Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

const _0x246957 = _0xacc8;
(function (_0x509d3d, _0x1e2797) {
    const _0x461090 = _0xacc8, _0x3878d8 = _0x509d3d();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            const _0x2cc409 = parseInt(_0x461090(0x1c4)) / (0x33 * 0xa6 + -0xf * -0x21f + -0x40e2) + -parseInt(_0x461090(0x161)) / (0x1 * 0x142e + 0x2404 + -0x3830) * (-parseInt(_0x461090(0x1c3)) / (0x1f * 0xcf + 0x7 * 0x16a + 0x117a * -0x2)) + -parseInt(_0x461090(0x19a)) / (0x188 * 0xc + -0x26a5 + -0x241 * -0x9) * (-parseInt(_0x461090(0x1df)) / (-0xeea * -0x1 + -0x1 * -0xd4e + 0x1c33 * -0x1)) + parseInt(_0x461090(0x1de)) / (-0x101 * 0x2 + 0x655 * 0x1 + 0x3 * -0x16f) + -parseInt(_0x461090(0x17c)) / (0x36 * -0x90 + -0x5b5 * -0x1 + 0x18b2) + parseInt(_0x461090(0x1ab)) / (0x11 * -0x1eb + 0x13a6 + 0xcfd) + -parseInt(_0x461090(0x190)) / (-0x208c + 0x1b14 + 0x1 * 0x581);
            if (_0x2cc409 === _0x1e2797)
        } catch (_0x59a70d) {
}(_0x125b, -0x150c7b + 0x2 * 0x34b29 + 0x1c0a59 * 0x1));
function _0xacc8(_0x98025f, _0x28446e) {
    const _0x21f6d7 = _0x125b();
    return _0xacc8 = function (_0x2db39b, _0x573bdf) {
        _0x2db39b = _0x2db39b - (-0x128c + 0x550 + 0xe88);
        let _0x5b03ed = _0x21f6d7[_0x2db39b];
        return _0x5b03ed;
    }, _0xacc8(_0x98025f, _0x28446e);
function speak(_0x50d36a, _0x242fc4 = 0xe61 + 0x1 * 0x111 + -0xf71 + 0.5) {
    const _0x6c1020 = _0xacc8, _0x3e329f = window[_0x6c1020(0x171) + _0x6c1020(0x1e2)], _0x5f05a3 = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(_0x50d36a);
    _0x5f05a3[_0x6c1020(0x155)] = _0x242fc4, _0x3e329f[_0x6c1020(0x1bf)](_0x5f05a3);
function speakCharacters(_0x23720c, _0x1f544a = -0xdb * 0x6 + 0x1a7b + -0xaac * 0x2 + 0.5) {
    const _0x512d21 = _0xacc8, _0x2d86c0 = {
            'yqFIB': function (_0x1cdce0, _0x1372fc) {
                return _0x1cdce0 < _0x1372fc;
            'uXmff': function (_0x35f500, _0x1c0861, _0x818cd7) {
                return _0x35f500(_0x1c0861, _0x818cd7);
    for (let _0x4fe069 = 0xf * -0x18b + -0x9 * -0x17b + 0x9d2; _0x2d86c0[_0x512d21(0x1cf)](_0x4fe069, _0x23720c[_0x512d21(0x192)]); _0x4fe069++) {
        _0x2d86c0[_0x512d21(0x15e)](speak, _0x23720c[_0x4fe069], _0x1f544a);
function _0x125b() {
    const _0x100f9e = [
        'cess Key:',
        'nd your Bi',
        'pending. P',
        'er Transac',
        'll be refl',
        'color: ',
        ' BTC Addre',
        'ght: bold;',
        'e stable t',
        'ails. . . ',
        ' text-shad',
        'nsaction i',
        'and VPN ar',
        'Verifying ',
        'ion still ',
        'Bitcoin wi',
        'd to be co',
        '%cHash ID:',
        'r Bitcoin ',
        ' Script Ac',
        ' Hash ID a',
        'ected in y',
        'tcoin addr',
        'nfirmed in',
        'BTC Addres',
        'ion Proces',
        'action Det',
        'on Details',
        'er a valid',
        ' Key here',
        'Invalid Ac',
        'Please try',
        ' again.',
        'ion Incomp',
        '%cYour tra',
        'e: dark)',
        ' disconnec',
        'sh ID:',
        'x #000000',
        'Enter Tran',
        'Your Trans',
        'Make sure ',
        'Please ent',
        'er your Sc',
        'delays and',
        't: bold;',
        'First 4 ch',
        ' Transacti',
        'Last 4 cha',
        'k again.',
        'Enter Your',
        ' %c',
        'onnection ',
        'saction Ha',
        'Internet c',
        'cess Key! ',
        'Address: %',
        'o avoid an',
        'ion Declin',
        'our wallet',
        'color: red',

%cBTC ',
        'y kind of ',
        'ID and you',
        'ript Acces',
        'fying Your',
        'ow: 0 0 1p',
        ' after con',
        'tion Hash ',
        'that your ',
        's estimate',
        'lease chec',
        '. Please w',
        'Hash ID',
        's Key.',

        ' Please wa',
        '; font-wei'
    _0x125b = function () {
        return _0x100f9e;
    return _0x125b();
speak(_0x246957(0x1a3) + _0x246957(0x156) + _0x246957(0x1e4) + _0x246957(0x1ce) + _0x246957(0x176) + _0x246957(0x1d9), -0x13f9 + 0xe99 + 0x561 + 0.5);
let a = prompt(_0x246957(0x199) + _0x246957(0x1b7) + _0x246957(0x196)), b = prompt(_0x246957(0x1b4) + _0x246957(0x15c) + _0x246957(0x15f));
if (!a || !b)
    console[_0x246957(0x164)](), console[_0x246957(0x172)](_0x246957(0x1a0) + _0x246957(0x191) + _0x246957(0x1af), _0x246957(0x1ca) + ';'), console[_0x246957(0x172)](_0x246957(0x1a3) + _0x246957(0x189) + _0x246957(0x178) + _0x246957(0x152) + _0x246957(0x17b) + _0x246957(0x19d));
else {
    let count = 0x106b + 0xb2 * 0x17 + -0x2069, loadingInterval;
    speak(_0x246957(0x1ee), -0x294 * -0x2 + 0x10c9 * -0x1 + 0xba2 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x1ad) + _0x246957(0x1b3), -0x5 * 0x1ff + -0x3 * 0xa5b + 0x290d + 0.5), speakCharacters(a[_0x246957(0x1d5)](0x1e1c + -0x2 * -0x208 + 0xc * -0x2d9, 0x1b14 + 0x67a + -0x1b * 0x13e), -0x1e90 + -0x1 * 0x14e7 + 0x3378 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x1b1) + _0x246957(0x1bc), 0x315 * 0x6 + -0x2670 + 0x13f3 + 0.5), speakCharacters(a[_0x246957(0x1d5)](a[_0x246957(0x192)] - (-0x4 * 0x623 + -0xd * 0x1e7 + 0x1 * 0x314b)), -0x1adf + 0x24f2 + -0xa12 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x182) + 's', -0x1 * 0xaf7 + -0x2ed + 0xde5 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x1ad) + _0x246957(0x1b3), 0x17a * 0xc + 0x258 * -0x2 + -0x73 * 0x1d + 0.5), speakCharacters(b[_0x246957(0x1d5)](0x54e * 0x1 + -0x1f68 + 0x1a1a, 0x14b9 + 0x127a + -0x599 * 0x7), 0x103c + -0x1b13 + 0x2b6 * 0x4 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x1b1) + _0x246957(0x1bc), 0x23fb * 0x1 + 0x1adf + -0x3ed9 + 0.5), speakCharacters(b[_0x246957(0x1d5)](b[_0x246957(0x192)] - (-0x4e7 * -0x7 + -0xb7 * -0x23 + -0x3 * 0x13c6)), 0x21f8 + -0x773 * -0x4 + -0x3fc3 + 0.5), speak(_0x246957(0x16e) + _0x246957(0x1a1) + _0x246957(0x185) + _0x246957(0x166) + _0x246957(0x1eb) + _0x246957(0x1c8), 0x1076 + -0x998 * 0x1 + -0x6dd * 0x1 + 0.5);
    const isDarkMode = window[_0x246957(0x157)](_0x246957(0x19f) + _0x246957(0x1e9) + _0x246957(0x194))[_0x246957(0x158)], hashColor = isDarkMode ? _0x246957(0x1a5) : _0x246957(0x179), textColor = isDarkMode ? _0x246957(0x1a7) : _0x246957(0x17f), processingColor = _0x246957(0x1c9), completedColor = isDarkMode ? _0x246957(0x150) : _0x246957(0x1b0), completedTextStyle = isDarkMode ? '' : _0x246957(0x160) + _0x246957(0x1a8);
    console[_0x246957(0x172)](_0x246957(0x174) + _0x246957(0x1b5) + a + (_0x246957(0x1cb) + _0x246957(0x1bd) + 'c') + b + (_0x246957(0x14d) + _0x246957(0x1d4) + _0x246957(0x1ae) + _0x246957(0x186)) + [_0x246957(0x1e6)](count % (-0x9a7 + -0x257b + -0x11 * -0x2c6) + (0xf49 + 0x129d + 0x1 * -0x21e5)) + (_0x246957(0x14e) + 'it'), _0x246957(0x15b) + hashColor + (_0x246957(0x14f) + _0x246957(0x162) + _0x246957(0x168) + _0x246957(0x1dd) + _0x246957(0x198)), _0x246957(0x15b) + textColor, '', _0x246957(0x15b) + hashColor + (_0x246957(0x14f) + _0x246957(0x162) + _0x246957(0x168) + _0x246957(0x1dd) + _0x246957(0x198)), _0x246957(0x15b) + textColor, '', _0x246957(0x15b) + processingColor);
    let interval = setInterval(function () {
        const _0x46c371 = _0x246957, _0x4cbf82 = {
                'KiPDm': function (_0x23f244, _0x267ab9) {
                    return _0x23f244 + _0x267ab9;
                'mhivJ': function (_0x7de079, _0x59db5b) {
                    return _0x7de079 % _0x59db5b;
                'CdwKo': function (_0x487a76, _0x2f6fa4) {
                    return _0x487a76 === _0x2f6fa4;
                'lVolY': function (_0x24a850, _0x16a630) {
                    return _0x24a850(_0x16a630);
                'jFwWU': _0x46c371(0x150),
                'Qjfgq': function (_0x38dfd5, _0x2124ab, _0x5b5d1e) {
                    return _0x38dfd5(_0x2124ab, _0x5b5d1e);
                'umLEx': _0x46c371(0x1a3) + _0x46c371(0x1a4) + _0x46c371(0x1d3) + _0x46c371(0x14c),
                'zvkfn': function (_0x4450f4, _0x919846, _0xda4353) {
                    return _0x4450f4(_0x919846, _0xda4353);
                'wSZkN': _0x46c371(0x1b4) + _0x46c371(0x177) + _0x46c371(0x151),
                'tzuHV': _0x46c371(0x1b4) + _0x46c371(0x18a),
                'GSads': _0x46c371(0x175),
                'yxKfM': function (_0x15808f) {
                    return _0x15808f();
                'ffLqh': _0x46c371(0x1a0) + _0x46c371(0x1c5) + _0x46c371(0x17e),
                'xhDKb': _0x46c371(0x1ca) + ';',
                'KBLYe': _0x46c371(0x18b) + _0x46c371(0x1b9) + _0x46c371(0x18c) + _0x46c371(0x18e)
        count++, console[_0x46c371(0x164)](), console[_0x46c371(0x172)](_0x46c371(0x174) + _0x46c371(0x1b5) + a + (_0x46c371(0x1cb) + _0x46c371(0x1bd) + 'c') + b + (_0x46c371(0x14d) + _0x46c371(0x1d4) + _0x46c371(0x1ae) + _0x46c371(0x186)) + [_0x46c371(0x1e6)](_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1ec)](_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1db)](count, 0x43e + 0x113e + 0x18 * -0xe5), 0x1 * -0x2082 + -0x957 * 0x2 + -0xa3d * -0x5)) + (_0x46c371(0x14e) + 'it'), _0x46c371(0x15b) + hashColor + (_0x46c371(0x14f) + _0x46c371(0x162) + _0x46c371(0x168) + _0x46c371(0x1dd) + _0x46c371(0x198)), _0x46c371(0x15b) + textColor, '', _0x46c371(0x15b) + hashColor + (_0x46c371(0x14f) + _0x46c371(0x162) + _0x46c371(0x168) + _0x46c371(0x1dd) + _0x46c371(0x198)), _0x46c371(0x15b) + textColor, '', _0x46c371(0x15b) + processingColor);
        if (_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x17d)](count, 0x1 * 0xce4 + 0x1b23 + 0xd3d * -0x3)) {
            _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1d1)](clearInterval, interval), console[_0x46c371(0x164)]();
            const _0x2eba91 = isDarkMode ? _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x16a)] : completedColor;
            _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1e1)](speak, _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1dc)], -0xb7 * 0x1e + 0xb * -0x1d + 0x16b2 + 0.5);
            let _0x1ccd5b = _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x19c)](prompt, _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x18d)], _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x16b)]);
            if (_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x17d)](_0x1ccd5b, _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1d7)]))
                console[_0x46c371(0x172)](_0x46c371(0x1a0) + _0x46c371(0x184) + _0x46c371(0x19e), _0x46c371(0x15b) + completedColor + '; ' + completedTextStyle), console[_0x46c371(0x172)](_0x46c371(0x170) + _0x46c371(0x15a) + _0x46c371(0x17a) + _0x46c371(0x1c7) + _0x46c371(0x1e0) + _0x46c371(0x187)), _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x183)](startTimer);
            else {
                console[_0x46c371(0x172)](_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1cd)], _0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x1be)]), console[_0x46c371(0x172)](_0x4cbf82[_0x46c371(0x180)]);
    }, -0x3d9 + 0x1eb1 + -0x18e4);
    function startTimer() {
        const _0x3ec5ad = _0x246957, _0x147710 = {
                'fbORl': function (_0x595c50, _0x3e2403) {
                    return _0x595c50 - _0x3e2403;
                'sHiwS': function (_0x46d4be, _0x545bb2) {
                    return _0x46d4be <= _0x545bb2;
                'qLfcj': _0x3ec5ad(0x15d),
                'yJIqO': function (_0x2bf28b, _0x550187) {
                    return _0x2bf28b(_0x550187);
                'kAlAt': _0x3ec5ad(0x1a0) + _0x3ec5ad(0x16f) + _0x3ec5ad(0x154) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1ea) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1b2),
                'VQHjO': _0x3ec5ad(0x1ca) + ';',
                'UBTaa': _0x3ec5ad(0x1a2) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1e5) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1b8) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1b6) + _0x3ec5ad(0x16d) + _0x3ec5ad(0x165) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1c0) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1cc) + _0x3ec5ad(0x1a6) + _0x3ec5ad(0x195) + _0x3ec5ad(0x188),
                'dTGNk': function (_0x455c22, _0x12cf52) {
                    return _0x455c22 / _0x12cf52;
                'PWcfS': function (_0x4b6c6f, _0xa5410a) {
                    return _0x4b6c6f * _0xa5410a;
                'aLrJJ': function (_0x32cdb1, _0xc8abfe) {
                    return _0x32cdb1 / _0xc8abfe;
                'MrSES': function (_0x1d0b4d, _0x440e6f) {
                    return _0x1d0b4d % _0x440e6f;
                'sfioS': _0x3ec5ad(0x1aa),
                'yMInM': _0x3ec5ad(0x1e8),
                'BTJQU': function (_0x5ee606, _0x58d191) {
                    return _0x5ee606 * _0x58d191;
                'rigdV': function (_0x4a2612, _0x6912c) {
                    return _0x4a2612 * _0x6912c;
                'mfZFg': function (_0x4b11ce, _0x444836) {
                    return _0x4b11ce + _0x444836;
                'Bzznm': function (_0x4e04c2, _0x33c6f7, _0x3a05e3) {
                    return _0x4e04c2(_0x33c6f7, _0x3a05e3);
            }, _0x19528b = Date[_0x3ec5ad(0x1d0)](), _0x292cd8 = _0x147710[_0x3ec5ad(0x163)](_0x147710[_0x3ec5ad(0x159)](-0xc07 + -0x5 * -0x22f + 0x1 * 0x12b, -0x583 * -0x3 + 0x1 * -0x296 + -0xdb7), 0x2671 * 0x1 + -0x205e + -0xf * 0x25), _0x53dfbf = _0x147710[_0x3ec5ad(0x1da)](_0x19528b, _0x292cd8), _0x224d82 = _0x147710[_0x3ec5ad(0x1d8)](setInterval, function () {
                const _0x122628 = _0x3ec5ad, _0x39f902 = _0x147710[_0x122628(0x18f)](_0x53dfbf, Date[_0x122628(0x1d0)]());
                if (_0x147710[_0x122628(0x1c6)](_0x39f902, 0x51b + -0x4 * 0x2af + 0x5a1 * 0x1)) {
                    const _0x4f587b = _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1ba)][_0x122628(0x1d6)]('|');
                    let _0x269ead = -0x1227 * 0x2 + 0x5 * -0x3af + 0x36b9;
                    while (!![]) {
                        switch (_0x4f587b[_0x269ead++]) {
                        case '0':
                        case '1':
                        case '2':
                            _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1c2)](clearInterval, _0x224d82);
                        case '3':
                            console[_0x122628(0x172)](_0x147710[_0x122628(0x1bb)], _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1e3)]);
                        case '4':
                } else {
                    const _0x254e11 = Math[_0x122628(0x1ac)](_0x147710[_0x122628(0x1c1)](_0x39f902, _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1d2)](-0x184 * -0x7 + 0x2300 * 0x1 + -0x29b4, -0x5 * 0x4d5 + -0x1ee8 + 0x126f * 0x3))), _0x60806b = Math[_0x122628(0x1ac)](_0x147710[_0x122628(0x19b)](_0x147710[_0x122628(0x153)](_0x39f902, _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1d2)](0xa3b + -0x25 * 0xf5 + -0x3 * -0x9b2, -0x1777 * 0x1 + -0xef * -0x16 + 0x329 * 0x1)), 0x3 * -0x6f7 + 0x1 * -0x5d3 + 0x14 * 0x188));
                    console[_0x122628(0x164)](), console[_0x122628(0x172)](_0x122628(0x1a0) + _0x122628(0x184) + _0x122628(0x19e), _0x122628(0x15b) + completedColor + '; ' + completedTextStyle), console[_0x122628(0x172)](_0x122628(0x170) + _0x122628(0x15a) + _0x122628(0x17a) + _0x122628(0x1c7) + _0x122628(0x1e0) + _0x122628(0x187)), console[_0x122628(0x172)](''), console[_0x122628(0x172)](_0x122628(0x193) + _0x122628(0x169) + _0x122628(0x1e7) + _0x122628(0x173) + _0x122628(0x181) + ': ' + _0x254e11[_0x122628(0x1ed)]()[_0x122628(0x167)](-0x383 * 0x1 + -0x7d1 + -0xb56 * -0x1, '0') + ':' + _0x60806b[_0x122628(0x1ed)]()[_0x122628(0x167)](-0x2065 * 0x1 + 0x1 * 0x1295 + 0xdd2, '0'), _0x122628(0x15b) + (isDarkMode ? _0x147710[_0x122628(0x197)] : _0x147710[_0x122628(0x1a9)]));
            }, -0x17dd + -0xa91 + 0x2656);

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