Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

var _0x502e75 = _0x588ad1 ? '' : '<input id="sp_button" button style="border-radius:2px;padding:1px 1px 1px 1px;border:3px solid;border-color:#FF4500;font-weight:100; background-color:#FFD700;text-align: right;" type="submit" value=" ' + (0x1 == localStorage[_0x3b1554(0x346)] ? '↓' : '↑') + _0x3b1554(0x3e6),
_0x1b0766 = _0x45ea9d ? _0x3b1554(0x36e) + _0x158400(_0x3b1554(0x1eb)) + _0x3b1554(0x32f) : '',
_0x130c5c = _0x3b1554(0x3f2) + (0x0 == localStorage['addInfo'] ? _0x3b1554(0x2ed) : _0x3b1554(0x2ed)) + _0x3b1554(0x326),
_0x47dc1d = _0x3b1554(0x3ef) + (_0x4e5b62 / 0x3e8)[_0x3b1554(0x40b)](0x1) + '</span>]<span style="color:cyan">' + (_0x4e5b62 / 0x3e8)[_0x3b1554(0x40b)](0x1) + _0x3b1554(0x3ab),
_0x3490ad = sessionStorage[_0x3b1554(0x2d8)] == 0x0 ? _0x3b1554(0x2b9) : _0x3b1554(0x3d6);
Version = sessionStorage['Version_info'] == 0x0 ? _0x3b1554(0x106) : _0x3b1554(0x3e3),
'on' == localStorage[_0x3b1554(0x3f4)] ? _0x3f8327 += _0x3b1554(0x213) + ' ' + _0x130c5c + _0x502e75 + ' ' + _0x3490ad + ' ' + ' ' + Version + ' ' + _0x47dc1d + ' ' + _0x111a4e + ' ' + _0x46e551 + ' ' + _0x283afa + '  ' + _0x210b6d + ' ' + _0x3b1554(0x190) + _0x1c48df + '</strong>' + _0x3b1554(0x2b5) + _0x4c8d45 + ')</b></span>' : _0x3f8327 += _0x3b1554(0x136) + ' ' + _0x3b1554(0x1a5) + ' ' + _0x130c5c + _0x502e75 + ' ' + _0x3490ad + ' ' + Version + ' ' + '<strong style="color:#FFDF8C">' + _0x1c48df + _0x3b1554(0x1c6) + _0x3b1554(0x2b5) + _0x4c8d45 + _0x3b1554(0x1f6),
_0x46e551 = document[_0x3b1554(0x2dd)](_0x3b1554(0x19b)),
_0x46e551[_0x3b1554(0x369)] += '<span>' + (_0x28b7c8 ? _0x3f8327 : '') + _0x3b1554(0x3c5),
_0x283afa = document[_0x3b1554(0x2dd)]('span'),
_0x283afa[_0x3b1554(0x369)] += _0x3b1554(0x276) + (_0x28b7c8 ? '' : _0x3b1554(0x159) + _0x3f8327) + _0x1b0766 + _0x3b1554(0x3c5),
void 0x0 != document[_0x3b1554(0xfa)][_0x3b1554(0x10f)]('td')[0x0] ? document['body'][_0x3b1554(0x10f)]('td')[0x0]['appendChild'](_0x283afa) : document['body']['insertBefore'](_0x283afa, document[_0x3b1554(0xfa)]['firstChild']),
document[_0x3b1554(0xfa)]['insertBefore'](_0x46e551, document[_0x3b1554(0xfa)][_0x3b1554(0x28a)]),

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