Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

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"typelevel" => "0", "typeby" => "time", "typeyear" => "20", "typenum" => "", "type1" => "1", "typetext" => "新片上线", "typetexteg" => "NEW FILM ONLINE", "typeby1" => "time", "typeyear1" => "22", "typenum1" => "", "typestart" => "9", "type2" => "1", "typetext1" => "排行榜", "typetexteg1" => "RANKING", "typeyear2" => '', "typenum2" => "16", "type3" => "1", "typetext2" => "最近更新", "typetexteg2" => "LATEST UPDATE", "typeby3" => "time", "typeyear3" => '', "typenum3" => "16", "actortext" => "2", "actornum" => "16", "actor1text" => "内地,韩国,香港,日本,美国,欧洲,英国,台湾", "actor1num" => '', "ypktxet" => "72", "showclass" => "1", "showjq" => "1", "showarea" => "1", "showyear" => "1", "showlang" => "1", "showzm" => "1", "showby" => "1", "newtext" => "今日更新", "newby" => "time", "neworder" => "desc", "newyear" => "22", "newnum" => "48", "newtext1" => "新片上线", "newby1" => "time", "neworder1" => "desc", "newyear1" => "2022", "newnum1" => "48", "hottext" => "最近热门", "hotby" => "hits", "hotorder" => "desc", "hotyear" => '', "hotnum" => "48", "hottext1" => "近期热门", "hotby1" => "hits", "hotorder1" => "desc", "hotyear1" => "22", "hotnum1" => "48"), "s3" => array("slide" => "1", "slidebill" => "1", "slidetj" => "9", "slidenum" => "10", "slideby" => "time", "slideorder" => "desc", "slidefb" => "1", "indexweektext" => "追剧周表", "indexweektextfbt" => '', "indexweeknumsy" => '', "indexweeknum" => '', "indextopic" => "1", "indextopictext" => "专题", "indextopiceg" => "ZHUANTI", "indextopicnum" => '', "indexart" => "1", "indexartdh" => "1", "indexarurl" => "/index.php/art/type/id/7.html", "indexarttext" => "资讯", "indexarteg" => "ZIXUN", "indexartnum" => '', "indexhot" => "1", "indexhotpic" => "1", "indexhottext" => "正在热映", "indexhottextfbt" => '', "indexhottj" => "1", "indexhotnum" => "16", "indexlist" => "1", "indexlistid" => "parent", "indexlistnum1" => "", "indexlistby1" => "time", "indexlistyear1" => "2022", "indexlistorder1" => "desc", "indextop" => "1", "indextopid" => "parent", "indextoptext" => "热榜", "indextopeg" => "RANKING", "indextopnum" => "10", "indextopby" => "hits", "indextopyear" => "22", "indextoporder" => "desc", "indexlink" => "1", "indexlinknum" => "99", "indexactordh" => "1", "indexactorurl" => "/index.php/actor/type/id/6.html"), "s5" => array("notice" => "1", "noticetext" => "公告内容", "noticecontent" => "<strong><p>◆欢迎使用22 觅知MxPro 系列影视模板</p>
<p>◆最新版本觅知现已更新至MxPro V4p+</p>\xd\xa<p>◆觅知承诺源代码无任何外链以及无后门</p></strong>
\xa<br/>1.化繁为简<br/>2.全新框架全新UI<br/>3.去除多余繁杂的页面和功能给你一款简约清新的模板<br/>4.觅知新增众多新功能,详情请访问觅知博客更新记录<br/>更多功能查看后台请慢慢体验!!!", "bftip" => "1", "descds" => "1", "shier" => "1", "ctrl" => "1", "right" => "1", "mode" => "1", "pbtips" => "你知道的太多了", "tbdmtips" => '', "dbdmtips" => '', "stylecss" => ''), "s6" => array("adsindexdm" => "<div class="module-adslist  ads_w">\xd\xa<a target="_blank" href=""><img src=",webp" alt="文本" width="100%"><i class="gg-icon"></i></a>
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