namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\CodeModel;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\Status;
use App\Models\_ftext;
use App\Models\KeysModel;
use App\Models\UserModel;
use CodeIgniter\Config\Services;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class User extends BaseController
protected $model, $userid, $user;
public function __construct()
$this->userid = session()->userid;
$this->model = new UserModel();
$this->user = $this->model->getUser($this->userid);
$this->time = new \CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
public function index()
$keysModel = new KeysModel();
$userModel= new UserModel();
$data = [
'title' => 'DASHBOARD',
'user' => $this->user,
'time' => $this->time,
'keysAll' => $keysModel->countAll(),
'usedKeys' => $keysModel->where(array('expired_date IS NOT NULL' => NULL))->countAllResults(),
'unusedKeys' => $keysModel->where(array('expired_date IS NULL' => NULL))->countAllResults(),
'userAll' => $userModel->countAll(),
//'history' => $historyModel->getAll(),
return view('User/dashboard', $data);
public function ref_index()
$user = $this->user;
if ($user->level != 1)
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgWarning', 'Access Denied!');
if ($this->request->getPost())
return $this->reff_action();
$mCode = new CodeModel();
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'REFERRAL',
'user' => $user,
'time' => $this->time,
'code' => $mCode->getCode(),
'total_code' => $mCode->countAllResults(),
'validation' => $validation
return view('Admin/referral', $data);
private function reff_action()
$saldo = $this->request->getPost('set_saldo');
$form_rules = [
'set_saldo' => [
'label' => 'SALDO',
'rules' => 'required|numeric|max_length[11]|greater_than_equal_to[0]',
'errors' => [
'greater_than_equal_to' => 'Invalid currency, cannot set to minus.'
if (!$this->validate($form_rules)) {
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('msgDanger', 'Failed, check the form');
} else {
$code = "Yashu". random_string('alnum', 5);
$codeHash = create_password($code, false);
$referral_code = [
'code' => $codeHash,
'set_saldo' => ($saldo < 1 ? 0 : $saldo),
'created_by' => session('unames')
$mCode = new CodeModel();
$ids = $mCode->insert($referral_code, true);
if ($ids) {
$msg = "REFERRAL : $code";
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', $msg);
public function api_get_users()
// API for DataTables
$model = $this->model;
return $model->API_getUser();
public function manage_users()
$user = $this->user;
if ($user->level != 1)
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgWarning', 'Access Denied!');
$model = $this->model;
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'USERS',
'user' => $user,
'user_list' => $model->getUserList(),
'time' => $this->time,
'validation' => $validation
return view('Admin/users', $data);
public function singleDelete($id){
$model = new userModel();
// $id = $this->request->getPost('user_id');
// echo $userid;
return redirect()->to('admin/manage-users');
public function alterUser(){
echo 'hello';
$model = new userModel();
$data=$model->where('id_users !=', 1)->delete();
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'success');
public function user_edit($userid = false)
$user = $this->user;
if ($user->level != 1)
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgWarning', 'Access Denied!');
if ($this->request->getPost())
return $this->user_edit_action();
$model = $this->model;
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'SETTINGS',
'user' => $user,
'target' => $model->getUser($userid),
'user_list' => $model->getUserList(),
'time' => $this->time,
'validation' => $validation,
return view('Admin/user_edit', $data);
private function user_edit_action()
$model = $this->model;
$userid = $this->request->getPost('user_id');
$target = $model->getUser($userid);
if (!$target) {
$msg = "USER NO EXISTS - DM - @CronaViruss_Bot";
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgDanger', $msg);
$username = $this->request->getPost('username');
$form_rules = [
'username' => [
'label' => 'username',
'rules' => "required|alpha_numeric|min_length[4]|max_length[25]|is_unique[users.username,username,$target->username]",
'errors' => [
'is_unique' => 'The {field} has taken by other.'
'fullname' => [
'label' => 'name',
'rules' => 'permit_empty|alpha_space|min_length[4]|max_length[155]',
'errors' => [
'alpha_space' => 'The {field} only allow alphabetical characters and spaces.'
'level' => [
'label' => 'roles',
'rules' => 'required|numeric|in_list[1,2]',
'errors' => [
'in_list' => 'Invalid {field}.'
'status' => [
'label' => 'status',
'rules' => 'required|numeric|in_list[0,1]',
'errors' => [
'in_list' => 'Invalid {field} account.'
'saldo' => [
'label' => 'saldo',
'rules' => 'permit_empty|numeric|max_length[11]|greater_than_equal_to[0]',
'errors' => [
'greater_than_equal_to' => 'Invalid currency, cannot set to minus.'
'uplink' => [
'label' => 'uplink',
'rules' => 'required|alpha_numeric|is_not_unique[users.username,username,]',
'errors' => [
'is_not_unique' => 'Uplink not registered anymore.'
if (!$this->validate($form_rules)) {
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('msgDanger', 'sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ! ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ ᴏʀ ᴅᴍ - ᴘᴀɴᴇʟ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ');
} else {
$fullname = $this->request->getPost('fullname');
$level = $this->request->getPost('level');
$status = $this->request->getPost('status');
$saldo = $this->request->getPost('saldo');
$uplink = $this->request->getPost('uplink');
$data_update = [
'username' => $username,
'fullname' => esc($fullname),
'level' => $level,
'status' => $status,
'saldo' => (($saldo < 1) ? 0 : $saldo),
'uplink' => $uplink,
$update = $model->update($userid, $data_update);
if ($update) {
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', "Successfuly update $target->username.");
public function upload()
// Validation
$input = $this->validate([
'file' => 'uploaded[file]|max_size[file,1024]|ext_in[file,jpg,jpeg,docx,pdf],'
if (!$input) { // Not valid
$data['validation'] = $this->validator;
return view('User/settingz',$data);
}else{ // Valid
if($file = $this->request->getFile('file')) {
if ($file->isValid() && ! $file->hasMoved()) {
// Get file name and extension
$name = $file->getName();
$ext = $file->getClientExtension();
// Get random file name
$newName = $file->getRandomName();
// Store file in public/uploads/ folder
$file->move('../public/uploads', $newName);
// File path to display preview
$filepath = base_url()."public/upload/".$newName;
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'Uploaded Successfully!');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-success');
session()->setFlashdata('filepath', $filepath);
session()->setFlashdata('extension', $ext);
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'File not uploaded.');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-danger');
return redirect()->route('/');
public function settings()
if ($this->request->getPost('password_form'))
return $this->passwd_act();
if ($this->request->getPost('fullname_form'))
return $this->fullname_act();
$user = $this->user;
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'SETTINGS',
'user' => $user,
'time' => $this->time,
'validation' => $validation
return view('User/settings', $data);
public function Server()
$user = $this->user;
if ($user->level == 1)
if ($this->request->getPost('modname_form'))
return $this->modname_act();
if ($this->request->getPost('status_form'))
return $this->status_act();
if ($this->request->getPost('password_form'))
return $this->passwd_act();
if ($user->level == 1)
if ($this->request->getPost('_ftext'))
return $this->_ftext_act();
if ($this->request->getPost('fullname_form'))
return $this->fullname_act();
$user = $this->user;
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'SERVER',
'user' => $user,
'time' => $this->time,
'validation' => $validation
//==================================Mod Name======================//
$id = 1;
$model= new Server();
$data['row'] = $model->where('id',$id)->first();
if ($user->level == 1){
return view('Server/Server',$data);
else {
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgWarning','Access Deniend');
//==================================Mod Status======================//
private function _ftext_act()
$id = 1;
$model= new _ftext();
$myinput = $this->request->getPost('_ftext');
$status = $this->request->getPost('_ftextr');
if($status == "1"){
if($status == "2"){
$wow="Play Safe || Avoid Report";
$data = ['_ftext' => $myinput,'_status' => $wow];
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'Successfuly Changed Mod Floating And Status.');
private function status_act()
$id = 11;
$model= new Status();
$myinput = $this->request->getPost('myInput');
$status = $this->request->getPost('radios');
if($status == "1"){
if($status == "2"){
$data = ['myinput' => $myinput,'status' => $wow];
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'Mod Status Successfuly Changed.');
private function modname_act()
$id = 1;
$model= new Server();
$new_modname = $this->request->getPost('modname');
$data = ['modname' => $new_modname];
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'Mod Name Successfuly Changed.');
private function passwd_act()
$current = $this->request->getPost('current');
$password = $this->request->getPost('password');
$user = $this->user;
$currHash = create_password($current, false);
$validation = Services::validation();
if (!password_verify($currHash, $user->password)) {
$msg = "Wrong current password.";
$validation->setError('current', $msg);
} elseif ($current == $password) {
$msg = "Nothing to change.";
$validation->setError('password', $msg);
$form_rules = [
'fullname' => [
'label' => 'name',
'rules' => 'required|alpha_space|min_length[4]|max_length[155]',
'errors' => [
'alpha_space' => 'The {field} only allow alphabetical characters and spaces.'
if (!$this->validate($form_rules)) {
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('msgDanger', 'Something wrong! Please check the form');
} else {
$newPassword = create_password($current);
$this->model->update(session('userid'), ['password' => $newPassword]);
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'Password Successfuly Changed.');
private function fullname_act()
$user = $this->user;
$newName = $this->request->getPost('fullname');
if ($user->fullname == $newName) {
$validation = Services::validation();
$msg = "Nothing to change.";
$validation->setError('fullname', $msg);
$form_rules = [
'fullname' => [
'label' => 'name',
'rules' => 'required|alpha_space|min_length[4]|max_length[155]',
'errors' => [
'alpha_space' => 'The {field} only allow alphabetical characters and spaces.'
if (!$this->validate($form_rules)) {
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('msgDanger', 'Failed! Please check the form');
} else {
$this->model->update(session('userid'), ['fullname' => esc($newName)]);
return redirect()->back()->with('msgSuccess', 'Account Detail Successfuly Changed.');
public function lib()
$user = $this->user;
if ($user->level != 1)
return redirect()->to('dashboard')->with('msgWarning', 'Access Denied!');
if ($this->request->getPost())
return $this->lib_action();
$mCode = new CodeModel();
$validation = Services::validation();
$data = [
'title' => 'REFERRAL',
'user' => $user,
'time' => $this->time,
'code' => $mCode->getCode(),
'total_code' => $mCode->countAllResults(),
'validation' => $validation
return view('lib/lib', $data);
public function lib_action()
//$img = $this->request->getFile('libfile');
// Validation
$input = $this->validate([
'file' => 'uploaded[file]|max_size[file,1024]|ext_in[so],'
if (!$input) { // Not valid
$data['validation'] = $this->validator;
return view('users',$data);
}else{ // Valid
if($file = $this->request->getFile('file')) {
if ($file->isValid() && ! $file->hasMoved()) {
// Get file name and extension
$name = $file->getName();
$ext = $file->getClientExtension();
// Get random file name
$newName = $file->getRandomName();
// Store file in public/uploads/ folder
$file->move('../public/uploads', $newName);
// File path to display preview
$filepath = base_url()."/uploads/".$newName;
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'Uploaded Successfully!');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-success');
session()->setFlashdata('filepath', $filepath);
session()->setFlashdata('extension', $ext);
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'File not uploaded.');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-danger');
return redirect()->route('/');
// Validation
$input = $this->validate([
'file' => 'uploaded[file]|max_size[file,1024]|ext_in[file,jpg,jpeg,docx,pdf],'
if (!$input) { // Not valid
$data['validation'] = $this->validator;
return view('users',$data);
}else{ // Valid
if($file = $this->request->getFile('file')) {
if ($file->isValid() && ! $file->hasMoved()) {
// Get file name and extension
$name = $file->getName();
$ext = $file->getClientExtension();
// Get random file name
$newName = $file->getRandomName();
// Store file in public/uploads/ folder
$file->move('../writable/uploads', $newName);
// File path to display preview
$filepath = base_url()."/uploads/".$newName;
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'Uploaded Successfully!');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-success');
session()->setFlashdata('filepath', $filepath);
session()->setFlashdata('extension', $ext);
// Set Session
session()->setFlashdata('message', 'File not uploaded.');
session()->setFlashdata('alert-class', 'alert-danger');
return redirect()->route('/');
//echo "jdjd";
// $data = ['uploaded_fileinfo' => new File($filepath)];
// return view('upload_success', $data);
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