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class Cbtsesi extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { goto dACCI; g39EA: $this->load->library(["datatables", "form_validation"]); goto aWhvS; aWhvS: $this->load->model("Master_model", "master"); goto SlaqS; mphxV: tXidi: goto QiI_h; rQklr: if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in()) { goto tXidi; } goto Ji_HZ; dACCI: parent::__construct(); goto rQklr; WNKI9: R0S2t: goto g39EA; U9j3b: al5ly: goto jQBdG; Ji_HZ: if ($this->ion_auth->is_admin()) { goto al5ly; } goto WJE2s; WJE2s: show_error("Hanya Administrator yang diberi hak untuk mengakses halaman ini, <a href="" . base_url("dashboard") . "">Kembali ke menu awal</a>", 403, "Akses Terlarang"); goto U9j3b; jQBdG: goto R0S2t; goto mphxV; SlaqS: $this->load->model("Dashboard_model", "dashboard"); goto oM9vy; oM9vy: $this->load->model("Cbt_model", "cbt"); goto QCywQ; QiI_h: redirect("auth"); goto WNKI9; QCywQ: $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); goto qWuvg; qWuvg: } public function output_json($data, $encode = true) { goto qI4Nd; X_NPK: diZJ6: goto c7YNA; qI4Nd: if (!$encode) { goto diZJ6; } goto SVttt; SVttt: $data = json_encode($data); goto X_NPK; c7YNA: $this->output->set_content_type("application/json")->set_output($data); goto Pd3r9; Pd3r9: } public function index() { goto vr0xl; TWHZ3: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto uctH5; XhNH2: $this->load->view("cbt/sesi/data"); goto ZvfYJ; ZvfYJ: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto gKKcr; ofyvb: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto Kd3S2; uctH5: $data["smt_active"] = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto nZixN; P9RXn: $data = ["user" => $user, "judul" => "Sesi Ujian", "subjudul" => "Data Sesi Ujian", "profile" => $this->dashboard->getProfileAdmin($user->id), "setting" => $this->dashboard->getSetting()]; goto ofyvb; vr0xl: $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); goto P9RXn; Kd3S2: $data["tp_active"] = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto TWHZ3; nZixN: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto XhNH2; gKKcr: } public function data() { $this->output_json($this->cbt->getSesi(), false); } public function add() { goto BW1FX; aG4M7: $data["status"] = $insert; goto GlrUr; BW1FX: $insert = ["nama_sesi" => $this->input->post("nama_sesi", true), "kode_sesi" => $this->input->post("kode_sesi", true), "waktu_mulai" => $this->input->post("waktu_mulai", true), "waktu_akhir" => $this->input->post("waktu_akhir", true)]; goto crmnz; crmnz: $this->master->create("cbt_sesi", $insert, false); goto aG4M7; GlrUr: $this->output_json($data); goto AeH24; AeH24: } public function update() { $data = $this->cbt->updateSesi(); $this->output->set_content_type("application/json")->set_output($data); } public function edit($id) { goto YGE_V; gb4be: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto QxhRC; eJITh: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto aY0TE; YGE_V: $tp = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto qJ2jL; d9AgL: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto m3Hsg; QxhRC: $this->load->view("cbt/sesi/edit"); goto eJITh; qJ2jL: $smt = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto X_aXq; X_aXq: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto Uc7Q6; m3Hsg: $data["smt_active"] = $smt; goto XEr5q; Uc7Q6: $data["tp_active"] = $tp; goto d9AgL; XEr5q: $data = ["user" => $this->ion_auth->user()->row(), "judul" => "Sesi Siswa", "subjudul" => "Atur Sesi Siswa", "sesi" => $this->cbt->getSesiById($id)]; goto gb4be; aY0TE: } public function delete() { goto Jx2WV; e_Yc2: SsprF: goto htM5u; kuTKd: $this->output_json(["status" => true, "total" => count($chk)]); goto e_Yc2; bPJr5: $this->output_json(["status" => false]); goto VVLcx; htM5u: goto b5w1V; goto LESc9; LESc9: g_aqI: goto bPJr5; lW28r: if (!$this->master->delete("cbt_sesi", $chk, "id_sesi")) { goto SsprF; } goto kuTKd; mb6dD: if (!$chk) { goto g_aqI; } goto lW28r; VVLcx: b5w1V: goto Cbmvz; Jx2WV: $chk = $this->input->post("checked", true); goto mb6dD; Cbmvz: } public function sesisiswa() { goto mh1_s; ZZLsX: $data["tp_active"] = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto Jk5KR; fjvcl: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto ZZLsX; Jk5KR: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto R81N7; R81N7: $data["smt_active"] = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto da3By; da3By: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto YH6js; ega3B: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto iNSmp; mh1_s: $data = ["user" => $this->ion_auth->user()->row(), "judul" => "Sesi Ujian", "subjudul" => "Data Sesi Ujian"]; goto fjvcl; YH6js: $this->load->view("cbt/sesisiswa/data"); goto ega3B; iNSmp: } }

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