Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

let colorsDivs = (_0x1b8bf2) => {
    return _0x1b8bf2 === '#ffffff' ? '<button data-v="' + _0x1b8bf2 + '" class="colorSelector" style="border: none; outline: none; width: 40px; height: 40px; background-color: ' + _0x1b8bf2 + '; display: inline-block; position: relative; ">\n             <div class="border fa fl fa-ban" style="width:39px; height:39px; background-color: ; display:inline-block; color:red;margin-left: -4px;"></div>\n           </button>' : '<button data-v="' + _0x1b8bf2 + '" class="colorSelector" style="border: none; outline: none; width: 40px; height: 40px; background-color: ' + _0x1b8bf2 + '; display: inline-block;"></button>'
function hideColorPicker() {
    let _0xab6c70 = document.querySelectorAll('.ppop-color-container')
    _0xab6c70.forEach( (_0xb8b688) => ( = 'none'))
    let _0x41b076 = document.querySelector('.clickaway-container') = 'none'
function toggleColorPicker(_0x3672b2) {
    let _0xbe87d8 = document.querySelector('.clickaway-container')
      , _0x3ef5f2 = document.querySelector('.ppop-color-container')
    _0xbe87d8 != null && ( == 'none' ? ( = 'block') : ( = 'none'))
    if (_0x3ef5f2 != null) {
        window.inputSelectorForColorPicker = _0x3672b2
        let _0x570920 = document.querySelector('button' + _0x3672b2)
        if (_0x570920 != null) {
            const _0x35b8ac = _0x570920.getBoundingClientRect()
   == 'none' ? (console.log(_0x35b8ac),
            ( = 'fixed'),
            ( = 5 + 'px'),
            ( = _0x35b8ac.y + _0x35b8ac.height + 'px'),

            ( = 'block')) : ( = 'none')
function setColorPickerButtonBg(_0x4fe41b, _0x2b1ff8) {
    let _0x542d75 = document.querySelector( + _0x2b1ff8 + '-container .cpick')
    _0x542d75 != null && ( = _0x4fe41b)
function listenAndSetToInput() {
    document.querySelectorAll('.colorSelector').forEach( (_0x4c9343) => _0x4c9343.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const _0x42f9ce = window.inputSelectorForColorPicker
        if (_0x42f9ce != undefined) {
            let _0x1b0ea1 = document.querySelector('input[name=' + _0x42f9ce.replace(, '') + ']')
            if (_0x1b0ea1 != null) {
                _0x1b0ea1.value = _0x4c9343.dataset.v
            setColorPickerButtonBg(_0x4c9343.dataset.v, _0x42f9ce.replace(, ''))
function modalOverlay() {
    if (document.querySelector('.clickaway-container') == null) {
        const _0x4eaf66 = document.createElement('div')
        _0x4eaf66.classList = 'clickaway-container'
        _0x4eaf66.addEventListener('click', () => hideColorPicker())
        _0x4eaf66.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 6000')
function setColorPickerTemplate() {
    if (document.querySelector('.ppop-color-container') == null) {
        const _0x228a55 = document.createElement('div')
        _0x228a55.classList = 'ppop light border break ppop-color-container'
        _0x228a55.setAttribute('style', 'display: none; z-index: 20000')
        const _0x4bcca0 = document.createElement('div')
        _0x4bcca0.setAttribute('style', 'width: 260px; height: 200px; line-height: 0px !important')
        _0x4bcca0.classList = 'break colors-container'

function a0_0x11b5() {
    const _0x59894a = ['4DJiwxf', 'search', 'ZJIcQ', '1719qOvPay', 'stack', 'tEKhn', '4yUOPqA', '<h1 style='color:#ffff00;text-align: center;font-size: 31px!important;'>(المحتوى محمي)</h1>', '58032gCvKFA', 'LdwwM', '23257AoFxVx', 'kaWhr', 'outerHeight', 'log', 'addEventListener', 'constructor', 'toString@', '138923ApevNl', '42VASGiS', 'includes', '620uvOybl', 'innerWidth', '863079dTeNZA', '2124210ldKvDD', 'DOMContentLoaded', 'innerHeight', 'fXfeq', 'nokyR', '868jBPIAe', 'outerWidth', 'platform', 'EMhXO', 'apply', 'defineProperty', 'Win32', '206105FGmxSH', '.bg, head', 'toString', '(((.+)+)+)+$', '1380luQZJx', 'clear'];
    a0_0x11b5 = function() {
        return _0x59894a;
    return a0_0x11b5();
const a0_0x3bb168 = a0_0x1012;
(function(_0x126966, _0x29218a) {
    const _0x453fa2 = a0_0x1012
      , _0x29c31c = _0x126966();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            const _0x2dfc5e = -parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x11e)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x113)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x453fa2(0xfa)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x10d)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x107)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x11f)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x100)) / 0x7 * (-parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x115)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x110)) / 0x9 * (parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x121)) / 0xa) + parseInt(_0x453fa2(0xfb)) / 0xb + -parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x10b)) / 0xc * (-parseInt(_0x453fa2(0x117)) / 0xd);
            if (_0x2dfc5e === _0x29218a)
        } catch (_0x3b3c05) {
}(a0_0x11b5, 0xf13c9));
const a0_0xb48a92 = (function() {
    let _0x22b752 = !![];
    return function(_0x17066c, _0x2b30a8) {
        const _0x1d70c9 = a0_0x1012;
        if ('kaWhr' !== _0x1d70c9(0x118))
        else {
            const _0x427027 = _0x22b752 ? function() {
                const _0x7904c1 = _0x1d70c9;
                if (_0x7904c1(0x103) === _0x7904c1(0x112))
                else {
                    if (_0x2b30a8) {
                        const _0x4a870c = _0x2b30a8[_0x7904c1(0x104)](_0x17066c, arguments);
                        return _0x2b30a8 = null,
            : function() {}
            return _0x22b752 = ![],
  , a0_0x52e7a7 = a0_0xb48a92(this, function() {
    const _0x3c0fc9 = a0_0x1012;
    return a0_0x52e7a7[_0x3c0fc9(0x109)]()['search'](_0x3c0fc9(0x10a))[_0x3c0fc9(0x109)]()[_0x3c0fc9(0x11c)](a0_0x52e7a7)['search'](_0x3c0fc9(0x10a));
function a0_0x1012(_0x58ffb3, _0x32373e) {
    const _0x561d5f = a0_0x11b5();
    return a0_0x1012 = function(_0x52e7a7, _0xb48a92) {
        _0x52e7a7 = _0x52e7a7 - 0xfa;
        let _0x11b5de = _0x561d5f[_0x52e7a7];
        return _0x11b5de;
    a0_0x1012(_0x58ffb3, _0x32373e);
document[a0_0x3bb168(0x11b)](a0_0x3bb168(0xfc), function() {
    const _0x81cae1 = a0_0x3bb168;
    function _0x1edf9c() {
        const _0x342f6b = a0_0x1012;
        console[_0x342f6b(0x11a)] = function() {}
        console['error'] = function() {}
        setTimeout(console[_0x342f6b(0x10c)], 0x0);
        debugger ;
    function _0x4bf0a2() {
        const _0x361841 = a0_0x1012
          , _0x2582a8 = 0xa0
          , _0x2ef032 = new Image();
        Object[_0x361841(0x105)](_0x2ef032, 'id', {
            'get': function() {
                const _0x3dc926 = _0x361841;
                'LdwwM' !== _0x3dc926(0x116) ? _0x4cf4e6() : _0x1edf9c();
        setInterval(function() {
            const _0x2838d7 = _0x361841;
            if (_0x2838d7(0x10f) === _0x2838d7(0x10f))
                (window[_0x2838d7(0x101)] - window[_0x2838d7(0x122)] > _0x2582a8 || window['outerHeight'] - window[_0x2838d7(0xfd)] > _0x2582a8) && _0x1edf9c();
                return _0x1d578d[_0x2838d7(0x109)]()['search'](_0x2838d7(0x10a))[_0x2838d7(0x109)]()['constructor'](_0x22529c)[_0x2838d7(0x10e)](_0x2838d7(0x10a));
        }, 0x3e8);
    try {
        if (navigator[_0x81cae1(0x102)]['indexOf'](_0x81cae1(0x106)) !== -0x1) {
            if ('nokyR' === _0x81cae1(0xff)) {
                var _0x5b3a22 = {
                    get 'message'() {
                        const _0x5b640b = _0x81cae1;
                        if (_0x5b640b(0xfe) !== _0x5b640b(0xfe)) {
                            const _0x2abe86 = 0xa0
                              , _0x17afc0 = new _0x384796();
                            _0x102a47[_0x5b640b(0x105)](_0x17afc0, 'id', {
                                'get': function() {
                            _0xfb769d(function() {
                                const _0x3ce0cf = _0x5b640b;
                                (_0x3ef931[_0x3ce0cf(0x101)] - _0x2fd71c[_0x3ce0cf(0x122)] > _0x2abe86 || _0x5171fc[_0x3ce0cf(0x119)] - _0x5a83d2[_0x3ce0cf(0xfd)] > _0x2abe86) && _0xd654df();
                            }, 0x3e8);
                        } else
                    'toString': function() {
                        const _0x153443 = _0x81cae1;
                        new Error()[_0x153443(0x111)][_0x153443(0x120)](_0x153443(0x11d)) && _0x1edf9c();
            } else
                (_0x40253f['outerWidth'] - _0x10e685[_0x81cae1(0x122)] > _0x5473e8 || _0x18f2f0[_0x81cae1(0x119)] - _0x28c0b0[_0x81cae1(0xfd)] > _0x3979d7) && _0x2fc6d3();
    } catch (_0x3190f9) {}

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