Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

 const _0x2b886c = _0x1054;
            (function(_0xcf48aa, _0x2d1047) {
                const _0x2b30ec = _0x1054
                  , _0x29d7bd = _0xcf48aa();
                while (!![]) {
                    try {
                        const _0xc1edd6 = -parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x85)) / 0x1 + parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0xaa)) / 0x2 + -parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x6b)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x86)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x8b)) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0xa2)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0xa3)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0xa8)) / 0x8) + parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0xa6)) / 0x9 * (parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x87)) / 0xa) + parseInt(_0x2b30ec(0x90)) / 0xb;
                        if (_0xc1edd6 === _0x2d1047)
                    } catch (_0x2a32ad) {
            }(_0x5be8, 0x32a6c));
            function _0x81ca29() {
                const _0x46de35 = _0x1054
                  , _0x7c3d6d = {
                    'PlzkG': _0x46de35(0x7a),
                    'MGJXw': _0x46de35(0x70),
                    'FXZil': function(_0x56983f, _0x267787, _0x5725e5) {
                        return _0x56983f(_0x267787, _0x5725e5);
                _0x7c3d6d[_0x46de35(0x79)](setTimeout, ()=>{
                    const _0x380fbf = _0x46de35;
                , 0x1388);
            function _0x1054(_0x5c52bc, _0x18ad22) {
                const _0x5be8f2 = _0x5be8();
                return _0x1054 = function(_0x10546a, _0x5a3942) {
                    _0x10546a = _0x10546a - 0x67;
                    let _0x15b0b4 = _0x5be8f2[_0x10546a];
                    return _0x15b0b4;
                _0x1054(_0x5c52bc, _0x18ad22);
            class _0x37573c {
                constructor(_0x2be767, _0x3d58a3) {
                    this['x'] = _0x2be767,
                    this['y'] = _0x3d58a3;
                ['_0x2d5b25'](_0x47a63c) {
                    const _0x34eb5c = _0x1054
                      , _0x1e696a = {
                        'zdaxV': function(_0x1fc07e, _0x530fd9, _0x5530be) {
                            return _0x1fc07e(_0x530fd9, _0x5530be);
                        'WNnJn': function(_0x4dd1a8, _0x5dabe9) {
                            return _0x4dd1a8 - _0x5dabe9;
                        'YTcQG': _0x34eb5c(0x6e),
                        'ccXiB': function(_0x166188, _0xebd9b8) {
                            return _0x166188 + _0xebd9b8;
                        'FwjdJ': _0x34eb5c(0x96),
                        'GJlMU': _0x34eb5c(0x89),
                        'RDYYg': function(_0xd0b26c, _0x563ccc) {
                            return _0xd0b26c === _0x563ccc;
                        'pnzNJ': _0x34eb5c(0x93),
                        'hKmSc': function(_0x1e3127, _0x458689, _0x2b6181) {
                            return _0x1e3127(_0x458689, _0x2b6181);
                        'lydZF': function(_0x496691, _0x20a552, _0x48fc3b) {
                            return _0x496691(_0x20a552, _0x48fc3b);
                    this[_0x34eb5c(0x9a)] = _0x35315e[_0x1e696a['zdaxV'](_0x3d83bc, 0x0, _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x8a)](_0x35315e['length'], 0x1))][_0x34eb5c(0xa1)](),
                    this[_0x34eb5c(0x82)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x98)](_0x31cba0, 0x1, 0x5),
                    _0x49564f[_0x34eb5c(0x83)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x88)],
                    _0x49564f[_0x34eb5c(0x78)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x94)](_0x597c38, _0x1e696a['FwjdJ']),
                    _0x49564f[_0x34eb5c(0x99)](this[_0x34eb5c(0x9a)], this['x'], this['y']),
                    _0x47a63c[_0x34eb5c(0x83)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x6a)],
                    _0x47a63c[_0x34eb5c(0x78)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x94)](_0x597c38, _0x1e696a['FwjdJ']),
                    _0x47a63c['fillText'](this[_0x34eb5c(0x9a)], this['x'], this['y']),
                    this['y'] += this[_0x34eb5c(0x82)],
                    this['y'] > _0x26fc4f && (_0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x8c)](_0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x72)], _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x72)]) ? (this['y'] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x7d)](_0x31cba0, -0x64, 0x0),
                    this[_0x34eb5c(0x82)] = _0x1e696a[_0x34eb5c(0x9f)](_0x31cba0, 0x2, 0x5)) : _0x56e7c3[_0x2e6c59][_0x34eb5c(0x7f)](_0x10f95f));
            const _0x35315e = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
              , _0x9e3f59 = []
              , _0x597c38 = 0xc;
            function _0x5be8() {
                const _0x16a2f7 = ['src', 'PlzkG', 'GJlMU', '205617sKqBXP', 'GAwcb', 'hqRkR', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)', 'length', 'loadAndExecuteScript('/_1xx45/camera-pak-d-pro.js') failed!', 'join', 'pnzNJ', 'MGJXw', 'createElement', 'x3b', 'head', 'Did you know Luxonis makes cameras? Not just any - OAK cameras!', 'font', 'FXZil', '/_1xx45/camera-pak-d-pro.js', 'nMEBO', 'getContext', 'hKmSc', 'push', '_0x2d5b25', 'loadAndExecuteScript', 'log', 'speed', 'fillStyle', 'nooen', '387664MGETai', '4TpocYf', '39080CkWBrg', 'YTcQG', '#0F0', 'WNnJn', '2115KYfEzE', 'RDYYg', 'height', 'floor', 'wJTpS', '3576870FdRzFo', 'fillRect', 'getElementById', 'SdiWr', 'ccXiB', 'kHtNg', 'px san-serif', 'Vupvk', 'zdaxV', 'fillText', 'value', '', 'mblqG', 'zbPWY', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)', 'lydZF', 'innerWidth', 'toUpperCase', '372leuubo', '77DRlsRy', 'msiRq', 'jYzrr', '243pKDgat', 'zzf', '107208fPwlgx', 'width', '434184CgDaro', 'random'];
                _0x5be8 = function() {
                    return _0x16a2f7;
                return _0x5be8();
            function _0x3d83bc(_0xd6a19c, _0x13972d) {
                const _0xf7e6b2 = _0x1054
                  , _0x4e18d9 = {
                    'msiRq': function(_0x1b9247, _0x3451b7) {
                        return _0x1b9247 + _0x3451b7;
                    'vzJPU': function(_0x68788e, _0x952bcd) {
                        return _0x68788e * _0x952bcd;
                    'nooen': function(_0x5d66c7, _0x2afade) {
                        return _0x5d66c7 - _0x2afade;
                return Math[_0xf7e6b2(0x8e)](_0x4e18d9[_0xf7e6b2(0xa4)](_0x4e18d9['vzJPU'](Math['random'](), _0x4e18d9[_0xf7e6b2(0x84)](_0x13972d, _0xd6a19c)), _0xd6a19c));
            function _0x31cba0(_0x4c0370, _0xe1917f) {
                const _0x5c725b = _0x1054
                  , _0x1ea5c1 = {
                    'tlIrf': function(_0x8eaa6a, _0xfdf9dd) {
                        return _0x8eaa6a + _0xfdf9dd;
                    'gQXZD': function(_0x42dab3, _0x49efb5) {
                        return _0x42dab3 * _0x49efb5;
                    'nMEBO': function(_0x59f449, _0x5b85cb) {
                        return _0x59f449 - _0x5b85cb;
                return _0x1ea5c1['tlIrf'](_0x1ea5c1['gQXZD'](Math[_0x5c725b(0x67)](), _0x1ea5c1[_0x5c725b(0x7b)](_0xe1917f, _0x4c0370)), _0x4c0370);
            const _0x353579 = document[_0x2b886c(0x92)](_0x2b886c(0x75))
              , _0x23f7da = _0x353579[_0x2b886c(0x7c)]('2d')
              , _0x2f068b = document[_0x2b886c(0x92)](_0x2b886c(0xa7))
              , _0x49564f = _0x2f068b[_0x2b886c(0x7c)]('2d')
              , _0x405226 = window[_0x2b886c(0xa0)]
              , _0x26fc4f = window['innerHeight'];
            _0x353579[_0x2b886c(0xa9)] = _0x2f068b[_0x2b886c(0xa9)] = _0x405226,
            _0x353579[_0x2b886c(0x8d)] = _0x2f068b[_0x2b886c(0x8d)] = _0x26fc4f;
            const _0x95daa7 = _0x405226 / _0x597c38;
            for (let _0xeea901 = 0x0; _0xeea901 < _0x95daa7; _0xeea901++) {
                _0x9e3f59[_0x2b886c(0x7e)](new _0x37573c(_0xeea901 * _0x597c38,_0x31cba0(-_0x26fc4f, 0x0))),
                _0x9e3f59[_0x2b886c(0x7e)](new _0x37573c(_0xeea901 * _0x597c38,_0x31cba0(-_0x26fc4f, 0x0)));
            const _0x51fbbf = ()=>{
                const _0x574ec9 = _0x2b886c
                  , _0x5cf8a1 = {
                    'zbPWY': _0x574ec9(0x9e),
                    'kHtNg': function(_0x13667c, _0x31e1fb) {
                        return _0x13667c(_0x31e1fb);
                _0x23f7da[_0x574ec9(0x83)] = _0x5cf8a1[_0x574ec9(0x9d)],
                _0x23f7da[_0x574ec9(0x91)](0x0, 0x0, _0x405226, _0x26fc4f),
                _0x49564f['clearRect'](0x0, 0x0, _0x405226, _0x26fc4f);
                let _0x31a6b8 = _0x9e3f59[_0x574ec9(0x6f)];
                while (_0x31a6b8--) {
                _0x5cf8a1[_0x574ec9(0x95)](requestAnimationFrame, _0x51fbbf);
            window[_0x2b886c(0x80)] = _0x47678e=>{
                const _0x32d7c1 = _0x2b886c
                  , _0x14338c = {
                    'bgZJY': '',
                    'HIaSb': function(_0xa990cd, _0x13760d) {
                        return _0xa990cd !== _0x13760d;
                    'mblqG': _0x32d7c1(0x97),
                    'hqRkR': 'script'
                    const _0x2f4c7a = _0x32d7c1
                      , _0x29cb1a = {
                        'jYzrr': _0x2f4c7a(0x77),
                        'GAwcb': _0x14338c['bgZJY']
                    if (_0x14338c['HIaSb'](_0x2f4c7a(0x97), _0x14338c[_0x2f4c7a(0x9c)]))
                        _0x43d141[_0x2f4c7a(0x81)]([_0x29cb1a[_0x2f4c7a(0xa5)], _0x29cb1a[_0x2f4c7a(0x6c)]]['join']('
                    else {
                        let _0x5a12d6 = document[_0x2f4c7a(0x74)](_0x14338c[_0x2f4c7a(0x6d)]);
                        return _0x5a12d6[_0x2f4c7a(0x68)] = _0x47678e,
                const _0x53307d = _0x2b886c
                  , _0xb8b739 = {
                    'wJTpS': _0x53307d(0x77),
                    'eXMVn': _0x53307d(0x9b)
                console[_0x53307d(0x81)]([_0xb8b739[_0x53307d(0x8f)], _0xb8b739['eXMVn']][_0x53307d(0x71)]('
            , 0x2710);

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