Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

   var _0x31c1fa = _0x15fc;
    if ('on' == localStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x3f4)]) {
      _0x5ebf84 = 0x0 != _0x4cee8d[0x8] && void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x133)] ? _0x5ebf84 + (_0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('0' == sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x301)] ? _0x31c1fa(0x1b1) : '1' == sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x301)] ? 'ironbar.png' : _0x31c1fa(0x17c)) + '"><span style="color:#FFDF8C">Алтарь</span> <span style="color:#6FCD72"> ' + sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x133)] + '</span> <span style="color:#53da3f"> [<span style="color:#00ccff">' + _0x3e7942(_0x4cee8d[0x8], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0x4cee8d[0x8], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0x4cee8d[0x8], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x239)) : _0x5ebf84 + _0x31c1fa(0x1dc), _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x1c7), _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x24f);
      if ('' != _0x5ae28e) {
        _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x12b)) + '">';
        for (var _0x1adb23 = [_0x3e7942(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x186)], 0x5), _0x3e7942(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x186)], 0x6), +_0x3e7942(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x186)], 0x2), +_0x3e7942(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x186)], 0x3)], _0x250d15 = ['д.', 'ч.', _0x31c1fa(0x12c), _0x31c1fa(0x33f)], _0x2101a3 = '', _0x416671 = 0x0; _0x416671 < _0x1adb23[_0x31c1fa(0x2c5)]; _0x416671++) 0x0 < _0x1adb23[_0x416671] && (_0x2101a3 += _0x1adb23[_0x416671] + _0x250d15[_0x416671]);
        _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x1b8) + _0x5ae28e + _0x31c1fa(0x27c) + _0x2101a3 + '</span>]</div>';
      0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x3d] && (_0x5ebf84 += '<div><span style="color:#FFDF8C">» user check in </span> <span style="color:#53da3f">[<span style="color:#00ccff">' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3d], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3d], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3d], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x46] && (_0x5ebf84 += '<div><span style="color:#FFDF8C">» Проверка клан. задания через: </span> <span style="color:#53da3f">[<span style="color:#00ccff">' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x46], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x46], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x46], 0x3) + '</span>]</span></div>'), void 0x0 == sessionStorage['cn'] || '' == sessionStorage['cn'] || _0x28b7c8 || (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x1da) + _0x158400(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x198)]) + '">' + _0x1c48df + _0x31c1fa(0x297)), void 0x0 == sessionStorage['kn'] || '' == sessionStorage['kn'] || _0x28b7c8 || (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x3cb) + _0x158400(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x1c4)]) + '">' + sessionStorage['kn'] + _0x31c1fa(0x297)), void 0x0 == sessionStorage['an'] || '' == sessionStorage['an'] || _0x28b7c8 || (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x3cb) + _0x158400(sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0xfb)]) + '">' + sessionStorage['an'] + _0x31c1fa(0x29d)), _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x1c7), 0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x23] && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x3e7) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x23], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x23], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x23], 0x3) + '</span>]</span></div>'), 0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x24] && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x1e8) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x24], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x24], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x24], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), _0x5ebf84 += '<div><img src="' + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x1b1)) + _0x31c1fa(0x2b8) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x306)) + _0x31c1fa(0x26b) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x21f)) + _0x31c1fa(0x3a4) + sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x3c9)] + _0x31c1fa(0x15d) + fFf[0x0] + _0x31c1fa(0x358) + fFf2[0x0] + _0x31c1fa(0x3eb) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x272)) + _0x31c1fa(0x3a5) + sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0xf0)] + _0x31c1fa(0x36e) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x11c)) + '">' + _0x2c52b2 + _0x31c1fa(0x352), _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x1b1)) + _0x31c1fa(0x3a0) + _0x158400('gray_warrior.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x3a4) + sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x3f3)] + _0x31c1fa(0x15d) + fFf[0x1] + _0x31c1fa(0x358) + fFf2[0x1] + '</span>] <img src="' + _0x158400('shield.png') + '"><span style="color:#00ccff">' + sessionStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x3aa)] + '</span></div>', _0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('dot.png') + '"><span style="color:#FFDF8C">Поля:       </span>  <img src="' + _0x158400('gray_warrior.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x3a4) + localStorage['bgCnt'] + _0x31c1fa(0x34c) + bgCnt + _0x31c1fa(0x3eb) + _0x158400('star_default.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x3a5) + localStorage[_0x31c1fa(0x2d4)] + '</span></div>', _0x5ebf84 = '' != _0x4de55b ? _0x5ebf84 + (_0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('dot.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x38c) + sessionStorage['ustal'] + _0x31c1fa(0x174) + Ishak + '%</span>]</div>') : _0x5ebf84 + ('<div><img src="' + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x1b1)) + _0x31c1fa(0xeb)), 0x0 == _0x4cee8d[0x9] || _0x2c17d2 || (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('dot.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x2ad) + _0x3e7942(_0x4cee8d[0x9], 0x1) + _0x31c1fa(0x111) + _0x3e7942(_0x4cee8d[0x9], 0x2) + _0x31c1fa(0x101)), 0x0 < _0xf188d0[0x21] && 0x0 < resFull && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x40c) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x21], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x21], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x21], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x0 < _0xf188d0[0x3b] && (_0x5ebf84 += '<div><span style="color:#FFDF8C">» чтение книги пробуждения через: </span> <span style="color:#53da3f">[<span style="color:#00ccff">' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3b], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3b], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3b], 0x3) + '</span>]</span></div>'), 0x0 < _0xf188d0[0x3c] && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x10a) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3c], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3c], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x3c], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x0 <= _0x530d0f && !_0x366f19 && !_0x31c51f && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('dot.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x278) + _0x3e7942(_0x1afc50[_0x529095[_0x31c1fa(0x2c5)]], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0x1afc50[_0x529095[_0x31c1fa(0x2c5)]], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0x1afc50[_0x529095[_0x31c1fa(0x2c5)]], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x0 < _0xf188d0[0x35] && !_0x366f19 && !_0x31c51f && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x319) + _0x158400('dot.png') + _0x31c1fa(0x332) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x35], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x35], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x35], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x1 < _0xf188d0[0x36] && !_0x366f19 && !_0x31c51f && (_0x5ebf84 += '<div><img src="' + _0x158400(_0x31c1fa(0x1b1)) + _0x31c1fa(0x236) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x36], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x36], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x36], 0x3) + _0x31c1fa(0x274)), 0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x33] && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x290) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x33], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x33], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x33], 0x3) + '</span>]</span></div>'), 0x0 != _0xf188d0[0x38] && (_0x5ebf84 += _0x31c1fa(0x205) + (0x0 == resBefore ? 'на главной' : 0x1 == resBefore ? _0x31c1fa(0x391) : 0x2 == resBefore ? _0x31c1fa(0x235) : 0x3 == resBefore ? _0x31c1fa(0xf2) : 0x4 == resBefore ? _0x31c1fa(0x17a) : _0x31c1fa(0x353)) + _0x31c1fa(0x20f) + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x38], 0x1) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x38], 0x2) + ':' + _0x3e7942(_0xf188d0[0x38], 0x3) + '</span>]</span></div>'), _0x5ebf84 += '<div class="hr"></div>';

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