Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

      _0x3c0c2d = _0x54dca1[_0x28ff1c(0x342)]('|');
    _0x1b7ee6: {
      if (_0x5e9fcd) {
        for (var _0x662171 = 0x0; _0x662171 < _0x5daf30[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x662171++)
          for (var _0x12758f = _0x5daf30[_0x662171], _0x4627df = 0x0; _0x4627df < _0x48568f[_0x28ff1c(0x2c5)]; _0x4627df++) {
            if (!_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x4627df], 'i')) && _0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](_0x28ff1c(0x37f) + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df]) && void 0x0 == sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)]) {
              sessionStorage['territory'] = _0x4627df + 0x1, sessionStorage['removeItem']('goToBoss'), void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)](_0x28ff1c(0x38d));
              break _0x1b7ee6;
            if (_0x1f3486[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x48568f[_0x4627df], 'i'))) {
              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('^' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df]), 'i') && void 0x0 == sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1c2)]) {
                for (var _0x17e4ee = 0x0; _0x17e4ee < _0x48568f['length']; _0x17e4ee++)
                  if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp('^' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + _0x3c0c2d[_0x17e4ee] + '$', 'i'))) {
                    sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0xf8)] = _0x17e4ee + 0x1, sessionStorage['removeItem']('goToBoss'), void 0x0 != sessionStorage['lastCommand'] && (sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x3ba)] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('lastCommand');
                    break _0x1b7ee6;
              if (_0x12758f[_0x28ff1c(0x3d3)](new RegExp(_0x28ff1c(0x37f) + _0x4c8d45 + '|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|(' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + (_0x2cb347 ? 'в' : 'м') + '|' + (_0x2cb347 ? _0x28ff1c(0x304) : 'меды') + _0x28ff1c(0x2d7) + _0x4c8d45 + ')' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '|' + _0x3c0c2d[_0x4627df] + '$', 'i'))) {
                void 0x0 != sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)] && (sessionStorage['dobivatTerr'] = sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x38d)]) && sessionStorage[_0x28ff1c(0x1cd)]('lastCommand');
                break _0x1b7ee6;

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