Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

 defined("BASEPATH") or exit("No direct script access allowed"); class Dataalumni extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { goto gLl55; Dfr18: CyNGc: goto OzfG4; OzfG4: goto vh3Ht; goto SsZlA; p8FA7: $this->load->model("Dropdown_model", "dropdown"); goto pPIN8; Km1mY: $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('', ''); goto FhyrZ; oJ8e0: if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in()) { goto x1u_G; } goto TR3Xu; gLl55: parent::__construct(); goto oJ8e0; RX5fZ: vh3Ht: goto UxGpU; yxw_8: $this->load->model("Kelas_model", "kelas"); goto s64tq; SsZlA: x1u_G: goto GXZcu; hrewu: show_error("Hanya Administrator yang diberi hak untuk mengakses halaman ini, <a href="" . base_url("dashboard") . "">Kembali ke menu awal</a>", 403, "Akses Terlarang"); goto Dfr18; qG3nv: $this->load->model("Master_model", "master"); goto p8FA7; GXZcu: redirect("auth"); goto RX5fZ; s64tq: $this->load->model("Dashboard_model", "dashboard"); goto qG3nv; UxGpU: $this->load->library("upload"); goto f6dQ7; f6dQ7: $this->load->library(["datatables", "form_validation"]); goto yxw_8; pPIN8: $this->load->model("Rapor_model", "rapor"); goto Km1mY; TR3Xu: if ($this->ion_auth->is_admin()) { goto CyNGc; } goto hrewu; FhyrZ: } public function output_json($data, $encode = true) { goto kLDTf; nmWgf: $data = json_encode($data); goto lF2Rj; kLDTf: if (!$encode) { goto FBpN0; } goto nmWgf; e3X8s: $this->output->set_content_type("application/json")->set_output($data); goto Ox9J2; lF2Rj: FBpN0: goto e3X8s; Ox9J2: } public function index() { goto r6Zoe; WyK8y: goto mRhoJ; goto wJZjV; eFktY: foreach ($uids as $uid) { goto Ooqfl; bND4Z: $this->db->insert("buku_induk", $uid); goto jImxf; ZAEUT: if (!($check->get()->num_rows() == 0)) { goto iNhNv; } goto bND4Z; Ooqfl: $check = $this->db->select("id_siswa")->from("buku_induk")->where("id_siswa", $uid->id_siswa); goto ZAEUT; jImxf: iNhNv: goto eUMF5; eUMF5: nsmjp: goto NBEV3; NBEV3: } goto wlPtc; TrpPB: $data["profile"] = $this->dashboard->getProfileAdmin($user->id); goto oeww4; iBxR2: $data = ["user" => $user, "judul" => "Data Kelulusan & Alumni", "subjudul" => "Data Alumni", "setting" => $setting]; goto qjf7L; zXQs0: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto UKObu; B4gNR: $this->load->view("master/alumni/data"); goto zXQs0; wJZjV: StafS: goto qZnsn; thogm: $allTp = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto e28hH; oeww4: $data["tahun_lulus"] = $this->master->getDistinctTahunLulus(); goto giwdz; e28hH: $data["tp"] = $allTp; goto r0wxW; CVPB1: $smt = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto thogm; E2hD_: $alumnis = $this->master->getAlumniByTahun($splitTahun[1]); goto cCQ8M; k65ki: $count_siswa = $this->db->count_all("master_siswa"); goto qpbmu; p2GvW: if ($tahun != null && $tahun != '') { goto StafS; } goto z3WHl; r6Zoe: $tahun = $this->input->get("tahun", true); goto JYxmT; qjf7L: $tp = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto CVPB1; r0wxW: $data["tp_active"] = $tp; goto bWDLr; yRZhF: $splitTahun = explode("/", $tpBefore); goto E2hD_; VVgmF: $data["tahun_selected"] = $tahun; goto xFZU0; kMcoD: $jumlah_lulus = $this->rapor->getJumlahLulus($tp->id_tp - 1, "2", $level); goto idZ7D; xFZU0: $data["kelas_selected"] = $kelas_akhir; goto J9E7Y; PPYUG: soRCw: goto WyK8y; JYxmT: $kelas_akhir = $this->input->get("kelas", true); goto NFxE1; ZSVWb: oR2tz: goto Qj5CY; wlPtc: B4cAd: goto PPYUG; Q22m1: PX58f: goto FkCdP; lxidW: if (!($count_siswa > $count_induk)) { goto soRCw; } goto LpB2U; z3WHl: goto mRhoJ; goto tDfwJ; is64q: mRhoJ: goto lpPny; ZYNi_: $tpBefore = $allTp[$idSearch]->tahun; goto yRZhF; lpPny: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto B4gNR; bWDLr: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto N8OVH; giwdz: $data["kelas_akhir"] = $this->master->getDistinctKelasAkhir(); goto VVgmF; Qj5CY: if ($tahun == null) { goto gM1QC; } goto p2GvW; LpB2U: $uids = $this->db->select("id_siswa, uid")->from("master_siswa")->get()->result(); goto eFktY; nCZAk: $setting = $this->dashboard->getSetting(); goto iBxR2; FkCdP: $data["jumlah_lulus"] = $jumlah_lulus; goto ZSVWb; NFxE1: $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); goto nCZAk; cCQ8M: if ($jumlah_lulus > count($alumnis)) { goto PX58f; } goto N46NA; qZnsn: $data["alumnis"] = $this->master->getAlumniByTahun($tahun, $kelas_akhir); goto is64q; J9E7Y: $level = $setting->jenjang == "1" ? "6" : ($setting->jenjang == "2" ? "9" : ($setting->jenjang == "1" ? "3" : "12")); goto kMcoD; idZ7D: $idSearch = array_search($tp->id_tp - 1, array_column($allTp, "id_tp")); goto ZYNi_; N46NA: $data["jumlah_lulus"] = 0; goto obKei; obKei: goto oR2tz; goto Q22m1; N8OVH: $data["smt_active"] = $smt; goto TrpPB; qpbmu: $count_induk = $this->db->count_all("buku_induk"); goto lxidW; tDfwJ: gM1QC: goto k65ki; UKObu: } public function generateAlumni() { goto oByYb; LhCtu: $splitTahun = explode("/", $tpBefore); goto UeGIP; UeGIP: $level = $setting->jenjang == "1" ? "6" : ($setting->jenjang == "2" ? "9" : ($setting->jenjang == "1" ? "3" : "12")); goto rMlFu; c4dqi: $tp = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto G4_OB; oByYb: $setting = $this->dashboard->getSetting(); goto c4dqi; EZfJF: $ids = []; goto Xfe35; Xfe35: $this->db->trans_start(); goto P5ccJ; S2JzF: $this->output_json($ids); goto ZFpBm; yO1kQ: $idBefore = $allTp[$searchId - 1]->id_tp; goto LKABn; jspZ4: J0ARv: goto p1Mbe; P5ccJ: foreach ($siswas as $siswa) { goto ytXwT; auX9e: uptmF: goto JzjNb; BhFec: $this->db->set("tahun_lulus", $splitTahun[1]); goto sN6v5; Psnwb: $this->db->set("status", "2"); goto BhFec; F0U_G: $ids[] = $siswa->id_siswa; goto Oe_yU; qqgxV: $this->db->set("kelas_akhir", $siswa->kelas_akhir); goto BSsWe; ytXwT: if ($siswa->naik != null && $siswa->naik == "0") { goto uptmF; } goto F0U_G; aVpgg: qClec: goto GHsXg; VPn_a: goto xIy1p; goto auX9e; sN6v5: $this->db->set("no_ijazah", "- -"); goto qqgxV; Oe_yU: $this->db->where("id_siswa", $siswa->id_siswa); goto Psnwb; JzjNb: xIy1p: goto aVpgg; BSsWe: $this->db->update("buku_induk"); goto VPn_a; GHsXg: } goto jspZ4; InU3b: $searchId = array_search("1", array_column($allTp, "active")); goto yO1kQ; rMlFu: $siswas = $this->rapor->getSiswaLulus($tp->id_tp - 1, "2", $level); goto EZfJF; p1Mbe: $this->db->trans_complete(); goto S2JzF; G4_OB: $smt = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto Jvr4T; LKABn: $tpBefore = $allTp[$searchId - 1]->tahun; goto LhCtu; Jvr4T: $allTp = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto InU3b; ZFpBm: } public function luluskan() { goto lCup1; AJVg6: $this->output_json($data); goto UAFqk; PPZOt: foreach ($posts as $d) { goto YQR5s; y5gIX: WLo4t: goto mp7It; bPSwx: $alumnikelas[$d->kelas_baru][] = ["id" => $d->id_siswa]; goto y5gIX; YQR5s: $idkelases[] = $d->kelas_baru; goto bPSwx; mp7It: } goto slixP; lCup1: $tp = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto IfVrN; Ngi8I: $idkelases = []; goto HqJNO; TJCwn: $idks = []; goto V1eS9; V1eS9: foreach ($idkelases as $ik) { goto hcc5T; dqNPQ: goto o4ktb; goto pbubF; DW3f2: Fh5P8: goto Adpqq; hcc5T: $kelas = $this->kelas->get_one($ik, $tp->id_tp - 1, "2"); goto Mem5S; vD7QE: q_sSU: goto imD7l; imD7l: $data = array("nama_kelas" => $kelas->nama_kelas, "kode_kelas" => $kelas->kode_kelas, "jurusan_id" => $kelas->jurusan_id, "id_tp" => $tp->id_tp, "id_smt" => $smt->id_smt, "level_id" => $kelas->level_id, "guru_id" => $kelas->guru_id, "alumni_id" => $kelas->alumni_id, "jumlah_alumni" => $jumlah); goto vecfy; vecfy: $this->db->where("id_kelas", $kelas_baru->id_kelas); goto Feaac; l2aX_: o4ktb: goto TGfGG; Apaw4: $jumlah = serialize($alumnikelas[$ik]); goto U2O9d; Adpqq: $jumlah = serialize($jmlLama); goto vD7QE; jDVT4: $jumlah = serialize($alumnikelas[$ik]); goto qlw3p; U2O9d: $data = array("nama_kelas" => $kelas->nama_kelas, "kode_kelas" => $kelas->kode_kelas, "jurusan_id" => $kelas->jurusan_id, "id_tp" => $tp->id_tp, "id_smt" => $smt->id_smt, "level_id" => $kelas->level_id, "guru_id" => $kelas->guru_id, "alumni_id" => $kelas->alumni_id, "jumlah_alumni" => $jumlah); goto S38Ve; TGfGG: foreach ($idks as $idk) { goto TYea3; TYea3: foreach ($alumnikelas[$ik] as $s) { goto cDh4m; rC35A: $res[] = $this->db->replace("kelas_alumni", $insert); goto bRGW6; bRGW6: dTCMC: goto N_zY2; cDh4m: $insert = ["id_kelas_alumni" => $tp->id_tp . $smt->id_smt . $s["id"], "id_tp" => $tp->id_tp, "id_smt" => $smt->id_smt, "id_kelas" => $idk, "id_siswa" => $s["id"]]; goto rC35A; N_zY2: } goto D59pZ; pBWib: h6r4Q: goto TBvHg; D59pZ: NZjJr: goto pBWib; TBvHg: } goto oBPkU; NqwfY: if ($mode == "peralumni") { goto HXwjx; } goto jDVT4; f8I_l: YZz28: goto o6GAD; pbubF: fDd7x: goto Apaw4; Mem5S: $kelas_baru = $this->kelas->getKelasByNama($kelas->nama_kelas, $tp->id_tp, $smt->id_smt); goto kVrml; xo9d9: goto q_sSU; goto C1CWF; IGjKt: array_push($idks, $this->db->insert_id()); goto l2aX_; BVZtF: foreach ($alumnikelas[$ik] as $s) { goto kpyt0; lGTiI: F9TQo: goto Go0YZ; rUfzi: lh2h4: goto lGTiI; kpyt0: foreach ($jmlLama as $lama) { goto IT7NK; EEda3: array_push($jmlLama, ["id" => $s["id"]]); goto m9Bzn; m9Bzn: array_push($idks, $kelas_baru->id_kelas); goto yhRzE; IT7NK: if (!($lama["id"] != $s["id"])) { goto vjPNO; } goto EEda3; leSrn: uAHez: goto oFon4; yhRzE: vjPNO: goto leSrn; oFon4: } goto rUfzi; Go0YZ: } goto DW3f2; kVrml: if ($kelas_baru == null) { goto fDd7x; } goto NqwfY; S38Ve: $this->db->insert("master_kelas", $data); goto IGjKt; ZJfTN: $jmlLama = unserialize($kelas_baru->jumlah_alumni); goto BVZtF; qlw3p: array_push($idks, $kelas_baru->id_kelas); goto xo9d9; C1CWF: HXwjx: goto ZJfTN; oBPkU: zs6ft: goto f8I_l; Feaac: $this->db->update("master_kelas", $data); goto dqNPQ; o6GAD: } goto PvSA5; PvSA5: mbxz_: goto DaZk3; oS7Ih: $posts = json_decode($this->input->post("kelas", true)); goto gVA7H; HqJNO: $alumnikelas = []; goto PPZOt; DaZk3: $data["res"] = $alumnikelas; goto AJVg6; IfVrN: $smt = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto oS7Ih; fduz6: $res = []; goto TJCwn; gVA7H: $mode = $this->input->post("mode", true); goto Ngi8I; slixP: PI4hB: goto mHL3q; mHL3q: $idkelases = array_unique($idkelases); goto fduz6; UAFqk: } public function detail($id) { goto xPdCM; JzqV5: $data["input_wali"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputWali), FALSE); goto zGwvh; moHBn: $data["input_ortu"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputOrtu), FALSE); goto JzqV5; nyBN7: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto ASBt5; MpWsn: $this->load->view("master/alumni/edit"); goto nyBN7; mh9tv: $data = ["user" => $user, "judul" => "Alumni", "subjudul" => "Edit Data Alumni", "alumni" => $alumni, "setting" => $this->dashboard->getSetting()]; goto JoCQ8; uUraW: $data["tp_active"] = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto h3XVy; zvB6X: $inputWali = [["name" => "nama_wali", "label" => "Nama Wali", "value" => $alumni->nama_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_wali", "label" => "Pendidikan Wali", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_wali", "label" => "Pekerjaan Wali", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "alamat_wali", "label" => "Alamat Wali", "value" => $alumni->alamat_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_wali", "label" => "No. HP Wali", "value" => $alumni->nohp_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"]]; goto lxGUw; xPdCM: $alumni = $this->master->getAlumniById($id); goto YQP4I; NTVVq: $inputBio = [["name" => "tempat_lahir", "label" => "Tempat Lahir", "value" => $alumni->tempat_lahir, "icon" => "far fa-map", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "tanggal_lahir", "label" => "Tanggal Lahir", "value" => $alumni->tanggal_lahir, "icon" => "far fa-calendar", "class" => "tahun", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "agama", "label" => "Agama", "value" => $alumni->agama, "icon" => "far fa-calendar", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "alamat", "label" => "Alamat", "value" => $alumni->alamat, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "rt", "label" => "Rt", "value" => $alumni->rt, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "rw", "label" => "Rw", "value" => $alumni->rw, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kelurahan", "label" => "Kelurahan/Desa", "value" => $alumni->kelurahan, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kecamatan", "label" => "Kecamatan", "value" => $alumni->kecamatan, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kabupaten", "label" => "Kabupaten/Kota", "value" => $alumni->kabupaten, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kode_pos", "label" => "Kode Pos", "value" => $alumni->kode_pos, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "hp", "label" => "Hp", "value" => $alumni->hp, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"]]; goto eYZba; lxGUw: $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); goto mh9tv; I_FyO: $data["smt_active"] = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto TnRis; pZiij: $data["input_bio"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputBio), FALSE); goto moHBn; TnRis: $data["input_data"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputData), FALSE); goto pZiij; eYZba: $inputOrtu = [["name" => "nama_ayah", "label" => "Nama Ayah", "value" => $alumni->nama_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_ayah", "label" => "Pendidikan Ayah", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_ayah", "label" => "Pekerjaan Ayah", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_ayah", "label" => "No. HP Ayah", "value" => $alumni->nohp_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"], ["name" => "alamat_ayah", "label" => "Alamat Ayah", "value" => $alumni->alamat_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nama_ibu", "label" => "Nama Ibu", "value" => $alumni->nama_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_ibu", "label" => "Pendidikan Ibu", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_ibu", "label" => "Pekerjaan Ibu", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_ibu", "label" => "No. HP Ibu", "value" => $alumni->nohp_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"], ["name" => "alamat_ibu", "label" => "Alamat Ibu", "value" => $alumni->alamat_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"]]; goto zvB6X; VOABh: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto MpWsn; zGwvh: $data["profile"] = $this->dashboard->getProfileAdmin($user->id); goto VOABh; JoCQ8: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto uUraW; YQP4I: $inputData = [["label" => "Nama Lengkap", "name" => "nama", "value" => $alumni->nama, "icon" => "far fa-user", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["label" => "NIS", "name" => "nis", "value" => $alumni->nis, "icon" => "far fa-id-card", "class" => '', "type" => "number"], ["name" => "nisn", "label" => "NISN", "value" => $alumni->nisn, "icon" => "far fa-id-card", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["label" => "Jenis Kelamin", "name" => "jenis_kelamin", "value" => $alumni->jenis_kelamin, "icon" => "fas fa-venus-mars", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "kelas_awal", "label" => "Diterima di kelas", "value" => $alumni->kelas_awal, "icon" => "fas fa-graduation-cap", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "tahun_masuk", "label" => "Tgl diterima", "value" => $alumni->tahun_masuk, "icon" => "tahun far fa-calendar-alt", "class" => "tahun", "type" => "text"]]; goto NTVVq; h3XVy: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto I_FyO; ASBt5: } public function add() { goto mHfqE; ifhjA: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto Q55JX; IpfMq: $data["profile"] = $this->dashboard->getProfileAdmin($user->id); goto KA0cU; RZKmw: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto S8V8M; YMg3N: $data["smt_active"] = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto IpfMq; sB00x: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto U6ODR; oZbaU: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto YMg3N; xACF6: $data = ["user" => $user, "judul" => "Alumni", "subjudul" => "Tambah Data Alumni", "setting" => $this->dashboard->getSetting()]; goto RZKmw; mHfqE: $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); goto xACF6; U6ODR: $this->load->view("master/alumni/add"); goto ifhjA; KA0cU: $data["tipe"] = "add"; goto sB00x; S8V8M: $data["tp_active"] = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto oZbaU; Q55JX: } public function create() { goto K0Bn1; igVU8: $this->form_validation->set_rules("nisn", "NISN", "required|numeric|trim|min_length[6]|max_length[]" . $u_nisn); goto eBnth; KwS8Y: sQt4Y: goto UWq8d; AP5gU: goto QhVdc; goto KwS8Y; lcRUv: $this->db->insert("master_siswa", $insert); goto hZTKP; DenLu: QhVdc: goto YMDrp; wkJVx: $data["insert"] = $this->db->insert("buku_induk", $induk); goto xSPYB; K0Bn1: $nis = $this->input->post("nis", true); goto lrAym; YMDrp: $this->output_json($data); goto KZ5Yu; vs2ou: $u_nis = "|is_unique[master_siswa.nis]"; goto SUi4h; hZTKP: $last_id = $this->db->insert_id(); goto RwRK0; bqjWo: $data["text"] = "Data Sudah ada, Pastikan NIS, NISN dan Username belum digunakan alumni lain"; goto DenLu; lrAym: $nisn = $this->input->post("nisn", true); goto vs2ou; R0QDl: $this->db->set("uid", "UUID()", FALSE); goto lcRUv; xSPYB: $data["text"] = "Alumni berhasil ditambahkan"; goto AP5gU; SUi4h: $u_nisn = "|is_unique[master_siswa.nisn]"; goto M7R1H; RwRK0: $uid = $this->db->select("uid")->from("master_siswa")->where("id_siswa", $last_id)->get()->row(); goto Ce7Ws; GRFJ0: $insert = ["nama" => $this->input->post("nama_alumni", true), "nis" => $nis, "nisn" => $nisn, "jenis_kelamin" => $this->input->post("jenis_kelamin", true), "foto" => "uploads/foto_siswa/" . $nis . "jpg"]; goto R0QDl; Ce7Ws: $induk = ["id_siswa" => $last_id, "uid" => $uid->uid, "kelas_akhir" => $this->input->post("kelas_akhir", true), "tahun_lulus" => $this->input->post("tahun_lulus", true), "no_ijazah" => $this->input->post("no_ijazah", true), "status" => 2]; goto wkJVx; eBnth: if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { goto sQt4Y; } goto GRFJ0; M7R1H: $this->form_validation->set_rules("nis", "NIS", "required|numeric|trim|min_length[6]|max_length[30]" . $u_nis); goto igVU8; UWq8d: $data["insert"] = false; goto bqjWo; KZ5Yu: } public function edit() { goto ljWDa; Fh211: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_footer"); goto z02dR; wF2Z7: $inputWali = [["name" => "nama_wali", "label" => "Nama Wali", "value" => $alumni->nama_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_wali", "label" => "Pendidikan Wali", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_wali", "label" => "Pekerjaan Wali", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "alamat_wali", "label" => "Alamat Wali", "value" => $alumni->alamat_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_wali", "label" => "No. HP Wali", "value" => $alumni->nohp_wali, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"]]; goto mql60; fStWu: $data["input_wali"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputWali), FALSE); goto xnOk0; v3yW4: $data["input_data"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputData), FALSE); goto ab71x; FyjgM: $data["tp"] = $this->dashboard->getTahun(); goto dV0xu; x38uA: $data = ["user" => $user, "judul" => "Alumni", "subjudul" => "Edit Data Alumni", "alumni" => $alumni, "setting" => $this->dashboard->getSetting()]; goto FyjgM; vaD8o: $inputBio = [["name" => "tempat_lahir", "label" => "Tempat Lahir", "value" => $alumni->tempat_lahir, "icon" => "far fa-map", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "tanggal_lahir", "label" => "Tanggal Lahir", "value" => $alumni->tanggal_lahir, "icon" => "far fa-calendar", "class" => "tahun", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "agama", "label" => "Agama", "value" => $alumni->agama, "icon" => "far fa-calendar", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "alamat", "label" => "Alamat", "value" => $alumni->alamat, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "rt", "label" => "Rt", "value" => $alumni->rt, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "rw", "label" => "Rw", "value" => $alumni->rw, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kelurahan", "label" => "Kelurahan/Desa", "value" => $alumni->kelurahan, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kecamatan", "label" => "Kecamatan", "value" => $alumni->kecamatan, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kabupaten", "label" => "Kabupaten/Kota", "value" => $alumni->kabupaten, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "kode_pos", "label" => "Kode Pos", "value" => $alumni->kode_pos, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["class" => '', "name" => "hp", "label" => "Hp", "value" => $alumni->hp, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"]]; goto atLDN; OtDBB: $alumni = $this->master->getAlumniById($id); goto gSD3o; x3Hrq: $this->load->view("master/alumni/edit"); goto Fh211; ljWDa: $id = $this->input->get("id", true); goto OtDBB; Z9474: $data["input_ortu"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputOrtu), FALSE); goto fStWu; gSD3o: $inputData = [["label" => "Nama Lengkap", "name" => "nama", "value" => $alumni->nama, "icon" => "far fa-user", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["label" => "NIS", "name" => "nis", "value" => $alumni->nis, "icon" => "far fa-id-card", "class" => '', "type" => "number"], ["name" => "nisn", "label" => "NISN", "value" => $alumni->nisn, "icon" => "far fa-id-card", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["label" => "Jenis Kelamin", "name" => "jenis_kelamin", "value" => $alumni->jenis_kelamin, "icon" => "fas fa-venus-mars", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "kelas_awal", "label" => "Diterima di kelas", "value" => $alumni->kelas_awal, "icon" => "fas fa-graduation-cap", "class" => '', "type" => "text"], ["name" => "tahun_masuk", "label" => "Tgl diterima", "value" => $alumni->tahun_masuk, "icon" => "tahun far fa-calendar-alt", "class" => "tahun", "type" => "text"]]; goto vaD8o; dV0xu: $data["tp_active"] = $this->dashboard->getTahunActive(); goto eFJyt; blxVm: $data["smt_active"] = $this->dashboard->getSemesterActive(); goto v3yW4; atLDN: $inputOrtu = [["name" => "nama_ayah", "label" => "Nama Ayah", "value" => $alumni->nama_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_ayah", "label" => "Pendidikan Ayah", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_ayah", "label" => "Pekerjaan Ayah", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_ayah", "label" => "No. HP Ayah", "value" => $alumni->nohp_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"], ["name" => "alamat_ayah", "label" => "Alamat Ayah", "value" => $alumni->alamat_ayah, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nama_ibu", "label" => "Nama Ibu", "value" => $alumni->nama_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pendidikan_ibu", "label" => "Pendidikan Ibu", "value" => $alumni->pendidikan_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "pekerjaan_ibu", "label" => "Pekerjaan Ibu", "value" => $alumni->pekerjaan_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"], ["name" => "nohp_ibu", "label" => "No. HP Ibu", "value" => $alumni->nohp_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "number"], ["name" => "alamat_ibu", "label" => "Alamat Ibu", "value" => $alumni->alamat_ibu, "icon" => "far fa-user", "type" => "text"]]; goto wF2Z7; ab71x: $data["input_bio"] = json_decode(json_encode($inputBio), FALSE); goto Z9474; b9sdt: $this->load->view("_templates/dashboard/_header", $data); goto x3Hrq; xnOk0: $data["profile"] = $this->dashboard->getProfileAdmin($user->id); goto b9sdt; mql60: $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); goto x38uA; eFJyt: $data["smt"] = $this->dashboard->getSemester(); goto blxVm; z02dR: } public function updateData() { goto J28MI; IuT94: goto TdPso; goto OetOy; NWwcS: $alumni = $this->master->getAlumniById($id_siswa); goto rvaVg; lUlDI: $nis = $this->input->post("nis", true); goto OmYmG; P9vd_: $this->form_validation->set_rules("nisn", "NISN", "required|numeric|trim|min_length[6]|max_length[]" . $u_nisn); goto sr1kn; OetOy: ldFhR: goto vOT0L; a7TJq: $input = ["nisn" => $this->input->post("nisn", true), "nis" => $this->input->post("nis", true), "nama" => $this->input->post("nama", true), "jenis_kelamin" => $this->input->post("jenis_kelamin", true), "tempat_lahir" => $this->input->post("tempat_lahir", true), "tanggal_lahir" => $this->input->post("tanggal_lahir", true), "agama" => $this->input->post("agama", true), "status_keluarga" => $this->input->post("status_keluarga", true), "anak_ke" => $this->input->post("anak_ke", true), "alamat" => $this->input->post("alamat", true), "rt" => $this->input->post("rt", true), "rw" => $this->input->post("rw", true), "kelurahan" => $this->input->post("kelurahan", true), "kecamatan" => $this->input->post("kecamatan", true), "kabupaten" => $this->input->post("kabupaten", true), "provinsi" => $this->input->post("provinsi", true), "kode_pos" => $this->input->post("kode_pos", true), "hp" => $this->input->post("hp", true), "nama_ayah" => $this->input->post("nama_ayah", true), "nohp_ayah" => $this->input->post("nohp_ayah", true), "pendidikan_ayah" => $this->input->post("pendidikan_ayah", true), "pekerjaan_ayah" => $this->input->post("pekerjaan_ayah", true), "alamat_ayah" => $this->input->post("alamat_ayah", true), "nama_ibu" => $this->input->post("nama_ibu", true), "nohp_ibu" => $this->input->post("nohp_ibu", true), "pendidikan_ibu" => $this->input->post("pendidikan_ibu", true), "pekerjaan_ibu" => $this->input->post("pekerjaan_ibu", true), "alamat_ibu" => $this->input->post("alamat_ibu", true), "nama_wali" => $this->input->post("nama_wali", true), "pendidikan_wali" => $this->input->post("pendidikan_wali", true), "pekerjaan_wali" => $this->input->post("pekerjaan_wali", true), "nohp_wali" => $this->input->post("nohp_wali", true), "alamat_wali" => $this->input->post("alamat_wali", true), "tahun_masuk" => $this->input->post("tahun_masuk", true), "kelas_awal" => $this->input->post("kelas_awal", true), "tgl_lahir_ayah" => $this->input->post("tgl_lahir_ayah", true), "tgl_lahir_ibu" => $this->input->post("tgl_lahir_ibu", true), "tgl_lahir_wali" => $this->input->post("tgl_lahir_wali", true), "sekolah_asal" => $this->input->post("sekolah_asal", true), "foto" => "uploads/foto_siswa/" . $nis . ".jpg"]; goto TVBU7; KY71m: $this->form_validation->set_rules("nis", "NIS", "required|numeric|trim|min_length[6]|max_length[30]" . $u_nis); goto P9vd_; pXHtB: $data["text"] = "Data Sudah ada, Pastikan NIS, dan NISN belum digunakan alumni lain"; goto Hs6V_; Hs6V_: TdPso: goto oTysQ; rvaVg: $u_nis = $alumni->nis === $nis ? '' : "|is_unique[mater_alumni.nis]"; goto yh0pH; TVBU7: $action = $this->master->update("master_siswa", $input, "id_siswa", $id_siswa); goto pxaiy; yh0pH: $u_nisn = $alumni->nisn === $nisn ? '' : "|is_unique[mater_alumni.nisn]"; goto KY71m; sr1kn: if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { goto ldFhR; } goto a7TJq; OmYmG: $nisn = $this->input->post("nisn", true); goto NWwcS; oTysQ: $this->output_json($data); goto VwpxD; pxaiy: $data["insert"] = $input; goto IYd8r; IYd8r: $data["text"] = "Alumni berhasil diperbaharui"; goto IuT94; vOT0L: $data["insert"] = false; goto pXHtB; J28MI: $id_siswa = $this->input->post("id_siswa", true); goto lUlDI; VwpxD: } function uploadFile($id_siswa) { goto SavW7; ZEc5e: $data["src"] = ''; goto gM9ed; MIt7z: $data["filename"] = pathinfo($result["file_name"], PATHINFO_FILENAME); goto nM2rT; kC6TM: eg4bH: goto E4ajh; E4ajh: $this->output_json($data); goto rUHmB; nI8hE: lD1U8: goto lezet; nM2rT: $data["status"] = true; goto upoDG; upoDG: $this->db->set("foto", "uploads/foto_siswa/" . $result["file_name"]); goto t616y; t616y: $this->db->where("id_siswa", $id_siswa); goto CS0kl; Dr2Lm: $data["size"] = $_FILES["foto"]["size"]; goto kC6TM; CS0kl: $this->db->update("master_siswa"); goto U_XfM; Ft09c: $result = $this->upload->data(); goto hLZ5N; zUQf_: $config["file_name"] = $alumni->nis; goto lXMHi; lEi3b: $config["overwrite"] = true; goto zUQf_; aynn9: if (!$this->upload->do_upload("foto")) { goto aZ2rT; } goto Ft09c; hLZ5N: $data["src"] = base_url() . "uploads/foto_siswa/" . $result["file_name"]; goto MIt7z; pVvU_: if (isset($_FILES["foto"]["name"])) { goto lD1U8; } goto ZEc5e; SavW7: $alumni = $this->master->getAlumniById($id_siswa); goto pVvU_; lezet: $config["upload_path"] = "./uploads/foto_siswa/"; goto J2V5Y; U_XfM: goto Xl9N_; goto gXkv3; gXkv3: aZ2rT: goto joYNh; Ufbq5: $data["src"] = $this->upload->display_errors(); goto EgmXK; lXMHi: $this->upload->initialize($config); goto aynn9; J2V5Y: $config["allowed_types"] = "gif|jpg|png|jpeg|JPEG|JPG|PNG|GIF"; goto lEi3b; gM9ed: goto eg4bH; goto nI8hE; QHia3: $data["type"] = $_FILES["foto"]["type"]; goto Dr2Lm; EgmXK: Xl9N_: goto QHia3; joYNh: $data["status"] = false; goto Ufbq5; rUHmB: } function deleteFoto() { goto S8YCd; mVP5n: echo "File Delete Successfully"; goto p6Gz_; S8YCd: $src = $this->input->post("src"); goto u9aAP; u9aAP: $file_name = str_replace(base_url(), '', $src); goto tsjPV; tsjPV: unlink($file_name); goto mVP5n; p6Gz_: } public function delete() { goto JBDIS; TmrPl: if (!$chk) { goto WHwqu; } goto vsxwN; ZX1_2: $this->output_json(["status" => true, "total" => count($chk)]); goto v63pG; xJJGo: WHwqu: goto VdOTI; vsxwN: if (!$this->master->delete("master_siswa", $chk, "id_siswa")) { goto vbbed; } goto ZX1_2; JBDIS: $chk = $this->input->post("checked", true); goto TmrPl; C90tS: goto x9uSA; goto xJJGo; v63pG: vbbed: goto C90tS; MDDou: x9uSA: goto HZ0fS; VdOTI: $this->output_json(["status" => false]); goto MDDou; HZ0fS: } public function previewExcel() { goto sxWOp; F071g: $file = $this->upload->data("full_path"); goto ptfvW; zgCSO: oWb1A: goto kCbGG; bmo_P: HM4ws: goto nI9yo; FUUWJ: $data = []; goto F14nj; VaJTX: echo $error; goto EpYKS; iokXD: if (!($i < count($sheetData))) { goto jjm6q; } goto pV4xP; qTXbL: unlink($file); goto Rzfu4; Fgwpn: uZtqw: goto F7oaa; z9sUJ: goto BL3JG; goto wIeVk; AOVeX: $config["encrypt_name"] = true; goto G1_5A; sxWOp: $config["upload_path"] = "./uploads/import/"; goto ony9r; GPs0G: $data[] = ["nisn" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][1]), "nis" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][2]), "nama" => $sheetData[$i][3], "jenis_kelamin" => $sheetData[$i][4], "username" => $sheetData[$i][5], "password" => $sheetData[$i][6], "tempat_lahir" => $sheetData[$i][10], "tanggal_lahir" => $sheetData[$i][11], "agama" => $sheetData[$i][12], "status_keluarga" => $sheetData[$i][16], "anak_ke" => $sheetData[$i][15], "alamat" => $sheetData[$i][17], "rt" => $sheetData[$i][18], "rw" => $sheetData[$i][19], "kelurahan" => $sheetData[$i][20], "kecamatan" => $sheetData[$i][21], "kabupaten" => $sheetData[$i][22], "provinsi" => $sheetData[$i][23], "kode_pos" => $sheetData[$i][24], "hp" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][13]), "nama_ayah" => $sheetData[$i][25], "nohp_ayah" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][29]), "pendidikan_ayah" => $sheetData[$i][27], "pekerjaan_ayah" => $sheetData[$i][28], "alamat_ayah" => $sheetData[$i][30], "nama_ibu" => $sheetData[$i][31], "nohp_ibu" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][35]), "pendidikan_ibu" => $sheetData[$i][33], "pekerjaan_ibu" => $sheetData[$i][34], "alamat_ibu" => $sheetData[$i][36], "nama_wali" => $sheetData[$i][37], "pendidikan_wali" => $sheetData[$i][39], "pekerjaan_wali" => $sheetData[$i][40], "nohp_wali" => str_replace("'", '', $sheetData[$i][41]), "alamat_wali" => $sheetData[$i][42], "tahun_masuk" => $sheetData[$i][8], "kelas_awal" => $sheetData[$i][7], "tgl_lahir_ayah" => $sheetData[$i][26], "tgl_lahir_ibu" => $sheetData[$i][32], "tgl_lahir_wali" => $sheetData[$i][38], "sekolah_asal" => $sheetData[$i][9], "id_siswa" => isset($sheetData[$i][43]) ? $sheetData[$i][43] : '']; goto bmo_P; ptfvW: $ext = $this->upload->data("file_ext"); goto mwqZu; wIeVk: jjm6q: goto qTXbL; oV6O9: $sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray(); goto FUUWJ; nI9yo: wOkzH: goto a60SG; ktcJo: eXu8u: goto kdW4C; xJERg: $spreadsheet = $reader->load($file); goto oV6O9; pV4xP: if (!($sheetData[$i][0] != null)) { goto HM4ws; } goto GPs0G; F14nj: $i = 1; goto YUqB0; YUqB0: BL3JG: goto iokXD; HE8kZ: if (!$this->upload->do_upload("upload_file")) { goto uZtqw; } goto F071g; T_D3V: goto oWb1A; goto Fgwpn; a60SG: $i++; goto z9sUJ; ony9r: $config["allowed_types"] = "xls|xlsx|csv"; goto jfyIo; F7oaa: $error = $this->upload->display_errors(); goto VaJTX; jfyIo: $config["max_size"] = 2048; goto AOVeX; Rzfu4: echo json_encode($data); goto T_D3V; mwqZu: switch ($ext) { case ".xlsx": $reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xlsx(); goto G6JFj; case ".xls": $reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls(); goto G6JFj; case ".csv": $reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Csv(); goto G6JFj; default: echo "unknown file ext"; die; } goto ktcJo; kdW4C: G6JFj: goto xJERg; G1_5A: $this->upload->initialize($config); goto HE8kZ; EpYKS: die; goto zgCSO; kCbGG: } public function do_import() { goto c_Ljg; fGibz: $this->db->trans_complete(); goto CUfNH; nv8Ko: $this->db->trans_start(); goto m44bI; CUfNH: $this->output->set_content_type("application/json")->set_output($save); goto zFbhU; m44bI: foreach ($input as $key1 => $val1) { goto Q41zv; jIl3n: foreach (((array) $input)[$key1] as $key => $val) { $data[$key] = $val; MNjD0: } goto adIo7; adIo7: p6XlY: goto QBsnI; bS6jL: $save = $this->db->insert("master_siswa", $data); goto bO2N7; Q41zv: $data = []; goto jIl3n; QBsnI: $data["foto"] = "uploads/foto_siswa/" . $data["nis"] . ".jpg"; goto bS6jL; bO2N7: HUm9P: goto tFgm1; tFgm1: } goto cfmcd; c_Ljg: $input = json_decode($this->input->post("alumni", true)); goto nv8Ko; cfmcd: nXSU9: goto fGibz; zFbhU: } public function editKelulusan() { goto HckFx; rIMjR: $this->db->set("kelas_akhir", $kelas_akhir); goto qrnLd; m0Cag: $this->output_json($data); goto rcVps; pCEn2: $no_ijazah = $this->input->post("no_ijazah", true); goto Ko5w3; qMIdn: $this->db->set("no_ijazah", $no_ijazah); goto d7i1s; Egzyg: $data["status"] = $status; goto m0Cag; qrnLd: $this->db->set("tahun_lulus", $thn); goto qMIdn; Tpybr: $thn = $this->input->post("tahun_lulus", true); goto pCEn2; Byop8: $status = $this->db->update("master_siswa"); goto Egzyg; d7i1s: $this->db->where("id_siswa", $id_siswa); goto Byop8; HckFx: $id_siswa = $this->input->post("id_siswa", true); goto Tpybr; Ko5w3: $kelas_akhir = $this->input->post("kelas_akhir", true); goto rIMjR; rcVps: } }

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