Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

// ==UserScript==
// @name         DEVELOPED BY MAGA
// @namespace
// @version      1.5
// @description  The clones bots are available for : / / (Created and Developed by MAGA).
// @match
// @match
// @match
// @match*
// @match
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function _0x3ea5(_0x2cd0af, _0xbe8676) {
    const _0x2d4f5e = _0x2d4f();
    return (
        (_0x3ea5 = function(_0x3ea5a7, _0x5af349) {
            _0x3ea5a7 = _0x3ea5a7 - 0x72;
            let _0x48f175 = _0x2d4f5e[_0x3ea5a7];
            return _0x48f175;
        _0x3ea5(_0x2cd0af, _0xbe8676)

function _0x2d4f() {
    const _0x4ca284 = [
        "  ",
        "card-item-border-ready card-item-border-on",
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
                <div class="mb-2" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">
                    <input type="text" id="botsName" placeholder="Bots Name" value="TG: Magaaa100" class="form-control">
                <div class="mb-2" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">
                    <input type="number" id="botsAmount" class="form-control" placeholder="Bots Amount" value="10" spellcheck="false" required>
                    <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank">Developed by NelFeast</a>
        <style type=\"text/css\">
            body {
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
            a {
                text-decoration: none;
                font-weight: bold;
                font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
            .container {
                position: fixed;
                top: -50px;
                left: 50%;
                transform: translate(-50%);
                z-index: 9999;
            .card {
                display: flex;
                justify-content: center;
                align-items: flex-end;
                height: 130px;
            .card-body {
                display: flex;
                gap: 3px;
                padding: 10px;
                background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.45);
                border-radius: 0.25em;
                align-items: center;
            .card-item {
                display: flex;
                flex-direction: column;
                align-items: center;
                text-align: center;
            .card-item-info span {
                color: #fff;
            .card-item-border-ready {
                opacity: 0.8;
                margin-left: 5px;
                border-bottom: 3px solid #5021ff;
            .card-item-border-off {
                opacity: 0.8;
                border-bottom: 2px solid red;
            .card-item-border-on {
                opacity: 0.8;
                border-bottom: 2px solid #2ecc71;
            .card-item-info {
                padding: 3px 40px;
                border-radius: 0.25em;
                background-color: #0e0d0d;
                display: flex; flex-direction: column;
                border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
                border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
                box-shadow: 0px 0px 52px -6px rgb(71 73 72);
            .card-label {
                color: #fff;
                font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
                font-weight: bold;
            .btn-start {
                background: #5021ff;
            .btn-stop {
                background: #ff0000;
            .btn-stop {
                padding: 7px 10px;
                font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
                border: none;
                outline: none;
                color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
                cursor: pointer;
                position: relative;
                z-index: 0;
                border-radius: 0.25em;
                user-select: none;
                -webkit-user-select: none;
                touch-action: manipulation;
            .btn-stop:before {
                content: \"\";
                background: linear-gradient(45deg, #5021ff, rgb(132 7 255),#3672f3, #107b8a);
                position: absolute;
                top: -2px;
                left: -2px;
                background-size: 200%;
                z-index: -1;
                filter: blur(3px);
                -webkit-filter: blur(3px);
                width: calc(100% + 4px);
                height: calc(100% + 4px);
                animation: glowing-button-85 20s linear infinite;
                transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out;
                border-radius: 0.25em;
            @keyframes glowing-button-85 {
                0% {
                    background-position: 0 0;
                50% {
                    background-position: 400% 0;
                100% {
                    background-position: 0 0;
            .btn-start:after {
                background: #5021ff;
            .btn-stop:after {
                background: #ff0000;
            .btn-stop:after {
                z-index: -1;
                content: \"\";
                position: absolute;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                left: 0;
                top: 0;
                border-radius: 0.25em;
        "Bots Stopped",
        "#helloContainer > div:nth-child(4) > div.diep-cross > div",
        <div class="container">
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-body">
                    <div class="card-item">
                        <button class="btn-start" id="startBots">Start Bots</button>
                        <button class="btn-stop" style="display: none;" id="stopBots">Stop Bots</button>
                    <div class="card-item card-item-border-ready" id="botInfo">
                        <div class="card-item-info">
                            <span style="color: #fff; font-family: \'Montserrat\', sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Minions</span>
                            <span id="botCount">Ready to Start</span>
                    <div class="card-item card-item-border-on" id="botsSplit">
                        <div class="card-item-info">
                            <span style="color: #fff; font-family: \'Montserrat\', sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Bots Split</span>
                    <div class="card-item card-item-border-on" id="botsFeed">
                        <div class="card-item-info">
                            <span style="color: #fff; font-family: \'Montserrat\', sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Bots Feed</span>
                    <div class="card-item card-item-border-on" id="cellStop">
                        <div class="card-item-info">
                            <span style="color: #fff; font-family: \'Montserrat\', sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Stop Cell</span>
        "card-item-border-on card-item-border-off",
        "ƬψƬ ☢ ༺Clan༻",
        "Bots Started!",
    _0x2d4f = function() {
        return _0x4ca284;
    return _0x2d4f();
(function(_0x340bc1, _0x30954f) {
    const _0x4216c4 = _0x3ea5,
        _0x5d833e = _0x340bc1();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            const _0x50c9ac =
                (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x7d)) / 0x1) * (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xc3)) / 0x2) +
                (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xb3)) / 0x3) * (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x74)) / 0x4) +
                (-parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xc0)) / 0x5) * (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x72)) / 0x6) +
                (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xd9)) / 0x7) * (-parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x76)) / 0x8) +
                (parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x9f)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xc6)) / 0xa) +
                (-parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xc1)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(_0x4216c4(0x7e)) / 0xc) +
                parseInt(_0x4216c4(0xc8)) / 0xd;
            if (_0x50c9ac === _0x30954f) break;
            else _0x5d833e["push"](_0x5d833e["shift"]());
        } catch (_0x127dba) {
})(_0x2d4f, 0x8e2fb),
(function() {
    "use strict";
    const _0x20e9e1 = _0x3ea5;
    let _0x57a8cc = ["ƬψƬ ☢ ༺Clan༻"],
        _0x1efcbd = 0xa,
        _0x131047 = 0x0,
        _0x3d3ccd = ![],
        _0x12d730 = [],
        _0x5ad2c7 = 0x0,
        _0x3ef0af = 0x0,
        _0x3918dc = null;
    setTimeout(function() {
            const _0x4713d3 = _0x3ea5;
            var _0x123604 = document[_0x4713d3(0xaf)]("script");
            (_0x123604[_0x4713d3(0xa3)] = ""), document[_0x4713d3(0xab)](_0x4713d3(0xc9))[0x0][_0x4713d3(0xc7)](_0x123604);
            var _0x58821c = document[_0x4713d3(0xaf)](_0x4713d3(0x79));
            (_0x58821c[_0x4713d3(0xc2)] = _0x4713d3(0xd0)), (_0x58821c[_0x4713d3(0xcd)] = _0x4713d3(0x94)), document[_0x4713d3(0xab)](_0x4713d3(0xc9))[0x0][_0x4713d3(0xc7)](_0x58821c);
        }, 0x7d0),
        (WebSocket[_0x20e9e1(0xa2)]["_sniff"] = WebSocket[_0x20e9e1(0xa2)][_0x20e9e1(0xa1)]),
        (WebSocket[_0x20e9e1(0xa2)]["send"] = function() {
            const _0x380122 = _0x20e9e1;
            this[_0x380122(0x9c)][_0x380122(0xb8)](this, arguments), !this["url"][_0x380122(0x73)](_0x380122(0xd4)) && _0x3918dc != this[_0x380122(0xa7)] && (_0x3918dc = this[_0x380122(0xa7)]);
    class _0x278ee1 {
        constructor() {
                const _0x4644d8 = _0x20e9e1;
                this[_0x4644d8(0xd8)] = [];
            [_0x20e9e1(0xcc)](_0x182bbd) {
                const _0x2032f7 = _0x20e9e1;
            [_0x20e9e1(0x8a)](_0x3ab91e) {
                const _0x14435a = _0x20e9e1;
                this[_0x14435a(0xd8)][_0x14435a(0x86)](_0x3ab91e & 0xff), this[_0x14435a(0xd8)]["push"]((_0x3ab91e >> 0x8) & 0xff);
            [_0x20e9e1(0xa8)](_0x1085e0) {
                const _0x5671c9 = _0x20e9e1;
                this[_0x5671c9(0xd8)][_0x5671c9(0x86)](_0x1085e0 & 0xff),
                    this[_0x5671c9(0xd8)]["push"]((_0x1085e0 >> 0x8) & 0xff),
                    this["bytes"][_0x5671c9(0x86)]((_0x1085e0 >> 0x10) & 0xff),
                    this[_0x5671c9(0xd8)][_0x5671c9(0x86)]((_0x1085e0 >> 0x18) & 0xff);
            [_0x20e9e1(0xb0)](_0x483cb6) {
                const _0x1eb14f = _0x20e9e1;
                for (let _0x54b13f = 0x0; _0x54b13f < _0x483cb6[_0x1eb14f(0xb4)]; _0x54b13f++) {
                    this["writeUint16"](_0x483cb6[_0x1eb14f(0xae)](_0x54b13f)), this["writeUint16"];
    class _0x5b4af1 {
        constructor(_0x5a317e, _0x2bfafe) {
                const _0x52a951 = _0x20e9e1;
                (this["id"] = _0x5a317e),
                (this["ws"] = null),
                (this[_0x52a951(0x99)] = _0x2bfafe),
                (this[_0x52a951(0x88)] = Array["isArray"](_0x2bfafe) && _0x2bfafe["length"] > 0x0 ? this[_0x52a951(0x90)]() : _0x2bfafe + _0x52a951(0xbe) + this["id"]);
            [_0x20e9e1(0x90)]() {
                const _0xb52424 = _0x20e9e1,
                    _0x15a741 = Math["floor"](Math[_0xb52424(0x9e)]() * this["botNames"][_0xb52424(0xb4)]);
                return this[_0xb52424(0x99)][_0x15a741];
            [_0x20e9e1(0x85)](_0x17e40f) {
                const _0x4ea94b = _0x20e9e1;
                (this["ws"] = new WebSocket(_0x17e40f)),
                (this["ws"][_0x4ea94b(0x8c)] = () => {
                    this["onOpen"](), _0x5bf6c4();
                (this["ws"]["onclose"] = () => {
                    const _0x3e035e = _0x4ea94b;
                    this[_0x3e035e(0x92)](), _0x5bf6c4();
            [_0x20e9e1(0x8e)]() {
                const _0xcb7e0c = _0x20e9e1,
                    _0x4580cb = window[_0xcb7e0c(0xc5)][_0xcb7e0c(0xa2)][_0xcb7e0c(0xa1)];
                (window[_0xcb7e0c(0xc5)][_0xcb7e0c(0xa2)][_0xcb7e0c(0xa1)] = function(_0x3db786) {
                    const _0xcec491 = _0xcb7e0c;
                    _0x4580cb[_0xcec491(0xb8)](this, arguments);
                    let _0x2f981a = new DataView(_0x3db786);
                    if (_0x2f981a["getUint8"](0x0) !== 0x10) return;
                    (_0x5ad2c7 = _0x2f981a[_0xcec491(0xd1)](0x1, !![])), (_0x3ef0af = _0x2f981a["getInt32"](0x5, !![]));
                        function() {
                            const _0x539618 = _0xcb7e0c;
                            this["spawn"](), this[_0x539618(0x80)](_0x5ad2c7, _0x3ef0af);
                        } [_0xcb7e0c(0xce)](this),
            [_0x20e9e1(0x80)](_0x55708a, _0x49e6ed) {
                const _0x4e26be = _0x20e9e1;
                var _0x5920ac = new ArrayBuffer(0xd),
                    _0x1ffed1 = new DataView(_0x5920ac);
                _0x1ffed1["setUint8"](0x0, 0x10), _0x1ffed1["setUint32"](0x1, _0x55708a, 0x1), _0x1ffed1[_0x4e26be(0xb7)](0x5, _0x49e6ed, 0x1), _0x1ffed1[_0x4e26be(0xb7)](0x9, 0x0, 0x1), this[_0x4e26be(0xa1)](_0x5920ac);
            ["spawn"]() {
                const _0xf81b29 = _0x20e9e1;
                var _0x55e597 = new _0x278ee1();
                _0x55e597["writeUint8"](0x0), _0x55e597[_0xf81b29(0xb0)](this["name"]), this["send"](new Uint8Array(_0x55e597[_0xf81b29(0xd8)])["buffer"]);
            [_0x20e9e1(0x92)]() {
                !_0x3d3ccd && (_0x131047 = 0x0);
            [_0x20e9e1(0xa1)](_0x2d02fe) {
                const _0x1e158c = _0x20e9e1;
                this["ws"][_0x1e158c(0x96)] == 0x1 && this["ws"][_0x1e158c(0xa1)](_0x2d02fe);

    function _0x3f8809(_0x154953) {
        const _0x408634 = _0x20e9e1;
        for (let _0xdac6da = 0x0; _0xdac6da < _0x1efcbd; _0xdac6da++) {
            var _0x251723 = new _0x5b4af1(_0xdac6da, _0x57a8cc);
            (_0x12d730[_0xdac6da] = _0x251723), _0x251723[_0x408634(0x85)](_0x154953);
        _0x3d3ccd = !![];

    function _0x19e35a() {
        const _0x5b9b70 = _0x20e9e1;
        _0x12d730[_0x5b9b70(0xaa)]((_0xbfc83e) => {
                const _0x5884bc = _0x5b9b70;
            (_0x12d730 = []),
            (_0x131047 = 0x0),
            (_0x3d3ccd = ![]);

    function _0x4cb1e6(_0x5abf0) {
        const _0x21c3c5 = _0x20e9e1;
        for (let _0x16c228 = 0x0; _0x16c228 < _0x12d730["length"]; _0x16c228++) {
            var _0x1bfec4 = _0x12d730[_0x16c228];
            _0x5abf0["writeUint8"](0x11), _0x1bfec4["send"](new Uint8Array(_0x5abf0[_0x21c3c5(0xd8)])["buffer"]);

    function _0x586c43(_0x52c071) {
        const _0x2f5157 = _0x20e9e1;
        for (let _0x497867 = 0x0; _0x497867 < _0x12d730[_0x2f5157(0xb4)]; _0x497867++) {
            var _0x4eaa1f = _0x12d730[_0x497867];
            _0x52c071[_0x2f5157(0xcc)](0x15), _0x4eaa1f["send"](new Uint8Array(_0x52c071[_0x2f5157(0xd8)])[_0x2f5157(0xcb)]);

    function _0x7c9bd1() {
        const _0x8584b9 = _0x20e9e1;
        var _0x2a013f = window[_0x8584b9(0x95)] / 0x2,
            _0x17b21f = window["innerHeight"] / 0x2;
            $[_0x8584b9(0x9d)](_0x8584b9(0xb5), {
                clientX: _0x2a013f,
                clientY: _0x17b21f,
    let _0x1f2220,
        _0x42f436 = ![];

    function _0x483b78(_0x49a438) {
        !_0x42f436 &&
            ((_0x42f436 = !![]),
                (_0x1f2220 = setInterval(() => {
                }, 0x64)));

    function _0x5f58e6() {
        _0x42f436 && ((_0x42f436 = ![]), clearInterval(_0x1f2220));

    function _0x4cc181() {
        const _0x5b30b9 = _0x20e9e1;
        $(_0x5b30b9(0x77))["on"](_0x5b30b9(0xc4), function() {
                const _0x45f3aa = _0x5b30b9;
                (_0x57a8cc = $(this)[_0x45f3aa(0xbb)]()["split"](",")["map"]((_0x36ac07) => _0x36ac07["trim"]())),
                localStorage[_0x45f3aa(0xba)](_0x45f3aa(0xa6), _0x57a8cc);
            $(_0x5b30b9(0x7c))["on"](_0x5b30b9(0xc4), function() {
                const _0x11642a = _0x5b30b9;
                (_0x1efcbd = parseInt($(this)["val"]()[_0x11642a(0xca)]()) || 0x0), localStorage[_0x11642a(0xba)](_0x11642a(0xda), _0x1efcbd);
            localStorage[_0x5b30b9(0x83)](_0x5b30b9(0xb6)) !== null && ((_0x3918dc = localStorage["getItem"](_0x5b30b9(0xb6))), $("#host")[_0x5b30b9(0xbb)](_0x3918dc)),
            localStorage[_0x5b30b9(0x83)](_0x5b30b9(0xa6)) !== null
        localStorage[_0x5b30b9(0x83)](_0x5b30b9(0xda)) !== null && ((_0x1efcbd = (localStorage["getItem"](_0x5b30b9(0xda)))), $(_0x5b30b9(0x7c))[_0x5b30b9(0xbb)](String(_0x1efcbd)));

    function _0x5bf6c4() {
        const _0x33892f = _0x20e9e1,
            _0x55c9b2 = document[_0x33892f(0xac)]("botCount");
        _0x55c9b2 && _0x3d3ccd && (_0x55c9b2[_0x33892f(0x75)] = _0x131047[_0x33892f(0xb1)]() + "/" + _0x1efcbd);

    function _0x189610() {
        const _0x4858ee = _0x20e9e1;
        $("#helloContainer > div:nth-child(1) > a")[_0x4858ee(0x98)](), $(_0x4858ee(0xcf))[_0x4858ee(0x98)](), $("#helloContainer > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7)")["remove"](), $(_0x4858ee(0xdc))[_0x4858ee(0x98)]();

    function _0x5f72d3() {
        const _0x92904b = _0x20e9e1;
        document[_0x92904b(0xab)](_0x92904b(0xc9))[0x0][_0x92904b(0x75)] += _0x92904b(0xd5);

    function _0x138905() {
        const _0x2e2f67 = _0x20e9e1;
        var _0x3699d8 = _0x2e2f67(0xd3);

    function _0xc88dfc() {
        const _0xfc270e = _0x20e9e1;
    document[_0x20e9e1(0xb9)](_0x20e9e1(0xb2), function(_0x4d49ba) {
            const _0x260377 = _0x20e9e1,
                _0x2b76d7 = new _0x278ee1();
            switch (_0x4d49ba[_0x260377(0x9a)]) {
                case 0x58:
                case 0x43:
                case 0x53:
        document[_0x20e9e1(0xb9)](_0x20e9e1(0xbd), function(_0x561e77) {
            switch (_0x561e77["keyCode"]) {
                case 0x43:
        $(document)["on"](_0x20e9e1(0x7a), _0x20e9e1(0x91), function(_0x3577ae) {
            const _0x2002be = _0x20e9e1;
            !_0x3d3ccd &&
                        title: _0x2002be(0xdb),
                        text: _0x2002be(0x97),
                        icon: _0x2002be(0x8b),
                $("#stopBots")[_0x2002be(0x87)]()["css"]("display", "inline"),
                $(this)[_0x2002be(0x8d)]("display", "none");
        $(document)["on"](_0x20e9e1(0x7a), _0x20e9e1(0xbc), function(_0x4cf7fd) {
            const _0x26c420 = _0x20e9e1;
                _0x3d3ccd &&
                    $(_0x26c420(0x91))["css"](_0x26c420(0xd2), _0x26c420(0xd6)),
                    $(this)["css"](_0x26c420(0xd2), "none"));
        $(document)[_0x20e9e1(0xa4)](function() {
            setTimeout(() => {
                _0x5f72d3(), _0x138905(), _0xc88dfc(), _0x4cc181(), _0x189610();
            }, 0x5dc);

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