenient time. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
   if (t.lang === "es") {
     l = '<div id="successModal" class="f_modal"><div class="modal-content" id="thankyou"><span class="close" onclick="document.getElementById(\'successModal\').style.display = \'none\'"></span><div class="modal-row"><div class="text-col"><h2 style="font-size:27px;">Bienvenido a la APLICACIN <span class="purple">MT4</span></h2><p class="subtitle"> En primer lugar, felicidades por hacer este emocionante movimiento! Est a solo unospocos pasos de configurar su cuenta, as que preste mucha atencin aqu, ya que necesita asegurarse de quesu sistema est configurado correctamente. </p></div><div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/main2.png" class="main-img"> </div></div><div class="modal-row"><div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/step1.png" class="main-img"> </div><div class="text-col"><div class="thankyou-step"><div class="thankyou-step-item active">01</div><div class="thankyou-step-item">02</div></div><h2 class="item-h">Verificacin y configuracin de llamadas telefnicas</h2><p class="item-p"> Como ha visto, en este programa, <strong>nos tomamos la seguridad muy en serio y paraverificar</strong> que es una persona real y validar su cuenta, uno de nuestros especialistas en puesta enmarcha lo llamar dentro de los prximos 30 minutos. (lunes a viernes) </p><p class="item-p"> Si no est disponible, <strong>responda la llamada y programe una cita</strong> para unhorario ms conveniente. </p></div></div></div></div>';
   } else if (t.lang === "ar") {
     l = '<div id="successModal" class="f_modal" style="direction:ltr;"> <div class="modal-content" id="thankyou"> <span class="close" onclick="document.getElementById(\'successModal\').style.display = \'none\'">&times;</span> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="text-col" style="direction:rtl;text-align: right;"> <h2>مرحبًا بك في تطبيق <span class="purple">MT5</span></h2> <p class="subtitle"> بادئ ذي بدء ، تهانينا على هذه الخطوة المثيرة! أنت على بعد خطوات قليلة فقط من إعداد حسابك ، لذا انتبه جيدًا هنا لأنك تحتاج إلى التأكد من إعداد نظامك بشكل صحيح. </p> </div> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/main2.png" class="main-img"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/step1.png" class="main-img"> </div> <div class="text-col" style="direction:rtl;text-align: right;"> <div class="thankyou-step"> <div class="thankyou-step-item active">01</div> <div class="thankyou-step-item">02</div> </div> <h2 class="item-h">التحقق من المكالمات الهاتفية &amp; اقامة</h2> <p class="item-p"> كما رأيتم ، في هذا البرنامج ، <strong>نحن نتعامل مع الأمان بجدية شديدة وللتحقق من هويتك</strong> شخص حقيقي وللتحقق من صحة حسابك ، سيتصل بك أحد المتخصصين المبتدئين لدينا في غضون الثلاثين دقيقة القادمة. (من الإثنين إلى الجمعة) </p> <p class="item-p"> إذا لم تكن متاحًا ، <strong>يرجى الرد على المكالمة وتحديد موعد</strong> لوقت أكثر ملاءمة. </p> </div> </div> </div></div>';
   } else if (t.lang === "it") {
     l = '<div id="successModal" class="f_modal"> <div class="modal-content" id="thankyou"> <span class="close" onclick="document.getElementById(\'successModal\').style.display = \'none\'">&times;</span> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="text-col"> <h2>Benvenuto nell\'APP <span class="purple">MT4</span></h2> <p class="subtitle"> Prima di tutto, congratulazioni per aver fatto questa mossa emozionante! Sei solo a pochi passi dalla configurazione del tuo account, quindi presta molta attenzione qui poich devi assicurarti che il tuo sistema sia impostato correttamente. </p> </div> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/main2.png" class="main-img" /> </div> </div> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/step1.png" class="main-img" /> </div> <div class="text-col"> <div class="thankyou-step"> <div class="thankyou-step-item active">01</div> <div class="thankyou-step-item">02</div> </div> <h2 class="item-h">Verifica e configurazione delle telefonate</h2> <p class="item-p"> Come hai visto, <strong>in questo programma prendiamo molto sul serio la sicurezza e per verificare</strong> che tu sia una persona reale e convalidare il tuo account, uno dei nostri specialisti della messa in servizio ti chiamer entro i prossimi 30 minuti. (Lunedi al venerd) </p> <p class="item-p"> Se non sei disponibile, <strong>rispondi alla chiamata e fissa un appuntamento</strong> per un orario pi conveniente.</p></div></div></div></div>';
   } else if (t.lang === "pt") {
     l = '<div id="successModal" class="f_modal"> <div class="modal-content" id="thankyou"> <span class="close" onclick="document.getElementById(\'successModal\').style.display = \'none\'">&times;</span> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="text-col"> <h2 style="font-size:33px;">Bem-vindo ao aplicativo <span class="purple">MT4</span></h2> <p class="subtitle">Em primeiro lugar, parabns por fazer este movimento emocionante! Voc est a poucos passos de configurar sua conta, ento preste muita ateno aqui, pois voc precisa ter certeza de que seu sistema est configurado corretamente.</p> </div> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/main2.png" class="main-img"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-row"> <div class="img-col"> <img src="../images/step1.png" class="main-img"> </div> <div class="text-col"> <div class="thankyou-step"> <div class="thankyou-step-item active">01</div> <div class="thankyou-step-item">02</div> </div> <h2 class="item-h">Verificao e configurao de chamadas telefnicas</h2> <p class="item-p"> Como voc viu, neste programa <strong>levamos a segurana muito a srio e para verificar</strong> se voc  uma pessoa real e validar sua conta, um de nossos especialistas em comissionamento ligar para voc nos prximos 30 minutos. (Segunda a Sexta)</p> <p class="item-p">Se voc no estiver disponvel, <strong>por favor, atenda a ligao e agende uma consulta</strong> para um horrio mais conveniente. </p> </div> </div> </div></div>';
   var m = document.createElement("div");
   m.innerHTML = l;
   var c = {en: {header_text: "Change your life today!", first_name: "First Name", last_name: "Last Name", email: "Email", first_name_error: "First name is required", last_name_error: "Last name is required", email_error: "Email is required", phone_error: "Phone is required", invalid_phone_error: "Invalid phone number", btn_step_1: "Next", btn_step_2: "Get started now", loading: "Loading...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> I have read and agree to <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a>, and <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>'}, de: {header_text: "ndern Sie Ihr Leben noch heute!", first_name: "Vorname", last_name: "Nachname", email: "Email", first_name_error: "Vorname ist erforderlich", last_name_error: "Nachname ist erforderlich", email_error: "E-Mail ist erforderlich", phone_error: "Telefon ist erforderlich", invalid_phone_error: "Ungltige Telefonnummer", btn_step_1: "Nchster", btn_step_2: "Jetzt loslegen", loading: "Wird geladen...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked="" id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Ich habe die <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Allgemeinen Geschftsbedingungen</a>, und die <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Datenschutzrichtlinie</a> gelesen und stimme ihnen zu'}, tr: {header_text: "Bugn hayatını değiştir!", first_name: "İlk adı", last_name: "Soy isim", email: "E-posta", first_name_error: "Ad gerekli", last_name_error: "Soyadı gerekli", email_error: "Email gereklidir", phone_error: "Telefon gerekli", invalid_phone_error: "Geersiz telefon numarası", btn_step_1: "Sonraki", btn_step_2: "Şimdi başla", loading: "İşleme...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"><a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Şartlar ve Koşulları</a> ve <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Gizlilik Politikasını</a> okudum ve kabul ediyorum'}, pl: {header_text: "Zmień swoje życie już dziś!", first_name: "Imię", last_name: "Nazwisko", email: "E-mail", first_name_error: "Pierwsze imię jest wymagane", last_name_error: "Nazwisko jest wymagane", email_error: "E-mail jest wymagany", phone_error: "Telefon jest wymagany", invalid_phone_error: "Nieprawidłowy numer telefonu", btn_step_1: "Następny", btn_step_2: "Zacznij teraz", loading: "Ładowanie...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked="" id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Przeczytałem i zgadzam się <a href="../terms_policy/pl/terms.html" target="_blank">Zasady i warunki</a>, oraz <a href="../terms_policy/pl/policy.html" target="_blank">Polityka prywatności</a>'}, it: {header_text: "Cambia la tua vita oggi!", first_name: "Nome di battesimo", last_name: "Cognome", email: "E-mail", first_name_error: "Il nome  obbligatorio", last_name_error: "Il cognome  obbligatorio", email_error: "L'e-mail  richiesta", phone_error: "Il telefono  richiesto", invalid_phone_error: "Numero di telefono invalido", btn_step_1: "Prossimo", btn_step_2: "Iniziamo", loading: "Caricamento in corso...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Accetto la <a href="../terms_policy/it/terms.html" target="_blank">Termini e Condizioni</a>, e <a href="../terms_policy/it/policy.html" target="_blank">Politica sulla Riservatezza</a>'}, nl: {header_text: "Verander je leven vandaag nog!", first_name: "Voornaam", last_name: "Achternaam", email: "E-mail", first_name_error: "Voornaam is verplicht", last_name_error: "Achternaam is verplicht", email_error: "E-mail is vereist", phone_error: "Telefoon is vereist", invalid_phone_error: "Ongeldig telefoonnummer", btn_step_1: "De volgende", btn_step_2: "Begin nu", loading: "Bezig met laden...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Ik heb gelezen en ga ermee akkoord <a href="../terms.html" target="_blank">Algemene Voorwaarden</a>, en <a href="../policy.html" target="_blank">Privacybeleid</a>.'}, se: {header_text: "Frndra ditt liv idag!", first_name: "Frnamn", last_name: "Efternamn", email: "E-post", first_name_error: "Frnamn krvs", last_name_error: "Efternamn krvs", email_error: "E-post krvs", phone_error: "Telefon krvs", invalid_phone_error: "Ogiltigt telefonnummer", btn_step_1: "Nsta", btn_step_2: "Brja nu", loading: "Lser in...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Jag godknner hrmed <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">TIntegritetspolicyn</a>, and <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Anvndarvillkoren</a>.'}, es: {header_text: "Solicita toda la informacin que quieras GRATIS!", first_name: "Primer nombre", last_name: "Apellido", email: "Correo electrnico", first_name_error: "Se requiere el primer nombre", last_name_error: "Se requiere el apellido", email_error: "Correo electronico es requerido", phone_error: "Se requiere telfono", invalid_phone_error: "Numero de telefono invalido", btn_step_1: "Prximo", btn_step_2: "Empieza ahora", loading: "Cargando...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Acepto la <a href="../terms_policy/es/policy.html" target="_blank">Poltica de Privacidad</a>, los <a href="../terms_policy/es/terms.html" target="_blank">Trminos y Condiciones*</a> y recibir material de marketing.'}, pt: {header_text: "Mude sua vida hoje !", first_name: "Primeiro nome", last_name: "Sobrenome", email: "E-mail", first_name_error: "O primeiro nome  necessrio", last_name_error: "O sobrenome  obrigatrio", email_error: "O e-mail  obrigatrio", phone_error: "O telefone  obrigatrio", invalid_phone_error: "Nmero de telefone invlido", btn_step_1: "Prximo", btn_step_2: "Comece agora", loading: "Carregando...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Li e concordo com os <a href="../terms_policy/pt/terms.html" target="_blank">Termos e Condies</a>*'}, ar: {header_text: "اطلب جميع المعلومات التي تريدها مجانًا!", first_name: "الاسم الاول", last_name: "اسم العائلة", email: "البريد الإلكتروني", first_name_error: "الإسم الأول مطلوب", last_name_error: "إسم العائلة مطلوب", email_error: "البريد الالكتروني مطلوب", phone_error: "الهاتف مطلوب", invalid_phone_error: "رقم الهاتف غير صحيح", btn_step_1: "التالي", btn_step_2: "ابدأ الآن", loading: "جار التحميل...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="terms-checkbox" checked=""> <span> أقبل <a href="../terms_policy/ar/policy.html" id="policy-link" target="_blank">سياسة الخصوصية</a>, ال <a href="../terms_policy/ar/terms.html" id="terms-link" target="_blank">الأحكام والشروط*</a> وتلقي المواد التسويقية.</span>'}, hi: {header_text: "आज अपना जीवन बदलें!", first_name: "पहला नाम", last_name: "उपनाम", email: "ईमेल", first_name_error: "पहला नाम आवश्यक है", last_name_error: "उपनाम आवश्यक है", email_error: "ईमेल की जरूरत है", phone_error: "फ़ोन की आवश्यकता है", invalid_phone_error: "अवैध फोन नंबर", btn_step_1: "अगला", btn_step_2: "अब शुरू हो जाओ", loading: "लोड हो रहा है...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> मैंने पढ़ लिया है और इससे सहमत हूं <a href="../terms.html" target="_blank">नियम और शर्तें</a>, तथा <a href="../policy.html" target="_blank">गोपनीयता नीति</a>'}, fr: {header_text: "Changez votre vie aujourd'hui!", first_name: "Prnom", last_name: "Nom de famille", email: "E-mail", first_name_error: "Le prnom est requis", last_name_error: "Le nom de famille est requis", email_error: "L'e-mail est requis", phone_error: "Le tlphone est requis", invalid_phone_error: "Numro de tlphone invalide", btn_step_1: "Prochain", btn_step_2: "Commencez maintenant", loading: "Chargement...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> J\'ai lu et j\'accepte <a href="../terms.html" target="_blank">Termes et conditions</a>, et <a href="../policy.html" target="_blank">Politique de confidentialit</a>'}, th: {header_text: "เปลี่ยนชีวิตคุณวันนี้!", first_name: "ชื่อจริง", last_name: "นามสกุล", email: "อีเมล", first_name_error: "ต้องระบุชื่อ", last_name_error: "ต้องระบุนามสกุล", email_error: "จำเป็นต้องใช้อีเมล", phone_error: "ต้องใช้โทรศัพท์", invalid_phone_error: "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ไม่ถูกต้อง", btn_step_1: "ต่อไป", btn_step_2: "เริ่มตอนนี้เลย", loading: "กำลังโหลด...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> ฉันได้อ่านและตกลงที่จะ <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" 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"A vezetknv megadsa ktelező", email_error: "E-mail megadsa ktelező", phone_error: "Telefon szksges", invalid_phone_error: "rvnytelen telefonszm", btn_step_1: "Kvetkező", btn_step_2: "Kezd el most", loading: "Betlts...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Elolvastam s egyetrtek <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Felhasznlsi felttelek</a>, s <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Adatvdelmi irnyelvek</a>'}, el: {header_text: "Άλλαξε τη ζωή σου σήμερα!", first_name: "Ονομα", last_name: "Επίθετο", email: "ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ", first_name_error: "Το όνομα είναι υποχρεωτικό", last_name_error: "Το επώνυμο είναι υποχρεωτικό", email_error: "Απαιτείται email", phone_error: "Απαιτείται τηλέφωνο", invalid_phone_error: "Μη έγκυρος αριθμός τηλεφώνου", btn_step_1: "Επόμενο", btn_step_2: "Ξεκινήστε τώρα", loading: "Φόρτωση...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Έχω διαβάσει και συμφωνώ <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Οροι και Προϋποθέσεις</a>, και <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Πολιτική Απορρήτου.</a>'}, ro: {header_text: "Schimbă-ți viața astăzi!", first_name: "Prenumele", last_name: "Numele de familie", email: "E-mailul", first_name_error: "Prenumele este obligatoriu", last_name_error: "Numele de familie este obligatoriu", email_error: "E-mailul este necesar", phone_error: "Este necesar telefonul", invalid_phone_error: "Numar de telefon invalid", btn_step_1: "Următorul", btn_step_2: "Incepe acum", loading: "Se ncarcă...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Am citit și sunt de acord <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Termeni și condiții</a>, și <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Politica de confidențialitate.</a>'}, bs: {header_text: "Promijenite svoj život danas!", first_name: "Ime", last_name: "Prezime", email: "Email", first_name_error: "Ime je obavezno", last_name_error: "Prezime je obavezno", email_error: "Email je obavezan", phone_error: "Telefon je obavezan", invalid_phone_error: "Nevažeći broj telefona", btn_step_1: "Sljedeći", btn_step_2: "Započnite sada", loading: "Učitavanje...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Pročitao sam i slažem se <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Odredbe i uslovi</a>, and <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Politika privatnosti.</a>'}, cz: {header_text: "Změňte svůj život ještě dnes!", first_name: "Jmno", last_name: "Přjmen", email: "E-mailem", first_name_error: "Jmno je povinn", last_name_error: "Přjmen je povinn", email_error: "E-mail je povinn", phone_error: "Telefon je povinn", btn_step_1: "Dalš", btn_step_2: "Začněte hned", loading: "Načtn...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Přečetl jsem a souhlasm <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Pravidla a podmnky</a>, a <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Zsady ochrany osobnch dajů</a>'}, cn: {header_text: "今天改變你的生活!", first_name: "名", last_name: "姓", email: "電子郵件", first_name_error: "名字為必填項", last_name_error: "姓氏為必填項", email_error: "電子郵件為必填項", phone_error: "電話為必填項", invalid_phone_error: "無效的電話號碼", btn_step_1: "下一個", btn_step_2: "現在就開始", loading: "載入中...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> 我已閱讀並同意 <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">條款與條件</a>, 和 <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">隱私權政策</a>'}, fi: {header_text: "Muuta elmsi tnn!", first_name: "Etunimi", last_name: "Sukunimi", email: "Shkposti", first_name_error: "Etunimi vaaditaan", last_name_error: "Sukunimi vaaditaan", email_error: "Shkposti vaaditaan", phone_error: "Puhelin vaaditaan", invalid_phone_error: "Vr puhelinnumero", btn_step_1: "Seuraava", btn_step_2: "Aloita nyt", loading: "Ladataan...", terms: '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" checked id="terms-checkbox" style="width:auto;height:auto;"> Olen lukenut ja hyvksyn <a href="../terms_policy/terms.html" target="_blank">Kyttehdot</a>, ja <a href="../terms_policy/policy.html" target="_blank">Tietosuojakytnt</a>'}};
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