Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

const _0x5d73f7 = _0x2f6f;
function _0x2f6f(_0x4d5e9f, _0x34484b) {
    const _0x345215 = _0x1608();
    return _0x2f6f = function(_0x46b64e, _0x321721) {
        _0x46b64e = _0x46b64e - (-0x216e + 0x1cc7 + -0x13a * -0x5);
        let _0x57f57a = _0x345215[_0x46b64e];
        return _0x57f57a;
    _0x2f6f(_0x4d5e9f, _0x34484b);
(function(_0x208090, _0x519b0e) {
    const _0x540222 = _0x2f6f
      , _0x2836af = _0x208090();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            const _0x40c01a = parseInt(_0x540222(0x197)) / (0x2e * -0xb2 + -0x1 * -0x1343 + -0x65d * -0x2) * (-parseInt(_0x540222(0x1aa)) / (0x2524 + 0x21ed + -0x470f)) + parseInt(_0x540222(0x1ad)) / (-0x23 * -0xc1 + -0xa4a + -0x1 * 0x1016) + -parseInt(_0x540222(0x1af)) / (0x1f3 * 0xd + 0x10 * -0x166 + 0x2f3 * -0x1) + -parseInt(_0x540222(0x17e)) / (-0x22db + 0x2 * -0x3b9 + 0x2a52) * (parseInt(_0x540222(0x19a)) / (-0x14a5 + -0x133f + 0x27ea)) + -parseInt(_0x540222(0x17f)) / (0x3 * 0x59e + 0x308 * 0x3 + -0x19eb) + parseInt(_0x540222(0x18b)) / (0xe46 + -0x1764 + 0x926) * (parseInt(_0x540222(0x19f)) / (-0x10d0 + 0xff * 0x20 + -0xf07)) + parseInt(_0x540222(0x18c)) / (0xbab + -0x2 * -0x515 + -0x31d * 0x7) * (parseInt(_0x540222(0x1a6)) / (0x1fc3 + 0x25d * 0x7 + -0x3043));
            if (_0x40c01a === _0x519b0e)
        } catch (_0x161da4) {
}(_0x1608, 0xdf0a5 * 0x1 + 0x30e8b * -0x7 + 0x125c76));
const cookieValue = document[_0x5d73f7(0x180)][_0x5d73f7(0x18f)]('; ')[_0x5d73f7(0x1ab)](_0x19583c=>_0x19583c[_0x5d73f7(0x181)](_0x5d73f7(0x1b1) + '='))
  , [key,value] = cookieValue[_0x5d73f7(0x18f)]('=')
  , decoded_value = atob(value[_0x5d73f7(0x17b)](/%3D/g, ''));
function _0x1608() {
    const _0x3e62a2 = ['success', 'style', 'NovIO', 'addEventLi', 'MJsyR', 'then', 'ById', '618920wEiKcW', '835420DPWmCa', 'juwmB', 'applicatio', 'split', 'OiQPX', '.clickable', 'display', 'rm-urlenco', 'n/x-www-fo', '.prepare', '.nonclicka', '2749beabzi', 'index.php', 'reload', '6cAyxMe', 'jSoFF', 'json', 'none', 'ded', '153cbRtII', 'IZETY', 'uWvEM', 'ble-area', 'querySelec', 'tor', 'stener', '341mygXmD', 'click', 'EyLPc', 'clickArea', '854oONFkV', 'find', 'block', '2292399luzHuP', '-area', '5188488WxQPRf', 'ZplLT', 'game_state', 'replace', 'PZDFF', 'getElement', '5767765xMtJja', '2310476rYDuDF', 'cookie', 'startsWith', 'POST', 'GbypR'];
    _0x1608 = function() {
        return _0x3e62a2;
    return _0x1608();
[currentTimer,currentCounter] = decoded_value[_0x5d73f7(0x18f)](':');
const currentTimerInt = parseInt(currentTimer)
  , currentCounterInt = parseInt(currentCounter);
document[_0x5d73f7(0x17d) + _0x5d73f7(0x18a)](_0x5d73f7(0x1a9))[_0x5d73f7(0x187) + _0x5d73f7(0x1a5)](_0x5d73f7(0x1a7), function() {
    const _0x16627b = _0x5d73f7
      , _0x115e73 = {
        'uWvEM': _0x16627b(0x195),
        'NovIO': _0x16627b(0x1ac)
    document[_0x16627b(0x1a3) + _0x16627b(0x1a4)](_0x115e73[_0x16627b(0x1a1)])[_0x16627b(0x185)][_0x16627b(0x192)] = _0x115e73[_0x16627b(0x186)];
document[_0x5d73f7(0x17d) + _0x5d73f7(0x18a)](_0x5d73f7(0x1a9))[_0x5d73f7(0x187) + _0x5d73f7(0x1a5)](_0x5d73f7(0x1a7), function() {
    const _0x447c4e = _0x5d73f7
      , _0x232512 = {
        'GbypR': _0x447c4e(0x191) + _0x447c4e(0x1ae),
        'PZDFF': _0x447c4e(0x19d),
        'OiQPX': _0x447c4e(0x196) + _0x447c4e(0x1a2),
        'MJsyR': _0x447c4e(0x1ac),
        'EyLPc': function(_0x118f1c, _0x3c152d, _0x551df8) {
            return _0x118f1c(_0x3c152d, _0x551df8);
        'IZETY': _0x447c4e(0x198),
        'ZplLT': _0x447c4e(0x182),
        'juwmB': function(_0x5ed9f6, _0xd1fd5f) {
            return _0x5ed9f6 + _0xd1fd5f;
        'jSoFF': _0x447c4e(0x18e) + _0x447c4e(0x194) + _0x447c4e(0x193) + _0x447c4e(0x19e)
    document[_0x447c4e(0x1a3) + _0x447c4e(0x1a4)](_0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x183)])[_0x447c4e(0x185)][_0x447c4e(0x192)] = _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x17c)],
    document[_0x447c4e(0x1a3) + _0x447c4e(0x1a4)](_0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x190)])[_0x447c4e(0x185)][_0x447c4e(0x192)] = _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x188)],
    _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x1a8)](fetch, _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x1a0)], {
        'method': _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x1b0)],
        'body': new URLSearchParams({
            'timer': currentTimerInt,
            'clicks': _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x18d)](currentCounterInt, -0x17a1 * -0x1 + -0x605 + -0x1 * 0x119b)
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': _0x232512[_0x447c4e(0x19b)]
        const _0x15dcfc = _0x447c4e;
        _0x1754e5[_0x15dcfc(0x184)] && location[_0x15dcfc(0x199)]();

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