Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

                            if (_0x1f3486[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](/Клановые Испытания/i)) {
                              _0x45321b = /Сложность: (Легко|Обычно|Сложно|Ужасно)/i, _0x390dff[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](_0x45321b) && (sessionStorage['trialSk'] = _0x390dff[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](_0x45321b)[0x1]), _0x366f19 || _0x31c51f || (0x0 == _0xf188d0[0x35] ? _0xf188d0[0x35] = _0x14a851 + 0x3c * tETimer : _0xf188d0[0x35] <= _0x14a851 && (_0xf188d0[0x35] = 0x0, sessionStorage[_0x44f46c(0x1cd)](_0x44f46c(0x1fb)), sessionStorage[_0x44f46c(0x1cd)](_0x44f46c(0x149)), sessionStorage[_0x44f46c(0x1cd)](_0x44f46c(0x100)), _0x5b8ac7(_0x801578, _0x326f93))), _0x45321b = /Личные испытания откроются через:( \d+д.)?( \d+ч.)?( \d+мин.)?( \d+сек.)?/i;
                              if (_0x45321b[_0x44f46c(0x1a9)](_0x390dff)) {
                                _0x1ee22a = _0x45321b[_0x44f46c(0x12d)](_0x390dff), _0x5602d8 = 0x0;
                                for (_0x45321b = 0x1; 0x5 > _0x45321b; _0x45321b++) void 0x0 != _0x1ee22a[_0x45321b] && (0x1 == _0x45321b && (_0x5602d8 += 0x15180 * /\d+/ ['exec'](_0x1ee22a[_0x45321b])), 0x2 == _0x45321b && (_0x5602d8 += Number(0xe10 * /\d+/ [_0x44f46c(0x12d)](_0x1ee22a[_0x45321b]))), 0x3 == _0x45321b && (_0x5602d8 += Number(0x3c * /\d+/ ['exec'](_0x1ee22a[_0x45321b]))), 0x4 == _0x45321b && (_0x5602d8 += Number(/\d+/ [_0x44f46c(0x12d)](_0x1ee22a[_0x45321b]))));
                                _0xf188d0[0x33] = _0x5602d8 + _0x14a851 + _0x5705b9(0x258, 0x8ca0);
                              '' != _0x2a186a && (_0x390dff[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](/Испытание. Вульфгар/) && (_0x104bc4 = 0xb, _0x535697()), _0x390dff[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](/Испытание. Торбь.рн/) && (_0x104bc4 = 0xc, _0x535697()), _0x390dff[_0x44f46c(0x3d3)](/Испытание. Рагнар/) && (_0x104bc4 = 0xd, _0x535697())), sessionStorage[_0x44f46c(0x149)] = 0x2;

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