Online PHP and Javascript Decoder decode hidden script to uncover its real functionality

import { system as _0x462647, world as _0x208bd7, GameMode as _0x5f59b1, Player as _0x4eb3d6, ScriptEventSource as _0x3e399c } from '@minecraft/server'; import { HttpRequest as _0x4e9440, HttpRequestMethod as _0xbe0821, http as _0x4b8071, HttpHeader as _0x2a1d17 } from '@minecraft/server-net'; import { FormCancelationReason as _0x5c84e3, ModalFormData as _0x3cffc1 } from '@minecraft/server-ui'; import *as _0x2f5c46 from '@minecraft/server-admin'; import { bridgeEvents as _0x55e54b, bridge as _0xe0f62e, commandArgument as _0x367725, database as _0x31d389 } from './addons'; import { ScriptEventSource as _0x41a1ca, system as _0x19457e, world as _0x3834c2 } from '@minecraft/server'; import { variables as _0x281a8b, secrets as _0x223a4b } from '@minecraft/server-admin'; import { config as _0x2d17b6 } from './config'; const _0x2c7a79 = {}; _0x2c7a79['admin'] = 'admin', _0x2c7a79[_0x27f57c(0x339, 0x4ed, 0x3cc, 0x61e)] = _0x27f57c(0x2c2, 0x4ed, 0x52e, 0x5a2), _0x2c7a79['js'] = 'js'; var f = _0x2c7a79, re = _0x2efcde(0x6df, 0x708, 0x6e8, 0x503) + _0x27f57c(0x2d9, 0x42b, 0x448, 0x63c) + _0x2efcde(0x36b, 0x274, 0x1c5, 0x41c) + 'rent setup' + _0x2efcde(0x24d, 0x120, 0x427, 0x21d) + _0x27f57c(0x49b, 0x679, 0x823, 0x3e3) + _0x27f57c(0x6e5, 0x6c7, 0x4b4, 0x78b) + _0x27f57c(0x39b, 0x447, 0x55b, 0x5b6) + 'ne of the ' + 'following ' + 'commands o' + 'n console:' + _0x2efcde(0x6ac, 0x655, 0x678, 0x564) + _0x2efcde(0x35d, 0x545, 0x593, 0x4f0) + _0x27f57c(0x504, 0x39f, 0x26e, 0x4e9) + _0x27f57c(0x8a, 0x2a2, 0x72, 0x2f6) + _0x2efcde(0x449, 0x265, 0x354, 0x33e) + _0x2efcde(0x37a, 0x40b, 0x10, 0x211) + _0x27f57c(0x564, 0x69e, 0x7d8, 0x7d2) + ' esplorato' + _0x2efcde(0x401, 0x4ea, 0x234, 0x269) + _0x2efcde(0x67f, 0x5f5, 0x51b, 0x3f0), W = [_0x2efcde(0x137, 0x1e4, 0x2e8, 0x3c1), _0x27f57c(0x6be, 0x58e, 0x712, 0x76c) + 'nk', _0x27f57c(0x703, 0x53c, 0x42b, 0x58d) + 'tify', 'origin', _0x27f57c(0x4f9, 0x544, 0x739, 0x55d)], P = class { static #t = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' + _0x27f57c(0x4f8, 0x5ac, 0x6b1, 0x682) + 'UVWXYZabcd' + 'efghijklmn' + _0x27f57c(0x5a2, 0x61d, 0x46a, 0x598) + _0x27f57c(0x3df, 0x46f, 0x58f, 0x23b) + _0x27f57c(0x899, 0x6ee, 0x814, 0x77a); static [_0x2efcde(-0x188, 0x257, 0x307, 0x10f) + 'At'](_0x15e0aa, _0x420ad4) { function _0x23dd11(_0x1c6a17, _0x4f4354, _0x3340bc, _0x132e96) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4f4354, _0x4f4354 - 0x33, _0x3340bc - 0xfb, _0x1c6a17 - 0xd2); } function _0x5b6d57(_0xc41814, _0x26ed2e, _0x3b368d, _0x9a4bc9) { return _0x27f57c(_0x26ed2e, _0xc41814 - 0x2a, _0x3b368d - 0x195, _0x9a4bc9 - 0x198); } const _0x40f3aa = {}; _0x40f3aa[_0x23dd11(0x39c, 0x3fd, 0x425, 0x4fb)] = function (_0x1c32fd, _0x58f6f5) { return _0x1c32fd >= _0x58f6f5; }, _0x40f3aa[_0x5b6d57(0x2b4, 0x2e5, 0x34, 0x321)] = function (_0x4971da, _0x53c759) { return _0x4971da + _0x53c759; }; const _0x5349f8 = _0x40f3aa; return _0x5349f8[_0x23dd11(0x39c, 0x41f, 0x1fa, 0x60f)](_0x420ad4, -0x2 * 0x1e2 + 0x348 + 0x3e * 0x2) ? this.#t[_0x5b6d57(0x5f2, 0x4f3, 0x4b7, 0x507)](_0x15e0aa['charAt'](_0x420ad4)) : this.#t['indexOf'](_0x15e0aa[_0x5b6d57(0x472, 0x5dc, 0x3fa, 0x698)](_0x5349f8[_0x23dd11(0x222, 0xd, -0x11, 0x63)](_0x420ad4, _0x15e0aa[_0x23dd11(0x637, 0x72f, 0x53b, 0x66d)]))); } static get [_0x2efcde(0xeb, 0x26a, 0x14c, 0x22a) + _0x2efcde(0x35f, 0x2cb, 0x251, 0x2d6)]() { return this.#t; } }, $ = class r extends Map { static #t = null; #r = 0x1aa * 0x6 + -0x184 * -0x1 + -0x1 * 0xb80; constructor() { super(); function _0x55620f(_0x5ec56c, _0x3df3f3, _0x12da88, _0x455acc) { return _0x27f57c(_0x455acc, _0x5ec56c - -0x1aa, _0x12da88 - 0x66, _0x455acc - 0xa8); } let _0x45e16b = _0x3834c2['getDynamic' + _0x55620f(0x2ff, 0x4d2, 0x430, 0x1d1)](_0x55620f(0x2ce, 0x323, 0xe5, 0x313) + _0x1d7ae3(0x69c, 0x547, 0x4a6, 0x3e9) + _0x1d7ae3(0x465, 0x4f9, 0x696, 0x668)); function _0x1d7ae3(_0x55fefe, _0xf289ea, _0x201afd, _0x4a7ba5) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4a7ba5, _0xf289ea - -0x75, _0x201afd - 0x1d4, _0x4a7ba5 - 0x2e); } this.#r = _0x45e16b, this['reload'](), this.#s(); } [_0x2efcde(0x4e2, 0x32c, 0x283, 0x420)](_0x312187, _0x11fbc9) { function _0x3cd5bb(_0x3dd578, _0x5ba7b2, _0x113b9f, _0xe31a8c) { return _0x2efcde(_0x113b9f, _0x5ba7b2 - 0x1d2, _0x113b9f - 0x15b, _0x3dd578 - -0x16f); } const _0x42f0b3 = {}; _0x42f0b3['tUvzP'] = function (_0x41118c, _0x1b0520) { return _0x41118c === _0x1b0520; }, _0x42f0b3[_0x3cd5bb(0x2c2, 0x51e, 0x225, 0x39b)] = _0x3cd5bb(0x132, 0x14d, 0x17c, 0x16e), _0x42f0b3[_0x3cd5bb(0x1ac, 0x34d, -0xd8, 0x127)] = function (_0x362430, _0x5257f2) { return _0x362430 + _0x5257f2; }; function _0x3dc041(_0x505c27, _0x49e76a, _0x1e85d5, _0x1b8740) { return _0x2efcde(_0x49e76a, _0x49e76a - 0x171, _0x1e85d5 - 0x1a2, _0x505c27 - 0xab); } _0x42f0b3[_0x3dc041(0x580, 0x5c0, 0x2fa, 0x6fa)] = _0x3dc041(0x4b8, 0x260, 0x727, 0x2f8) + _0x3dc041(0x25b, 0x195, 0x421, 0x42c) + 'gs as wron' + _0x3cd5bb(0x46a, 0x49f, 0x483, 0x38b) + _0x3dc041(0x434, 0x3bb, 0x5c9, 0x4b5) + ; const _0x4de0cb = _0x42f0b3; if (_0x4de0cb[_0x3dc041(0x4ca, 0x571, 0x61d, 0x5f4)](this.#r, f[_0x3cd5bb(0x244, 0x154, 0x478, 0x26d)])) { if (_0x4de0cb[_0x3dc041(0x4ca, 0x448, 0x75c, 0x6b6)](_0x3cd5bb(0x2ce, 0x54, 0x25c, 0x2d7), _0x3dc041(0x4c3, 0x3d2, 0x44f, 0x2e1))) return async _0x49e21a => { function _0x2e4964(_0x562a6b, _0x1cb28e, _0x30d528, _0x8cda1f) { return _0x3cd5bb(_0x8cda1f - 0x326, _0x1cb28e - 0x198, _0x562a6b, _0x8cda1f - 0x83); } let _0x3cec8e = _0x49e21a[_0x2a0a49(0x383, 0x9f, 0x169, 0x1ce)] ? _0x49e21a[_0x2a0a49(0x37b, 0x15a, 0x169, 0x67)] : _0x49e21a; function _0x2a0a49(_0x3dd95b, _0x4268db, _0x3d4ee9, _0x22565e) { return _0x3cd5bb(_0x3d4ee9 - -0x110, _0x4268db - 0x91, _0x3dd95b, _0x22565e - 0x187); } this[_0x2a0a49(0x190, -0x3e, -0x8b, 0x86)] && _0x478852[_0x2a0a49(0x22b, 0x31c, 0x1d2, 0x3fe) + 'e'](_0x2a0a49(0x1d3, -0x6d, 0x157, -0xb6) + _0x4814ad + ': ' + _0x5cd571 + '
' + _0x3cec8e + '
'), _0x400178[_0x2a0a49(-0xa, 0x5a, 0x15c, 0x37f)][_0x2a0a49(-0xf9, 0x3a2, 0x159, 0x1d5)][_0x2a0a49(0x126, -0x2ee, -0xad, 0x1e4)]({ 'code': _0x4e7bae, 'message': _0x3cec8e }); }; else { let _0x163e36 = _0x4de0cb['tUvzP'](_0x312187, _0x3dc041(0x389, 0x493, 0xf8, 0x123)) ? _0x4de0cb[_0x3cd5bb(0x2c2, 0x380, 0x36f, 0xe9)] : _0x312187; super[_0x3cd5bb(0x2b1, 0x36, 0x499, 0x8a)](_0x312187, _0x11fbc9), _0x3834c2[_0x3dc041(0x4be, 0x55b, 0x422, 0x29c) + _0x3cd5bb(0x200, 0x49, 0x287, 0x1a8)](_0x4de0cb['fQjmO'](_0x3cd5bb(0x1cf, -0xbd, 0x32e, 0xfd) + 'i:', _0x163e36), _0x11fbc9); } } else throw new Error(_0x4de0cb[_0x3dc041(0x580, 0x7a2, 0x48d, 0x4ea)]); } [_0x2efcde(0x355, 0x1b6, 0x28c, 0x104)](_0x3a24f5) { function _0x322795(_0xaed0a6, _0x436d7f, _0x3f1e47, _0x157483) { return _0x2efcde(_0xaed0a6, _0x436d7f - 0x1a1, _0x3f1e47 - 0xb2, _0x436d7f - -0x125); } const _0x578ef6 = {}; _0x578ef6[_0x322795(0x2cb, 0x3e7, 0x1e5, 0x432)] = function (_0x543247, _0x5bc4fd) { return _0x543247 === _0x5bc4fd; }, _0x578ef6['welGW'] = function (_0x4173c4, _0xf34b19) { return _0x4173c4 === _0xf34b19; }, _0x578ef6[_0x322795(0x3ae, 0x163, 0x189, 0x1aa)] = _0x5fd6a4(0x83f, 0x757, 0x4eb, 0x6d8), _0x578ef6['rNrCx'] = _0x5fd6a4(0x492, 0x71a, 0x88a, 0x686); function _0x5fd6a4(_0x15daec, _0x5eb6b7, _0x4d8cbe, _0x444474) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4d8cbe, _0x5eb6b7 - 0x33f, _0x4d8cbe - 0x164, _0x444474 - 0x1de); } _0x578ef6[_0x322795(0x44d, 0x2aa, 0xaf, 0x1d9)] = function (_0x433157, _0x18d03c) { return _0x433157 + _0x18d03c; }, _0x578ef6['fKznP'] = _0x5fd6a4(0x538, 0x7b7, 0x68f, 0x780) + 'i:'; const _0x4ced93 = _0x578ef6; super['delete'](_0x3a24f5), _0x4ced93[_0x322795(0x45f, 0x3e7, 0x320, 0x415)](this.#r, f[_0x5fd6a4(0x787, 0x82c, 0x625, 0x956)]) && (_0x4ced93['welGW'](_0x3a24f5, _0x4ced93[_0x322795(-0x50, 0x163, 0x3a7, -0xee)]) && (_0x3a24f5 = _0x4ced93[_0x322795(0x3c6, 0x2c8, 0x82, 0x430)]), _0x3834c2[_0x5fd6a4(0xae2, 0x88c, 0x86f, 0x8ae) + _0x5fd6a4(0x59b, 0x7e8, 0x8bc, 0x56b)](_0x4ced93[_0x322795(0x36, 0x2aa, 0x53c, 0x94)](_0x4ced93[_0x322795(0x1f2, 0x456, 0x27f, 0x5f3)], _0x3a24f5), void (0xaa2 + -0xed7 + -0x167 * -0x3))); } [_0x2efcde(0x264, -0xe, 0x273, 0x151)]() { function _0x47fb5b(_0x5aa6a1, _0x2f983b, _0x23688a, _0x35a0b5) { return _0x27f57c(_0x35a0b5, _0x5aa6a1 - 0x284, _0x23688a - 0x16b, _0x35a0b5 - 0x137); } const _0xe9093b = {}; _0xe9093b[_0x412d5f(0x60b, 0x85c, 0x54e, 0x3f6)] = function (_0x427fc8, _0x460257) { return _0x427fc8 === _0x460257; }; function _0x412d5f(_0x34f2ad, _0xedf7a9, _0xdcee1a, _0x3b06aa) { return _0x27f57c(_0xdcee1a, _0x34f2ad - 0x23a, _0xdcee1a - 0x73, _0x3b06aa - 0x1bd); } _0xe9093b[_0x47fb5b(0x8c2, 0x67b, 0x651, 0x902)] = function (_0x24245b, _0x462132) { return _0x24245b + _0x462132; }, _0xe9093b['xHdLN'] = _0x47fb5b(0x6fc, 0x4b9, 0x6ab, 0x712) + 'i:'; const _0x236c8b = _0xe9093b; if (this.#r === f[_0x47fb5b(0x771, 0x574, 0x76e, 0x624)]) { for (let _0x31287a of super[_0x47fb5b(0x943, 0x831, 0xb36, 0x93d)]()) _0x236c8b[_0x47fb5b(0x655, 0x692, 0x870, 0x815)](_0x31287a, _0x412d5f(0x652, 0x770, 0x515, 0x424)) && (_0x31287a = _0x412d5f(0x615, 0x884, 0x404, 0x3db)), _0x3834c2['setDynamic' + _0x47fb5b(0x72d, 0x7e9, 0x824, 0x698)](_0x236c8b[_0x412d5f(0x878, 0x607, 0x74f, 0x88e)](_0x236c8b['xHdLN'], _0x31287a), void (0x662 + 0xb12 + -0x1174)); } super['clear'](); } get [_0x27f57c(0x2cf, 0x390, 0x610, 0x27e)]() { function _0x405d82(_0x4e807f, _0x2b165a, _0x35234f, _0x3cad77) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3cad77, _0x2b165a - 0xa, _0x35234f - 0x57, _0x2b165a - -0x1cc); } const _0x101dd1 = {}; _0x101dd1[_0x42de8b(-0xb2, 0x61, -0xc6, -0x186)] = function (_0xb419fb, _0x33a44d) { return _0xb419fb === _0x33a44d; }; function _0x42de8b(_0x55278d, _0x39cc36, _0x1f15ba, _0x256356) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1f15ba, _0x39cc36 - -0x1c1, _0x1f15ba - 0x44, _0x256356 - 0x150); } const _0x27c519 = _0x101dd1; return _0x27c519[_0x405d82(0x96, -0xe4, -0x2cb, 0x13b)](this.#r, f[_0x42de8b(0x171, 0x32c, 0x416, 0x405)]); } ['reload']() { const _0x3b6636 = {}; _0x3b6636[_0x7f8709(0x5d1, 0x61a, 0x57c, 0x513)] = function (_0x37dd48, _0x1f1782) { return _0x37dd48 === _0x1f1782; }; function _0x5c2c74(_0x42bf68, _0x563ea2, _0x30ced2, _0xea9870) { return _0x27f57c(_0x30ced2, _0x563ea2 - -0x3f1, _0x30ced2 - 0xe9, _0xea9870 - 0x16); } _0x3b6636[_0x5c2c74(-0x2b1, -0xc2, 0x192, 0x42)] = _0x7f8709(0xa6b, 0x80d, 0x7c2, 0x9f3), _0x3b6636[_0x5c2c74(-0x40, 0x35, -0x13d, 0x212)] = 'authtoken', _0x3b6636['skTrv'] = _0x7f8709(0x61b, 0x576, 0x340, 0x4de) + _0x7f8709(0x9ec, 0x76b, 0x950, 0x8ad) + 'n'; const _0x41c01b = _0x3b6636; switch (super[_0x5c2c74(-0x2b7, -0x166, 0x30, -0x111)](), this.#r) { case f[_0x7f8709(0x776, 0x757, 0x59e, 0x7fe)]: { this.#f(); break; } case f['js']: { if (_0x41c01b[_0x7f8709(0x4e9, 0x61a, 0x7f3, 0x740)](_0x41c01b[_0x5c2c74(-0xca, -0xc2, -0xe0, -0x237)], 'FuXMm')) { this.#e(); break; } else _0x1fd0bf['error'](_0x7f8709(0x510, 0x31e, 0x16d, 0x53f) + _0x7f8709(0x4a8, 0x311, 0x20a, 0x320) + _0x5c2c74(0x30d, 0x278, 0x69, 0x391) + _0x7f8709(0x2b2, 0x482, 0x424, 0x58c) + _0x7f8709(0x81c, 0x7f9, 0x75e, 0xa67) + '"' + this[_0x7f8709(0x3ef, 0x652, 0x7f3, 0x8d8)] + '"'); } case f[_0x7f8709(0x599, 0x5eb, 0x7ca, 0x771)]: { this.#n(); break; } default: _0x223a4b['names'][_0x7f8709(0x4fa, 0x6ad, 0x682, 0x44d)](_0x41c01b[_0x7f8709(0x346, 0x524, 0x5be, 0x784)]) || _0x223a4b['names']['includes'](_0x41c01b[_0x5c2c74(-0xf3, -0x148, -0x84, 0xd7)]) ? (this[_0x5c2c74(0x16b, -0x40, 0xb4, -0x2b7)] = f[_0x5c2c74(0x145, 0x268, 0x16, 0x4d3)], this.#f()) : _0x2d17b6[_0x7f8709(0x588, 0x516, 0x60c, 0x4b6)] ? (this[_0x7f8709(0x700, 0x4af, 0x62b, 0x55f)] = f['js'], this.#e()) : (this.#r = f[_0x7f8709(0x3ba, 0x5eb, 0x4f2, 0x374)], this.#n()); }function _0x7f8709(_0x566037, _0x1d9b52, _0x3bb205, _0x4e62c3) { return _0x27f57c(_0x566037, _0x1d9b52 - 0xfe, _0x3bb205 - 0x19b, _0x4e62c3 - 0x14f); } this[_0x5c2c74(-0x1fe, -0x1b2, -0x197, -0x381)](_0x41c01b['RekDx']) || console[_0x7f8709(0x6fb, 0x6d5, 0x8ad, 0x821)](_0x7f8709(0x87d, 0x707, 0x72f, 0x5cd) + _0x7f8709(0x275, 0x49c, 0x680, 0x20b) + _0x7f8709(0x4a1, 0x55a, 0x383, 0x6ea) + 'for "' + this.#r + (_0x5c2c74(-0x88, 0x1da, 0x229, 0xea) + 'ode. ') + re); } #s() { const _0x1e6cfe = {}; function _0x44737f(_0x3d6cff, _0x3ba2ec, _0x189166, _0x8c9d57) { return _0x2efcde(_0x189166, _0x3ba2ec - 0x110, _0x189166 - 0x37, _0x3d6cff - 0x37c); } _0x1e6cfe[_0x34f92e(0x447, 0x604, 0x58c, 0x6ff)] = function (_0x35c462, _0xd53ea1) { return _0x35c462 + _0xd53ea1; }, _0x1e6cfe['bZLEK'] = _0x34f92e(0x431, 0x3fc, 0x5fb, 0x501), _0x1e6cfe[_0x34f92e(0x440, 0x53b, 0x6ff, 0x36f)] = _0x34f92e(0x21e, 0x396, 0x3ed, 0x258), _0x1e6cfe[_0x34f92e(0x3cf, 0x26c, 0x463, 0x178)] = _0x34f92e(0x2e8, 0x433, 0x561, 0x3e0) + _0x44737f(0x8c3, 0xa03, 0x7e3, 0x9f1), _0x1e6cfe[_0x34f92e(0x292, 0x2d4, 0x527, 0x190)] = _0x34f92e(0x580, 0x5d2, 0x417, 0x700); function _0x34f92e(_0x2c3b06, _0xaf1a30, _0x1cfed6, _0xf03089) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1cfed6, _0xaf1a30 - -0x6f, _0x1cfed6 - 0x1ec, _0xf03089 - 0xe1); } _0x1e6cfe[_0x44737f(0x5f0, 0x43e, 0x3ef, 0x714)] = _0x44737f(0x933, 0x786, 0x787, 0xaaf) + 'ole', _0x1e6cfe[_0x44737f(0x470, 0x284, 0x324, 0x232)] = function (_0x8b463a, _0x525ae8) { return _0x8b463a === _0x525ae8; }, _0x1e6cfe[_0x34f92e(0x3f6, 0x2a5, 0x4b0, 0x334)] = _0x34f92e(0x5ff, 0x459, 0x4c7, 0x5db), _0x1e6cfe[_0x44737f(0x97b, 0x7b9, 0x9c1, 0xb86)] = _0x44737f(0x6ba, 0x4f1, 0x591, 0x697) + _0x34f92e(0x6fe, 0x519, 0x67c, 0x4e1), _0x1e6cfe[_0x44737f(0x7ab, 0x829, 0x938, 0x575)] = function (_0x7d8775, _0x2f90cf) { return _0x7d8775 !== _0x2f90cf; }, _0x1e6cfe['oRPPJ'] = _0x44737f(0x6ba, 0x91b, 0x45e, 0x709) + _0x44737f(0x6b5, 0x8b5, 0x511, 0x51e), _0x1e6cfe[_0x44737f(0x4b4, 0x497, 0x5ec, 0x5bb)] = _0x44737f(0x85d, 0x7eb, 0x69b, 0x614) + _0x44737f(0x906, 0x753, 0x6ae, 0x6ac) + 'nly be run' + _0x44737f(0x953, 0xade, 0x98b, 0x738) + _0x34f92e(0x3e7, 0x5ee, 0x7e4, 0x807), _0x1e6cfe['loSOI'] = function (_0x12f09e, _0x250799) { return _0x12f09e !== _0x250799; }; const _0x22a350 = _0x1e6cfe; _0x19457e[_0x34f92e(0x2, 0x208, 0x197, 0x53) + 's'][_0x44737f(0x69f, 0x811, 0x4a3, 0x6b2) + 'tReceive']['subscribe'](_0x1c49e3 => { function _0x357058(_0x3a28ae, _0x5756da, _0x345220, _0x3b2e4c) { return _0x34f92e(_0x3a28ae - 0xb0, _0x5756da - -0x1a9, _0x345220, _0x3b2e4c - 0x166); } function _0xbc887e(_0x22c712, _0x38806a, _0x4b6dd4, _0x10b7f8) { return _0x34f92e(_0x22c712 - 0xa6, _0x10b7f8 - -0x294, _0x38806a, _0x10b7f8 - 0x66); } const _0x3b8521 = { 'Naods': function (_0x4d43c8, _0x8edbd0) { function _0x5147a1(_0x15f499, _0x55d783, _0x176fb2, _0x3d3f70) { return _0x5780(_0x3d3f70 - -0xd1, _0x15f499); } return _0x22a350[_0x5147a1(0x71b, 0x5c4, 0x7b1, 0x561)](_0x4d43c8, _0x8edbd0); }, 'ovuJt': _0x22a350[_0x357058(-0xd0, 0x175, 0x24e, 0x201)], 'ISikW': _0x22a350[_0xbc887e(0x44b, 0x4de, 0x39b, 0x2a7)], 'XuNRX': _0x22a350['GfsCo'], 'acrhM': _0x22a350[_0x357058(0x17, 0x12b, 0xa0, 0x1a8)], 'hEEXY': _0x357058(0x3c3, 0x323, 0x565, 0x264), 'OZMTI': _0x22a350[_0x357058(0x3a0, 0x196, 0x15c, 0x276)] }; if (_0x22a350[_0x357058(0x26c, 0x16, -0x1b7, 0x168)](_0x357058(0x438, 0x2b0, 0x54, 0x3a3), _0x22a350[_0xbc887e(-0x92, -0x140, -0x238, 0x11)])) { switch (_0x1c49e3['id']) { case _0x22a350[_0x357058(0x2d1, 0x521, 0x304, 0x703)]: { if (_0x22a350[_0xbc887e(0x307, 0x2e9, 0xf2, 0x266)](_0x1c49e3[_0xbc887e(0x558, 0x376, 0x1bf, 0x314)], _0x41a1ca['Server'])) return _0x1c49e3[_0x357058(0xd4, 0x21f, 0x126, 0x33b) + 'ty']?.[_0xbc887e(0x4, 0x271, 0x2c8, 0x288) + 'e']('§cThis com' + _0x357058(0x3b7, 0x4ac, 0x6e6, 0x722) + _0x357058(0xfb, 0xd9, -0x16a, -0x3) + _0x357058(0x76d, 0x4f9, 0x547, 0x6d3) + _0x357058(0x231, 0x445, 0x5f9, 0x5bc)); this[_0x357058(0x48, 0x199, 0x18c, 0x20c)] = f['js']; break; } case _0x22a350[_0x357058(0x4c3, 0x40a, 0x433, 0x3d9)]: { if (_0x22a350[_0xbc887e(0x30a, 0xd1, 0x2ac, 0x266)](_0x1c49e3['sourceType'], _0x41a1ca['Server'])) return _0x1c49e3[_0xbc887e(0x269, -0x95, 0x1e1, 0x134) + 'ty']?.[_0x357058(0x1b1, 0x373, 0x332, 0x438) + 'e'](_0x22a350['jEwyC']); this['mode'] = f[_0x357058(0x561, 0x441, 0x1af, 0x5a1)]; break; } case _0xbc887e(0x42, 0x40a, -0x11, 0x175) + 'i:use-in-g' + _0xbc887e(-0x20, -0x1c2, 0x167, 0x58): { if (_0x22a350[_0xbc887e(0xe2, 0xc7, 0x175, -0xd5)](_0xbc887e(-0x49, 0xfc, 0xb6, -0x2f), _0xbc887e(-0x158, -0x112, -0x16d, -0x7e))) { let _0x4589b8 = this; for (let _0x38508a of _0x4589b8[_0x357058(-0xa8, 0x6e, 0x25d, 0x67)](new _0x5bef59(_0xbc887e(0x8a, -0x194, 0x23a, 0xde), 'g')) ?? []) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8[_0x357058(0x324, 0x511, 0x48e, 0x72d)](_0x38508a, _0x3b8521[_0xbc887e(-0x16d, -0x39, 0x214, 0x105)](_0x3b8521[_0x357058(0x404, 0x1f0, 0x439, 0x254)]('§l', _0x38508a[_0x357058(0x360, 0x493, 0x6a9, 0x61a)](0x12 * 0x94 + 0x2068 + -0x2ace, -(0x43 * 0x6d + -0x4 * 0x89b + 0x1 * 0x5e7))), '§r')); for (let _0x520aef of _0x4589b8['match'](new _0x50bd6f(_0x3b8521[_0xbc887e(-0x2bb, -0x5a, -0x288, -0x9b)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8[_0x357058(0x530, 0x511, 0x72d, 0x6c3)](_0x520aef, '§o' + _0x520aef['slice'](-0x5 * 0x5d3 + 0x139c + 0x2 * 0x4c2, -(-0x33 * 0x7 + 0xb2 * 0x25 + -0x40e * 0x6)) + '§r'); for (let _0x333b93 of _0x4589b8[_0xbc887e(0x95, -0x234, 0xe3, -0x7d)](new _0x51051c(_0x3b8521[_0x357058(-0xe, 0xfa, 0x34e, 0x1d2)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8[_0xbc887e(0x6bd, 0x4c6, 0x5b2, 0x426)](_0x333b93, _0x3b8521[_0x357058(0xa1, 0x252, 0x366, 0x64)]); for (let _0x127f5f of _0x4589b8[_0x357058(0x153, 0x6e, 0x1ad, -0x53)](new _0x541531(_0x3b8521[_0xbc887e(0x5f4, 0x217, 0x631, 0x3ea)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8[_0x357058(0x303, 0x511, 0x2b1, 0x301)](_0x127f5f, _0xbc887e(0x139, 0x500, 0x512, 0x380) + _0xbc887e(0xbc, 0x15, 0x116, -0xb7)); for (let _0x1b1a27 of _0x4589b8[_0xbc887e(-0x2f6, -0xdf, -0x169, -0x7d)](new _0x266d0d(_0x3b8521['hEEXY'], 'g')) ?? []) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8['replace'](_0x1b1a27, _0x3b8521['OZMTI']); for (let _0x5042d8 in _0x5e3a69) _0x4589b8 = _0x4589b8[_0xbc887e(0x567, 0x339, 0x579, 0x426)](_0x5042d8, _0xf1016e[_0x5042d8]); return _0x4589b8; } else { if (_0x22a350[_0x357058(0x251, 0x47, 0x2e0, -0x22)](_0x1c49e3[_0x357058(0x5ce, 0x3ff, 0x557, 0x1db)], _0x41a1ca[_0xbc887e(0x229, -0xb3, -0x271, -0x4d)])) return _0x1c49e3[_0x357058(0x146, 0x21f, 0x233, 0x342) + 'ty']?.['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0xbc887e(0x42a, 0x4e7, 0x7f, 0x318) + _0xbc887e(0x496, 0x16f, 0x322, 0x3c1) + _0x357058(0x279, 0xd9, 0x46, 0x1e2) + _0x357058(0x781, 0x4f9, 0x5a9, 0x41f) + _0xbc887e(0x303, 0x4d6, 0x29d, 0x35a)); this[_0xbc887e(0x285, 0x1cc, -0x3e, 0xae)] = f[_0x357058(0x309, 0x2d5, 0x204, 0x223)]; break; } } }this[_0x357058(0xbe, 0x75, 0x309, 0x128)](); } else return _0x3472c4['scoreboard' + _0xbc887e(0x2e9, 0xbd, 0xf, 0x27f)] ? _0x23eba6['scoreboard'][_0x357058(0x4af, 0x2b9, 0x520, 0x343) + _0x357058(0x5ec, 0x3c4, 0x4a2, 0x5f0)]()['filter'](_0x1f8977 => _0x1f8977[_0x357058(0x71, 0x10, -0x100, -0x3e) + 'pant'](_0x2484bc['scoreboard' + _0x357058(0xd7, 0x36a, 0x415, 0x263)]))[_0xbc887e(0x222, -0x91, 0x66, -0x4)](_0x336537 => [_0x336537[_0x357058(0x312, 0x140, -0x94, -0xe) + 'e'], _0x336537[_0x357058(0x2be, 0x3a7, 0x118, 0x3d7)](_0x4ff533[_0x357058(0x634, 0x3c9, 0x19d, 0x1ab) + _0x357058(0x5db, 0x36a, 0x46d, 0xfb)])])[_0xbc887e(0x188, 0x51, 0xa, 0xfe)]() : []; }); } #e() { function _0x5ab1bf(_0x2273b9, _0x31fe4a, _0x43f347, _0xd00a6b) { return _0x2efcde(_0x43f347, _0x31fe4a - 0x167, _0x43f347 - 0x171, _0xd00a6b - -0x1e9); } for (let _0x486bdf in _0x2d17b6) super[_0x5ab1bf(0x3ac, 0x1b6, 0xf2, 0x237)](_0x486bdf, _0x2d17b6[_0x486bdf]); } #n() { const _0x4afd3e = {}; _0x4afd3e[_0x34a67a(0x5a3, 0x6f3, 0x43d, 0x667)] = _0x34a67a(0x3d6, 0x4fb, 0x56c, 0x13f), _0x4afd3e[_0x287e80(0xa52, 0x762, 0x9cd, 0xac7)] = _0x34a67a(0x36d, 0x3fd, 0x24c, 0x4a1) + _0x34a67a(0x562, 0x49a, 0x673, 0x300) + 'n', _0x4afd3e[_0x287e80(0x8f8, 0x799, 0x6dc, 0x4b6)] = _0x287e80(0x919, 0x5c8, 0x705, 0x6af) + _0x287e80(0x561, 0x794, 0x6af, 0x67c), _0x4afd3e[_0x34a67a(0x615, 0x5a0, 0x6c7, 0x819)] = function (_0x665883, _0x2f20e5) { return _0x665883 === _0x2f20e5; }; function _0x34a67a(_0x1c2a9a, _0x297768, _0x3779f7, _0x18e03d) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3779f7, _0x297768 - 0x1d5, _0x3779f7 - 0x29, _0x1c2a9a - 0x2f); } _0x4afd3e[_0x34a67a(0x1b1, 0x2d9, 0x31e, 0x68)] = _0x287e80(0x7e6, 0x777, 0x99b, 0xa37), _0x4afd3e[_0x287e80(0x34b, 0x416, 0x585, 0x496)] = 'esplorator' + 'i:'; const _0x55d224 = _0x4afd3e; function _0x287e80(_0x2fe655, _0x10008d, _0xead4b2, _0xef5ccd) { return _0x27f57c(_0x2fe655, _0xead4b2 - 0x28d, _0xead4b2 - 0x9c, _0xef5ccd - 0x19); } let _0x3af6dd = _0x3834c2['getDynamic' + _0x287e80(0x77b, 0x784, 0x736, 0x7e2)](_0x55d224[_0x34a67a(0x635, 0x756, 0x6b8, 0x4a6)]); _0x3af6dd && (console[_0x34a67a(0x4cc, 0x2e0, 0x4db, 0x6ad)](_0x287e80(0x616, 0x755, 0x896, 0x86e) + _0x34a67a(0x37f, 0x229, 0x363, 0x34a) + _0x287e80(0x52a, 0x793, 0x6df, 0x95b) + _0x287e80(0xa23, 0x9fb, 0x9b5, 0x8a0) + _0x34a67a(0x632, 0x5ec, 0x7f0, 0x6b3) + 'ction is r' + _0x287e80(0x438, 0x885, 0x6ab, 0x4b3)), _0x3834c2['setDynamic' + _0x287e80(0x9b3, 0x6eb, 0x736, 0x6f3)](_0x55d224[_0x287e80(0x47f, 0x83f, 0x6dc, 0x626)], this.#p(_0x3af6dd)), _0x3834c2[_0x34a67a(0x442, 0x3b2, 0x1c6, 0x4bf) + _0x287e80(0x4c4, 0x5d0, 0x736, 0x857)]('esplorator' + 'i:authtoke' + 'n', void (-0x9c * -0x28 + 0x1 * 0x1c53 + 0x34b3 * -0x1))); for (let _0x563efd of W) { if (_0x55d224[_0x34a67a(0x615, 0x879, 0x3e9, 0x7f6)](_0x55d224[_0x287e80(0x590, 0x4e3, 0x549, 0x769)], _0x55d224[_0x287e80(0x657, 0x68a, 0x549, 0x399)])) { let _0x4c5014 = _0x3834c2[_0x34a67a(0x242, 0x2a0, -0x54, 0x40d) + _0x287e80(0x9bc, 0x4b7, 0x736, 0x822)](_0x55d224[_0x287e80(0x567, 0x3c6, 0x585, 0x6d6)] + _0x563efd); _0x4c5014 && super[_0x287e80(0x5cd, 0x6fc, 0x7e7, 0x765)](_0x563efd, _0x4c5014); } else _0x771cd9[_0x287e80(0x7a8, 0x936, 0x7da, 0x897) + _0x34a67a(0x39e, 0x342, 0x3a2, 0x3b2)](_0x55d224['kGLFF'], _0x425f32); } let _0x285cac = _0x3834c2['getDynamic' + 'Property'](_0x55d224[_0x287e80(0x537, 0x974, 0x6dc, 0x7b0)]); _0x285cac && super[_0x287e80(0x915, 0x886, 0x7e7, 0x5fa)](_0x287e80(0x5a5, 0x922, 0x6a5, 0x4f3), _0x285cac); } #f() { const _0x4bb371 = {}; function _0x17d628(_0x11876c, _0x1af046, _0x579419, _0x497b80) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1af046, _0x1af046 - 0xdb, _0x579419 - 0x1ae, _0x497b80 - 0x11d); } _0x4bb371['JlsPR'] = _0x2ada72(0x848, 0x749, 0x7bd, 0x8e6), _0x4bb371[_0x17d628(0x2cb, 0x329, 0x4e3, 0x4bd)] = function (_0x5d7932, _0x1844f1) { return _0x5d7932 + _0x1844f1; }, _0x4bb371[_0x2ada72(0x8bf, 0x8a9, 0xa75, 0x92c)] = _0x17d628(0x459, 0x598, 0x48c, 0x45b) + 'i:', _0x4bb371[_0x2ada72(0x7d6, 0x76b, 0x89b, 0x993)] = _0x17d628(0x3a6, 0x2e5, 0x26e, 0x3fb); function _0x2ada72(_0xd33d13, _0x3e18fb, _0x293c1a, _0x3eaeac) { return _0x2efcde(_0x293c1a, _0x3e18fb - 0x147, _0x293c1a - 0x4d, _0xd33d13 - 0x2df); } _0x4bb371[_0x17d628(0x601, 0x92d, 0x737, 0x6b1)] = _0x2ada72(0x61d, 0x73b, 0x8af, 0x495) + _0x2ada72(0x812, 0x592, 0x674, 0x9a4) + 'n'; const _0xf6fa42 = _0x4bb371; for (let _0x177434 of W) { if (_0xf6fa42[_0x17d628(0x3ca, 0x3cd, 0x5a8, 0x45f)] !== _0x2ada72(0x848, 0x89c, 0x73b, 0x80c)) _0x5c235d[_0x17d628(0x774, 0x304, 0x489, 0x592)](_0x30bfb0) && !this[_0x17d628(0x88c, 0x7a6, 0x944, 0x6ba)][_0x2ada72(0x450, 0x389, 0x387, 0x547)](_0x52c008) && this[_0x17d628(0x940, 0x827, 0x566, 0x6ba)][_0x17d628(0x367, 0x434, 0x33f, 0x53d)](_0x3c94af, _0x4149d6); else { let _0x502de6 = _0x281a8b['get'](_0x177434) ?? _0x281a8b[_0x17d628(0x257, 0x2a1, 0x179, 0x222)](_0xf6fa42[_0x2ada72(0x67f, 0x7d4, 0x5d2, 0x8e5)](_0xf6fa42[_0x17d628(0x93a, 0x6e8, 0x790, 0x6fd)], _0x177434)); typeof _0x502de6 < 'u' && super[_0x2ada72(0x6ff, 0x917, 0x90f, 0x588)](_0x177434, _0x502de6); } } let _0x3c48a8 = _0x223a4b[_0x2ada72(0x3e4, 0x66d, 0x442, 0x320)](_0xf6fa42[_0x2ada72(0x7d6, 0x9db, 0x77f, 0x9df)]) ?? _0x223a4b['get'](_0xf6fa42[_0x2ada72(0x873, 0x6a1, 0xabd, 0x86f)]); super[_0x2ada72(0x6ff, 0x963, 0x901, 0x994)](_0xf6fa42['aaaKI'], _0x3c48a8); } get [_0x2efcde(0x1dc, 0x4d4, 0x1d8, 0x277)]() { return this.#r; } set [_0x2efcde(0x181, 0xc, 0x4b1, 0x277)](_0x361555) { const _0x4aaea6 = {}; _0x4aaea6[_0x31f193(0x6f6, 0x872, 0x4d3, 0x71d)] = function (_0x3a8fc2, _0x33f5bc) { return _0x3a8fc2 in _0x33f5bc; }; function _0x38c0bd(_0x3b376a, _0x5e97bb, _0x40c757, _0x1ea660) { return _0x2efcde(_0x40c757, _0x5e97bb - 0x25, _0x40c757 - 0x102, _0x3b376a - 0x3fb); } function _0x31f193(_0x353f53, _0x120511, _0x4b26d5, _0x434232) { return _0x2efcde(_0x120511, _0x120511 - 0xd3, _0x4b26d5 - 0x1c2, _0x353f53 - 0x477); } _0x4aaea6['QxUPf'] = _0x38c0bd(0x739, 0x971, 0x7ce, 0x986) + _0x38c0bd(0x87d, 0x6e5, 0x606, 0x7c3) + _0x38c0bd(0x82f, 0x8d4, 0x76e, 0x862), _0x4aaea6[_0x38c0bd(0x945, 0xa29, 0x8f7, 0x910)] = _0x38c0bd(0x928, 0xbbf, 0x8e8, 0x693) + 'de for Bri' + _0x38c0bd(0x87c, 0xa50, 0xa16, 0x971) + _0x38c0bd(0x937, 0x730, 0xaac, 0x6fd) + ; const _0x5da6a0 = _0x4aaea6; if (_0x5da6a0['MyHOd'](_0x361555, f)) this.#r = _0x361555, _0x3834c2[_0x38c0bd(0x80e, 0x94b, 0x890, 0x6fc) + _0x31f193(0x7e6, 0xa4c, 0x607, 0x6fa)](_0x5da6a0['QxUPf'], _0x361555); else throw new Error(_0x5da6a0[_0x38c0bd(0x945, 0x76f, 0xa86, 0xbbe)]); } static [_0x27f57c(0x4dd, 0x445, 0x236, 0x38a) + 'e']() { return this.#t || (this.#t = new r()), this.#t; } #p(_0x3e9c03) { const _0x3784d6 = {}; _0x3784d6['kfdfJ'] = function (_0x218ee5, _0x1f52f9) { return _0x218ee5 < _0x1f52f9; }, _0x3784d6[_0xf31f8a(0x4b8, 0x712, 0x643, 0x3b5)] = function (_0x2ad30b, _0x2e2e16) { return _0x2ad30b < _0x2e2e16; }, _0x3784d6['NhJWo'] = function (_0x267fb6, _0x4fb4b0) { return _0x267fb6 - _0x4fb4b0; }, _0x3784d6['HxglJ'] = function (_0x22342b, _0x31a26f) { return _0x22342b ^ _0x31a26f; }; function _0xf31f8a(_0x1a5cc3, _0x4e31e5, _0x5f49b3, _0x882038) { return _0x2efcde(_0x882038, _0x4e31e5 - 0x11d, _0x5f49b3 - 0x38, _0x1a5cc3 - 0x2f4); } _0x3784d6[_0xf31f8a(0x5e4, 0x3c2, 0x50d, 0x55e)] = function (_0xa4ec6a, _0x42eed4) { return _0xa4ec6a + _0x42eed4; }; const _0x47647c = _0x3784d6; if (_0x47647c[_0x196517(0x45e, 0x56d, 0x48d, 0x23e)](_0x3e9c03[_0xf31f8a(0x859, 0x670, 0xa5d, 0x6a9)], -0x25fd + -0x1c54 + -0x2 * -0x212b)) throw '(BedrockBr' + _0xf31f8a(0x634, 0x4c4, 0x6dd, 0x4bb) + _0x196517(-0x42, 0x251, 0x1f0, 0x1bf) + _0xf31f8a(0x8e4, 0xb55, 0x8e7, 0x800) + 'ort. Pleas' + _0x196517(0x96, 0x4d, -0x12b, 0x2ca) + _0x196517(0x408, 0x65f, 0x636, 0x58b) + _0xf31f8a(0x81f, 0x615, 0x81f, 0x72e) + _0x196517(0x32b, 0x369, 0x3b2, 0x518); let _0x5e0179 = []; function _0x196517(_0x9b71da, _0x3ff7dc, _0x39f425, _0x2a6922) { return _0x2efcde(_0x39f425, _0x3ff7dc - 0x8e, _0x39f425 - 0x181, _0x9b71da - -0x16d); } for (let _0x278025 = 0x3 * -0x59a + 0x21ee + -0x224 * 0x8; _0x47647c['Iqimc'](_0x278025, _0x47647c[_0xf31f8a(0x425, 0x2ba, 0x673, 0x381)](_0x3e9c03[_0xf31f8a(0x859, 0x5c6, 0x6a0, 0x9b7)], 0x1dc0 + 0x10f1 * 0x2 + -0x3fa1)); _0x278025++)_0x5e0179[_0x196517(0x15f, 0xc3, 0x170, 0x3b4)](_0x47647c[_0xf31f8a(0x513, 0x474, 0x5fb, 0x3ca)](P[_0xf31f8a(0x403, 0x5fc, 0x4e7, 0x636) + 'At'](_0x3e9c03, _0x278025), P[_0x196517(-0x5e, 0xda, 0xb1, 0x1d0) + 'At'](_0x3e9c03, _0x47647c[_0xf31f8a(0x5e4, 0x5b8, 0x83b, 0x48f)](_0x278025, -0x7ed * -0x1 + -0x16bf + 0xed3)))); return _0x5e0179[_0xf31f8a(0x4b9, 0x347, 0x394, 0x2bc)](_0x8d031a => P[_0xf31f8a(0x51e, 0x35d, 0x7b2, 0x5d1) + _0x196517(0x169, 0x255, 0x2bd, -0x85)][_0x196517(0x1a1, 0x287, 0x1ba, 0x193)](_0x8d031a))['reverse']()[_0x196517(0x35e, 0x40b, 0x3d4, 0x11c)](''); } [_0x27f57c(0x576, 0x5f6, 0x59d, 0x852)](_0x5275cf) { const _0x3dd3cd = {}; _0x3dd3cd['DZeva'] = function (_0x3ba3db, _0x162623) { return _0x3ba3db + _0x162623; }, _0x3dd3cd[_0x332c21(0x5cb, 0x532, 0x372, 0x157)] = function (_0x3f3090, _0x3842d3) { return _0x3f3090 << _0x3842d3; }; function _0x5b46b0(_0x1ec9ff, _0x12f8e2, _0x14a942, _0xd93df2) { return _0x2efcde(_0xd93df2, _0x12f8e2 - 0x15d, _0x14a942 - 0x11, _0x14a942 - 0x13d); } _0x3dd3cd[_0x5b46b0(0x4b6, 0x4aa, 0x5a8, 0x815)] = function (_0x45768d, _0x3b745c) { return _0x45768d >>> _0x3b745c; }; const _0x3e9c6a = _0x3dd3cd; let _0x3cf554 = -0x32 + 0x687 + 0x14 * 0xbc; for (let _0x34ea7c = 0x1d26 + -0x6c5 + -0x1 * 0x1661; _0x34ea7c < _0x5275cf[_0x332c21(0x3e6, 0x292, 0x44e, 0x373)]; _0x34ea7c++)_0x3cf554 = _0x3e9c6a['DZeva'](_0x3e9c6a[_0x332c21(0x3e1, 0x5b3, 0x372, 0x4fc)](_0x3cf554, 0x1 * -0x1b73 + 0x38d + 0x17eb), _0x3cf554) + _0x5275cf['charCodeAt'](_0x34ea7c), _0x3cf554 = _0x3cf554 | -0x1 * -0x71 + -0x990 + 0x91f; function _0x332c21(_0x2758e6, _0x41fe64, _0x532bfc, _0x844abc) { return _0x27f57c(_0x41fe64, _0x532bfc - -0x251, _0x532bfc - 0x142, _0x844abc - 0x41); } return _0x3e9c6a[_0x5b46b0(0x7e6, 0x7fc, 0x5a8, 0x5b5)](_0x3cf554, 0x2e7 * -0x2 + -0x12eb + 0x18b9); } }; import { world as _0xcd6806, system as _0x3d55c7 } from '@minecraft/server'; var x = class r extends Map { static #t = -0x4f * 0xf99b + -0x95 * 0x1a85d + 0x1dc9b76; static #r;[_0x27f57c(0x3f1, 0x554, 0x506, 0x548)]; #s; #e = !(-0x2ea * 0xc + 0xf25 * -0x2 + 0x4143 * 0x1); constructor(_0x2d2876) { function _0x1e99f6(_0x8a7c3c, _0x16a070, _0x491106, _0x2fabab) { return _0x27f57c(_0x8a7c3c, _0x16a070 - 0x315, _0x491106 - 0xed, _0x2fabab - 0x139); } const _0x2ec290 = { 'aDPXx': function (_0x31a752, _0x45c9eb) { return _0x31a752(_0x45c9eb); }, 'LazEw': function (_0x45e011, _0x5a85d3) { return _0x45e011 === _0x5a85d3; }, 'OryQn': 'TRFKH', 'zqNDr': _0x1e99f6(0x39b, 0x53c, 0x364, 0x5ff) }; if (super(), _0x2d2876[_0x38b225(0x557, 0x2c0, 0xb6, 0x4e5)](':')) throw new Error(_0x38b225(0xeb, 0x19e, 0x2ef, 0x29f) + _0x1e99f6(0xa95, 0x926, 0xade, 0x8a3) + _0x38b225(0x395, 0x40c, 0x34e, 0x21c) + '"' + _0x2d2876 + (_0x1e99f6(0x806, 0x94f, 0xb0e, 0x7a5) + _0x1e99f6(0x383, 0x5ea, 0x473, 0x3ea) + 'cter ":" f' + _0x38b225(-0x4f, 0x1f4, 0x1c4, -0x15) + _0x1e99f6(0x52b, 0x56c, 0x495, 0x69a))); function _0x38b225(_0x5141d2, _0x3e1871, _0x62e368, _0x1281e8) { return _0x27f57c(_0x62e368, _0x3e1871 - -0x2ef, _0x62e368 - 0x110, _0x1281e8 - 0x122); } this['name'] = _0x2d2876; let _0x32f1cb = _0xcd6806[_0x1e99f6(0x690, 0x662, 0x4b1, 0x8ea) + 'PropertyId' + 's']()[_0x38b225(0x2b, 0x1bf, 0x26b, 0x42d)](_0x24304f => _0x24304f['startsWith'](_0x1e99f6(0x474, 0x5b5, 0x5a2, 0x736) + this[_0x38b225(0x158, 0x265, 0x388, 0x4d6)]))[_0x38b225(0x10c, 0x112, -0x146, 0x0)]((_0x391c8b, _0x20c529) => Number[_0x38b225(0x167, 0x152, -0x34, 0x244)](_0x391c8b[_0x1e99f6(0xbf7, 0x9c0, 0x9d5, 0x963)](this[_0x38b225(0x40f, 0x265, 0x338, 0x2fb)][_0x1e99f6(0xaf8, 0x9b4, 0xb54, 0x7f6)] + (0x95d + -0x192 + -0x7c7))) - Number[_0x1e99f6(0x713, 0x756, 0x908, 0x710)](_0x20c529['slice'](this['name'][_0x38b225(0x207, 0x3b0, 0x581, 0x259)] + (0x1e42 + 0x1eb2 + -0x30 * 0x145)))); if (_0x32f1cb['length'] === 0x9e * 0x13 + -0x257 * 0x6 + -0x4a * -0x8) return; this.#s = _0x32f1cb[_0x1e99f6(0x7dd, 0x9b4, 0x903, 0x9ac)]; let _0x5659d2 = ''; for (let _0x373b2c of _0x32f1cb) _0x5659d2 += _0xcd6806[_0x38b225(0x74, 0x5e, 0x126, 0x2a5) + _0x1e99f6(0x7f9, 0x7be, 0x627, 0x915)](_0x373b2c); try { if (_0x2ec290[_0x1e99f6(0x93a, 0xa0b, 0xa35, 0x8e1)](_0x2ec290[_0x1e99f6(0x5a0, 0x5ef, 0x3b7, 0x3ed)], _0x2ec290[_0x1e99f6(0x73f, 0x5ae, 0x802, 0x5d9)])) _0x2ec290[_0x1e99f6(0x73e, 0x609, 0x63e, 0x574)](_0x351ac, []); else { let _0x5bd31e = JSON[_0x1e99f6(0x8e6, 0xa39, 0xca1, 0xb50)](_0x5659d2); for (let [_0x28e192, _0x27014e] of _0x5bd31e) super[_0x38b225(0x393, 0x26b, 0x41e, 0x29f)](_0x28e192, _0x27014e); } } catch { console[_0x1e99f6(0x96f, 0x827, 0x73a, 0x725)](_0x38b225(-0x2c4, -0xcf, 0x15b, 0x13e) + _0x1e99f6(0x3ca, 0x528, 0x51f, 0x2f6) + _0x1e99f6(0x921, 0x97e, 0x731, 0x975) + _0x1e99f6(0x442, 0x699, 0x55b, 0x8b6) + _0x38b225(0x1f6, 0x40c, 0x578, 0x398) + '"' + this[_0x38b225(0x238, 0x265, 0x46a, 0x1e0)] + '"'); } } ['set'](_0x289718, _0x3eaeea) { function _0x4d048a(_0x5a2f21, _0x4282b3, _0x28dd95, _0x12d915) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4282b3, _0x4282b3 - 0x5e, _0x28dd95 - 0x19, _0x5a2f21 - 0x3bb); } super[_0x4d048a(0x7db, 0x6f0, 0x90c, 0x8b7)](_0x289718, _0x3eaeea), this.#e || this.#n(); } [_0x27f57c(0x2bf, 0x23e, -0x21, -0x54)](_0x3eb239) { super['delete'](_0x3eb239), this.#e || this.#n(); } [_0x2efcde(0x168, 0x2b4, 0x233, 0x151)]() { super[_0x1384b6(-0x330, -0x16e, 0x8, -0x11f)](); function _0x1384b6(_0x1318db, _0x56cb7b, _0x293d74, _0xc612cb) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1318db, _0x56cb7b - 0x121, _0x293d74 - 0x52, _0x56cb7b - -0x2bf); } function _0xdf77b5(_0x576080, _0x47197b, _0x3ca572, _0x2ae923) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3ca572, _0x47197b - 0x177, _0x3ca572 - 0x73, _0x2ae923 - 0x410); } for (let _0x4d49cb = -0x2507 * 0x1 + -0x1cf8 + -0x6d * -0x9b; _0x4d49cb < r.#t; _0x4d49cb++)_0xcd6806['setDynamic' + _0xdf77b5(0x8e7, 0x9e3, 0x81b, 0x77f)](_0xdf77b5(0x498, 0x459, 0x479, 0x576) + this[_0xdf77b5(0x9b8, 0x82b, 0x6dd, 0x82a)] + ':' + _0x4d49cb, void (0x71 * -0xa + 0x2545 + -0x20db * 0x1)); } #n() { function _0x3c1fbf(_0x179cac, _0xc15be6, _0x141674, _0x5720bd) { return _0x27f57c(_0x141674, _0xc15be6 - -0x2c6, _0x141674 - 0x10b, _0x5720bd - 0x56); } const _0x319663 = {}; function _0x502362(_0x7b302d, _0x564d5d, _0x2dc220, _0x456446) { return _0x27f57c(_0x2dc220, _0x7b302d - 0x1de, _0x2dc220 - 0x19a, _0x456446 - 0x2f); } _0x319663[_0x502362(0x684, 0x7a0, 0x46a, 0x624)] = function (_0x755170, _0x9709cf) { return _0x755170 > _0x9709cf; }, _0x319663[_0x3c1fbf(-0x13d, -0xc, 0x25f, -0x1b3)] = function (_0x191469, _0x4157b6) { return _0x191469 < _0x4157b6; }; const _0x575e59 = _0x319663; this.#e = !(-0x7 * 0x21a + -0x11bd + 0x2073), _0x3d55c7[_0x502362(0x47c, 0x50b, 0x36f, 0x413)](() => { let _0x254dfd = JSON['stringify'](Array['from'](super[_0x1fd39a(0x792, 0x891, 0x708, 0x861)]())), _0x38b5e3 = 0xe91 * 0x2 + -0x10f3 + -0xc2f * 0x1; function _0x1fd39a(_0x5d330a, _0x556032, _0xa9e09d, _0x1de8d5) { return _0x502362(_0xa9e09d - 0x1aa, _0x556032 - 0x15c, _0x5d330a, _0x1de8d5 - 0x17e); } for (; _0x575e59[_0x1fd39a(0x876, 0x6bf, 0x82e, 0x67f)](_0x254dfd[_0x9cd6d4(0x4a1, 0x561, 0x4f4, 0x5ae)], r.#t);)_0xcd6806[_0x1fd39a(0x8c3, 0x7eb, 0x8d5, 0x6cc) + _0x1fd39a(0xab1, 0xa62, 0x831, 0x83b)](_0x9cd6d4(-0x55, 0x162, 0x22d, 0x33) + this[_0x9cd6d4(0x3ff, 0x416, 0x559, 0x59c)] + ':' + _0x38b5e3++, _0x254dfd['slice'](0x1e8a + -0x1d * -0xc5 + 0x78d * -0x7, r.#t)), _0x254dfd = _0x254dfd['slice'](r.#t); function _0x9cd6d4(_0x521db0, _0x1a761f, _0x26e0f7, _0xecbd01) { return _0x502362(_0x1a761f - -0x31c, _0x1a761f - 0x1d9, _0xecbd01, _0xecbd01 - 0xae); } if (_0xcd6806[_0x1fd39a(0x79e, 0x78b, 0x8d5, 0x81e) + _0x9cd6d4(0x385, 0x36b, 0x4d1, 0x45e)](_0x9cd6d4(0x252, 0x162, 0x2e5, 0x31a) + this['name'] + ':' + _0x38b5e3++, _0x254dfd), _0x38b5e3 < this.#s) { for (_0x38b5e3; _0x575e59[_0x9cd6d4(0x2a3, 0x17c, -0x103, 0x339)](_0x38b5e3, this.#s); _0x38b5e3++)_0xcd6806[_0x1fd39a(0x676, 0x6e3, 0x8d5, 0x7ec) + 'Property']('db:' + this[_0x9cd6d4(0x4cd, 0x416, 0x381, 0x509)] + ':' + _0x38b5e3, void (0x233e + -0x752 + -0x1bec)); } this.#e = !(0x200 * -0x8 + 0xfa6 * -0x2 + -0x2f4d * -0x1); }); } }, se = _0x27f57c(0x5ee, 0x56d, 0x7d9, 0x790), k = [_0x27f57c(0x58d, 0x3e5, 0x292, 0x365), _0x2efcde(0x34b, 0x44, 0x18c, 0x13c), _0x27f57c(0x4f1, 0x328, 0x560, 0x2f2), _0x27f57c(0x535, 0x736, 0x621, 0x77c), _0x2efcde(0x186, 0x254, 0x2db, 0x3ca)], Y = _0x208bd7['getDimensi' + 'on'](_0x2efcde(0x569, 0x4b9, 0x724, 0x566)); console[_0x27f57c(0x567, 0x6b0, 0x57d, 0x5b9)](_0x2efcde(0x64b, 0x3c6, 0x452, 0x3e0) + 'ckBridge v' + se + (_0x2efcde(0x58b, 0x2ab, 0x488, 0x4ad) + _0x27f57c(0x4a3, 0x292, 0x2b7, 0x147))), _0x208bd7[_0x27f57c(0x6f2, 0x58b, 0x682, 0x403) + _0x2efcde(0x1a7, 0x305, 0x214, 0x359)] = _0x208bd7[_0x27f57c(0x331, 0x58b, 0x545, 0x4a2) + 'e'], _0x208bd7[_0x2efcde(0x211, 0x486, 0x32f, 0x451) + 'e'] = _0x4d0036 => { const _0x164a0d = {}; _0x164a0d['text'] = _0x4d0036; function _0x325562(_0xcfd36a, _0x170a2a, _0x25453c, _0x45d24b) { return _0x27f57c(_0x170a2a, _0x45d24b - 0x16e, _0x25453c - 0xb3, _0x45d24b - 0x3b); } const _0x2f6fcd = {}; _0x2f6fcd['rawtext'] = [_0x164a0d]; function _0x6c2f10(_0x477d9e, _0x1a9621, _0x3df9fe, _0x7d8da9) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3df9fe, _0x1a9621 - 0x15a, _0x3df9fe - 0xce, _0x477d9e - 0x32a); } Y[_0x325562(0x6e6, 0x4a0, 0x2eb, 0x456) + _0x6c2f10(0x5bb, 0x5c2, 0x7c2, 0x36a)](_0x6c2f10(0x6c5, 0x5c9, 0x7f2, 0x8d5) + _0x325562(0x4bf, 0x4a1, 0x4b4, 0x6ee) + 'oratori:se' + 'lf_deaf] ' + JSON[_0x325562(0x3ba, 0x43d, 0x2ad, 0x4d6)](_0x2f6fcd)); }; var I = class { static [_0x2efcde(0x194, 0x113, 0x180, 0x336) + 'ts'] = 0x20c3 * 0x1 + -0xb9d + -0x1521 * 0x1; static ['min_timeou' + 't'] = 0x7b4 * 0x1 + -0x4e * -0x11 + 0xcd8 * -0x1; static [_0x27f57c(0x4c9, 0x49d, 0x277, 0x4e0)] = -0x26cb + 0x223 + 0x24a9; static async['request'](_0x352363, _0x2b2dd6 = {}, _0x59fead, _0x4e379a) { const _0x44a95f = { 'hdHTz': function (_0xd02add, _0x4b25d9) { return _0xd02add >= _0x4b25d9; }, 'PKEQv': function (_0x5ebc8b, _0x45cea2) { return _0x5ebc8b + _0x45cea2; }, 'RJPTH': function (_0x15066a, _0x3f31d7) { return _0x15066a < _0x3f31d7; }, 'vtExI': function (_0x2e216f, _0x2ef7f8) { return _0x2e216f !== _0x2ef7f8; }, 'EAcPa': 'RowTq', 'eMcPd': _0x528244(0x58a, 0x30b, 0x7a9, 0x663), 'gwoEH': function (_0x75dfed, _0x463c07) { return _0x75dfed - _0x463c07; }, 'wBoJS': function (_0x3d4ed2, _0x2ebaf7) { return _0x3d4ed2 > _0x2ebaf7; }, 'VzihK': function (_0x56082c, _0x3ea61b) { return _0x56082c(_0x3ea61b); } }; let _0x511b54 = new _0x4e9440(_0x352363); function _0x351321(_0x29a59b, _0x3671d7, _0x39a0a0, _0x7fad93) { return _0x27f57c(_0x39a0a0, _0x3671d7 - 0x73, _0x39a0a0 - 0xcd, _0x7fad93 - 0x36); } _0x511b54[_0x351321(0x315, 0x3d5, 0x537, 0x1fd)](_0x59fead); for (let _0x1966b8 in _0x2b2dd6) _0x511b54[_0x528244(0x433, 0x2a6, 0x3fc, 0x5e4)](_0x1966b8, _0x2b2dd6[_0x1966b8]); _0x4e379a && _0x511b54[_0x351321(0x2f1, 0x2d6, 0x4aa, 0x4db)](_0x4e379a); function _0x528244(_0x3a50ac, _0x52bfc9, _0x4bcf6a, _0x4eb522) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4eb522, _0x52bfc9 - 0x1ba, _0x4bcf6a - 0x19a, _0x3a50ac - 0x1a); } let _0x34e268 = this[_0x528244(0x37d, 0x486, 0xf8, 0x470)], _0x146d55 = this[_0x528244(0x5c4, 0x4f6, 0x371, 0x6d6) + 't']; for (let _0x40208b = 0xccd + 0x1 * -0x1bff + 0xf32; _0x44a95f[_0x351321(0x21f, 0x2ac, 0x207, 0x53c)](_0x40208b, this[_0x351321(0x6e4, 0x4e3, 0x6e6, 0x61b) + 'ts']); _0x40208b++) { if (_0x44a95f[_0x528244(0x512, 0x305, 0x4b9, 0x78c)](_0x44a95f[_0x528244(0x50e, 0x510, 0x29b, 0x756)], _0x44a95f['eMcPd'])) { _0x511b54['setTimeout'](_0x34e268); let _0x37a071 = Date[_0x528244(0x329, 0x56a, 0x104, 0x53d)](), _0x23c688 = await _0x4b8071[_0x351321(0x1ef, 0x2e3, 0x201, 0x452)](_0x511b54)[_0x528244(0x284, 0x3ab, 0x176, 0x4c1)](null), _0x16465e = _0x44a95f[_0x528244(0x394, 0x17f, 0x104, 0x615)](Date[_0x528244(0x329, 0x1b2, 0x4ac, 0x288)](), _0x37a071); if (_0x23c688 && _0x44a95f[_0x351321(0x69e, 0x5cf, 0x55e, 0x62a)](_0x23c688[_0x351321(0x36b, 0x3c6, 0x226, 0x373)], -0x1670 + -0x3 * -0x7e1 + 0x1 * -0xcf) && _0x23c688[_0x351321(0x500, 0x3c6, 0x2ed, 0x2d5)] < 0x1b7 * 0x9 + -0x1ab7 * -0x1 + -0x263e) return _0x23c688['ping'] = _0x16465e, _0x23c688; await _0x44a95f['VzihK'](E, _0x146d55), _0x146d55 *= -0x5ed + 0xdad + 0x1 * -0x7be, _0x34e268 += -0x316 * 0xb + 0x65c + 0x1b97; } else return _0x44a95f[_0x351321(0x656, 0x727, 0x718, 0x8ba)](_0x10454b, -0xd2b * -0x1 + 0x2502 + -0x72b * 0x7) ? _0x21d212[_0x351321(0x6a2, 0x63b, 0x4d3, 0x634)](this['charAt'](_0x3888a2)) : _0x40a702[_0x528244(0x4a8, 0x341, 0x434, 0x2d4)](this['charAt'](_0x44a95f[_0x351321(0x17e, 0x405, 0x5e4, 0x621)](_0x33084a, this[_0x528244(0x57f, 0x377, 0x41a, 0x4aa)]))); } return {}; } static async[_0x2efcde(-0xb1, -0x15a, -0x148, 0x105)](_0x427611, _0x1c4c8f) { function _0x288a56(_0x3653ff, _0x305fcc, _0x226929, _0x5e98d5) { return _0x27f57c(_0x226929, _0x3653ff - 0x16c, _0x226929 - 0x196, _0x5e98d5 - 0x88); } return this[_0x288a56(0x3dc, 0x622, 0x1fe, 0x44a)](_0x427611, _0x1c4c8f, _0xbe0821['Get']); } static async['post'](_0x5cdcf0, _0x4cfb67, _0x4adfd4) { function _0x30ad79(_0x435502, _0x92009b, _0x1653f5, _0x508457) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1653f5, _0x508457 - -0xed, _0x1653f5 - 0x1ce, _0x508457 - 0x19a); } function _0x37c851(_0x2d6f08, _0x3029ec, _0x5bfce7, _0x20abfc) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3029ec, _0x3029ec - 0x118, _0x5bfce7 - 0x9c, _0x20abfc - 0x325); } return this[_0x30ad79(0xa1, -0xea, 0x258, 0x183)](_0x5cdcf0, _0x4cfb67, _0xbe0821[_0x30ad79(-0x5f, 0x2e7, 0xdc, 0x186)], _0x4adfd4); } }, w = class { constructor(_0x3aa59c) { function _0x303ed5(_0x146dc6, _0x48d295, _0x11eb3f, _0x488341) { return _0x2efcde(_0x146dc6, _0x48d295 - 0x24, _0x11eb3f - 0x68, _0x48d295 - -0x2e9); } this[_0x303ed5(0x25e, 0x131, 0x172, -0x159)] = _0x3aa59c; } ['subscribe'](_0xf43cfc) { return this.#t['set'](_0xf43cfc, _0xf43cfc), _0xf43cfc; } [_0x27f57c(-0x18, 0x25c, 0x4b2, 0x2dd) + 'e'](_0x49b1a9) { function _0x402112(_0x3150e3, _0x130e38, _0x4843af, _0x202cee) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3150e3, _0x130e38 - 0x46, _0x4843af - 0x1da, _0x130e38 - 0x2d); } this.#t[_0x402112(0x120, 0x131, 0x25, 0xee)](_0x49b1a9); } async[_0x27f57c(0x2b4, 0x30c, 0x1cf, 0x178)](_0x47d5dd, ..._0x5b8cb9) { function _0x16ec1b(_0x1956b5, _0x105dc6, _0x467812, _0x188aa0) { return _0x27f57c(_0x105dc6, _0x1956b5 - -0x154, _0x467812 - 0xde, _0x188aa0 - 0x17f); } function _0x5ec5e4(_0x13d53b, _0xbb186b, _0x158281, _0x8c07bf) { return _0x2efcde(_0x158281, _0xbb186b - 0xb4, _0x158281 - 0x166, _0x8c07bf - -0x124); } for (let _0x3f9034 of this.#t[_0x5ec5e4(0x1db, 0x1b9, 0x242, 0x43d)]()) try { await _0x3f9034(_0x47d5dd, ..._0x5b8cb9); } catch (_0x14b6c3) { console[_0x5ec5e4(0x451, 0x4af, 0x2ab, 0x2b4)](_0x16ec1b(0x107, 0x326, -0x64, -0x190) + _0x16ec1b(0x55f, 0x68e, 0x71b, 0x460) + _0x16ec1b(0x4b7, 0x22d, 0x6a4, 0x5a4) + this[_0x5ec5e4(0x15b, 0x2aa, 0x1ab, 0x2f6)] + _0x16ec1b(0x429, 0x499, 0x347, 0x2aa) + _0x14b6c3); } return _0x47d5dd; } #t = new Map(); }; _0x367725['prototype']['readNumber'] = function () { function _0x22312a(_0x5927f5, _0x17362e, _0x26770d, _0x349ad5) { return _0x2efcde(_0x349ad5, _0x17362e - 0x71, _0x26770d - 0x155, _0x5927f5 - -0x26a); } return Number[_0x22312a(-0x5c, -0x25b, -0x180, -0x1c7)](this); }, _0x367725[_0x2efcde(0x5e9, 0x351, 0x582, 0x52e)]['readIntege' + 'r'] = function () { function _0x55ba99(_0x21c8fa, _0x3f6cbc, _0x3b513a, _0x3e775d) { return _0x27f57c(_0x3f6cbc, _0x21c8fa - -0x8a, _0x3b513a - 0x3a, _0x3e775d - 0x181); } return Number[_0x55ba99(0x3b7, 0x4a1, 0x16a, 0x43f)](this); }, _0x367725[_0x2efcde(0x71d, 0x367, 0x5f0, 0x52e)]['readBoolea' + 'n'] = function () { function _0x58d279(_0x33ae49, _0x75cef5, _0x3ae1d3, _0x5a21b9) { return _0x2efcde(_0x33ae49, _0x75cef5 - 0x1, _0x3ae1d3 - 0x19c, _0x3ae1d3 - 0x426); } const _0x548a44 = {}; _0x548a44[_0x30222d(0x307, 0x1e4, 0x1f2, 0x89)] = function (_0x34932f, _0xe4ebb2) { return _0x34932f == _0xe4ebb2; }, _0x548a44[_0x58d279(0xb2e, 0x912, 0x9b6, 0xa17)] = _0x58d279(0x9e0, 0xaeb, 0x90a, 0x830), _0x548a44[_0x30222d(0x49, 0x44, -0x51, 0x6d)] = function (_0x1bff25, _0x1f66c0) { return _0x1bff25 == _0x1f66c0; }; function _0x30222d(_0x37366a, _0x2be79, _0x33670f, _0x2d4d50) { return _0x27f57c(_0x37366a, _0x2be79 - -0x428, _0x33670f - 0xfa, _0x2d4d50 - 0x58); } _0x548a44[_0x58d279(0x4aa, 0x4dc, 0x592, 0x4a3)] = _0x58d279(0xa62, 0x8b0, 0x9bf, 0x8bc), _0x548a44[_0x30222d(0x27b, 0x25d, 0x3df, 0xe)] = function (_0x442023, _0x35274c) { return _0x442023 == _0x35274c; }, _0x548a44['RzjfB'] = 'False'; const _0x3c20eb = _0x548a44; if (_0x3c20eb[_0x58d279(0x9cb, 0x8a7, 0x8f8, 0xb6a)](this, _0x3c20eb[_0x58d279(0x843, 0xaad, 0x9b6, 0x7b9)]) || _0x3c20eb['DPWMF'](this, _0x58d279(0x6d8, 0x74a, 0x57a, 0x6fa)) || this[_0x30222d(0xb8, 0x28a, 0x22f, 0x443)] == -0x2 * 0x6cf + -0x17f * 0x16 + -0x1 * -0x2e89) return !(0x1ab7 * 0x1 + -0x957 * -0x1 + -0x240e); if (_0x3c20eb[_0x58d279(0x98f, 0x76a, 0x758, 0x516)](this['value'], _0x3c20eb[_0x58d279(0x318, 0x6c7, 0x592, 0x686)]) || _0x3c20eb[_0x30222d(0x167, 0x25d, 0x10a, 0x2d4)](this[_0x58d279(0xb2e, 0xc09, 0x99e, 0x9d7)], _0x3c20eb[_0x58d279(0x856, 0x932, 0x90d, 0xb66)]) || this['value'] == -0x231e + -0xedf + 0x31fd) return !(0x97f + -0xcc1 + 0x343); }, _0x367725[_0x27f57c(0x4ac, 0x668, 0x8f4, 0x3da)][_0x27f57c(0x16d, 0x346, 0x513, 0xda)] = function () { function _0x1edb77(_0x30521f, _0x823d75, _0x795a9f, _0xc8208d) { return _0x2efcde(_0x823d75, _0x823d75 - 0x28, _0x795a9f - 0x25, _0x795a9f - 0x49f); } return _0x208bd7[_0x1edb77(0xaea, 0xa6d, 0x8df, 0xa1f)]({ 'name': this['toString']() })[-0x1aae + 0x616 * -0x5 + 0x2db * 0x14]; }, _0x367725['prototype'][_0x27f57c(0x47b, 0x442, 0x64d, 0x27d) + 'on'] = function () { function _0x484493(_0x72cd47, _0x596ab0, _0xf0456e, _0x5b3ba0) { return _0x2efcde(_0xf0456e, _0x596ab0 - 0xf5, _0xf0456e - 0x1c8, _0x5b3ba0 - -0x26c); } let [_0x56ebb8, _0x3ddfd7, _0x5945f3] = this[_0x312e32(0x35f, 0x18b, 0x298, 0xf7)](' ')[_0x312e32(-0x6, -0x7c, -0x166, -0x166)](_0x275745 => Number[_0x312e32(0x13c, 0x2b7, 0x19, 0xef)](_0x275745)); function _0x312e32(_0x19303b, _0x832fc7, _0x5d3acb, _0x1f3faa) { return _0x2efcde(_0x832fc7, _0x832fc7 - 0x197, _0x5d3acb - 0x14, _0x19303b - -0x1cb); } return new Vector(_0x56ebb8, _0x3ddfd7, _0x5945f3); }; var J = class { [_0x2efcde(-0x81, 0x3db, -0x57, 0x173) + 'mmand'](_0x4f5fec, _0x494385, _0x441c08, ..._0x37983e) { function _0x35b143(_0x362f3b, _0x28a112, _0x423dae, _0x37a329) { return _0x2efcde(_0x423dae, _0x28a112 - 0xb0, _0x423dae - 0xef, _0x362f3b - 0x451); } const _0x4edab4 = {}; _0x4edab4[_0x4ff17e(0x897, 0x672, 0x868, 0x693)] = 'You cannot' + _0x35b143(0x98c, 0x7f1, 0x952, 0x831) + _0x4ff17e(0xb2f, 0x8f7, 0x673, 0x8b1) + _0x35b143(0x87c, 0x90d, 0xaeb, 0x6cf) + _0x35b143(0x55c, 0x7ce, 0x4c0, 0x7d2) + _0x4ff17e(0x9a3, 0x7af, 0x9fe, 0x782); const _0x12423b = _0x4edab4; if (this.#t[_0x4ff17e(0x6c3, 0x762, 0x42c, 0x512)](_0x4f5fec)) throw _0x12423b[_0x35b143(0x743, 0x4c0, 0x6b0, 0x87f)]; function _0x4ff17e(_0x335a98, _0x57501f, _0x8b4b9d, _0x2ce955) { return _0x27f57c(_0x335a98, _0x2ce955 - 0x267, _0x8b4b9d - 0x1e8, _0x2ce955 - 0x34); } const _0x337f90 = {}; _0x337f90[_0x4ff17e(0x75b, 0x7ba, 0x75f, 0x529)] = _0x494385, _0x337f90['descriptio' + 'n'] = _0x441c08, _0x337f90[_0x4ff17e(0x724, 0x3d6, 0x637, 0x4c9)] = _0x37983e, this.#t['set'](_0x4f5fec, _0x337f90); } [_0x27f57c(0x676, 0x4ff, 0x402, 0x374) + _0x27f57c(0x8d0, 0x6df, 0x797, 0x920)] = (_0x1a0465, _0x235e94, _0x2708a3) => this[_0x27f57c(0x3e9, 0x2ad, 0x457, 0x1f7) + _0x2efcde(0x2c1, 0x40d, -0x36, 0x1bf)](_0x1a0465, _0x235e94, _0x2708a3, _0x2efcde(0x1a5, 0x389, 0x42a, 0x33e) + 'i:admin');['registerTa' + _0x27f57c(0xe6, 0x2f5, 0x23c, 0x106)] = this['registerCo' + _0x27f57c(0x135, 0x2f9, 0x532, 0x1f6)];[_0x27f57c(0x559, 0x4b7, 0x6a2, 0x59b)](_0x572a02) { function _0x3bd2b1(_0x4a3a5a, _0x4c5aa6, _0xb86093, _0x2b5523) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4c5aa6, _0x4a3a5a - 0x1b5, _0xb86093 - 0x79, _0x2b5523 - 0x11b); } return this.#t[_0x3bd2b1(0x460, 0x2b5, 0x59b, 0x69f)](_0x572a02); } async[_0x27f57c(0x366, 0x2e8, 0x2b6, 0x1ea)](_0xdd54b9, _0x436c60, ..._0x2c5c50) { const _0x22265a = { 'QtVPV': _0x30b5ee(0x687, 0x59d, 0x8c9, 0x7d0), 'RoBQN': 'nJPbk', 'nuIBN': function (_0x323ffa, _0x227c9d) { return _0x323ffa === _0x227c9d; }, 'avnve': _0x572369(0x481, 0x166, 0x365, 0x35b), 'aeRoV': 'yiPEQ', 'DJRBh': function (_0x341993, _0x1f3691) { return _0x341993 + _0x1f3691; }, 'WFUST': function (_0x175ce0, _0x586b75) { return _0x175ce0(_0x586b75); }, 'mXKGf': _0x30b5ee(0x9a4, 0xa9c, 0x9d0, 0x94c), 'yFFjc': function (_0x2895c6, _0x38125d) { return _0x2895c6 + _0x38125d; }, 'dGHNE': _0x572369(0x1d7, -0x1d3, -0x40, 0x71), 'WlKxP': function (_0x102b02, _0x916f86) { return _0x102b02 + _0x916f86; }, 'qMDwx': _0x30b5ee(0x742, 0x736, 0x830, 0x5b0), 'CgPIE': _0x572369(0xb2, 0x20c, 0x335, 0x33d), 'iFTao': function (_0x553668, _0x45bb64) { return _0x553668 + _0x45bb64; }, 'BwbXh': _0x572369(-0x1fc, 0xa0, -0x15, 0x94) }; function _0x30b5ee(_0x5ecafb, _0x3628a0, _0x1a7997, _0x41adab) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1a7997, _0x3628a0 - 0x84, _0x1a7997 - 0x16, _0x41adab - 0x37e); } function _0x572369(_0x963966, _0x11f92b, _0x43751c, _0x8e9222) { return _0x2efcde(_0x43751c, _0x11f92b - 0x44, _0x43751c - 0x12a, _0x8e9222 - -0x26a); } return new Promise((_0xe67ede, _0x44824d) => { function _0x1f3db1(_0x2b4526, _0x4ff19d, _0x4c78e7, _0x21a95b) { return _0x572369(_0x2b4526 - 0xb0, _0x4ff19d - 0xdd, _0x2b4526, _0x21a95b - 0x1d2); } const _0x515699 = { 'icNBP': _0x22265a['mXKGf'], 'aeXXJ': function (_0x2a659f, _0x320288) { function _0xd46747(_0x39942b, _0x48f43b, _0x192d78, _0x236333) { return _0x5780(_0x48f43b - -0x7e, _0x192d78); } return _0x22265a[_0xd46747(0x4bd, 0x4cb, 0x2aa, 0x4ce)](_0x2a659f, _0x320288); }, 'JkcsH': _0x22265a[_0xb2e95(0x46e, 0x21d, 0x34c, 0x5cb)], 'CQvLm': function (_0x1c8309, _0x3d0607) { function _0x3c35e0(_0x397aa8, _0x16b345, _0x1f9902, _0x385530) { return _0xb2e95(_0x385530, _0x16b345 - 0x34, _0x16b345 - 0x4f1, _0x385530 - 0x65); } return _0x22265a[_0x3c35e0(0x684, 0x68c, 0x798, 0x652)](_0x1c8309, _0x3d0607); }, 'ywPOb': _0x22265a['qMDwx'], 'BmgFt': _0x22265a[_0xb2e95(0x503, 0x478, 0x360, 0x5a5)], 'npveQ': function (_0x3caa00, _0x4c5fc8) { function _0x3ca1fc(_0x18c903, _0x416425, _0x4b51f8, _0x1c2569) { return _0xb2e95(_0x4b51f8, _0x416425 - 0x148, _0x1c2569 - 0x21f, _0x1c2569 - 0x168); } return _0x22265a[_0x3ca1fc(0x103, 0x310, 0x41f, 0x187)](_0x3caa00, _0x4c5fc8); }, 'BbNpw': _0x22265a[_0xb2e95(-0xb9, 0x1a3, 0x8f, 0x189)] }; function _0xb2e95(_0x404595, _0x2647fd, _0x2efb66, _0x46a391) { return _0x30b5ee(_0x404595 - 0x191, _0x2647fd - 0x178, _0x404595, _0x2efb66 - -0x527); } _0x462647[_0x1f3db1(-0x8e, -0x38, 0x32f, 0xcc)](async () => { function _0x49001e(_0x953ec1, _0xfe1841, _0x1ffcdb, _0x54e8a9) { return _0x1f3db1(_0xfe1841, _0xfe1841 - 0xc6, _0x1ffcdb - 0x1e8, _0x953ec1 - 0x50d); } function _0x33279a(_0x37b9c3, _0x263d34, _0x15ac8f, _0x1803da) { return _0x1f3db1(_0x37b9c3, _0x263d34 - 0x16, _0x15ac8f - 0x48, _0x1803da - -0x144); } if (this.#t[_0x49001e(0x5e6, 0x46d, 0x7f0, 0x3b0)](_0xdd54b9)) try { if (_0x22265a[_0x33279a(0xe4, 0x546, 0x183, 0x30a)] === _0x22265a['RoBQN']) return _0x52b9d2[_0x49001e(0x77c, 0x596, 0x51a, 0x975)](this); else await this.#t['get'](_0xdd54b9)[_0x49001e(0x5fd, 0x647, 0x3d5, 0x7fe)](_0x436c60, ..._0x2c5c50), _0xe67ede(!(-0xbee * 0x2 + -0x1ae6 + 0x32c2)); } catch (_0xadd460) { if (_0x22265a['nuIBN'](_0x22265a[_0x33279a(0x429, 0x112, 0x378, 0x24d)], _0x22265a[_0x33279a(0x5dc, 0x1d5, 0x422, 0x409)])) { let _0x918431 = this; for (let _0x4b5845 of _0x918431[_0x33279a(0x12a, -0x2, -0x150, -0x90)](new _0x3f03f9(_0x515699['icNBP'], 'g')) ?? []) _0x918431 = _0x918431[_0x33279a(0x1b1, 0x5a5, 0x677, 0x413)](_0x4b5845, _0x515699[_0x49001e(0x914, 0x7e2, 0x7d2, 0x736)]('*', _0x4b5845[_0x33279a(0x36e, 0x453, 0x2d8, 0x395)](-0x79c + -0x16b1 + 0x1e4f, -(-0x2 * -0x1a9 + -0x1c3e + 0x18ee))) + _0x49001e(0x83b, 0x96c, 0x7b9, 0x7c3)); for (let _0x4179cd of _0x918431[_0x49001e(0x5c1, 0x70e, 0x3bb, 0x6dd)](new _0x411eab(_0x515699[_0x33279a(0x19d, 0x2c, 0x75, -0x4f)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x918431 = _0x918431[_0x49001e(0xa64, 0x9e7, 0x9e6, 0xa12)](_0x4179cd, _0x515699['CQvLm']('**' + _0x4179cd['slice'](0x2053 + 0x76c + -0x27bd, -(-0x1a14 + -0x2 * 0x113b + 0x3c8c)), _0x515699[_0x33279a(0x1b7, -0x2a6, -0x2b, -0xda)])); for (let _0x2c4466 of _0x918431['match'](new _0x4f0834(_0x515699['BmgFt'], 'g')) ?? []) _0x918431 = _0x918431[_0x49001e(0xa64, 0xc1b, 0xc59, 0x91d)](_0x2c4466, _0x515699['aeXXJ']('**' + _0x2c4466[_0x49001e(0x9e6, 0x82c, 0x7c1, 0xae0)](0x4 * -0x243 + -0x1601 + 0x1f0f * 0x1), '**')); for (let _0x13383f of _0x918431[_0x49001e(0x5c1, 0x425, 0x485, 0x690)](new _0x437884('§\o.+', 'g')) ?? []) _0x918431 = _0x918431[_0x33279a(0x3da, 0x304, 0x45b, 0x413)](_0x13383f, _0x515699['npveQ']('*', _0x13383f[_0x49001e(0x9e6, 0xb99, 0x826, 0xa3d)](0x13d * 0x13 + 0x23 * 0x1 + -0x17a8)) + '*'); return _0x918431[_0x33279a(0xd1, 0x1cc, -0x9f, 0xbc)](new _0x2fa965(_0x515699[_0x33279a(0x4dd, 0x467, 0x2d2, 0x247)], 'g'), ''); } else console[_0x33279a(0x3df, 0xf6, 0x8d, 0x1fc)](_0x22265a['DJRBh']('[BedrockBr' + _0x33279a(-0x325, 0x19e, -0x31e, -0xc5) + 'in] Custom' + _0x49001e(0x787, 0x4f4, 0x8ba, 0x86a) + 'rror
', _0xadd460)), _0x22265a[_0x49001e(0x711, 0x837, 0x623, 0x621)](_0xe67ede, !(-0x2 * 0x1229 + -0x1 * -0x935 + 0xd8f * 0x2)); } }); }); } ['isAllowed'](_0x3f4cec, _0x488dfa) { const _0x2dbbab = {}; _0x2dbbab['cBLdJ'] = function (_0x5b3761, _0xed4158) { return _0x5b3761 === _0xed4158; }; function _0x26a457(_0x134020, _0x44f94a, _0x535afb, _0x25ff40) { return _0x2efcde(_0x44f94a, _0x44f94a - 0x1ea, _0x535afb - 0xac, _0x25ff40 - 0x39d); } _0x2dbbab[_0x26a457(0x727, 0x7ac, 0x912, 0x684)] = function (_0x417b3b, _0x4b28fe) { return _0x417b3b == _0x4b28fe; }; function _0x3deef8(_0x4ae494, _0x4c1e1e, _0x25d018, _0x4df7ab) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4c1e1e, _0x4c1e1e - 0x8f, _0x25d018 - 0x32, _0x4df7ab - 0x346); } const _0x20ea87 = _0x2dbbab; if (this.#t[_0x26a457(0x727, 0x73d, 0x6c8, 0x50e)](_0x3f4cec)) { if (_0x20ea87[_0x3deef8(0x6fd, 0x64e, 0x481, 0x511)](_0x3deef8(0x7b2, 0x649, 0x63e, 0x7c3), _0x3deef8(0x905, 0x9a2, 0x94e, 0x7c3))) { if (_0x20ea87[_0x3deef8(0x4df, 0x61d, 0x6ed, 0x62d)](this.#t['get'](_0x3f4cec)[_0x26a457(0x258, 0x676, 0x5be, 0x4c5)][_0x3deef8(0x8a0, 0xa37, 0x9d5, 0x8ab)], -0x15b5 + -0xf76 * -0x1 + 0x63f)) return !(0x7d * 0x48 + 0x11f * 0x20 + -0x4708); for (let _0x176863 of this.#t['get'](_0x3f4cec)[_0x26a457(0x500, 0x64f, 0x6fb, 0x4c5)]) if (_0x488dfa['hasTag'](_0x176863)) return !(-0xa0f + 0x8a5 * -0x2 + 0x1b59); } else { const _0x3eec56 = {}; _0x3eec56[_0x3deef8(0x7ba, 0x812, 0x656, 0x895)] = _0x5e858a; const _0x5c7907 = {}; _0x5c7907[_0x26a457(0x7c6, 0x984, 0x6a3, 0x7f2)] = [_0x3eec56], _0x3cc869[_0x3deef8(0x400, 0x409, 0x703, 0x4f4) + _0x26a457(0x884, 0x728, 0x479, 0x62e)](_0x3deef8(0x51a, 0x5d1, 0x474, 0x6e1) + _0x26a457(0x89a, 0x87b, 0x848, 0x7e3) + _0x26a457(0x418, 0x4d5, 0x553, 0x579) + _0x26a457(0x774, 0x735, 0x4ca, 0x599) + _0x3bce0a['stringify'](_0x5c7907)); } } return !(-0x6c6 + 0x10cf + 0x6b * -0x18); } [_0x2efcde(0x231, 0x31d, 0x449, 0x3f7)](_0x4d1f79) { function _0x1013c9(_0x5f2f6c, _0x33e69f, _0x30c256, _0x45861d) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5f2f6c, _0x33e69f - 0x14d, _0x30c256 - 0x31, _0x45861d - 0x11b); } const _0x1efff5 = { 'AJxvf': function (_0x30451e, _0x15a604, _0x4bc50f, _0x46edab, _0x119a8d) { return _0x30451e(_0x15a604, _0x4bc50f, _0x46edab, _0x119a8d); } }; this.#t[_0x1013c9(0x51c, 0x67e, 0x64c, 0x72c)]((_0x15cae5, _0x1715bd) => { function _0x13225f(_0x294b76, _0x18f5ec, _0xbc46f, _0x17f53f) { return _0x1013c9(_0xbc46f, _0x18f5ec - 0x152, _0xbc46f - 0x7c, _0x17f53f - 0x147); } function _0x216afd(_0x122e52, _0x78a916, _0x5ae630, _0x4f85e9) { return _0x1013c9(_0x5ae630, _0x4f85e9 - -0x1d9, _0x5ae630 - 0x12f, _0x4f85e9 - 0x14c); } _0x1efff5['AJxvf'](_0x4d1f79, _0x1715bd, _0x15cae5[_0x216afd(0x3ff, 0xc3, 0x41a, 0x236)], _0x15cae5[_0x216afd(0x452, 0x23d, 0x3c8, 0x2e1) + 'n'], _0x15cae5[_0x13225f(0x5ee, 0x501, 0x2f0, 0x636)]); }); } #t = new Map(); }, O = class { #t = []; #r = !(-0xd10 + 0x5f * -0x3d + -0x724 * -0x5); get [_0x27f57c(0x6f9, 0x5a0, 0x72a, 0x5b8)]() { return this.#r; } [_0x27f57c(0x3fb, 0x308, 0x569, 0x3ca)](_0x525b16) { function _0x3a553e(_0x398567, _0xb4d7af, _0x2f9774, _0x303068) { return _0x2efcde(_0x303068, _0xb4d7af - 0x120, _0x2f9774 - 0x2c, _0xb4d7af - 0x13f); } function _0xd8043a(_0x36c2dc, _0x59023e, _0x469a10, _0x501134) { return _0x2efcde(_0x501134, _0x59023e - 0xbe, _0x469a10 - 0x61, _0x59023e - 0x2b6); } return this.#t[_0xd8043a(0x52a, 0x72b, 0x4c9, 0x7ce)](_0x525b16) && this.#r || !this.#t[_0xd8043a(0x5e7, 0x72b, 0x764, 0x7f4)](_0x525b16) && !this.#r; } [_0x27f57c(0x39e, 0x599, 0x32f, 0x7e1)](_0x532e13, ..._0xbae7af) { function _0x3ba9a0(_0x9fbd9a, _0x752468, _0x460a6a, _0x13a589) { return _0x27f57c(_0x752468, _0x460a6a - 0x136, _0x460a6a - 0x58, _0x13a589 - 0xde); } this.#r ? (this.#t = [_0x532e13, ..._0xbae7af], this.#r = !(0x142d + 0x6b4 + -0x1ae0)) : this.#t[_0x3ba9a0(0x406, 0x5c5, 0x53c, 0x512)](_0x532e13, ..._0xbae7af); } [_0x27f57c(0x6bf, 0x64d, 0x777, 0x453)](_0x12fd52, ..._0x5d2a44) { function _0x488290(_0x326e89, _0x40f27d, _0x2d8471, _0x485d55) { return _0x2efcde(_0x40f27d, _0x40f27d - 0x5f, _0x2d8471 - 0x10, _0x485d55 - -0x10d); } this.#r ? this.#t[_0x488290(0x2ed, 0x363, 0x438, 0x1bf)](_0x12fd52, ..._0x5d2a44) : (this.#t = [_0x12fd52, ..._0x5d2a44], this.#r = !(-0xaaf * 0x3 + 0x2 * 0x1384 + 0x6fb * -0x1)); } get [_0x27f57c(0x5ee, 0x66e, 0x73c, 0x4b5)]() { return [...this.#t]; } }; _0xe0f62e['bedrockCom' + _0x2efcde(0x69b, 0x714, 0x4fd, 0x57f)] = new J(), _0xe0f62e['discordCom' + _0x2efcde(0x653, 0x6d7, 0x5a8, 0x57f)] = new O(), _0xe0f62e[_0x2efcde(0x390, 0x381, 0x31a, 0x3db)] = new _0x55e54b(), _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x27f57c(0x243, 0x212, 0x420, 0x390) + _0x27f57c(0x573, 0x3ea, 0x441, 0x306)] = new w(_0x27f57c(0x1c, 0x212, 0x3d1, 0x16e) + 'ialize'), _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x2efcde(0xd1, -0x22, 0x119, 0x1f7) + 'am'] = new w(_0x2efcde(0x21f, -0x84, 0x1b1, 0x1f7) + 'am'), _0xe0f62e[_0x27f57c(0x283, 0x515, 0x611, 0x4b8)][_0x2efcde(0x405, 0x4a7, 0x568, 0x4b0) + _0x27f57c(0x582, 0x651, 0x7d1, 0x76f)] = new w(_0x2efcde(0x261, 0x5e0, 0x559, 0x4b0) + _0x27f57c(0x869, 0x651, 0x811, 0x5c0)), _0xe0f62e[_0x2efcde(0x4cc, 0x2ee, 0x357, 0x3db)][_0x2efcde(0x3b3, 0x4cb, 0x2ec, 0x2a9) + _0x2efcde(0x4f6, 0x5c3, 0x472, 0x5cf)] = new w(_0x2efcde(0x3d, 0x88, 0x481, 0x2a9) + _0x27f57c(0x8dc, 0x709, 0x76b, 0x4bc)), _0xe0f62e[_0x27f57c(0x518, 0x515, 0x74b, 0x40c)][_0x2efcde(0x483, 0x743, 0x5c4, 0x5df) + 'eLog'] = new w(_0x27f57c(0x6f8, 0x719, 0x8de, 0x90b) + 'eLog'), _0xe0f62e[_0x27f57c(0x5c6, 0x515, 0x30a, 0x55d)][_0x2efcde(0x328, 0x1b2, 0x30b, 0x39e) + 'og'] = new w('playerDieL' + 'og'), _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x2efcde(0x4d, 0x198, 0x213, 0x2b6)] = new w(_0x2efcde(0x229, 0x251, 0x184, 0x2b6)), _0xe0f62e[_0x2efcde(0x3e8, 0x215, 0x333, 0x3db)][_0x27f57c(0x3fb, 0x4d3, 0x492, 0x4fd) + 'd'] = new w(_0x27f57c(0x2e8, 0x4d3, 0x3f0, 0x74a) + 'd'), _0xe0f62e[_0x2efcde(0x16c, 0x29b, 0x580, 0x3db)]['error'] = new w(_0x2efcde(0x48a, 0x47c, 0x317, 0x3d8)); function _0x2efcde(_0x3e1944, _0x5f502, _0x42b5c2, _0x4be0a5) { return _0x5780(_0x4be0a5 - -0xf9, _0x3e1944); } const _0x2a6a74 = {}; _0x2a6a74['😄'] = ':D', _0x2a6a74['😐'] = ':|', _0x2a6a74['😔'] = ':(', _0x2a6a74['😬'] = ':E', _0x2a6a74['💀'] = _0x2efcde(0x33d, 0x731, 0x59e, 0x536); var G = _0x2a6a74; String['prototype'][_0x27f57c(0x4fb, 0x5da, 0x63c, 0x4a6)] = function () { const _0x5cb72f = {}; _0x5cb72f['KnMex'] = _0x48cdb6(0x525, 0x2ab, 0x330, 0x13f); function _0x48cdb6(_0x5ca6cc, _0x550dd5, _0x1044b1, _0x519bbd) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1044b1, _0x550dd5 - -0x136, _0x1044b1 - 0x1dd, _0x519bbd - 0x70); } _0x5cb72f[_0x6e7aef(0x58f, 0x322, 0x37e, 0x389)] = function (_0x1bd53e, _0x53fda2) { return _0x1bd53e + _0x53fda2; }, _0x5cb72f[_0x48cdb6(0x630, 0x443, 0x38c, 0x579)] = _0x48cdb6(0x442, 0x335, 0x50f, 0x427), _0x5cb72f[_0x48cdb6(0x206, 0x41a, 0x5de, 0x57f)] = _0x6e7aef(0x4f5, 0x3d3, 0x3ad, 0x4d0), _0x5cb72f[_0x6e7aef(0x489, 0x692, 0x7be, 0x6c8)] = '@discord_u' + _0x48cdb6(0x457, 0x54b, 0x2fe, 0x2ed), _0x5cb72f[_0x48cdb6(0x224, 0x364, 0x106, 0x23a)] = _0x48cdb6(0x651, 0x50b, 0x760, 0x49a), _0x5cb72f[_0x48cdb6(0x278, 0x45d, 0x317, 0x422)] = _0x6e7aef(0x920, 0x5a8, 0x8f1, 0x74e) + 'hannel', _0x5cb72f[_0x48cdb6(0x358, 0x28f, 0x1fe, 0x4aa)] = _0x6e7aef(0x624, 0x605, 0x470, 0x606), _0x5cb72f[_0x6e7aef(0x50a, 0x483, 0x4ae, 0x34d)] = '@discord_r' + _0x6e7aef(0x753, 0x42b, 0x507, 0x580); const _0x1d36eb = _0x5cb72f; let _0x284812 = this; for (let _0xa9d9aa of _0x284812[_0x48cdb6(0x32c, 0x150, -0xdd, -0x34)](new RegExp(_0x1d36eb[_0x48cdb6(0x170, 0x294, 0x413, 0x7b)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x284812 = _0x284812[_0x48cdb6(0x6e2, 0x5f3, 0x882, 0x751)](_0xa9d9aa, _0x1d36eb[_0x48cdb6(0x21e, 0x188, 0x1d5, 0xc5)]('§l', _0xa9d9aa[_0x6e7aef(0x53a, 0x944, 0x808, 0x776)](-0xfaf + 0x1 * 0x251f + 0x1a6 * -0xd, -(-0x25a9 + -0x1000 + 0x35ab))) + '§r'); for (let _0x8d6a91 of _0x284812[_0x6e7aef(0x414, 0x35f, 0x5e5, 0x351)](new RegExp(_0x1d36eb[_0x48cdb6(0x628, 0x443, 0x388, 0x432)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x284812 = _0x284812[_0x48cdb6(0x485, 0x5f3, 0x5a2, 0x7ca)](_0x8d6a91, _0x1d36eb['RXuYv'](_0x1d36eb[_0x6e7aef(0x228, 0x433, 0x423, 0x389)]('§o', _0x8d6a91['slice'](-0x130e + 0x4f1 * -0x7 + 0x35a6, -(0x2536 * 0x1 + -0x3 * 0x3d + -0x247e))), '§r')); for (let _0x5c8318 of _0x284812['match'](new RegExp(_0x1d36eb[_0x6e7aef(0x522, 0x70d, 0x444, 0x61b)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x284812 = _0x284812['replace'](_0x5c8318, _0x1d36eb[_0x6e7aef(0x6d8, 0x5c6, 0x6a4, 0x6c8)]); for (let _0x2605af of _0x284812[_0x6e7aef(0x13e, 0x204, 0x255, 0x351)](new RegExp(_0x1d36eb[_0x48cdb6(0x2fd, 0x364, 0x59b, 0x481)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x284812 = _0x284812[_0x6e7aef(0x781, 0x64d, 0x643, 0x7f4)](_0x2605af, _0x1d36eb['VWqTG']); for (let _0x236308 of _0x284812[_0x6e7aef(0x56e, 0x1c6, 0x195, 0x351)](new RegExp(_0x1d36eb[_0x48cdb6(0x2c, 0x28f, 0x12b, 0x433)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x284812 = _0x284812[_0x6e7aef(0x8c8, 0x760, 0x897, 0x7f4)](_0x236308, _0x1d36eb['YLktC']); for (let _0x1c8483 in G) _0x284812 = _0x284812[_0x48cdb6(0x6bf, 0x5f3, 0x831, 0x42c)](_0x1c8483, G[_0x1c8483]); function _0x6e7aef(_0x411f26, _0x14229b, _0x1209a7, _0x36313d) { return _0x2efcde(_0x14229b, _0x14229b - 0x1de, _0x1209a7 - 0x10, _0x36313d - 0x205); } return _0x284812; }, String['prototype'][_0x2efcde(0x5d4, 0x72f, 0x3ff, 0x497)] = function () { function _0x57978b(_0x1bafd3, _0x2a3977, _0x155c29, _0x4e87af) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4e87af, _0x2a3977 - 0x25, _0x155c29 - 0xde, _0x2a3977 - -0x45); } const _0x30e711 = {}; _0x30e711['IzIVM'] = function (_0x1e58f7, _0x1e0b65) { return _0x1e58f7 + _0x1e0b65; }, _0x30e711[_0x57978b(0x3b7, 0x2b2, 0x3f0, 0x4be)] = function (_0x416202, _0x123087) { return _0x416202 + _0x123087; }, _0x30e711[_0x57978b(0x6b0, 0x470, 0x403, 0x6de)] = '§\l.+?§r', _0x30e711[_0x57978b(0x45d, 0x255, 0x19c, 0x1f8)] = _0x422374(0x3c6, 0x4dc, 0x46a, 0x436), _0x30e711[_0x422374(-0x25d, -0x77, 0x1eb, -0x2b)] = function (_0x534b38, _0x1b3a93) { return _0x534b38 + _0x1b3a93; }, _0x30e711[_0x422374(0x437, 0x2b3, 0x2d6, 0x453)] = function (_0x360cbf, _0x48fd2d) { return _0x360cbf + _0x48fd2d; }; const _0x412084 = _0x30e711; let _0x17e248 = this; for (let _0x28167e of _0x17e248['match'](new RegExp(_0x57978b(0x453, 0x589, 0x3b8, 0x5b1), 'g')) ?? []) _0x17e248 = _0x17e248['replace'](_0x28167e, _0x412084[_0x57978b(0x7e2, 0x582, 0x6f9, 0x3bc)](_0x412084['xLFmn']('*', _0x28167e[_0x57978b(0x364, 0x52c, 0x4ed, 0x594)](-0x1cce + -0x1237 + 0x3 * 0xfad, -(0x27e + -0x1185 + 0xf09))), _0x57978b(0x5e3, 0x381, 0x2bd, 0x4e2))); for (let _0x244f35 of _0x17e248['match'](new RegExp(_0x412084[_0x422374(0x43d, 0x34f, 0x5d6, 0x344)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x17e248 = _0x17e248[_0x57978b(0x5d4, 0x5aa, 0x3ab, 0x55f)](_0x244f35, _0x412084[_0x422374(0x64a, 0x3e6, 0x486, 0x456)](_0x412084['xLFmn']('**', _0x244f35[_0x422374(0x2e8, 0x280, 0x603, 0x400)](-0x2405 + -0x1 * -0x1819 + 0xbee, -(0x4 * 0x193 + 0x11dd * -0x1 + -0x1 * -0xb93))), _0x57978b(0x412, 0x1ed, 0x429, 0x19e))); for (let _0x4a28d5 of _0x17e248['match'](new RegExp(_0x412084[_0x57978b(0x15f, 0x255, 0x313, 0x327)], 'g')) ?? []) _0x17e248 = _0x17e248[_0x57978b(0x42a, 0x5aa, 0x69b, 0x411)](_0x4a28d5, _0x412084[_0x422374(0x12b, -0x172, -0x1e9, -0x2b)]('**' + _0x4a28d5['slice'](-0x62 * 0x61 + -0xbe5 + 0x3109), '**')); for (let _0x25dc54 of _0x17e248[_0x57978b(-0x107, 0x107, 0x163, -0xa3)](new RegExp(_0x57978b(0x7a8, 0x575, 0x420, 0x584), 'g')) ?? []) _0x17e248 = _0x17e248[_0x422374(0x694, 0x2c9, 0x347, 0x47e)](_0x25dc54, _0x412084[_0x422374(0x600, 0x667, 0x272, 0x453)]('*' + _0x25dc54['slice'](-0x1 * 0xfb5 + 0x1e31 * -0x1 + -0x5bd * -0x8), '*')); function _0x422374(_0x235132, _0x77ca51, _0x1493fb, _0x4497f0) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1493fb, _0x4497f0 - -0x2ab, _0x1493fb - 0x1d2, _0x4497f0 - 0x7e); } return _0x17e248[_0x422374(0x35, -0x3d, 0xf7, 0x127)](new RegExp(_0x422374(0x2a2, 0x311, -0x74, 0x18d), 'g'), ''); }, _0x4eb3d6[_0x2efcde(0x7a5, 0x39f, 0x37f, 0x52e)][_0x2efcde(0x24d, 0x469, -0x43, 0x1e4)] = function () { const _0x35c66c = {}; function _0x18168e(_0x3867c2, _0x2b4ec8, _0x1bffce, _0x58496d) { return _0x2efcde(_0x58496d, _0x2b4ec8 - 0x197, _0x1bffce - 0xd7, _0x2b4ec8 - 0x414); } function _0x31400a(_0x193ddd, _0x8a2f56, _0x5ec51e, _0x4858ee) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5ec51e, _0x193ddd - -0x425, _0x5ec51e - 0x142, _0x4858ee - 0x1); } _0x35c66c[_0x31400a(0x1a9, 0x2fe, 0x1ba, -0xe2)] = _0x31400a(0xba, 0x66, -0x1b6, 0xe6); const _0x53d0b6 = _0x35c66c; this['addTag'](_0x53d0b6['JlNIP']); }, Object[_0x2efcde(0x555, 0x139, 0x532, 0x34d) + _0x2efcde(0x855, 0x732, 0x675, 0x5c6)](_0x4eb3d6['prototype'], 'muted', { 'get': function () { function _0x3ba7c4(_0x197a90, _0xfa061, _0x4df12b, _0x359cf5) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4df12b, _0xfa061 - 0x16, _0x4df12b - 0x1c0, _0x197a90 - -0x249); } function _0x1e25ef(_0x59011a, _0x163ec6, _0x248382, _0x435777) { return _0x2efcde(_0x435777, _0x163ec6 - 0x7e, _0x248382 - 0x162, _0x163ec6 - 0x446); } return this[_0x1e25ef(0xa57, 0x96c, 0x94c, 0x75f)](_0x1e25ef(0x5aa, 0x7eb, 0x600, 0xa10)); } }), Object['defineProp' + 'erty'](_0x4eb3d6[_0x27f57c(0x46e, 0x668, 0x600, 0x466)], _0x27f57c(0x340, 0x402, 0x3da, 0x254), { 'get': function () { const _0x1a3c2f = {}; _0x1a3c2f[_0x208803(0x56f, 0x2a2, 0x357, 0x50c)] = _0x208803(0x334, 0xf1, 0x9f, 0x3e) + _0x208803(0x222, 0x14d, 0x277, 0x31b) + 'f'; const _0x3168eb = _0x1a3c2f; function _0x210ef8(_0x52e5da, _0x493c15, _0x30dceb, _0x462363) { return _0x2efcde(_0x462363, _0x493c15 - 0x5a, _0x30dceb - 0x121, _0x30dceb - 0x1bd); } function _0x208803(_0x7794d3, _0x1bbf86, _0x154dc5, _0x226765) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1bbf86, _0x154dc5 - -0x3d9, _0x154dc5 - 0x92, _0x226765 - 0x1ba); } return this['hasTag'](_0x3168eb[_0x210ef8(0x79c, 0x872, 0x7b3, 0x8bd)]); } }); function _0x27f57c(_0x321bf8, _0xf38366, _0x21b8dd, _0x2f031e) { return _0x5780(_0xf38366 - 0x41, _0x321bf8); } _0x4eb3d6[_0x27f57c(0x3d6, 0x668, 0x7a5, 0x684)][_0x27f57c(0x503, 0x456, 0x2a1, 0x489)] = function () { function _0xdf6e22(_0x2519a6, _0x5a7486, _0x568439, _0x512bc7) { return _0x2efcde(_0x5a7486, _0x5a7486 - 0x131, _0x568439 - 0xb6, _0x568439 - -0x165); } function _0x559062(_0x12eea2, _0x1b975f, _0x24f4d9, _0x3481bd) { return _0x2efcde(_0x12eea2, _0x1b975f - 0xed, _0x24f4d9 - 0xe2, _0x1b975f - 0x367); } const _0x6f9b3e = {}; _0x6f9b3e[_0x559062(0x7bf, 0x84c, 0x813, 0x983)] = 'MutedBB'; const _0x38f3a3 = _0x6f9b3e; this['hasTag'](_0x38f3a3[_0x559062(0x645, 0x84c, 0x937, 0x79e)]) && this[_0xdf6e22(0x276, 0x115, 0xdb, -0x15c)](_0x38f3a3['hGosd']); }; var ce = {}; _0x208bd7[_0x27f57c(0x4b0, 0x248, 0x84, 0x41f) + _0x2efcde(0x3c1, 0xec, 0x2c, 0x1a7)] = ce, Object[_0x2efcde(0x371, 0x542, 0x5d5, 0x34d) + _0x27f57c(0x630, 0x700, 0x5d9, 0x5cf)](_0x4eb3d6[_0x2efcde(0x719, 0x6f5, 0x35c, 0x52e)], _0x27f57c(0x4b7, 0x498, 0x58a, 0x3b3), { 'get': function () { function _0xaa37bf(_0x43140b, _0x28d5f0, _0x3a190b, _0x355a0f) { return _0x2efcde(_0x43140b, _0x28d5f0 - 0xeb, _0x3a190b - 0xb8, _0x355a0f - -0x11c); } const _0x1af59e = {}; _0x1af59e[_0xaa37bf(0x6be, 0x284, 0x23f, 0x457)] = _0x5bf295(0x49a, 0x6f2, 0x672, 0x453) + _0xaa37bf(0x24d, 0x475, 0x2b3, 0x22c); function _0x5bf295(_0x4297a9, _0x4569fc, _0x5e8e37, _0x3cebce) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5e8e37, _0x4297a9 - 0x156, _0x5e8e37 - 0x11f, _0x3cebce - 0x1bf); } const _0x53c9cd = _0x1af59e; return this['getDynamic' + _0xaa37bf(0x175, 0x1af, 0x4b, 0x253)](_0x53c9cd[_0xaa37bf(0x249, 0x2db, 0x3a8, 0x457)]); } }), _0x4eb3d6[_0x27f57c(0x53b, 0x668, 0x65c, 0x65d)][_0x27f57c(0x23a, 0x2e5, 0x461, 0x290) + 'layers'] = function (_0x22a8bf) { function _0x29bb33(_0x2f71e0, _0x252958, _0x58e62f, _0x5ad5f2) { return _0x27f57c(_0x58e62f, _0x252958 - 0x68, _0x58e62f - 0x1b8, _0x5ad5f2 - 0x1a9); } function _0x459074(_0x44d590, _0x45b6e9, _0x4f965c, _0x1e9516) { return _0x2efcde(_0x44d590, _0x45b6e9 - 0x165, _0x4f965c - 0x1b0, _0x1e9516 - 0x9); } return Array['from'](_0x208bd7[_0x459074(0x3e9, 0x150, 0x1ec, 0x39e) + 'on'](this[_0x29bb33(0x961, 0x726, 0x5e3, 0x84e)]['id'])[_0x459074(0x644, 0x1b6, 0x487, 0x449)]({ 'location': this[_0x29bb33(0x313, 0x3f9, 0x1c4, 0x2de)], 'maxDistance': _0x22a8bf })); }; function D(_0x1a9cdb, _0x52845d, _0x399eb9) { const _0x1413b2 = {}; _0x1413b2['riiXe'] = function (_0x3310b4, _0xfa2f07) { return _0x3310b4 == _0xfa2f07; }; function _0x155f05(_0x1f420d, _0x375051, _0x57c6b2, _0x244a31) { return _0x2efcde(_0x244a31, _0x375051 - 0x13a, _0x57c6b2 - 0x112, _0x57c6b2 - -0x92); } _0x1413b2[_0x9aa0f7(-0x2ce, -0x7e, 0x15c, 0x54)] = function (_0x1f1806, _0xe61b3f) { return _0x1f1806 >= _0xe61b3f; }, _0x1413b2[_0x9aa0f7(-0x58, 0xa9, 0xfa, -0x101)] = function (_0xa832b, _0x442a09) { return _0xa832b <= _0x442a09; }; function _0x9aa0f7(_0x1de145, _0x8d5c3e, _0x577b0f, _0x1e3846) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1de145, _0x8d5c3e - 0x7a, _0x577b0f - 0xcd, _0x8d5c3e - -0x1fb); } const _0x5c1425 = _0x1413b2; return _0x5c1425['riiXe'](typeof _0x1a9cdb, _0x9aa0f7(-0x137, 0xeb, 0xb5, -0xb3)) && _0x5c1425[_0x155f05(0x15a, 0xbb, 0xeb, 0xce)](_0x1a9cdb[_0x155f05(0x4ee, 0x49d, 0x4d3, 0x53f)], _0x52845d) && _0x5c1425['BjPTC'](_0x1a9cdb[_0x155f05(0x39d, 0x521, 0x4d3, 0x483)], _0x399eb9); } function _0x5780(_0x21d1f2, _0x260b45) { const _0x371b55 = _0x14ab(); return _0x5780 = function (_0x1c57f2, _0x101c42) { _0x1c57f2 = _0x1c57f2 - (0x1 * 0x148d + -0x1623 * 0x1 + -0x4f * -0xb); let _0x19c43c = _0x371b55[_0x1c57f2]; return _0x19c43c; }, _0x5780(_0x21d1f2, _0x260b45); } async function T(_0x215a26) { const _0x19ceaf = {}; _0x19ceaf[_0x2b39ae(0x274, 0x47b, 0x320, 0x31a)] = _0x215a26; function _0x2b39ae(_0x48da0f, _0x1971bb, _0x454452, _0x53578b) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1971bb, _0x1971bb - 0x96, _0x454452 - 0x1ee, _0x48da0f - -0x1a6); } for (let _0xebdce of _0x208bd7['getPlayers'](_0x19ceaf)) return _0xebdce; } async function de(_0x85204a) { function _0x22b6be(_0x204c20, _0x2cdeb7, _0x3732dc, _0x5922f8) { return _0x2efcde(_0x5922f8, _0x2cdeb7 - 0x1f3, _0x3732dc - 0xdf, _0x2cdeb7 - 0x27d); } const _0x196d97 = {}; _0x196d97[_0x1f14c3(0x756, 0x478, 0x77c, 0x4f6)] = function (_0x2323c6, _0x1a5607) { return _0x2323c6 == _0x1a5607; }, _0x196d97[_0x22b6be(0x45b, 0x3fe, 0x1b9, 0x68d)] = function (_0x1c1682, _0x7ee63f) { return _0x1c1682 >= _0x7ee63f; }, _0x196d97[_0x22b6be(0x73c, 0x756, 0x8fd, 0x6dd)] = function (_0x2adcf3, _0x4cd4ff) { return _0x2adcf3 <= _0x4cd4ff; }, _0x196d97['YyILw'] = 'inventory', _0x196d97[_0x1f14c3(0x6a7, 0x624, 0x4bd, 0x681)] = function (_0x58b66c, _0x42151a) { return _0x58b66c < _0x42151a; }, _0x196d97[_0x1f14c3(0x7bb, 0x5cb, 0x7be, 0x749)] = function (_0xd0cdd3, _0x4e0e0f) { return _0xd0cdd3 !== _0x4e0e0f; }, _0x196d97['RZfxa'] = _0x22b6be(0x6e2, 0x4d2, 0x494, 0x54d), _0x196d97[_0x22b6be(0x2ea, 0x392, 0x272, 0x57c)] = 'nIlQk', _0x196d97['yWtCy'] = 'minecraft:'; const _0x4999fa = _0x196d97; let _0x2a8f80 = [], { container: _0x39e42e, inventorySize: _0x22436c } = _0x85204a[_0x1f14c3(0x7c0, 0x4e5, 0x967, 0x714) + 'nt'](_0x4999fa[_0x1f14c3(0xae3, 0xb70, 0xb35, 0x930)]); function _0x1f14c3(_0x4446f3, _0x3ddb1a, _0x1e7786, _0x5c8b6f) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4446f3, _0x5c8b6f - 0x2c1, _0x1e7786 - 0xea, _0x5c8b6f - 0xb5); } for (let _0x139ca7 = -0xeb1 * -0x1 + -0x21 * -0x35 + 0x227 * -0xa; _0x4999fa['zzHmI'](_0x139ca7, _0x22436c); _0x139ca7++) { if (_0x4999fa[_0x1f14c3(0x588, 0x7f1, 0x813, 0x749)](_0x4999fa[_0x1f14c3(0xa62, 0x9d0, 0xb01, 0x967)], _0x4999fa[_0x22b6be(0x5f1, 0x392, 0x26b, 0x44a)])) { let _0x28dfa8 = _0x39e42e[_0x1f14c3(0x79e, 0x54b, 0x531, 0x6aa)](_0x139ca7); _0x28dfa8 && _0x2a8f80[_0x1f14c3(0x8a0, 0x93b, 0x6fb, 0x6c7)]([_0x28dfa8[_0x22b6be(0x8b4, 0x62e, 0x6a7, 0x5c5)][_0x22b6be(0x723, 0x86c, 0x743, 0x83c)](_0x4999fa['yWtCy'], ''), _0x28dfa8[_0x22b6be(0x597, 0x41c, 0x2e3, 0x2ca)], _0x28dfa8[_0x22b6be(0x423, 0x656, 0x4f9, 0x66b)]]); } else return _0x4999fa[_0x22b6be(0x324, 0x378, 0x4bc, 0x238)](typeof _0x241ec7, _0x22b6be(0x748, 0x563, 0x5b7, 0x40a)) && _0x4999fa['olgKW'](_0x44103a['length'], _0xb003f4) && _0x4999fa[_0x1f14c3(0x9c9, 0x833, 0x88f, 0x8d4)](_0x53017b[_0x22b6be(0x589, 0x7e2, 0x8ae, 0x923)], _0xff4675); } return _0x2a8f80; } async function le(_0x1a54da) { function _0x542869(_0x4ff0c0, _0x138244, _0x52a1b1, _0x43c6bc) { return _0x27f57c(_0x138244, _0x52a1b1 - -0x4a, _0x52a1b1 - 0xd8, _0x43c6bc - 0x59); } for (let _0x28f68d in _0x5f59b1) for (let _0x4883a4 of _0x208bd7[_0x542869(0x393, 0x4bd, 0x530, 0x620)]({ 'gameMode': _0x28f68d })) if (_0x4883a4['id'] === _0x1a54da['id']) return _0x28f68d; } async function he() { function _0x3663a8(_0x3781fa, _0x2a7d9f, _0x427ced, _0x3580d3) { return _0x27f57c(_0x427ced, _0x3781fa - -0x3f7, _0x427ced - 0x82, _0x3580d3 - 0x63); } function _0x42d5dc(_0x5726e5, _0x286e70, _0x19a7ca, _0x53a1c5) { return _0x27f57c(_0x19a7ca, _0x53a1c5 - -0x233, _0x19a7ca - 0xf5, _0x53a1c5 - 0xf4); } const _0x4a1ea1 = { 'RzCGz': function (_0x5031f6, _0x433ac3) { return _0x5031f6 === _0x433ac3; }, 'IsSUD': _0x3663a8(-0x190, -0x2d9, -0xb6, -0x29b), 'Qlhwi': function (_0x5d0c3e, _0x2ada0c) { return _0x5d0c3e(_0x2ada0c); }, 'wZWpf': function (_0xfc4289, _0x14cfce) { return _0xfc4289 / _0x14cfce; }, 'URqGx': _0x42d5dc(0x5a2, 0x230, 0x5b5, 0x46d), 'rkeVT': _0x42d5dc(0x142, 0x44e, -0x1b, 0x22b), 'cxvDz': _0x42d5dc(0x271, 0x38a, 0x321, 0x2f5) }; return new Promise(_0x2d0087 => { function _0x43ff30(_0x3ec419, _0x42396d, _0x4aab9c, _0x2629c8) { return _0x42d5dc(_0x3ec419 - 0x1eb, _0x42396d - 0x1d1, _0x2629c8, _0x3ec419 - 0x3b2); } function _0x41d460(_0x588eae, _0x1da052, _0x5ba1da, _0x1f7f1e) { return _0x42d5dc(_0x588eae - 0x39, _0x1da052 - 0x1f4, _0x1da052, _0x588eae - -0x170); } if (_0x4a1ea1[_0x41d460(0x200, 0x9a, 0x1b2, 0x3ec)](_0x4a1ea1[_0x41d460(0x162, 0x265, -0x75, 0x178)], _0x4a1ea1[_0x43ff30(0x684, 0x5bc, 0x7a5, 0x7ae)])) { let _0x3ed632 = Date['now'](); _0x462647[_0x43ff30(0x5e0, 0x58b, 0x6c3, 0x4f3)](() => { function _0x244dc4(_0x58f4b6, _0x4482b1, _0x2a5d32, _0x310dce) { return _0x41d460(_0x310dce - 0x4d6, _0x4482b1, _0x2a5d32 - 0x4d, _0x310dce - 0x8c); } function _0x168e9f(_0x4dfb8b, _0x4f8808, _0x257000, _0x3bc6dd) { return _0x43ff30(_0x4dfb8b - -0x20f, _0x4f8808 - 0x183, _0x257000 - 0x16d, _0x257000); } if (_0x4a1ea1[_0x168e9f(0x513, 0x4cd, 0x3d4, 0x478)](_0x4a1ea1['IsSUD'], _0x4a1ea1[_0x168e9f(0x6a5, 0x709, 0x785, 0x840)])) _0x4a1ea1[_0x168e9f(0x26c, 0x34c, 0x482, 0x19f)](_0x2d0087, { 'tps': Math['floor'](_0x4a1ea1['wZWpf'](0x373a + 0x15b6 + -0x25e0, Date[_0x244dc4(0x3e9, 0x4b6, 0x53c, 0x57c)]() - _0x3ed632)), 'overworld_entities': _0x208bd7['getDimensi' + 'on'](_0x4a1ea1[_0x168e9f(0x39e, 0x5e9, 0x45d, 0x41a)])[_0x168e9f(0x2b7, 0xd8, 0x28, 0xeb) + 's']()[_0x168e9f(0x60f, 0x5f2, 0x569, 0x3a7)], 'nether_entities': _0x208bd7[_0x168e9f(0x43f, 0x44d, 0x4ea, 0x67f) + 'on'](_0x244dc4(0x55f, 0x51b, 0x269, 0x47f))[_0x244dc4(0x441, 0x1e4, 0x1f2, 0x47a) + 's']()[_0x168e9f(0x60f, 0x6ed, 0x553, 0x61a)], 'end_entities': _0x208bd7[_0x168e9f(0x43f, 0x5d4, 0x676, 0x556) + 'on'](_0x4a1ea1[_0x244dc4(0x824, 0x6ac, 0x9d4, 0x872)])[_0x168e9f(0x2b7, 0x339, 0x102, 0x1c9) + 's']()[_0x168e9f(0x60f, 0x53b, 0x55e, 0x5b9)] }); else return this[_0x168e9f(0x1e0, -0x4b, 0xa9, 0x1b6)](_0x545322, _0x15aab6, _0x3a20fd[_0x244dc4(0x8c8, 0x487, 0x681, 0x69a)]); }, -0x2056 + -0x8 * -0x3de + 0x170); } else { _0x410200['sourceEnti' + 'ty'][_0x41d460(0x1e8, 0xd5, -0x6f, 0x14f) + 'e'](_0x43ff30(0x5e6, 0x831, 0x5f0, 0x610) + 'ot open Be' + _0x41d460(-0x14a, -0x158, -0x32d, -0x183) + 'e ingame s' + _0x41d460(0x1e0, 0x43c, 0xe9, 0x308) + '
§oYou are' + _0x43ff30(0x677, 0x8fe, 0x521, 0x492) + _0x43ff30(0x656, 0x7dc, 0x561, 0x3cf) + 'e configur' + 'ation sett' + _0x41d460(0x329, 0x288, 0xef, 0x527) + _0x41d460(0x38e, 0x11b, 0x255, 0x36f) + _0x41d460(-0x8a, -0x1dc, 0x58, -0x16d) + _0x41d460(0x2a9, 0x277, 0x14f, 0x52b) + _0x41d460(0x1f8, 0x207, 0x1bf, 0x24f) + _0x43ff30(0x680, 0x615, 0x513, 0x6bc) + _0x43ff30(0x757, 0x6dc, 0x92b, 0x80d) + _0x41d460(0x7, 0x73, -0xba, 0x28b) + _0x41d460(0x189, -0x84, 0x2b4, 0x1ed) + ' and resta' + _0x43ff30(0x768, 0x629, 0x786, 0x630) + _0x41d460(0xc0, 0x2c0, 0x188, 0x171)); return; } }); } async function H(_0x57a75c, _0x46a379, _0x181e2f, _0x442e1d) { function _0x3f6f57(_0x200835, _0x4709f1, _0x550cd1, _0x26f49b) { return _0x27f57c(_0x550cd1, _0x26f49b - -0x17c, _0x550cd1 - 0x184, _0x26f49b - 0xbd); } function _0x32dc69(_0x21ee29, _0x5e5bf2, _0x26fbb6, _0x55b080) { return _0x2efcde(_0x21ee29, _0x5e5bf2 - 0x16b, _0x26fbb6 - 0xa4, _0x5e5bf2 - 0x1b1); } return [Math['floor'](_0x57a75c), Math['floor'](_0x46a379), Math[_0x32dc69(0x224, 0x325, 0x1c3, 0x35b)](_0x181e2f), _0x442e1d['id'][_0x3f6f57(0x65f, 0x772, 0x5d7, 0x52f)](0x1e8 * -0xc + -0x961 + 0x204b * 0x1)]; } async function ue(_0x109cce) { function _0x32fb03(_0x3ebee9, _0x38f63c, _0x56a956, _0x4c3a19) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4c3a19, _0x56a956 - -0xf3, _0x56a956 - 0x16b, _0x4c3a19 - 0xf3); } function _0x5049a3(_0x1022b7, _0xe8e528, _0x3e895b, _0x4988bb) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1022b7, _0xe8e528 - -0x22c, _0x3e895b - 0xfb, _0x4988bb - 0x1cd); } return _0x109cce[_0x32fb03(0x3b0, 0x45b, 0x4ee, 0x546) + 'Identity'] ? _0x208bd7[_0x32fb03(0x603, 0x709, 0x4ee, 0x4d7)][_0x5049a3(0x467, 0x2a5, 0x237, 0x412) + 'ves']()['filter'](_0x27d90e => _0x27d90e[_0x32fb03(0x3c8, 0x1fe, 0x135, -0x12b) + _0x32fb03(0x530, 0x13b, 0x328, 0x366)](_0x109cce[_0x5049a3(0x14e, 0x3b5, 0x4f7, 0x20f) + _0x5049a3(0x37d, 0x356, 0x2e5, 0x21f)]))[_0x5049a3(0xde, 0xd3, 0x0, -0x53)](_0xea2183 => [_0xea2183['displayNam' + 'e'], _0xea2183[_0x32fb03(0x57e, 0x55c, 0x4cc, 0x39d)](_0x109cce['scoreboard' + _0x32fb03(0x67f, 0x5fc, 0x48f, 0x5b3)])])[_0x32fb03(0x58b, 0x16d, 0x30e, 0x45e)]() : []; } async function K(_0x32a6fa) { const _0x525d97 = { 'XemSD': _0x4ed612(0x133, 0x29d, 0x3f6, 0x37d) + 'ime', 'okUGZ': _0x4fcda9(0x4e1, 0x663, 0x653, 0x5fc), 'qzPcw': function (_0x296678, _0x462acf, _0x4c21dc, _0x302345, _0x2bb1ea) { return _0x296678(_0x462acf, _0x4c21dc, _0x302345, _0x2bb1ea); }, 'dKgOW': function (_0x37f947, _0x5d69a3) { return _0x37f947(_0x5d69a3); }, 'BUteN': _0x4ed612(0x473, 0x3fa, 0x76, 0x2fc), 'RXQJU': function (_0x5452b2, _0x31ea8d) { return _0x5452b2(_0x31ea8d); }, 'NZGAs': _0x4fcda9(0x975, 0x6ca, 0x6ee, 0x745) }; function _0x4fcda9(_0x54cbc0, _0x21cc7a, _0x61c614, _0xf544c4) { return _0x27f57c(_0x61c614, _0xf544c4 - 0x264, _0x61c614 - 0x198, _0xf544c4 - 0xe2); } function _0x4ed612(_0x1c04ff, _0x4ee4e0, _0x897679, _0x9a6371) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1c04ff, _0x9a6371 - -0xb6, _0x897679 - 0x11f, _0x9a6371 - 0xf1); } let _0x16bcf8 = _0x32a6fa[_0x4fcda9(0x5ab, 0x3b7, 0x3ef, 0x513) + _0x4fcda9(0x7ae, 0x8a7, 0xa2d, 0x86a)]() ?? _0x208bd7[_0x4ed612(0x39b, 0x4a7, 0x2ae, 0x2fa) + _0x4ed612(0x27e, 0x40f, 0x65a, 0x3f2) + _0x4fcda9(0xa64, 0x763, 0xa20, 0x86b)](), _0x30208f = _0x32a6fa['getDynamic' + 'Property'](_0x525d97['XemSD']), _0x5c2bf0 = _0x32a6fa['getCompone' + 'nt'](_0x525d97['okUGZ']), _0x344a8b = { 'nameTag': _0x32a6fa['nameTag'], 'id': _0x32a6fa['id'], 'level': _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(-0x1a, 0xb2, 0x2ac, 0x1b9)], 'location': await _0x525d97[_0x4fcda9(0x4b0, 0x370, 0x457, 0x605)](H, _0x32a6fa['location']['x'], _0x32a6fa['location']['y'], _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(0x2dc, 0x42e, 0x4e2, 0x2db)]['z'], _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(0x424, 0x6c2, 0x3f7, 0x608)]), 'gamemode': await _0x525d97[_0x4fcda9(0x403, 0x84f, 0x89a, 0x611)](le, _0x32a6fa), 'health': Math[_0x4fcda9(0x8f0, 0x6e6, 0x97c, 0x782)](_0x5c2bf0[_0x4fcda9(0x93d, 0x81d, 0x7bf, 0x874) + 'ue'] / _0x5c2bf0[_0x4fcda9(0x6c4, 0x63a, 0x775, 0x534) + 'ue'] * (-0x10c * -0x13 + -0x6f9 + -0xc87)), 'op': _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(0x3f5, 0x557, 0x585, 0x3bc)](), 'spawn': await _0x525d97[_0x4ed612(0x1f9, 0x459, 0x307, 0x2eb)](H, _0x16bcf8['x'], _0x16bcf8['y'], _0x16bcf8['z'], _0x16bcf8['dimension'] ?? Y), 'joinDate': _0x30208f ? new Date(_0x30208f * (-0x21c81b * 0x1 + -0x3da65 * 0x2 + 0x7 * 0xdc633))['toDateStri' + 'ng']() : _0x525d97[_0x4fcda9(0x3f8, 0x677, 0x699, 0x579)], 'tag': _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(0x5c7, 0x782, 0x5c2, 0x661)](), 'scoreboard': await _0x525d97[_0x4ed612(0x405, 0x615, 0x492, 0x43c)](ue, _0x32a6fa), 'url': _0x32a6fa['getDynamic' + _0x4fcda9(0x65a, 0x580, 0x6d6, 0x70d)](_0x525d97[_0x4fcda9(0xa51, 0x973, 0x6b0, 0x7f9)]), 'dcNametag': _0x32a6fa[_0x4ed612(0x373, 0x1c4, 0xfe, 0x297) + _0x4fcda9(0x7b3, 0x985, 0x8f7, 0x70d)](_0x4ed612(0x242, 0x3a0, 0x28f, 0x28e) + _0x4ed612(0x2cc, 0x4c8, 0x5b7, 0x3cc)) }; return Object[_0x4fcda9(0x952, 0x6cd, 0x93e, 0x8ff)](_0x344a8b); } async function E(_0x2cde8e) { return new Promise(_0x9368ca => { function _0x3bded3(_0x1d47da, _0xa72842, _0x112a59, _0x4f7ed4) { return _0x5780(_0x4f7ed4 - -0x1b6, _0x1d47da); } _0x462647[_0x3bded3(0x281, 0x5e, -0x1f, 0x26a)](_0x9368ca, _0x2cde8e); }); } function X(_0x338541, _0x513858, _0x2a79bb = 'Post', _0x2c80fe = 0x8ae + -0xb * -0x101 + -0x13b4) { const _0x4c628b = {}; _0x4c628b['TuPFp'] = _0x1e7d8d(0x7bc, 0x865, 0x7e0, 0x816) + 'pe'; function _0x51da72(_0x19ae16, _0xb5abf4, _0x5cb64b, _0x51da11) { return _0x27f57c(_0x51da11, _0xb5abf4 - -0x35b, _0x5cb64b - 0x15d, _0x51da11 - 0x17f); } _0x4c628b['ZpWpp'] = _0x51da72(-0x84, 0x9c, 0x1c8, 0x301) + _0x51da72(0x21b, -0x30, -0x19d, -0x116); const _0x1ca4e7 = _0x4c628b; function _0x1e7d8d(_0x2360e2, _0x1e320c, _0x466a9e, _0x515e84) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1e320c, _0x515e84 - 0x231, _0x466a9e - 0x34, _0x515e84 - 0x147); } let _0xd8e5d7 = new _0x4e9440(_0x338541); return _0xd8e5d7[_0x51da72(0x31f, 0x142, 0x2f3, -0x154)] = _0x2c80fe, _0xd8e5d7[_0x51da72(0x1f0, 0x135, 0x1be, 0x187)] = _0xbe0821[_0x2a79bb], _0xd8e5d7[_0x51da72(0x364, 0x1a2, 0x16, 0x1b0)] = [new _0x2a1d17(_0x1ca4e7[_0x1e7d8d(0x5c9, 0x4bc, 0x8d7, 0x6dc)], _0x1ca4e7[_0x1e7d8d(0x9a2, 0x69c, 0x659, 0x831)]), new _0x2a1d17(_0x51da72(0x13b, 0x54, 0x23e, -0x20), _0x513858)], _0xd8e5d7; } var j = class r { static #t = !(-0xc4e + -0x50a + 0x1159); constructor() { const _0x5cb9ed = {}; _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x890, 0x78d, 0x885, 0x716)] = function (_0x3614f6, _0x41640f) { return _0x3614f6 + _0x41640f; }, _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x8be, 0x938, 0x998, 0xa7a)] = function (_0x151327, _0x5f4630) { return _0x151327 !== _0x5f4630; }, _0x5cb9ed['LIObP'] = _0x3e65ee(0x6f5, 0x738, 0x956, 0x891), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x77e, 0x3b4, 0x4f0, 0x2d5)] = _0x3e65ee(0x8da, 0x608, 0x7b8, 0x7c3), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x91e, 0x9f7, 0x81a, 0x925)] = _0x1bab1d(0x6b2, 0x8f7, 0x5e5, 0x47e), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x88c, 0x758, 0x890, 0x6f5)] = _0x3e65ee(0x536, 0x94b, 0x6f0, 0x470), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x70d, 0x8d0, 0x74b, 0x6fc)] = function (_0x158c5a, _0x1bad3d) { return _0x158c5a <= _0x1bad3d; }, _0x5cb9ed['lIbeU'] = 'playerCoun' + 't', _0x5cb9ed['tqyKK'] = 'playerJoin', _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x441, 0x404, 0x581, 0x40e)] = _0x1bab1d(0x58b, 0x531, 0x6eb, 0x7cf) + 'ime', _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x8d8, 0x77d, 0x781, 0x57e)] = function (_0x461fb5, _0x409f88) { return _0x461fb5 / _0x409f88; }, _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x40b, 0x2c8, 0x337, 0x651)] = function (_0x355f39, _0xa3cce3) { return _0x355f39 <= _0xa3cce3; }, _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x639, 0x5e4, 0x7ef, 0x846)] = _0x1bab1d(0x808, 0x89e, 0x851, 0x7f2), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x552, 0x680, 0x790, 0x86f)] = _0x3e65ee(0xa50, 0x7f1, 0x9f0, 0xbe4) + 'e', _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x5be, 0x638, 0x326, 0x74e)] = function (_0x17708c, _0x51d38d) { return _0x17708c === _0x51d38d; }, _0x5cb9ed['YFMrO'] = _0x3e65ee(0x5d1, 0x6b2, 0x52d, 0x66e), _0x5cb9ed['ZikcW'] = _0x1bab1d(0x45c, 0x513, 0x4c4, 0x52a), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x3f5, 0x4ec, 0x258, 0x50b)] = 'discord_ro' + 'les', _0x5cb9ed['rUJOU'] = 'discord_di' + _0x3e65ee(0x54c, 0x45b, 0x616, 0x488), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x7bb, 0x585, 0x6c0, 0x5e2)] = _0x3e65ee(0x773, 0xb50, 0x8fe, 0x8f4), _0x5cb9ed['CqQHC'] = _0x3e65ee(0x4b8, 0x2d7, 0x4f1, 0x388) + _0x1bab1d(0x59b, 0x477, 0x539, 0x531) + 't', _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0xa67, 0xbc9, 0x967, 0xbf5)] = _0x1bab1d(0x7e3, 0x78d, 0x6d4, 0x789), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x836, 0x8d9, 0x5b6, 0x673)] = _0x1bab1d(0x667, 0x89e, 0x4f4, 0x8b9) + _0x3e65ee(0x85b, 0x729, 0x9a8, 0x882) + _0x1bab1d(0x809, 0x92b, 0xa00, 0xa26), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x54c, 0x403, 0x37d, 0x3eb)] = _0x3e65ee(0x609, 0x69c, 0x6a3, 0x85e) + 'n error', _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x3ee, 0x50b, 0x4f6, 0x603)] = 'ReferenceE' + _0x1bab1d(0x79f, 0x8ab, 0x7f7, 0x71b) + _0x1bab1d(0x64d, 0x68e, 0x82f, 0x624) + 'ore than o' + _0x1bab1d(0x441, 0x246, 0x484, 0x603) + 'e of this ' + _0x1bab1d(0x745, 0x90b, 0x94d, 0x585), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x758, 0x750, 0x846, 0xa46)] = _0x3e65ee(0x6f9, 0x57c, 0x7d2, 0x87d), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x4b2, 0x698, 0x264, 0x303)] = _0x3e65ee(0x844, 0x423, 0x611, 0x6d3), _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x7f1, 0x9ae, 0x77a, 0x832)] = _0x1bab1d(0x5d0, 0x395, 0x4cc, 0x7a8) + ''; function _0x3e65ee(_0x461ee1, _0x4861df, _0x3f371a, _0x5bdba5) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4861df, _0x3f371a - 0x2d7, _0x3f371a - 0xf3, _0x5bdba5 - 0x18a); } _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x609, 0x7ee, 0x6da, 0x5b4)] = _0x3e65ee(0xaea, 0x92b, 0x963, 0x949), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x374, 0x146, 0x580, 0x5a5)] = 'player_lis' + 't', _0x5cb9ed[_0x3e65ee(0x3e3, 0x3f9, 0x517, 0x36d)] = _0x1bab1d(0x6f5, 0x803, 0x8f1, 0x625), _0x5cb9ed[_0x1bab1d(0x798, 0x7d8, 0x959, 0x8e6)] = _0x1bab1d(0x7a1, 0x8fd, 0x86f, 0x9cb); const _0x47bbd8 = _0x5cb9ed; let _0x12e00b = new Set(); if (r.#t) throw _0x47bbd8[_0x3e65ee(0x624, 0x395, 0x4f6, 0x63b)]; function _0x1bab1d(_0x25083b, _0x146700, _0x3e5a7b, _0x3d0f6a) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3e5a7b, _0x146700 - 0x1b7, _0x3e5a7b - 0x22, _0x25083b - 0x292); } r.#t = !(-0x2332 + -0xe7b + -0x1d7 * -0x1b), this[_0x3e65ee(0x711, 0x785, 0x7d2, 0x8bf)] = u[_0x3e65ee(0x2fb, 0x4d8, 0x516, 0x489)](_0x47bbd8[_0x1bab1d(0x6c7, 0x76d, 0x609, 0x8e5)]) ?? '!', this.#x = u[_0x3e65ee(0x4f8, 0x2e5, 0x516, 0x388)](_0x47bbd8[_0x3e65ee(0x54c, 0x855, 0x631, 0x890)]) ? 'localhost:' + '60' : _0x47bbd8[_0x3e65ee(0x7c3, 0x6c4, 0x77a, 0x7d3)], this.#c = _0x208bd7[_0x1bab1d(0x6a2, 0x60d, 0x546, 0x49f) + 'ers']()['length'], this.#e([_0x47bbd8[_0x1bab1d(0x670, 0x562, 0x591, 0x418)], [_0x47bbd8[_0x1bab1d(0x55b, 0x5db, 0x46e, 0x35f)], []]]); for (let _0x38df92 of _0x208bd7['getAllPlay' + 'ers']()) this.#u[_0x38df92['name']] = _0x38df92['getDynamic' + _0x3e65ee(0x548, 0x701, 0x780, 0x71c)](_0x47bbd8['zXdyP']); let _0x2b0512 = new x(_0x47bbd8[_0x3e65ee(0x5f7, 0x479, 0x4f3, 0x6c8)]); this.#a = new x(_0x47bbd8['rXpaA']), this.#d = new x(_0x3e65ee(0x618, 0x71d, 0x642, 0x8da) + _0x3e65ee(0x35d, 0x6d7, 0x4f4, 0x37f)), this.#g = _0x2b0512, Object[_0x3e65ee(0x7af, 0x9ae, 0x75e, 0x577) + 'erty'](_0xe0f62e, _0x47bbd8[_0x1bab1d(0x798, 0x8f7, 0x9e7, 0x5c7)], { 'get': function () { function _0x36e6d5(_0x269048, _0x3bc4cf, _0x50f57a, _0x52e681) { return _0x1bab1d(_0x50f57a - -0x118, _0x3bc4cf - 0x83, _0x269048, _0x52e681 - 0x135); } function _0x4caef6(_0x25b404, _0x6123d7, _0x1d0208, _0x96e6f5) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x25b404 - 0x132, _0x25b404, _0x6123d7 - -0x2b1, _0x96e6f5 - 0x1db); } return Array[_0x36e6d5(0x41d, 0x147, 0x36c, 0x329)](_0x2b0512['entries']())[_0x36e6d5(0x558, 0x2fa, 0x33f, 0x1a3)](([_0x5b93a3, _0x28884c]) => ({ 'name': _0x28884c, 'id': _0x5b93a3 })); } }), _0x208bd7[_0x3e65ee(0x650, 0x7cf, 0x54e, 0x662) + 's'][_0x3e65ee(0x8fd, 0x8b8, 0x6ba, 0x67e)][_0x3e65ee(0xabd, 0x8b7, 0x974, 0x7cc)](_0x597add => { const _0x3a7163 = { 'EIteh': function (_0x30ab9f, _0x6669aa) { return _0x47bbd8['RMimH'](_0x30ab9f, _0x6669aa); } }; function _0xe1554e(_0x564a5e, _0xf9635b, _0x35dbca, _0x289600) { return _0x1bab1d(_0x289600 - -0x3fa, _0xf9635b - 0x1b4, _0x564a5e, _0x289600 - 0xa7); } function _0x41945d(_0x56662e, _0x5e12b9, _0x3728f5, _0xf51d0a) { return _0x1bab1d(_0x56662e - -0x4, _0x5e12b9 - 0xaf, _0xf51d0a, _0xf51d0a - 0x193); } if (_0x47bbd8[_0xe1554e(0x252, 0x59e, 0x4eb, 0x41f)](_0x47bbd8[_0x41945d(0x80a, 0x7f7, 0x9c4, 0x74a)], _0xe1554e(0x2c5, 0x216, 0xf4, 0x274))) { if (this.#a[_0xe1554e(-0x1fe, -0x1a2, 0x2a0, 0x9)](_0x597add['playerId']) || this.#d[_0xe1554e(0x1e4, -0x168, 0x264, 0x9)](_0x597add[_0xe1554e(0x18c, -0x118, -0x241, 0x36)])) { _0x12e00b[_0xe1554e(0x3d0, 0x41d, 0x45a, 0x385)](_0x597add[_0xe1554e(0x668, 0x474, 0x269, 0x439)]); return; } this.#c += -0x43 * -0x59 + 0x1874 + 0x246 * -0x15, this.#i == -0x28d * 0x9 + 0x2475 + -0xd7e && this.#n(); } else return this[_0xe1554e(-0xba, -0xaf, -0xcf, -0x63)](_0x495ec5) ?? this['get'](_0x3a7163['EIteh'](_0x3a7163['EIteh'](_0x567811, ':'), _0x4f548b)); }), _0x208bd7[_0x1bab1d(0x3cf, 0x474, 0x335, 0x1ef) + 's'][_0x3e65ee(0x7e0, 0x7aa, 0x6f4, 0x623) + 'n']['subscribe'](async _0x3e4073 => { if (!_0x3e4073[_0x414d21(0x4cc, 0x526, 0x6ea, 0x449) + 'wn'] || this.#a['has'](_0x3e4073[_0x414d21(0x656, 0x3d3, 0x173, 0x448)]['id'])) return; function _0x1181df(_0x5e16b8, _0x4adc4e, _0x2425cc, _0x336e01) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x5e16b8 - 0xd3, _0x5e16b8, _0x336e01 - -0x17b, _0x336e01 - 0x165); } function _0x414d21(_0x4a9d1, _0x4ff0dc, _0x3d649e, _0x4ffe44) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x4a9d1 - 0x15, _0x3d649e, _0x4ff0dc - -0x39f, _0x4ffe44 - 0xc9); } let _0x22cbf7 = _0x3e4073[_0x1181df(0x3f6, 0x38e, 0x6c4, 0x5f7)][_0x1181df(0x5bc, 0x424, 0x4e8, 0x4a9) + _0x414d21(0x2db, 0x3e1, 0x666, 0x52a)](_0x47bbd8[_0x1181df(0x294, 0x1c9, 0x51e, 0x375)]); if (_0x22cbf7 ? this.#u[_0x3e4073[_0x414d21(0x573, 0x3d3, 0x2eb, 0x1fb)][_0x414d21(0x518, 0x48c, 0x27b, 0x512)]] = _0x22cbf7 : this.#e([_0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(0x6bf, 0x47b, 0x385, 0x5eb)], [_0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(0x87e, 0x66c, 0x780, 0x41b)], _0x3e4073[_0x1181df(0x553, 0x3b7, 0x426, 0x5f7)]['name']]]), _0x47bbd8[_0x1181df(0x5ea, 0x827, 0x5f6, 0x5d0)](this.#i, -0x2528 + -0x1 * 0x565 + 0x2a8f)) { const _0x340c8a = {}; _0x340c8a[_0x1181df(0x46d, 0x5c8, 0x7f7, 0x60b)] = _0x3e4073[_0x1181df(0x766, 0x697, 0x79d, 0x5f7)][_0x414d21(0x278, 0x48c, 0x448, 0x23b)]; let { user: _0x11a01b, cancel: _0x5d05f5 } = await _0xe0f62e[_0x1181df(0x54a, 0x699, 0x855, 0x671)][_0x414d21(0x53d, 0x31b, 0x419, 0x413) + _0x1181df(0x9ec, 0x938, 0x9f4, 0x865)]['emit'](_0x340c8a, _0x3e4073[_0x1181df(0x4c6, 0x569, 0x6d6, 0x5f7)])[_0x1181df(0x841, 0x656, 0x666, 0x744)](_0x391804 => (D(_0x391804[_0x414d21(0x22c, 0x3e7, 0x4f4, 0x16b)], 0x19ad + -0x13d4 + -0x5d8, -0x7 * 0x33 + 0x13 * 0x1 + 0x2 * 0xc2) || (_0x391804['user'] = _0x3e4073[_0x1181df(0x423, 0x368, 0x711, 0x5f7)]['name']), _0x391804)); this.#e([_0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(0x4ea, 0x47b, 0x32b, 0x443)], [_0x47bbd8['lIbeU'], this.#c]]), _0x5d05f5 || this.#e(['log', [_0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(0x2f4, 0x15b, 0x280, 0x8e)], [_0x11a01b, this.#c, _0x22cbf7]]]); } _0x3e4073['player']['getDynamic' + _0x414d21(0x1a4, 0x3e1, 0x37c, 0x2d5)](_0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(-0xb, 0x1e2, 0x21a, 0x74)]) || _0x3e4073[_0x414d21(0x25a, 0x3d3, 0x197, 0x507)][_0x414d21(0x2bd, 0x485, 0x2c1, 0x46e) + _0x1181df(0x793, 0x482, 0x715, 0x605)](_0x1181df(0x3d8, 0x577, 0x327, 0x58f) + _0x414d21(0x31f, 0x22a, 0x299, 0x33a), _0x47bbd8[_0x414d21(0x651, 0x3e2, 0x5e6, 0x485)](Math[_0x1181df(0x667, 0x25c, 0x549, 0x40a)](Date['now']()), -0x2 * -0xe548b + -0x8b * -0x6945 + -0x20f23 * 0xf)); }), _0x208bd7[_0x1bab1d(0x3cf, 0x408, 0x3cd, 0x451) + 's'][_0x3e65ee(0xba0, 0x83c, 0x9f0, 0x9d0) + 'e'][_0x1bab1d(0x7f5, 0x876, 0x87c, 0x63e)](async _0x5625d3 => { function _0x5cf09c(_0x4a9839, _0x5b64e2, _0x541fce, _0x212197) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x4a9839 - 0xc2, _0x4a9839, _0x541fce - -0xa1, _0x212197 - 0x17); } if ((this.#a[_0x5cf09c(0x30d, 0x315, 0x4e1, 0x6fc)](_0x5625d3[_0x3e7684(0x7fe, 0x92f, 0x951, 0x75b)]) || this.#d[_0x3e7684(0x3b9, 0x4e2, 0x521, 0x348)](_0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0x3a9, 0x755, 0x50e, 0x468)])) && _0x12e00b[_0x3e7684(0x45e, 0x44f, 0x521, 0x2ef)](_0x5625d3[_0x3e7684(0x9d9, 0x8e6, 0x951, 0x7a2)])) { _0x12e00b['delete'](_0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0xa6f, 0xa7f, 0x911, 0x87e)]); return; } function _0x3e7684(_0x531312, _0x1a8947, _0x553e12, _0x417b8a) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x531312 - 0x192, _0x1a8947, _0x553e12 - -0x61, _0x417b8a - 0x165); } this.#c -= -0x522 + 0x1ba8 + -0x481 * 0x5; let _0x55e07a = this.#u[_0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0x676, 0x63b, 0x50e, 0x3d7)]]; if (_0x47bbd8[_0x3e7684(0x65f, 0x313, 0x529, 0x434)](this.#i, -0x10 * 0x83 + -0x1b35 + 0x2366)) { this.#e([_0x47bbd8[_0x3e7684(0x67e, 0x61d, 0x7b9, 0x652)], [_0x47bbd8['lIbeU'], this.#c]]); const _0xf7cdd0 = {}; _0xf7cdd0[_0x3e7684(0x4f4, 0x9a9, 0x725, 0x80c)] = _0x5625d3[_0x3e7684(0x629, 0x69b, 0x54e, 0x3aa)]; const _0x5097a9 = {}; _0x5097a9[_0x3e7684(0x7e3, 0x9ec, 0x7ca, 0x90a)] = _0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0x5d4, 0x4ab, 0x50e, 0x2b1)], _0x5097a9['id'] = _0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0x713, 0x8bf, 0x911, 0xb66)]; let { user: _0x5e8f0c, cancel: _0xa65850 } = await _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x3e7684(0x963, 0x9b8, 0x98f, 0x791) + _0x5cf09c(0x915, 0x698, 0x73e, 0x801)]['emit'](_0xf7cdd0, _0x5097a9)['then'](_0x2396fa => (D(_0x2396fa['user'], -0x3d * -0x15 + 0xd67 * -0x1 + 0x867, 0x20a2 + -0x2 * 0x1296 + 0x4bc) || (_0x2396fa[_0x5cf09c(0x5dc, 0x978, 0x6e5, 0x763)] = _0x5625d3[_0x5cf09c(0x2fa, 0x791, 0x50e, 0x6d4)]), _0x2396fa)); _0xa65850 || this.#e([_0x47bbd8['aESny'], [_0x47bbd8['YFVSh'], [_0x5e8f0c, this.#c, _0x55e07a]]]); } delete this.#u[_0x5625d3['playerName']]; }), _0x462647['beforeEven' + 'ts'][_0x1bab1d(0x4d4, 0x75e, 0x67d, 0x590) + _0x3e65ee(0x465, 0x792, 0x538, 0x72d)]['subscribe'](_0x1a96d9 => { function _0x584205(_0x51ae62, _0xa6ab7a, _0xe2a147, _0x14ea17) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x51ae62 - 0x9d, _0xe2a147, _0x14ea17 - -0x1e9, _0x14ea17 - 0x5f); } function _0x599fac(_0x1d6087, _0x12b1ad, _0x3fea29, _0x34917b) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x1d6087 - 0x54, _0x12b1ad, _0x34917b - 0x3c, _0x34917b - 0xd4); } _0x1a96d9[_0x584205(0x5a3, 0x542, 0x67b, 0x52a)] = !(0x19f5 * -0x1 + 0x5b * 0x37 + -0x19a * -0x4), this.#s(-0x1 * 0x26da + 0x2264 + -0xe9 * -0x5, _0x599fac(0xa63, 0x6b9, 0xb33, 0x8bb) + _0x599fac(0x890, 0x6f4, 0x749, 0x966) + _0x584205(0x6d, 0x2cf, 0x32f, 0x304) + _0x1a96d9[_0x599fac(0x6c8, 0x88e, 0x675, 0x7d5) + _0x584205(0x556, 0x3e4, 0x537, 0x628)]); }), _0x462647[_0x1bab1d(0x738, 0x8cf, 0x4d2, 0x945)](this.#r()); let _0x391b90 = [_0x3e65ee(0x6fa, 0x853, 0x6a7, 0x907) + 'les', _0x47bbd8['CqQHC'], _0x47bbd8[_0x3e65ee(0x998, 0x580, 0x809, 0x7fb)]]; this[_0x1bab1d(0x82f, 0xa91, 0x839, 0x7ac)] = new Map(), ((async () => { const _0x226140 = { 'DJXcn': function (_0x449577, _0x3e514c) { return _0x449577 + _0x3e514c; }, 'NChna': function (_0x2df713, _0x341238) { function _0xa259c(_0x4f7136, _0x3b1ac7, _0x485d28, _0x4d9f61) { return _0x5780(_0x4d9f61 - 0x20e, _0x4f7136); } return _0x47bbd8[_0xa259c(0x602, 0x7ac, 0x730, 0x633)](_0x2df713, _0x341238); }, 'AYZZK': _0x47bbd8['YFMrO'], 'hUfOC': _0x47bbd8[_0x52ce8d(0x8aa, 0xa81, 0x87f, 0x9f9)] }; function _0x15f864(_0x3a985f, _0x37783d, _0x37150b, _0x13c81c) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x3a985f - 0x1bb, _0x37783d, _0x13c81c - -0x469, _0x13c81c - 0x11b); } const _0x54be24 = {}; _0x54be24['discord_ro' + _0x52ce8d(0x901, 0x9f1, 0x7aa, 0x949)] = !(0x217 * -0x1 + 0x6e1 + 0x265 * -0x2); function _0x52ce8d(_0x5c494e, _0x317a54, _0x54f568, _0x56821f) { return _0x3e65ee(_0x5c494e - 0x132, _0x317a54, _0x5c494e - 0x9d, _0x56821f - 0x6a); } const _0xb5dcf3 = {}; _0xb5dcf3['discord_di' + _0x52ce8d(0x6b3, 0x83d, 0x6ae, 0x863)] = !(0x29b * -0x5 + -0x1 * -0x23b6 + -0x16af); if (await _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x52ce8d(0x586, 0x570, 0x6c3, 0x469) + _0x52ce8d(0x75e, 0x8e5, 0x8f2, 0x791)][_0x15f864(0x125, 0x324, 0x40a, 0x17a)]({ 'registerAddition': (_0x3d12c5, ..._0x2dd6ba) => { function _0x443b1e(_0x2982dc, _0xb3e067, _0x18a278, _0xe93c4b) { return _0x15f864(_0x2982dc - 0x116, _0xe93c4b, _0x18a278 - 0xac, _0xb3e067 - -0x295); } function _0x4d1bc8(_0x318d1d, _0x143c90, _0x4316d2, _0x5c2ff8) { return _0x15f864(_0x318d1d - 0x1cf, _0x318d1d, _0x4316d2 - 0x1e5, _0x4316d2 - 0x1da); } _0x391b90['includes'](_0x3d12c5) && !this[_0x4d1bc8(0x738, 0x538, 0x71f, 0x6ab)][_0x443b1e(-0x3f4, -0x17c, -0xca, -0xd0)](_0x3d12c5) && this[_0x443b1e(0x45e, 0x2b0, 0x247, 0x2e0)][_0x443b1e(0x236, 0x133, -0x2d, 0x12)](_0x3d12c5, _0x2dd6ba); } }), this[_0x52ce8d(0xa4b, 0xad9, 0xbfc, 0xcc9)][_0x15f864(0xe2, 0xc6, 0xfe, 0x119)](_0x47bbd8[_0x52ce8d(0x611, 0x6e4, 0x61d, 0x572)]) && (this[_0x52ce8d(0xa4b, 0xc43, 0xa5f, 0x916)][_0x52ce8d(0x8ce, 0xa40, 0x765, 0x795)](_0x47bbd8[_0x15f864(-0xc5, 0x331, -0x5d, 0x10b)]), this.#e([_0x47bbd8[_0x52ce8d(0x8b7, 0x687, 0xa67, 0xb02)], ['add', _0x54be24]])), this['additions'][_0x15f864(0x38a, 0x316, 0xfa, 0x119)](_0x47bbd8['rUJOU']) && (this['additions']['set'](_0x47bbd8['rUJOU']), this.#e([_0x47bbd8['HSfVJ'], [_0x47bbd8[_0x15f864(0x2df, 0x4f3, 0x371, 0x4d1)], _0xb5dcf3]])), this[_0x52ce8d(0xa4b, 0xb95, 0x9cd, 0xac5)][_0x15f864(0x231, -0x12f, 0xc1, 0x119)](_0x47bbd8['CqQHC'])) { if (_0x47bbd8['hCszU'](_0x47bbd8[_0x52ce8d(0xa04, 0x93b, 0xa23, 0x923)], _0x47bbd8[_0x15f864(0x4c4, 0x674, 0x628, 0x4fe)])) _0x32e37c[_0x52ce8d(0x886, 0x5f9, 0x9cf, 0x77a)](_0x10c3b5); else { let _0x1a38ce = this[_0x15f864(0x378, 0x533, 0x7da, 0x545)][_0x52ce8d(0x5b3, 0x5de, 0x387, 0x6b1)](_0x47bbd8['CqQHC'])[0xd03 + -0x22a2 + 0x159f]; Array[_0x15f864(0x2a4, 0x145, 0x36c, 0x328)](_0x1a38ce) && _0x1a38ce['every'](_0x427aa6 => typeof _0x427aa6 == 'string' && _0x427aa6['length'] < 0x1bed + 0xde5 + -0x250 * 0x12) ? this.#y = _0x1a38ce : this.#s(-0xd7 * 0x1 + 0x441 * 0x6 + -0x1783, _0x47bbd8[_0x15f864(0x7b8, 0x45b, 0x36b, 0x54c)]); } } await this.#n()[_0x52ce8d(0x95c, 0xb8c, 0xa96, 0xb29)](_0x2b36bf => { function _0x382f67(_0x25ab49, _0x5091e8, _0x27159a, _0x476c55) { return _0x15f864(_0x25ab49 - 0x2d, _0x476c55, _0x27159a - 0xd8, _0x27159a - 0x519); } function _0x26ced5(_0x1dc1a6, _0x453ec2, _0x2c29eb, _0x109bc6) { return _0x15f864(_0x1dc1a6 - 0x1c0, _0x109bc6, _0x2c29eb - 0x45, _0x2c29eb - -0x1d1); } _0x226140[_0x26ced5(-0x259, 0x2a0, 0x25, 0x189)](_0x226140['AYZZK'], _0x226140['hUfOC']) ? _0x590208[_0x382f67(0x962, 0x821, 0x899, 0xac7)](_0x226140[_0x382f67(0x492, 0x419, 0x647, 0x5ef)](_0x382f67(0x75c, 0x636, 0x8a6, 0x863) + _0x26ced5(0x35, 0x22, 0x139, 0x213) + _0x382f67(0x458, 0x86d, 0x688, 0x8a0) + _0x382f67(0x9a5, 0x693, 0x8fd, 0x842) + _0x26ced5(0xcf, 0x485, 0x28f, 0x22b) + 'ins.
', _0x175eb1)) : this.#T(); }, this.#s(0x1 * 0x1f79 + 0x1400 * 0x1 + -0x336d, _0x47bbd8[_0x15f864(0xf1, 0x199, 0x3b9, 0x262)])); })()); } *#r() { const _0x39e4aa = { 'GgYBa': function (_0x2d53d8, _0x176331) { return _0x2d53d8 + _0x176331; }, 'HpIrH': function (_0x2f1835, _0x21d132) { return _0x2f1835(_0x21d132); }, 'gnCLD': _0x3b348d(0x7df, 0x5c8, 0x99f, 0xa05) + _0x475f8e(0x375, 0x228, 0x34e, 0x472) + 'f', 'FNCnv': _0x475f8e(0x496, 0x55e, 0x177, 0x3b8), 'OucHy': _0x475f8e(0x34b, 0x274, 0x31c, 0x502) + 'r', 'fkuTi': function (_0x3ea60d, _0x9a96cf) { return _0x3ea60d == _0x9a96cf; }, 'yEdLQ': _0x475f8e(0x423, 0xe4, 0x3f9, 0x211) + _0x475f8e(0x6d, 0x6b, 0x71, 0x1df) + _0x3b348d(0x9f8, 0x953, 0x969, 0xa1f), 'eZNBU': _0x475f8e(0x593, 0x319, 0x333, 0x42b) + _0x475f8e(0x481, 0x453, 0x649, 0x4a0) + _0x475f8e(0x98, 0x456, 0x7c, 0x2f6) + _0x475f8e(0x4f2, 0x6d9, 0x4da, 0x481) + _0x475f8e(0x206, 0x24c, 0x2dc, 0x4c) + 'r.', 'RVNqe': function (_0x36a9b1, _0x1fa22e) { return _0x36a9b1 === _0x1fa22e; }, 'mRIUs': _0x475f8e(0x2b0, 0x495, 0x364, 0x3fd), 'PlShQ': function (_0x9ffc53, _0x33bdf7) { return _0x9ffc53 < _0x33bdf7; }, 'spmwr': 'minecraft:', 'MJrBx': function (_0x2080b3, _0x27a42b) { return _0x2080b3 + _0x27a42b; }, 'JjkSY': _0x3b348d(0x879, 0x7f8, 0x5fd, 0x9ca), 'qdviH': function (_0x4253b2, _0x5375ce) { return _0x4253b2(_0x5375ce); }, 'NPyJl': _0x3b348d(0x862, 0xa2e, 0xa90, 0x670), 'MQXvd': function (_0x4ee24c, _0x1b1454) { return _0x4ee24c > _0x1b1454; }, 'aVDWZ': _0x475f8e(0x458, 0x42d, 0x3c1, 0x2c0) + _0x475f8e(0x19b, 0x310, 0x191, 0x425) + _0x3b348d(0x690, 0x602, 0x733, 0x842) + _0x475f8e(0x48b, 0x656, 0x31f, 0x4ea) + _0x475f8e(0x14c, 0xd8, 0x3b, 0xbe) + 'r.', 'iFcxt': _0x3b348d(0x77f, 0x8c2, 0x767, 0x835), 'oHVMv': '§cProvided' + _0x3b348d(0x98d, 0xb40, 0x8ac, 0xb91) + 'too short.', 'bhJeF': '§cInvalid ' + _0x3b348d(0x845, 0x628, 0xa77, 0x9c1) + 'vided: exa' + _0x3b348d(0x825, 0x5d0, 0x7de, 0x629) + 'y.dreamsmp' + _0x3b348d(0x6b9, 0x4be, 0x6c6, 0x764), 'EckSS': _0x3b348d(0xa10, 0x9bf, 0x999, 0x8d3) + _0x3b348d(0x843, 0x9e1, 0xa01, 0x9e1) + ' have been' + ' saved.', 'FVWSc': _0x3b348d(0x6ab, 0x800, 0x634, 0x502) + 'g', 'rmrLM': function (_0x1e2d55, _0x3d61e6) { return _0x1e2d55 === _0x3d61e6; }, 'rNOoO': function (_0x5d916b, _0x3ce184) { return _0x5d916b + _0x3ce184; }, 'JxjBL': _0x3b348d(0xa30, 0xb06, 0xb04, 0xaea), 'JdKdK': _0x475f8e(-0x8, 0x175, 0x3e6, 0x196) + _0x475f8e(0x3b6, 0x7, 0x255, 0x25b) + _0x475f8e(0x575, 0x232, 0x23f, 0x457), 'MFDjd': '§cImpossib' + 'le connect' + 'ing to the' + _0x475f8e(0x5c8, 0x689, 0x6c9, 0x446) + _0x475f8e(0x266, -0x128, -0x9d, 0x46), 'EDTCb': _0x475f8e(0x341, 0xf4, 0x2e8, 0x177), 'HufjF': 'esplorator' + 'i:setup', 'eJmlD': 'esplorator' + _0x3b348d(0xa9a, 0x8aa, 0xb00, 0xadb), 'PHDGG': _0x475f8e(0x2a7, 0x2fd, 0x306, 0xea), 'wmFOl': 'OurJK', 'GcUPq': function (_0x1e64a0, _0xe07052) { return _0x1e64a0 === _0xe07052; }, 'IamtJ': 'SSiJQ', 'cASYg': function (_0x112e5c, _0x496567) { return _0x112e5c === _0x496567; }, 'jpfXg': _0x475f8e(0x2a1, 0x3ac, 0x21, 0x11c), 'yUBrj': _0x3b348d(0xa51, 0xca2, 0xa51, 0x902), 'wgUjM': _0x3b348d(0x7df, 0x96b, 0x557, 0x737) + _0x3b348d(0x903, 0x69f, 0xa6a, 0x833), 'axmSa': function (_0x29d38c, _0x2463fc) { return _0x29d38c !== _0x2463fc; }, 'PLCxw': 'gSSjJ', 'boyYq': function (_0x2a22c7, _0x4bee69) { return _0x2a22c7 == _0x4bee69; }, 'aVkSq': _0x3b348d(0x7c2, 0x6a0, 0x918, 0x6a0) + _0x3b348d(0x77a, 0x85b, 0x56a, 0x5f0) + 'eady conne' + _0x3b348d(0x8b3, 0x8ca, 0x836, 0x72d), 'DEyHs': _0x3b348d(0x6f0, 0x57c, 0x764, 0x971) + _0x475f8e(0x1e6, -0xdb, -0xc2, 0x12f), 'mDYfC': function (_0x474271, _0x167801) { return _0x474271 == _0x167801; }, 'nySqV': _0x3b348d(0x970, 0xb28, 0x86c, 0x9ca) + _0x475f8e(0x559, 0x255, 0x332, 0x350) + _0x3b348d(0x894, 0x89e, 0x7af, 0x955) + ' already c' + _0x475f8e(0x3d9, 0x4d6, 0x554, 0x36b), 'LUldG': 'hgoGk', 'EHyPn': '(BedrockBr' + _0x3b348d(0xa6d, 0xbc5, 0xca4, 0x829) + _0x3b348d(0x847, 0x9ec, 0x8db, 0xace) + _0x3b348d(0x585, 0x48a, 0x679, 0x655) + _0x3b348d(0x6c8, 0x7a3, 0x6b0, 0x5cb) + _0x3b348d(0x6da, 0x790, 0x814, 0x802), 'QyeQS': _0x3b348d(0x982, 0xbf4, 0x8cd, 0x738) + 'mand can o' + _0x3b348d(0x658, 0x5da, 0x57e, 0x5d4) + ' from cons' + _0x3b348d(0x81c, 0x5da, 0x9ea, 0x809), 'eVkTr': _0x3b348d(0x7df, 0xa48, 0x909, 0x7ba) + _0x475f8e(0x40, 0x1a7, 0x2fa, 0x14f) + _0x3b348d(0x777, 0x962, 0x853, 0x9bd), 'UxIxI': _0x475f8e(0xff, 0x293, 0x4bb, 0x29a) + _0x3b348d(0x744, 0x5ea, 0x8d5, 0x8c6), 'FkJLt': _0x3b348d(0x9ee, 0x7b6, 0xc38, 0x847), 'KqkQj': function (_0x55f0c5, _0x11f214) { return _0x55f0c5 + _0x11f214; }, 'wfzMt': function (_0x548cb1, _0x12821e) { return _0x548cb1 + _0x12821e; }, 'pKseb': function (_0x196bc7, _0x4de744) { return _0x196bc7 !== _0x4de744; }, 'yEWMV': _0x3b348d(0x68b, 0x7d8, 0x7ce, 0x5e7), 'BGMLA': _0x475f8e(0x3d9, 0x29c, 0x61b, 0x406), 'pfSHE': function (_0xbdaa36, _0x338356) { return _0xbdaa36 === _0x338356; }, 'uYnXZ': _0x475f8e(0x1d0, 0x1b6, 0x397, 0x27a), 'jPDCh': _0x3b348d(0x7df, 0x5c6, 0x82e, 0xa22) + 'i:token-se' + _0x3b348d(0x6ce, 0x911, 0x75f, 0x72a), 'NGkcC': function (_0x62608b, _0x56eb52) { return _0x62608b !== _0x56eb52; }, 'HmDgT': 'tEsiR', 'EWoAm': '(BedrockBr' + _0x475f8e(0x5c0, 0x597, 0x69e, 0x420) + _0x475f8e(0x2a6, 0x4ff, 0x2e9, 0x4a4) + _0x475f8e(0x3cd, 0x63d, 0x339, 0x4ac) + 'Restart th' + _0x475f8e(0x29a, 0x3e7, 0x16b, 0x249) + _0x3b348d(0x6b7, 0x6b4, 0x56f, 0x421) + _0x475f8e(0x46e, 0x32d, 0x1f2, 0x37d) + 'der to use' + _0x3b348d(0xa5a, 0xb16, 0xce0, 0x9c0), 'jurgj': _0x3b348d(0x970, 0x8f1, 0x8f0, 0x713) + _0x3b348d(0xa85, 0x956, 0x8b3, 0x9fe) + 'are curren' + _0x475f8e(0x186, -0x1a, -0x96, 0x1e8) + _0x3b348d(0x960, 0x6e6, 0xb3b, 0xa8e) + 'file setup' + '. As long ' + _0x475f8e(0x43a, 0xb9, 0x3ae, 0x22d) + _0x3b348d(0x73c, 0x676, 0x9cf, 0x6e4) + 'ed to chan' + 'ge all set' + _0x475f8e(0x3e9, 0x398, 0x2df, 0x3e7) + _0x475f8e(0x2ff, 0x1b2, 0xd3, 0x2ff) + _0x475f8e(0x20c, 0x263, 0x1ab, 0x260) + 'r.', 'ohXlL': function (_0x406682, _0x2ba2b3) { return _0x406682 instanceof _0x2ba2b3; }, 'KdvEK': 'log', 'wrEib': function (_0x19dae2, _0x13752e) { return _0x19dae2 >> _0x13752e; }, 'AiqSD': function (_0x2eeecd, _0x1373df) { return _0x2eeecd - _0x1373df; }, 'iuDpJ': function (_0x252721, _0x5d2e3f) { return _0x252721 + _0x5d2e3f; }, 'twRka': _0x3b348d(0x5d1, 0x519, 0x518, 0x4dd), 'PgALA': 'NLnTb', 'ZRgsj': function (_0x2b7f03, _0x566542) { return _0x2b7f03 != _0x566542; }, 'gVjNC': function (_0x2e9d0e, _0x3c4ba1) { return _0x2e9d0e / _0x3c4ba1; }, 'fQMzD': _0x475f8e(0x14a, 0x138, 0x1, 0x16e), 'KTqPr': _0x475f8e(0x673, 0x6c6, 0x3a8, 0x445), 'oDZKd': _0x475f8e(0x188, -0x14d, 0x1d, 0xed), 'amhUq': 'esp:pfp', 'wCfkg': _0x475f8e(0x342, 0x28b, 0x104, 0x1e9), 'oXvjY': _0x3b348d(0x6ab, 0x724, 0x86d, 0x4e4) + _0x475f8e(0x1bf, 0x262, 0x128, 0x2a4), 'Nuilk': function (_0xf56864, _0x530c15) { return _0xf56864 !== _0x530c15; }, 'cYRbh': _0x3b348d(0x931, 0x89f, 0x7af, 0x8c8), 'HLJnl': _0x475f8e(0x471, 0x57a, 0x543, 0x512), 'GHrGE': 'bbYQo', 'jRzje': 'BannedBB', 'fUeUn': _0x475f8e(0xeb, 0x50, 0x42, 0x2b4) + _0x3b348d(0x65d, 0x720, 0x7f2, 0x4ff), 'SZvUN': function (_0x2929ed, _0xa86a8b) { return _0x2929ed === _0xa86a8b; }, 'nimEH': _0x3b348d(0x67e, 0x47b, 0x7c0, 0x699), 'joptT': 'applicatio' + _0x3b348d(0x692, 0x816, 0x491, 0x823), 'IXeTq': _0x3b348d(0x7e2, 0x7c7, 0x79b, 0x6f7) + 'bed', 'dAHpI': _0x3b348d(0x5da, 0x865, 0x483, 0x3a4), 'Kzoia': 'esplorator' + 'i', 'SmiKq': _0x3b348d(0xaa5, 0x8f6, 0x9fe, 0xac6) + 'player', 'yCEWw': _0x475f8e(0x305, 0x4db, 0x194, 0x380) + _0x475f8e(0x370, 0x337, 0x354, 0x148), 'nbYCg': _0x475f8e(0x58b, 0x30c, 0x1a7, 0x328) }; function _0x3b348d(_0x15f2b6, _0x1c969c, _0xeeccc0, _0x165b6f) { return _0x2efcde(_0x165b6f, _0x1c969c - 0x103, _0xeeccc0 - 0x1a1, _0x15f2b6 - 0x4a1); } function _0x475f8e(_0x576421, _0x34c9d0, _0x2217d1, _0x40a52f) { return _0x27f57c(_0x2217d1, _0x40a52f - -0x1de, _0x2217d1 - 0x157, _0x40a52f - 0xc0); } _0x462647['afterEvent' + 's'][_0x475f8e(0xb8, 0x4be, 0x247, 0x27f) + _0x3b348d(0x7d5, 0x55f, 0x85f, 0x66d)][_0x3b348d(0xa04, 0xa38, 0xa9d, 0x937)](_0x35854f => { const _0x496841 = { 'UZtQT': function (_0x3bcd1b, _0x4aeef9) { return _0x39e4aa['fkuTi'](_0x3bcd1b, _0x4aeef9); }, 'jDQun': function (_0x1fbb53, _0x360424) { return _0x39e4aa['qdviH'](_0x1fbb53, _0x360424); }, 'AURUs': _0x39e4aa['NPyJl'], 'bRlzZ': function (_0x3e4a24, _0x2b0228) { function _0x28487b(_0x359e07, _0xb50d58, _0x10e6f0, _0x1b0ecf) { return _0x5780(_0x359e07 - -0x121, _0x10e6f0); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x28487b(0x4b2, 0x269, 0x366, 0x5f8)](_0x3e4a24, _0x2b0228); }, 'yujXA': _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x442, 0x343, 0x3e4, 0xb0)], 'XsukH': _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x6ec, 0x3f9, 0x7c2, 0x558)], 'oqgsn': _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x6ad, 0x421, 0x478, 0x2a3)], 'iInMx': 'origin', 'ykzRd': _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x8bd, 0x6d8, 0x887, 0x7b3)], 'ltXXy': _0x20b4e3(0x86c, 0x7a7, 0x657, 0x772), 'TTYYN': _0x39e4aa['EckSS'], 'ZRgRp': _0x39e4aa['FVWSc'], 'zefpe': function (_0x5ebed1, _0x3916c3) { function _0xd3b1fc(_0x230c99, _0x3690c6, _0x3c64eb, _0x4852a6) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x230c99 - 0x16a, _0x230c99, _0x3c64eb - 0x181, _0x4852a6 - -0x512); } return _0x39e4aa[_0xd3b1fc(0x93, 0x7d, -0x26, -0x5d)](_0x5ebed1, _0x3916c3); }, 'zlyht': function (_0xb992f, _0x36bb02) { function _0x25639c(_0x2a5f32, _0x52dd4d, _0x548e98, _0x4a4a92) { return _0x56caf8(_0x2a5f32 - 0x140, _0x548e98 - -0x17a, _0x548e98 - 0x1ba, _0x52dd4d); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x25639c(0x12, 0x2e5, 0x151, 0x1ec)](_0xb992f, _0x36bb02); }, 'JqmrV': function (_0x5b61b5, _0x34b106) { return _0x5b61b5 + _0x34b106; }, 'xZcdz': function (_0x2bff67, _0x57b2c7) { return _0x2bff67 + _0x57b2c7; }, 'wgGjF': _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x840, 0x86d, 0x5d7, 0x66e)], 'ajgwi': function (_0x306bec, _0x39ff30) { function _0x226bb9(_0x17ed1f, _0x12d0ec, _0x4c9e71, _0x4213db) { return _0x56caf8(_0x17ed1f - 0x16a, _0x4c9e71 - -0x20c, _0x4c9e71 - 0x116, _0x12d0ec); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x226bb9(0x300, 0x265, 0x35e, 0x19d)](_0x306bec, _0x39ff30); }, 'mOShq': function (_0x212c51, _0x572ceb) { function _0xadd86c(_0x1075eb, _0x377679, _0xeb6304, _0x5ee4ba) { return _0x56caf8(_0x1075eb - 0x190, _0x377679 - 0x404, _0xeb6304 - 0x18c, _0xeb6304); } return _0x39e4aa[_0xadd86c(0x53e, 0x6cf, 0x70a, 0x58c)](_0x212c51, _0x572ceb); }, 'QrsCN': function (_0x1531b6, _0x488360) { function _0x196eb0(_0x50ee11, _0x4f771c, _0x190219, _0x40e014) { return _0x56caf8(_0x50ee11 - 0x95, _0x50ee11 - 0xeb, _0x190219 - 0x19e, _0x190219); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x196eb0(0x655, 0x64e, 0x666, 0x66b)](_0x1531b6, _0x488360); }, 'PTkHg': function (_0x167c3d, _0x5a1db8) { return _0x167c3d + _0x5a1db8; }, 'PwXfr': function (_0x3f7adf, _0x7dd17c) { return _0x39e4aa['rmrLM'](_0x3f7adf, _0x7dd17c); }, 'pBGei': _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x86b, 0x5bd, 0x8aa, 0x76f)], 'yarXn': _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(-0xff, 0x15d, 0x360, 0x335)], 'SBRxr': _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x570, 0x762, 0x62e, 0x718)], 'NJuhy': function (_0x117a0c, _0x554b7c) { function _0x1f4f4c(_0x2e1f76, _0x539f47, _0x2df4cf, _0x47f0b0) { return _0x56caf8(_0x2e1f76 - 0x54, _0x2df4cf - 0x122, _0x2df4cf - 0x18f, _0x47f0b0); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x1f4f4c(0x618, 0x5fd, 0x524, 0x7ab)](_0x117a0c, _0x554b7c); }, 'ggBDg': _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x1bf, 0x141, 0x397, -0xc5)] }; function _0x56caf8(_0x27bed0, _0x593e55, _0x3d6a43, _0x169143) { return _0x3b348d(_0x593e55 - -0x4a5, _0x593e55 - 0x128, _0x3d6a43 - 0x4c, _0x169143); } function _0x20b4e3(_0x534b84, _0x1ff86a, _0x9e784c, _0x1d629f) { return _0x3b348d(_0x1d629f - -0x139, _0x1ff86a - 0x2d, _0x9e784c - 0x190, _0x1ff86a); } if (_0x39e4aa['RVNqe'](_0x56caf8(0x325, 0x563, 0x44d, 0x6ef), _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x26, 0x1f4, 0x338, 0x83)])) _0x319f62[_0x56caf8(0x13d, 0x3d4, 0x59a, 0x341)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x1b2, 0x402, 0x394, 0x16f)](_0x20b4e3(0x8bd, 0xa64, 0x893, 0x917) + 'idge][Plug' + _0x56caf8(0x221, 0x275, -0x22, 0x11b) + _0x20b4e3(0x676, 0x7b2, 0x7e0, 0x67a) + _0x20b4e3(0x5bb, 0x4cb, 0x6ae, 0x4e7), _0x42fc9b)), _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x70f, 0x91d, 0x707, 0x73f)](_0x4388, !(-0xe * 0x49 + -0x1883 + 0x1c82)); else switch (_0x35854f['id']) { case _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x7aa, 0x6c7, 0x7d8, 0x60e)]: { if (_0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x12f, 0x2f9, 0x4e7, 0x4d6) + 'ty'] instanceof _0x4eb3d6) { if (!u[_0x56caf8(0x16f, 0x252, -0x3c, 0x159)]) { _0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x44f, 0x2f9, 0xc1, 0xdd) + 'ty'][_0x20b4e3(0x9e2, 0x8e2, 0x5bf, 0x7b9) + 'e'](_0x20b4e3(0x53b, 0x48f, 0x418, 0x695) + _0x20b4e3(0x559, 0x705, 0x7a3, 0x752) + _0x20b4e3(0x2d9, 0x260, 0x352, 0x487) + _0x56caf8(0xa2, 0x1db, -0x41, 0x67) + _0x20b4e3(0xa29, 0x691, 0x7fc, 0x7b1) + _0x20b4e3(0x6a6, 0x75a, 0x6f5, 0x8d5) + _0x20b4e3(0x660, 0x6ec, 0x4cc, 0x726) + ' using fil' + _0x56caf8(0x379, 0x57e, 0x80d, 0x3ee) + _0x20b4e3(0x472, 0x94f, 0x4f7, 0x6bc) + 'ings. In o' + 'rder to us' + _0x20b4e3(0x4fa, 0x6c4, 0x422, 0x547) + 'etup pleas' + 'e remove B' + _0x56caf8(0x443, 0x3c3, 0x408, 0x3e7) + 'ge's files' + _0x56caf8(0x208, 0x26c, 0x47a, 0x16c) + _0x56caf8(0x43a, 0x3ee, 0x3a6, 0x329) + _0x20b4e3(0x827, 0x54a, 0x87f, 0x648) + _0x20b4e3(0x92d, 0x92d, 0x8e7, 0x817) + _0x56caf8(0x4ad, 0x325, 0x4f1, 0x549)); return; } let _0x45620b = _0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x253, 0x2f9, 0x184, 0x338) + 'ty']; _0x462647[_0x56caf8(0x3a8, 0x160, 0xa3, 0x187)](async () => { function _0x587d5c(_0x38d8a9, _0x23dcd0, _0x41add3, _0x1c6ba9) { return _0x56caf8(_0x38d8a9 - 0x3e, _0x38d8a9 - -0x167, _0x41add3 - 0x78, _0x1c6ba9); } for (var _0x56f94d = await N[_0x6b2a46(0x99b, 0x8e0, 0xa7c, 0x8e6)](_0x45620b); _0x56f94d['canceled'];) { if (_0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x30d, 0x470, 0x46c, 0x314)](_0x56f94d[_0x6b2a46(0x978, 0x9ea, 0xb47, 0xa98) + _0x587d5c(0x1ba, 0x5d, 0xd7, 0x389)], _0x5c84e3[_0x587d5c(0x3ee, 0x4a9, 0x2c9, 0x4ae)])) return; await _0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x3bd, 0x3f4, 0x56a, 0x390)](E, -0xb01 * -0x1 + 0x4 * 0x7c + -0xcec), _0x56f94d = await N[_0x587d5c(0x2d7, 0x247, 0x272, 0x49d)](_0x45620b); } let [_0x1f9cf5, _0x1eaba3, _0x492d5d, _0x38c3ea, _0x2983c3, _0x1e2e3b] = _0x56f94d[_0x587d5c(0x111, 0x373, 0x9c, -0x142)]; function _0x6b2a46(_0x2c3cb6, _0x1697e0, _0x460607, _0x5728b6) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x2c3cb6 - 0x7f, _0x460607, _0x460607 - 0x3c, _0x1697e0 - 0x136); } _0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0xb86, 0x916, 0xa9e, 0xae5)](_0x1f9cf5[_0x587d5c(0x3fa, 0x1f4, 0x46a, 0x617)], -0x1ac * 0x2 + -0x610 + 0x969) ? (this[_0x6b2a46(0x62f, 0x85f, 0xa2e, 0xa76)] = _0x1f9cf5, u[_0x6b2a46(0x7bb, 0x8be, 0x94c, 0x70a)](_0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x157, 0xc1, -0x3f, 0x89)], _0x1f9cf5)) : _0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x886, 0xa8a, 0xa85, 0x821)](_0x1f9cf5[_0x587d5c(0x3fa, 0x483, 0x5d1, 0x4cb)], 0x555 + -0x609 * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0xb5d) && _0x45620b[_0x587d5c(0x2e6, 0xca, 0x244, 0x503) + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x5d2, 0x709, 0x8a3, 0x5d1)]), _0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x481, 0x51e, 0x405, 0x675)](_0x1eaba3['length'], 0x112c + 0x4 * -0x7f1 + -0x3 * -0x4df) ? u['set'](_0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x475, 0x5e2, 0x3df, 0x5aa)], _0x1eaba3) : _0x1eaba3[_0x6b2a46(0x9c5, 0xa03, 0xa49, 0x9ce)] > -0x1 * -0x1409 + -0x724 * -0x4 + -0x3099 && _0x45620b[_0x6b2a46(0x662, 0x8ef, 0x8b9, 0x687) + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x6cc, 0x6da, 0x89a, 0x85f)]), _0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x481, 0x555, 0x694, 0x528)](_0x492d5d[_0x587d5c(0x3fa, 0x456, 0x4e5, 0x1a0)], 0x1ab2 + 0x1 * 0x15c1 + -0x306f) && _0x492d5d[_0x587d5c(0x30a, 0x1ef, 0x233, 0x546)]() ? u[_0x587d5c(0x2b5, 0x2b1, 0x36c, 0x216)](_0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x888, 0x6c4, 0x5d8, 0x6e9)], _0x492d5d) : _0x492d5d !== '' && _0x45620b['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x6b2a46(0x972, 0x7dd, 0x7c0, 0x5a2)]), u[_0x6b2a46(0x72b, 0x8be, 0x94b, 0x6f2)]('discord_li' + 'nk', _0x2983c3), u[_0x587d5c(0x2b5, 0xd7, 0x17f, 0x4d9)]('startup_no' + _0x6b2a46(0x7ce, 0x63b, 0x694, 0x40e), _0x1e2e3b), u[_0x6b2a46(0x695, 0x8be, 0xa92, 0x6e5)](_0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x46d, 0x33e, 0x58e, 0x1fd)], _0x38c3ea), _0x45620b[_0x587d5c(0x2e6, 0x1e7, 0x31f, 0x14b) + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x587d5c(0x466, 0x6cc, 0x40b, 0x3c7)]); }); } break; } case _0x39e4aa['eJmlD']: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(-0x2c, 0x149, -0x11, 0x2ed)](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x3e9, 0x4ad, 0x717, 0x5fc)], _0x39e4aa['wmFOl'])) return this[_0x20b4e3(0xa4e, 0xae9, 0xa2c, 0x88e)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x446, 0x390, 0x553, 0x2bc)]); else { switch (_0x35854f[_0x20b4e3(0xa80, 0x74b, 0x69f, 0x845)]) { case _0x3e399c['Entity']: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x2e3, 0x3a4, 0x160, 0x4e7)](_0x39e4aa['IamtJ'], _0x39e4aa['IamtJ'])) { _0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x26c, 0x2f9, 0x358, 0x4bd) + 'ty'][_0x20b4e3(0x695, 0x9ca, 0x93e, 0x7b9) + 'e']('status: ' + k[this.#i]); break; } else { let _0x128f40 = _0x3bbffb[_0x56caf8(0x30f, 0x20f, 0x163, 0x34b) + _0x56caf8(0x509, 0x36b, 0x2df, 0x46d)](_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x3e2, 0x448, 0x565, 0x445)]); _0x128f40 && (_0x20dd41[_0x20b4e3(0x5f4, 0x664, 0x851, 0x741)] = _0x128f40); } } case _0x3e399c['Server']: { if (_0x39e4aa['cASYg'](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x70a, 0x829, 0x592, 0x7dc)], _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(-0xa3, 0x112, 0x261, -0xec)])) { if (_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x812, 0x878, 0x7a7, 0x751)](_0xe7d80c[_0x56caf8(0x5f5, 0x561, 0x4f5, 0x364)], 0x170 * -0xe + 0x112 * -0x10 + 0x2540)) _0x65b2fe += _0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0xaeb, 0x65c, 0x69b, 0x88a)](_0x496841[_0x56caf8(0x261, 0x351, 0x448, 0x4aa)](_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x32f, 0x499, 0x450, 0x57c)]('§o', this['prefix']) + _0x524300 + _0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x620, 0x810, 0x9f0, 0x792)], _0x19c0b9), '
'); else { for (let _0x39fc8b of _0x35a1f9) if (_0x34a889[_0x56caf8(0x6a8, 0x522, 0x4ca, 0x55a)](_0x39fc8b)) { _0x5a6d4d += _0x496841[_0x56caf8(0x2a2, 0x2ae, 0xb9, 0x1cb)](_0x496841['mOShq'](_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x45c, 0x5e8, 0x52a, 0x678)](_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x8b8, 0x710, 0x634, 0x7d9)]('§o', this[_0x20b4e3(0x765, 0x747, 0x5f8, 0x729)]) + _0x5d13b9, _0x496841[_0x56caf8(0x55f, 0x426, 0x58e, 0x541)]), _0x91cffc), '
'); return; } } } else { console['log']('(BedrockBr' + _0x20b4e3(0x49d, 0x50e, 0x503, 0x62e) + _0x56caf8(-0x46, 0x24e, 0x29a, 0x11) + k[this.#i]); break; } } }break; } } case _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0xa0c, 0x921, 0x5cf, 0x7a0)]: { if (_0x39e4aa['axmSa'](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x357, 0x310, 0x2d5, 0x40e)], 'gSSjJ')) { const _0x3050ba = {}; _0x3050ba[_0x20b4e3(0x916, 0x64f, 0x771, 0x782)] = _0x10bac5; for (let _0x8d4b69 of _0x17d422[_0x56caf8(0x663, 0x43c, 0x35b, 0x645)](_0x3050ba)) _0x563d39[_0x56caf8(0xeb, 0x160, 0x28, 0x26f)](() => { function _0x2b7b6e(_0x37b3da, _0x14f5b9, _0x3facad, _0x3834e7) { return _0x56caf8(_0x37b3da - 0x1a0, _0x14f5b9 - 0x33c, _0x3facad - 0x14d, _0x3facad); } function _0x1177cd(_0x263564, _0x5b0e8a, _0x222485, _0x303289) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x263564 - 0x1c3, _0x263564, _0x222485 - 0x1e6, _0x5b0e8a - -0xc1); } _0x8d4b69[_0x2b7b6e(0x8f5, 0x74b, 0x502, 0x677) + _0x1177cd(0x6b6, 0x616, 0x5ff, 0x765)](_0x1177cd(0x714, 0x64e, 0x503, 0x746), _0x253b63); }); } else { switch (_0x35854f['sourceType']) { case _0x3e399c[_0x20b4e3(0x67a, 0x576, 0x777, 0x65b)]: _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x838, 0x7b7, 0x684, 0x7f7)](this.#i, -0x1 * -0xcf1 + -0x1 * -0xc89 + 0x1979 * -0x1) ? _0x35854f['sourceEnti' + 'ty'][_0x56caf8(0x398, 0x44d, 0x2d1, 0x64e) + 'e'](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x758, 0x73e, 0x9a1, 0x753)]) : (_0x35854f[_0x20b4e3(0x50f, 0x567, 0x59b, 0x665) + 'ty'][_0x20b4e3(0x9ef, 0x940, 0x6c4, 0x7b9) + 'e'](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x98d, 0x741, 0xa1c, 0x884)]), _0x462647[_0x56caf8(0x37e, 0x160, -0xe6, 0x34e)](async () => { function _0x375435(_0x2cd95c, _0x2491fd, _0xe22a26, _0x88f5a0) { return _0x56caf8(_0x2cd95c - 0x190, _0x2cd95c - -0x1b4, _0xe22a26 - 0xff, _0xe22a26); } function _0x4e1ba2(_0x23ec35, _0x1a60c6, _0x2df900, _0xe99f08) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x23ec35 - 0x7f, _0xe99f08, _0x2df900 - 0x96, _0x1a60c6 - -0x5a6); } if (_0x496841['PwXfr'](_0x375435(-0x58, -0x18c, 0xc1, -0x2c8), 'LfkNf')) await this.#n()['catch'](this.#s(-0x27a * 0x1 + 0x1 * -0x7e1 + 0xa65, _0x496841['pBGei'])), this.#i == -0x11e * -0x5 + 0x436 + -0x9cb * 0x1 ? (_0x35854f[_0x4e1ba2(0x26c, 0xbf, 0xa2, 0x2a5) + 'ty']['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x4e1ba2(-0x6f, 0x227, 0x4a6, 0x448)]), console[_0x4e1ba2(0x3ae, 0x338, 0x1e4, 0x585)](_0x496841[_0x4e1ba2(0xaa, -0x98, -0xb9, -0x32e)])) : _0x35854f[_0x375435(0x145, 0x28c, 0x234, -0x40) + 'ty'][_0x4e1ba2(0x419, 0x213, 0xd9, 0x413) + 'e'](_0x496841[_0x375435(0x5c, -0x21c, 0x26f, 0xaa)](_0x496841[_0x4e1ba2(0x82, -0x53, -0x2dd, 0x100)](_0x496841[_0x375435(0x12a, 0x2ce, 0xab, 0x307)], this[_0x375435(0x209, 0x396, 0x3cc, 0x1ad)]), 'messages i' + 'n order to' + _0x4e1ba2(-0x10d, -0x135, 0xfa, -0xb6) + 'ors.§r')); else { for (let _0x1115e2 of _0x2c9256) if (!this[_0x4e1ba2(0x25d, 0x237, 0x410, 0x213)](_0x1115e2)) return !(-0x2109 + -0x7 * 0x4c3 + 0x51b * 0xd); return !(-0x1 * -0x2081 + 0x2377 + -0x43f8); } })); case _0x3e399c[_0x20b4e3(0x428, 0x3be, 0x55d, 0x4e4)]: _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x12d, 0x3b8, 0x3b4, 0x5a5)](this.#i, 0x45e * 0x3 + 0x1 * 0x1b14 + -0xbb * 0x37) ? console[_0x56caf8(0x554, 0x572, 0x409, 0x3b6)](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x62f, 0x62b, 0x737, 0x4ab)]) : (console[_0x56caf8(0x4d2, 0x572, 0x3e3, 0x65f)](_0x56caf8(0x5c5, 0x4cb, 0x40a, 0x47d) + _0x56caf8(0x2c8, 0x117, -0xac, -0xa7) + _0x20b4e3(0x546, 0x257, 0x3ed, 0x4ed)), _0x462647[_0x20b4e3(0x643, 0x6a7, 0x475, 0x4cc)](async () => { function _0x4e2d3f(_0x37193a, _0xa5387, _0x26b40c, _0x2a9f5f) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x37193a - 0xd7, _0xa5387, _0x26b40c - 0x67, _0x37193a - -0x4ca); } function _0x4b5d48(_0x3b615f, _0x27779c, _0x184e76, _0x59a3fc) { return _0x20b4e3(_0x3b615f - 0x187, _0x59a3fc, _0x184e76 - 0xdf, _0x27779c - -0x3b); } if (_0x39e4aa[_0x4b5d48(0x2e1, 0x446, 0x5a3, 0x5a3)] !== _0x39e4aa[_0x4b5d48(0x510, 0x446, 0x52f, 0x3aa)]) { _0x1b8ac9[_0x4e2d3f(-0x5e, 0x228, -0x26, -0x28e)](_0x48dc15[_0x4b5d48(0xa81, 0x8ce, 0xb40, 0x68d)]); return; } else await this.#n()[_0x4e2d3f(0x108, 0xe3, -0x15, 0x12b)](this.#s(0x2306 + -0x7 * -0x9d + -0x2747, _0x39e4aa[_0x4e2d3f(0x2a5, 0x4da, 0x11c, 0x316)])), _0x39e4aa[_0x4e2d3f(0x44a, 0x651, 0x279, 0x3f8)](this.#i, 0x97 + -0x1415 + 0x137f) ? console[_0x4b5d48(0x9d8, 0x8a3, 0x94c, 0x808)](_0x39e4aa['yEdLQ']) : console[_0x4e2d3f(0x414, 0x4d1, 0x5ae, 0x629)](_0x39e4aa[_0x4e2d3f(0x1cc, 0x3dd, 0xc2, 0x369)]); })); }break; } } case _0x20b4e3(0x606, 0x68b, 0x72e, 0x6a6) + _0x56caf8(0x50d, 0x41a, 0x458, 0x6ae): { switch (_0x35854f[_0x20b4e3(0x780, 0xa3e, 0x961, 0x845)]) { case _0x3e399c[_0x56caf8(0x2d8, 0x178, 0x2ea, 0x94)]: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x713, 0x796, 0x989, 0x713)](_0x20b4e3(0x4e3, 0x41a, 0x488, 0x488), _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x814, 0x5b9, 0x426, 0x704)])) { _0x208bd7[_0x56caf8(0x3d5, 0x35b, 0x423, 0x4ef) + _0x56caf8(0xe4, 0x366, 0x254, 0x4e3) + 'es'](), console[_0x56caf8(0x42a, 0x499, 0x581, 0x27b)](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x6bf, 0x2b6, 0x412, 0x465)]); break; } else _0x39dc38['removeTag'](_0x56caf8(0x187, 0x33a, 0x340, 0x307) + _0x56caf8(0x775, 0x512, 0x4a8, 0x4c3) + 'f'); } default: _0x35854f['sourceEnti' + 'ty']?.['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x72a, 0x334, 0x6f3, 0x4af)]); }break; } case _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x71b, 0x661, 0x67b, 0x48c)]: { let _0x3f73ad = _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x37c, 0x56a, 0x583, 0x3c5)](_0x56caf8(0x301, 0x276, 0x262, 0x19a) + _0x56caf8(0x5b, 0x1f5, 0x25d, 0x72), Array[_0x20b4e3(0x2d0, 0x34d, 0x685, 0x55a)](this.#g[_0x56caf8(0x312, 0x242, -0x1b, 0xe4)]())['map'](([_0x107d5d, _0x5bae47]) => _0x107d5d + ': ' + _0x5bae47)['join']('; ')); switch (_0x35854f['sourceType']) { case _0x3e399c[_0x20b4e3(0x492, 0x699, 0x46a, 0x4e4)]: { console[_0x20b4e3(0x9e3, 0x8e1, 0x7dd, 0x8de)](_0x3f73ad); break; } case _0x3e399c[_0x56caf8(0x439, 0x2ef, 0x494, 0x399)]: { if (_0x20b4e3(0x658, 0x695, 0x7b2, 0x623) === _0x56caf8(-0xf2, 0xd7, 0x210, 0x11f)) return _0x2f1ac9[_0x56caf8(0x312, 0x1ee, 0xa2, 0x399)](_0x2d7e79[_0x56caf8(0x19a, 0x391, 0x5bb, 0x380) + 'on'](this[_0x20b4e3(0xb2d, 0x68d, 0x70e, 0x8ec)]['id'])[_0x56caf8(0x3c1, 0x43c, 0x56c, 0x661)]({ 'location': this[_0x56caf8(0x14f, 0x253, 0x260, 0x4c2)], 'maxDistance': _0x30813f })); else { _0x35854f['sourceEnti' + 'ty'][_0x56caf8(0x5b8, 0x44d, 0x45a, 0x5f8) + 'e'](_0x3f73ad); break; } } }break; } case _0x39e4aa['UxIxI']: { if (_0x56caf8(0x2e6, 0x221, 0x3c7, 0x295) !== _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x5ee, 0x5d5, 0xa0b, 0x7c2)]) { let _0x3c39c1 = 'Player Bla' + _0x20b4e3(0xa6c, 0x797, 0x7ac, 0x8f4); for (let _0x127b77 of this.#a['keys']()) _0x3c39c1 += _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x3e1, 0x5b6, 0x54f, 0x62b)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x4cc, 0x56a, 0x3d7, 0x348)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x5e9, 0x402, 0x411, 0x393)](_0x127b77, ': '), this.#g[_0x56caf8(0x1cb, 0x101, 0x2f5, 0x305)](_0x127b77)), '; '); for (let _0xa60e97 of this.#d['keys']()) _0x3c39c1 += _0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x9cb, 0x910, 0x53c, 0x7c0)](_0xa60e97, '; '); switch (_0x35854f['sourceType']) { case _0x3e399c['Server']: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x812, 0x493, 0x7b4, 0x5a9)](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x521, 0x2be, 0x2d9, 0x464)], _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x446, 0x5de, 0x632, 0x3d1)])) { console[_0x20b4e3(0x882, 0x840, 0x649, 0x8de)](_0x3c39c1); break; } else { for (let _0x5ce886 in _0x3c463a) for (let _0x3c29c2 of _0x148f6e[_0x56caf8(0x362, 0x43c, 0x32c, 0x5f2)]({ 'gameMode': _0x5ce886 })) if (_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x5a9, 0x541, 0x67c, 0x653)](_0x3c29c2['id'], _0x18861c['id'])) return _0x5ce886; } } case _0x3e399c[_0x20b4e3(0x8a9, 0x54d, 0x5e4, 0x65b)]: { if (_0x39e4aa['pfSHE'](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x938, 0x754, 0x5d7, 0x730)], _0x20b4e3(0x51b, 0x838, 0x5ea, 0x767))) { let _0x104c56 = [], { container: _0x3e51c6, inventorySize: _0x2184a3 } = _0x4ac420[_0x56caf8(0x108, 0x315, 0x49e, 0x58e) + 'nt'](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x3ad, 0x42a, 0x280, 0x238)]); for (let _0x4992c9 = -0x1e35 + -0xa * 0x1b8 + 0x2f65; _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x3bd, 0x194, 0x204, 0xd2)](_0x4992c9, _0x2184a3); _0x4992c9++) { let _0x3ff338 = _0x3e51c6[_0x56caf8(0xe5, 0x2ab, 0xca, 0x1e2)](_0x4992c9); _0x3ff338 && _0x104c56[_0x56caf8(0x42b, 0x2c8, 0x1a4, 0x9d)]([_0x3ff338[_0x20b4e3(0x808, 0x736, 0x721, 0x719)]['replace'](_0x39e4aa['spmwr'], ''), _0x3ff338[_0x56caf8(0x7f, 0x19b, -0x1b, 0x412)], _0x3ff338[_0x20b4e3(0x64d, 0x764, 0x8a9, 0x741)]]); } return _0x104c56; } else { _0x35854f[_0x20b4e3(0x4ee, 0x50c, 0x6bb, 0x665) + 'ty'][_0x56caf8(0x22a, 0x44d, 0x610, 0x2b7) + 'e'](_0x3c39c1); break; } } }break; } else _0x3049ca[_0x20b4e3(0x8c8, 0x879, 0x5c1, 0x7b9) + 'e'](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x43f, 0x56a, 0x349, 0x530)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x541, 0x52c, 0x331, 0x64a)], _0x354fc9)); } case _0x39e4aa['jPDCh']: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x2ac, 0xda, -0x118, 0xe1)]('YpkTE', _0x20b4e3(0x554, 0x760, 0x6bd, 0x4ff))) { for (let _0x5d10be of _0x48bf49) if (!this[_0x56caf8(0x43b, 0x471, 0x6e7, 0x28f)](_0x5d10be) && !this[_0x56caf8(0x36b, 0x471, 0x3eb, 0x212)](_0x496841[_0x56caf8(0x28c, 0x2ae, 0x1fd, 0x222)](_0x496841[_0x20b4e3(0x87a, 0x9db, 0xa50, 0x7d9)](_0x5d7833, ':'), _0x5d10be))) return !(0x1 * -0x1373 + -0xfb1 * 0x1 + 0x2325); return !(0x11 * 0xcb + 0x23a1 + -0x7 * 0x704); } else { switch (_0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x5b6, 0x4d9, 0x324, 0x6ba)]) { case _0x3e399c[_0x56caf8(0x345, 0x178, 0x159, 0xef)]: { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x202, 0x55f, 0x383, 0x45f)](_0x56caf8(0x30d, 0x482, 0x403, 0x442), _0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x439, 0x443, 0x667, 0x1b7)])) { u[_0x20b4e3(0x4ed, 0x5f1, 0x68c, 0x5be)] ? (u[_0x56caf8(0x5cb, 0x41c, 0x324, 0x392)](_0x39e4aa['iFcxt'], _0x35854f[_0x56caf8(0x1ba, 0x3e4, 0x5ec, 0x27a)]), console[_0x20b4e3(0x7f8, 0x9e1, 0x7a8, 0x805)](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(0x67a, 0x5a4, 0x412, 0x43d)])) : console[_0x20b4e3(0x5dd, 0x787, 0x639, 0x740)](_0x39e4aa[_0x20b4e3(0x8f6, 0x71e, 0x984, 0x93a)]); break; } else return this[_0x56caf8(0x2b1, 0x522, 0x6ba, 0x3d3)](_0x56caf8(0x319, 0x3a1, 0x21b, 0x5f4)); } default: _0x35854f[_0x20b4e3(0x3f8, 0x7df, 0x679, 0x665) + 'ty']?.[_0x20b4e3(0x5b4, 0x7b9, 0x5ca, 0x7b9) + 'e'](_0x39e4aa[_0x56caf8(-0x69, 0x143, 0x22d, 0x393)]); }break; } } } }, { 'namespaces': [_0x39e4aa[_0x475f8e(0x1f4, 0x9e, 0x10c, 0x2c7)]] }), yield, _0x208bd7[_0x475f8e(-0x114, 0x12, -0x130, 0x99) + 's'][_0x3b348d(0x8be, 0x884, 0x98f, 0xa91)][_0x3b348d(0xa04, 0x9f5, 0x881, 0x9d8)](async _0x3cf4f1 => { function _0x9b2469(_0x492528, _0x259385, _0x3ebd61, _0x4c440c) { return _0x3b348d(_0x4c440c - -0x280, _0x259385 - 0xc8, _0x3ebd61 - 0x16e, _0x259385); } if (!_0x39e4aa[_0x222908(0x923, 0xad7, 0xa07, 0x6ee)](_0x3cf4f1['deadEntity'], _0x4eb3d6)) return; if (_0x3cf4f1[_0x222908(0x819, 0x61b, 0x5dd, 0x846) + 'ce']['damagingEn' + _0x9b2469(0x491, 0x74f, 0x3dc, 0x59a)]) var _0x3c08cc = _0x3cf4f1[_0x222908(0x720, 0x886, 0x53a, 0x6c2)][_0x9b2469(0x3d4, 0x78e, 0x7b1, 0x63b)] + (_0x222908(0x93c, 0xab4, 0x995, 0xafb) + _0x222908(0x864, 0x844, 0x761, 0x8db)) + (_0x3cf4f1['damageSour' + 'ce'][_0x9b2469(0x87f, 0x55b, 0x821, 0x681) + _0x222908(0x716, 0x7a2, 0x6fc, 0x641)][_0x222908(0x7b7, 0x5bd, 0x5fc, 0x8bf)] ?? _0x3cf4f1[_0x222908(0x819, 0x9af, 0xa92, 0x89e) + 'ce']['damagingEn' + _0x9b2469(0x38c, 0x799, 0x46e, 0x59a)]['typeId']['replace'](_0x39e4aa[_0x9b2469(0x613, 0x2c5, 0x5a1, 0x39b)], '')); else var _0x3c08cc = _0x3cf4f1['deadEntity'][_0x222908(0x7b7, 0x6fa, 0x7c3, 0x8de)] + ' died by ' + _0x3cf4f1[_0x222908(0x819, 0x8a1, 0x835, 0xa91) + 'ce'][_0x222908(0x5a3, 0x3a9, 0x707, 0x490)]; const _0x81a7ea = {}; _0x81a7ea['message'] = _0x3c08cc; let { message: _0xf8b8fe, cancel: _0x33723c } = await _0xe0f62e[_0x9b2469(0x7dc, 0x471, 0x36a, 0x5fc)][_0x9b2469(0x663, 0x47a, 0x5af, 0x5bf) + 'og'][_0x9b2469(0x2c8, 0x2ce, 0x195, 0x3f3)](_0x81a7ea, _0x3cf4f1['deadEntity'], _0x3cf4f1[_0x9b2469(0x83d, 0x4b1, 0x669, 0x69d) + 'ce'])['then'](_0xa015af => (D(_0xa015af[_0x9b2469(0x392, 0x534, 0x374, 0x609)], -0x4 * -0x7cc + 0xce7 + -0x2c16, 0x971 * -0x1 + 0xcca * -0x3 + -0x55b * -0x9) || (_0xa015af['message'] = _0x3c08cc), _0xa015af)); function _0x222908(_0x324fdf, _0x3069ed, _0x4afdd7, _0x5e2612) { return _0x3b348d(_0x324fdf - -0x104, _0x3069ed - 0x1c0, _0x4afdd7 - 0x3f, _0x4afdd7); } _0x33723c || this.#e([_0x39e4aa[_0x222908(0x89f, 0x9bc, 0xa89, 0xa88)], [_0x222908(0x62c, 0x65f, 0x50b, 0x6e3) + 'h', [_0x3cf4f1[_0x9b2469(0x47b, 0x3f9, 0x608, 0x5a4)][_0x222908(0x7b7, 0x743, 0x669, 0x58e)], _0xf8b8fe]]]); }, { 'entityTypes': [_0x39e4aa[_0x3b348d(0xa7f, 0xc81, 0x97a, 0xb06)]] }), yield, _0x208bd7[_0x3b348d(0x5de, 0x678, 0x5b2, 0x55f) + 's']['entityDie']['subscribe'](async _0x50df8f => { function _0x789660(_0x262430, _0x310494, _0x175d48, _0xcd68fe) { return _0x475f8e(_0x262430 - 0x29, _0x310494 - 0xa6, _0x262430, _0xcd68fe - 0x28c); } function _0x52cdd7(_0x59aeea, _0x2879d6, _0x535436, _0x15c9f8) { return _0x475f8e(_0x59aeea - 0xfc, _0x2879d6 - 0x1f0, _0x535436, _0x2879d6 - 0x2ea); } if (_0x39e4aa[_0x789660(0x46a, 0x44f, 0x6f1, 0x4dd)](_0x39e4aa[_0x52cdd7(0x3b5, 0x5c7, 0x6d3, 0x432)], _0x39e4aa[_0x52cdd7(0x5bd, 0x4d9, 0x3dd, 0x43e)])) { let _0x1bd8d5 = _0x39e4aa[_0x789660(0x54a, 0x997, 0x5fd, 0x78b)](_0x39e4aa['AiqSD'](_0x470a02, _0x41b26d), 0x1d * -0xc6 + -0x3cb * -0x7 + -0x22 * 0x1f); _0x1bd8d5 === -0x5b3 * 0x4 + -0x1fd7 * -0x1 + -0x5 * 0x1cf && (_0x1bd8d5 = 0x8fa + -0xc7 + -0x1 * 0x832), _0x51c657[_0x789660(0x445, 0x124, 0x5e7, 0x396)]('testfor @s' + '[hasitem={' + _0x52cdd7(0x495, 0x64b, 0x70a, 0x6c0) + _0x789660(0x22c, 0x35f, 0x4e2, 0x332) + _0x789660(0x537, 0x64d, 0x5e3, 0x3ef) + _0x41b9b3 + _0x789660(0x5dd, 0x637, 0x436, 0x4fb) + _0x39e4aa[_0x789660(0x5c5, 0x5c2, 0x515, 0x3c9)](_0x5a39d3, _0x1bd8d5) + '..' + _0x15fa32 + '}]')[_0x52cdd7(0x89f, 0x7a8, 0x6f3, 0x668) + 'nt'] > -0x95 * 0x1 + 0x1c4e + 0x2f * -0x97 ? _0x25c1dd += _0x1bd8d5 : _0x76a9a7 -= _0x1bd8d5; } else { if (_0x50df8f[_0x52cdd7(0x3d6, 0x5c9, 0x4f1, 0x75f)]['isValid']() && _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x5e5, 0x6a8, 0x4f9, 0x56b)][_0x789660(0x3e2, 0x545, 0x5d0, 0x501) + 'nt'](_0x789660(0x674, 0x6a6, 0xa01, 0x7ec) + _0x789660(0x81a, 0x4a5, 0x82d, 0x595))) { if (_0x50df8f['damageSour' + 'ce'][_0x789660(0x7a2, 0x82a, 0x7fc, 0x648) + _0x52cdd7(0x47c, 0x5bf, 0x44b, 0x4be)]) var _0x14bf83 = (_0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x3c9, 0x735, 0x6b8, 0x56b)][_0x789660(0x5b1, 0x50c, 0x5da, 0x5c1)] && _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x5ae, 0x65f, 0x623, 0x56b)]['nameTag'] != '' ? _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x2f2, 0x380, 0x363, 0x56b)]['nameTag'] : _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x5c2, 0x79d, 0x38c, 0x56b)][_0x52cdd7(0x3e5, 0x5f7, 0x59b, 0x54b)][_0x52cdd7(0x733, 0x835, 0x8fe, 0x6e0)](_0x39e4aa['spmwr'], '')) + (_0x789660(0x4ee, 0x516, 0x4f4, 0x787) + _0x52cdd7(0x8d2, 0x70d, 0x611, 0x8b2)) + (_0x50df8f[_0x52cdd7(0x64a, 0x6c2, 0x939, 0x56d) + 'ce'][_0x52cdd7(0x8cd, 0x6a6, 0x782, 0x476) + _0x52cdd7(0x6ce, 0x5bf, 0x5ea, 0x7a0)][_0x789660(0x722, 0x83e, 0x670, 0x602)] ?? _0x50df8f['damageSour' + 'ce']['damagingEn' + _0x52cdd7(0x61f, 0x5bf, 0x675, 0x36c)]['typeId'][_0x52cdd7(0x939, 0x835, 0x7d4, 0x7f9)](_0x39e4aa[_0x789660(0x365, 0x1f2, 0x3d0, 0x362)], '')); else var _0x14bf83 = (_0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x3ef, 0x69a, 0x73e, 0x56b)][_0x52cdd7(0x464, 0x61f, 0x8b0, 0x7ad)] && _0x39e4aa[_0x52cdd7(0x5a6, 0x597, 0x54f, 0x3da)](_0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x53f, 0x3ed, 0x3be, 0x56b)][_0x789660(0x743, 0x5e4, 0x3a6, 0x5c1)], '') ? _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x3d6, 0x670, 0x662, 0x56b)][_0x52cdd7(0x426, 0x61f, 0x622, 0x817)] : _0x50df8f[_0x52cdd7(0x42a, 0x5c9, 0x78e, 0x7c2)][_0x789660(0x71f, 0x432, 0x60d, 0x599)][_0x52cdd7(0x96c, 0x835, 0x92d, 0x69b)](_0x789660(0x871, 0x960, 0x833, 0x7ec), '')) + _0x789660(0x83c, 0x845, 0x700, 0x750) + _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x45b, 0x561, 0x678, 0x664) + 'ce'][_0x52cdd7(0x626, 0x44c, 0x269, 0x240)]; const _0x26ef1e = {}; _0x26ef1e[_0x789660(0x526, 0x3b0, 0x4ef, 0x5d0)] = _0x14bf83; let { message: _0x23423e, cancel: _0x24947b } = await _0xe0f62e['events'][_0x52cdd7(0x667, 0x4fc, 0x351, 0x3d6)][_0x52cdd7(0x52b, 0x418, 0x494, 0x5cd)](_0x26ef1e, _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x6ad, 0x57b, 0x45c, 0x56b)], _0x50df8f[_0x789660(0x403, 0x65f, 0x582, 0x664) + 'ce'])[_0x52cdd7(0x705, 0x6f4, 0x481, 0x802)](_0xe7aa73 => (D(_0xe7aa73[_0x789660(0x61b, 0x728, 0x381, 0x5d0)], -0x5f3 + 0xd * 0xf4 + -0x670, -0x7 * 0x27 + -0x20ba + -0x222f * -0x1) || (_0xe7aa73[_0x52cdd7(0x87d, 0x62e, 0x7db, 0x41a)] = _0x14bf83), _0xe7aa73)); _0x24947b || this.#e([_0x39e4aa['KdvEK'], [_0x789660(0x136, 0x5df, 0x64f, 0x3bc), [_0x50df8f['deadEntity']['typeId']['replace'](_0x39e4aa[_0x52cdd7(0x12a, 0x3c0, 0x163, 0x257)], ''), _0x23423e]]]); } } }), yield; let _0xd7c4aa = async _0x3d22f6 => { function _0x46f502(_0x57daf0, _0x42fd85, _0x591eba, _0x4d22ab) { return _0x475f8e(_0x57daf0 - 0x133, _0x42fd85 - 0x7, _0x57daf0, _0x42fd85 - 0x139); } function _0x1845ef(_0x468204, _0x520124, _0x22be88, _0x1474d4) { return _0x3b348d(_0x468204 - -0x548, _0x520124 - 0x22, _0x22be88 - 0x185, _0x1474d4); } const _0x30394c = { 'Xyjxb': function (_0xceada0, _0x61ccbe) { function _0x48222e(_0x2741b0, _0x2ca927, _0x5d5988, _0x389453) { return _0x5780(_0x389453 - 0x131, _0x5d5988); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x48222e(0x4d1, 0x455, 0x4dc, 0x4c7)](_0xceada0, _0x61ccbe); }, 'Tybfo': function (_0x311c77, _0x38c299) { function _0x34abc8(_0x5e1cbb, _0x560d21, _0xa2eb2e, _0x3a12db) { return _0x5780(_0x560d21 - -0x316, _0x5e1cbb); } return _0x39e4aa[_0x34abc8(0xcd, 0xc8, -0x155, 0x60)](_0x311c77, _0x38c299); }, 'RiqCW': 'overworld', 'RgaaM': _0x39e4aa['fQMzD'] }; if (_0x3d22f6[_0x46f502(0x6f2, 0x47d, 0x69b, 0x6c5)]['startsWith'](this[_0x46f502(0x34d, 0x456, 0x3ee, 0x288)])) { if (_0x39e4aa[_0x46f502(0x5b1, 0x440, 0x426, 0x40a)](_0x39e4aa[_0x1845ef(0x242, 0x2b7, 0x31c, 0x313)], _0x39e4aa[_0x46f502(0x64b, 0x630, 0x73d, 0x4d3)])) { let [_0x58fd14, ..._0x5c421f] = _0x3d22f6['message'][_0x1845ef(0x4ca, 0x3cd, 0x343, 0x417)](-0xe19 + 0x1c2b + -0xe11)['split']('"')[_0x46f502(0x7dc, 0x5db, 0x403, 0x349)]((_0x412731, _0x40734c) => _0x40734c % (0x2295 + 0x9c3 + -0x19 * 0x1c6) == -0x9eb + 0x191b * 0x1 + -0xf2f ? _0x412731[_0x46f502(-0x9e, 0x1c4, 0x220, 0x2e1)]() : _0x412731[_0x1845ef(0x88, 0x3b, 0x10b, -0x1b)]()['split'](' ')); this.#f(_0x3d22f6[_0x46f502(0x5fc, 0x4a3, 0x52d, 0x2e5)], _0x58fd14, _0x5c421f), _0x3d22f6[_0x1845ef(0x25b, 0x2d1, 0x26e, 0x134)] = !(0xa9 + 0xf9 * 0x3 + -0x394 * 0x1); } else return new _0x699af5(_0x416f84 => { const _0x3bee5a = { 'bXQSu': function (_0x1a231c, _0x5c8eff) { return _0x1a231c(_0x5c8eff); }, 'aioXl': function (_0x1f8b43, _0x587452) { return _0x30394c['Xyjxb'](_0x1f8b43, _0x587452); }, 'lRDgf': function (_0x175d6a, _0x20afd0) { function _0x3797c4(_0x34cf95, _0x69562, _0x1e5001, _0x1fc553) { return _0x5780(_0x1e5001 - -0x39f, _0x34cf95); } return _0x30394c[_0x3797c4(-0x2bd, -0x6b, -0xf0, -0x113)](_0x175d6a, _0x20afd0); }, 'mLCaa': _0x30394c['RiqCW'], 'XNQdt': _0x30394c[_0x448aae(0x874, 0x6d6, 0x696, 0x4f1)], 'RqgNY': _0x1114b7(0x169, 0x329, 0x51f, 0x497) }; function _0x1114b7(_0x4189cd, _0x3e84ed, _0x214a25, _0x3e5d0a) { return _0x1845ef(_0x3e84ed - 0xac, _0x3e84ed - 0x19c, _0x214a25 - 0xac, _0x4189cd); } let _0x41a89b = _0x5d66ec[_0x1114b7(0x58f, 0x314, 0x534, 0x59c)](); function _0x448aae(_0x51c0c6, _0x511272, _0x138d7d, _0x106654) { return _0x46f502(_0x51c0c6, _0x511272 - 0x14b, _0x138d7d - 0x1c6, _0x106654 - 0xe8); } _0x2e695c[_0x1114b7(0x167, 0x32c, 0x358, 0x20e)](() => { function _0x53987a(_0x3ef228, _0x45e8b6, _0x579720, _0x32771a) { return _0x1114b7(_0x579720, _0x3ef228 - -0x1e9, _0x579720 - 0x12e, _0x32771a - 0x1e3); } function _0x15aa8f(_0x2bec7f, _0x3c1bc2, _0x2a492a, _0x415b16) { return _0x1114b7(_0x2a492a, _0x415b16 - 0x470, _0x2a492a - 0x136, _0x415b16 - 0x1c6); } _0x3bee5a[_0x53987a(-0x52, 0x238, -0x156, -0x15d)](_0x416f84, { 'tps': _0x2f2eec['floor'](_0x3bee5a[_0x53987a(0xda, -0x41, -0x47, -0xeb)](0x2353 + -0x21ff + 0x25bc, _0x3bee5a[_0x15aa8f(0x807, 0x739, 0x648, 0x6b0)](_0x2170da[_0x53987a(0x12b, 0x180, 0x27d, -0x46)](), _0x41a89b))), 'overworld_entities': _0x2ed851[_0x53987a(0x1b1, 0x12f, 0x150, 0x2e2) + 'on'](_0x3bee5a[_0x53987a(0x3dc, 0x557, 0x153, 0x428)])[_0x15aa8f(0x5cd, 0x845, 0x618, 0x682) + 's']()[_0x53987a(0x381, 0x146, 0x5c8, 0x2b6)], 'nether_entities': _0x39832a['getDimensi' + 'on'](_0x3bee5a[_0x15aa8f(0x895, 0x716, 0x735, 0x6e1)])['getEntitie' + 's']()[_0x15aa8f(0x920, 0xbfd, 0x99c, 0x9da)], 'end_entities': _0x922b11[_0x53987a(0x1b1, 0x75, 0xef, 0xf9) + 'on'](_0x3bee5a[_0x53987a(0xd3, 0x172, -0x72, 0x2a)])[_0x15aa8f(0x7f3, 0x5b0, 0x4ea, 0x682) + 's']()[_0x15aa8f(0xa67, 0xc08, 0xb26, 0x9da)] }); }, -0x1 * 0x86f + 0xefa + 0xf * -0x6f); }); } else { if (this.#i <= -0x5d1 * 0x1 + 0x265a + -0xad8 * 0x3) { let _0x1b0c43 = _0x3d22f6[_0x46f502(0x27c, 0x4a3, 0x5da, 0x376)][_0x1845ef(0x16c, 0x358, 0x35, 0x365) + _0x1845ef(0x2c8, 0x2a0, 0x371, 0x28b)](_0x39e4aa[_0x46f502(0x3a4, 0x3de, 0x1f7, 0x3f3)]), { author: _0x49a8bc, message: _0x49e6d2, cancel: _0x157410 } = await _0xe0f62e[_0x1845ef(0x334, 0x52f, 0x2a1, 0x2c4)][_0x1845ef(0x150, -0x17, 0x339, 0x1de) + 'am'][_0x46f502(0x3cb, 0x267, 0x10, 0x13d)]({ 'author': _0x3d22f6['sender'][_0x1845ef(0x373, 0x3ac, 0x540, 0x48f)], 'message': _0x3d22f6[_0x1845ef(0x341, 0x48e, 0x26a, 0xb3)] }, _0x3d22f6[_0x46f502(0x516, 0x4a3, 0x2d7, 0x72d)])[_0x1845ef(0x407, 0x415, 0x4ac, 0x18b)](_0x377ef9 => (D(_0x377ef9['author'], -0x2472 + -0x205f * -0x1 + 0x414, 0x2067 + -0x9e2 + 0x46d * -0x5) || (_0x377ef9[_0x1845ef(0x157, -0x13e, -0x58, 0x7e)] = _0x3d22f6[_0x46f502(0x58f, 0x4a3, 0x441, 0x389)]['name']), D(_0x377ef9[_0x46f502(0x3a3, 0x47d, 0x66e, 0x51c)], 0x18dd + -0x9da + -0xf02, 0x1a7a * -0x1 + 0x1769 + 0x6f9) || (_0x377ef9[_0x1845ef(0x341, 0x595, 0x580, 0x15b)] = _0x3d22f6[_0x1845ef(0x341, 0x4ac, 0x269, 0x2f4)]), _0x377ef9)); _0x157410 || (_0x1b0c43 ? this.#e([_0x46f502(0x175, 0x322, 0x213, 0x1a0), [_0x49a8bc, _0x49e6d2, _0x1b0c43]]) : this.#e([_0x39e4aa[_0x46f502(0x3ee, 0x467, 0x639, 0x677)], [_0x49a8bc, _0x49e6d2]])); } } }; _0x208bd7['beforeEven' + 'ts'][_0x475f8e(0x762, 0x3eb, 0x4ef, 0x507)][_0x3b348d(0xa04, 0x887, 0xaea, 0xaca)](async _0xf07a1f => { function _0x126aec(_0x1935f0, _0x202f0c, _0x18a379, _0x26da0b) { return _0x475f8e(_0x1935f0 - 0x2f, _0x202f0c - 0x1c, _0x26da0b, _0x1935f0 - 0x517); } if (_0xf07a1f[_0x126aec(0x881, 0xa2f, 0x8d6, 0x7e3)][_0x2760ec(0x515, 0x661, 0x377, 0x766)](_0x126aec(0x818, 0xa4a, 0x8d6, 0x896))) { _0xf07a1f[_0x126aec(0x775, 0x5e8, 0x57e, 0x6a7)] = !(0x7af + -0xc4c + -0x1 * -0x49d); return; } function _0x2760ec(_0x4c2757, _0x3206ca, _0xcaf0eb, _0x2865fa) { return _0x3b348d(_0x4c2757 - -0x4b2, _0x3206ca - 0xc, _0xcaf0eb - 0x48, _0x2865fa); } await _0xd7c4aa(_0xf07a1f); }), yield, _0x208bd7[_0x475f8e(0x2e4, 0xcd, -0x47, 0x99) + 's']['playerSpaw' + 'n']['subscribe'](({ player: _0x4244ed }) => { function _0x221024(_0xd45da0, _0x43bd30, _0x14f9ba, _0x39f2a5) { return _0x475f8e(_0xd45da0 - 0x96, _0x43bd30 - 0x3b, _0x39f2a5, _0xd45da0 - -0x204); } function _0x167fb4(_0x4c352c, _0x17734a, _0x533e1f, _0x50586a) { return _0x3b348d(_0x533e1f - -0x446, _0x17734a - 0x174, _0x533e1f - 0x10f, _0x17734a); } let _0x121a67 = _0x4244ed[_0x167fb4(0x1f4, 0x221, 0x26e, 0x1b8) + _0x221024(0xc7, 0x101, 0xf3, 0x4b)](_0x39e4aa[_0x221024(-0x1b9, -0x3bb, 0x7f, -0x1b8)]); _0x121a67 && (_0x4244ed['nameTag'] = _0x121a67); }), yield, _0x208bd7[_0x475f8e(-0xaa, 0xf4, -0x1a0, 0x99) + 's']['playerJoin'][_0x475f8e(0x31e, 0x420, 0x741, 0x4bf)](_0x52ff4b => { function _0x2e14a9(_0x1f77cb, _0x3428c7, _0x48d626, _0x4f3ebb) { return _0x475f8e(_0x1f77cb - 0xcb, _0x3428c7 - 0x14f, _0x1f77cb, _0x48d626 - 0xa3); } const _0x401bf9 = {}; _0x401bf9[_0x1062b9(0x645, 0x3d2, 0x816, 0x872)] = _0x39e4aa[_0x1062b9(0x827, 0x7ff, 0x900, 0x8cd)]; function _0x1062b9(_0x32ec9a, _0x50d46a, _0x49ee70, _0x3af338) { return _0x475f8e(_0x32ec9a - 0x1f2, _0x50d46a - 0x61, _0x50d46a, _0x32ec9a - 0x57f); } const _0xa18e76 = _0x401bf9; if (_0x39e4aa['Nuilk'](_0x39e4aa[_0x2e14a9(0x2f7, 0x23, 0x188, 0x3de)], _0x39e4aa['HLJnl'])) _0x39e4aa[_0x2e14a9(0x72a, 0x38a, 0x4f1, 0x671)](this.#g[_0x2e14a9(-0x56, 0x1e8, 0x104, 0x313)](_0x52ff4b[_0x2e14a9(0x6eb, 0x521, 0x5a0, 0x806)]), _0x52ff4b['playerName']) && this.#g[_0x1062b9(0x8fb, 0x972, 0x8b5, 0x78b)](_0x52ff4b[_0x2e14a9(0x73f, 0x583, 0x5a0, 0x5ac)], _0x52ff4b[_0x1062b9(0x679, 0x4bc, 0x624, 0x47f)]), this.#d[_0x1062b9(0x64c, 0x4c1, 0x4ba, 0x81c)](_0x52ff4b[_0x1062b9(0x679, 0x404, 0x8e2, 0x446)]) && (this.#d[_0x2e14a9(0x212, 0x2e0, 0x103, -0x2e)](_0x52ff4b[_0x2e14a9(0x2ce, 0x368, 0x19d, 0x1c1)]), this.#a[_0x1062b9(0x8fb, 0xb93, 0xa17, 0x93f)](_0x52ff4b['playerId'], !(0xbe3 * 0x2 + -0x1a6a + 0x1 * 0x2a4))); else return this[_0x2e14a9(0x157, 0x47a, 0x212, -0x36) + _0x1062b9(0x84a, 0x653, 0x715, 0x756)](_0xa18e76[_0x2e14a9(0x12f, 0x309, 0x169, -0x8)]); }), yield, _0x208bd7['afterEvent' + 's'][_0x3b348d(0x784, 0x97d, 0x6fe, 0x8df) + 'n'][_0x475f8e(0x74c, 0x2b6, 0x34f, 0x4bf)](_0x1e4f79 => { function _0x36770c(_0xb82a60, _0x4f14ce, _0x589653, _0x4e5cfa) { return _0x475f8e(_0xb82a60 - 0x16a, _0x4f14ce - 0x1c4, _0x4e5cfa, _0x4f14ce - 0x4d1); } function _0x2f5d90(_0x581c34, _0x29ee77, _0x36bd89, _0x42bf3c) { return _0x3b348d(_0x581c34 - -0x83, _0x29ee77 - 0x17, _0x36bd89 - 0x15c, _0x36bd89); } if (_0x39e4aa[_0x36770c(0x9d9, 0x8fb, 0x91b, 0x9e5)] === _0x39e4aa['GHrGE']) _0x1e4f79['player']['hasTag'](_0x39e4aa['jRzje']) && (_0x1e4f79[_0x36770c(0x968, 0x78e, 0x787, 0x882)][_0x36770c(0x667, 0x66d, 0x85e, 0x575)](_0x39e4aa[_0x36770c(0x870, 0xa18, 0x999, 0x960)]), this.#a['set'](_0x1e4f79[_0x2f5d90(0x77f, 0x6cc, 0x9c2, 0x60b)]['id'], { 'id': _0x1e4f79[_0x36770c(0x6da, 0x78e, 0x663, 0x7dc)]['id'], 'name': _0x1e4f79[_0x2f5d90(0x77f, 0x61d, 0x731, 0x73b)][_0x2f5d90(0x838, 0xa8d, 0x85f, 0x87f)] })), this.#a[_0x36770c(0x618, 0x59e, 0x4c5, 0x7bb)](_0x1e4f79[_0x2f5d90(0x77f, 0x97c, 0x610, 0x8d5)]['id']) && _0x1e4f79[_0x2f5d90(0x77f, 0x980, 0x9fb, 0x54b)]['runCommand' + 'Async'](_0x36770c(0x9ac, 0x7a5, 0x66e, 0x60c) + _0x1e4f79[_0x2f5d90(0x77f, 0x971, 0x6b7, 0x85e)]['name'] + (_0x2f5d90(0x9dc, 0x898, 0xa85, 0x82b) + 'e banned f' + _0x36770c(0x8bc, 0x65d, 0x772, 0x6d0) + _0x2f5d90(0x5cb, 0x7d9, 0x3ec, 0x6cb))); else return [_0x5a93fe[_0x36770c(0x401, 0x5a1, 0x353, 0x729)](_0xac0a82), _0x2d5947[_0x2f5d90(0x592, 0x66d, 0x7de, 0x4c9)](_0x3ca711), _0x135974['floor'](_0x1fdd19), _0x586077['id'][_0x2f5d90(0x98f, 0x8c6, 0xbaa, 0x90a)](-0x1709 + 0x1 * -0x89e + 0x1fb1)]; }), yield, import(_0x39e4aa['yCEWw'])['then'](_0xc12606 => _0xc12606[_0x3b348d(0x606, 0x372, 0x47b, 0x4ad)][_0x475f8e(0x386, 0x2eb, 0x1d9, 0x2c9)]()[_0x475f8e(0x3b7, 0x15, -0x12e, 0x121)](_0x3d9d64 => _0x3d9d64['id']))[_0x475f8e(0x49c, 0x268, 0x657, 0x40a)](_0x28e33c => this.#y[_0x475f8e(-0x31, 0x4be, 0x338, 0x228)](..._0x28e33c)), yield, _0x462647[_0x3b348d(0x5de, 0x440, 0x5e0, 0x657) + 's'][_0x3b348d(0x7c4, 0x941, 0x56a, 0x8d7) + _0x3b348d(0x7d5, 0x792, 0x93a, 0x88c)][_0x3b348d(0xa04, 0xc9c, 0x979, 0x7bf)](_0x4569e8 => { function _0x1b47ff(_0x12f6ad, _0x51e556, _0x218499, _0x44fe10) { return _0x475f8e(_0x12f6ad - 0x113, _0x51e556 - 0x90, _0x12f6ad, _0x51e556 - 0x56a); } function _0x479bb(_0x47ae22, _0x661800, _0x3c4151, _0x1ab7e8) { return _0x475f8e(_0x47ae22 - 0x171, _0x661800 - 0x132, _0x1ab7e8, _0x3c4151 - 0x272); } if (_0x39e4aa[_0x479bb(0x513, 0x12c, 0x2ac, 0x405)](_0x4569e8[_0x1b47ff(0xa62, 0x9a3, 0x898, 0xb89)], _0x3e399c[_0x1b47ff(0x6c6, 0x642, 0x547, 0x431)])) switch (_0x4569e8['id']) { case _0x39e4aa[_0x1b47ff(0x578, 0x651, 0x8d6, 0x5cf)]: { try { if (_0x39e4aa['SZvUN'](_0x1b47ff(0x87d, 0x6a3, 0x607, 0x55f), _0x39e4aa[_0x479bb(0x83c, 0x37d, 0x5fa, 0x7b8)])) { if (!this.#m) return; let _0x169dbe = JSON[_0x1b47ff(0xb43, 0xab0, 0xa3a, 0x83c)](_0x4569e8[_0x1b47ff(0x761, 0x8ae, 0x694, 0xaab)]); const _0x1b341e = {}; _0x1b341e[_0x1b47ff(0x961, 0x971, 0xa0a, 0x99e) + 'pe'] = _0x39e4aa['joptT']; const _0x53373e = {}; _0x53373e[_0x479bb(0x7bc, 0x806, 0x689, 0x8d7)] = _0x169dbe['author'] ?? _0x479bb(0x9e, 0x233, 0x2d8, 0xd6), _0x53373e[_0x1b47ff(0x8d6, 0x9bf, 0x91f, 0x838)] = _0x169dbe[_0x479bb(0x53b, 0x7f6, 0x6d6, 0x47f)], _0x53373e[_0x1b47ff(0x9a1, 0x82b, 0xa67, 0xaaa)] = _0x169dbe[_0x1b47ff(0x92a, 0x8ae, 0x723, 0x747)], I['request'](this.#m, _0x1b341e, _0x479bb(0x234, 0x76, 0x307, 0x391), JSON[_0x1b47ff(0x946, 0x6f4, 0x4bf, 0x5f1)](_0x53373e)); } else { _0x174ba0[_0x1b47ff(0x640, 0x7c8, 0x6de, 0x96d)] = !(0x1a0 * -0x11 + 0x5 * 0x71e + -0x7f6); return; } } catch (_0x3d6548) { console[_0x479bb(0x513, 0x6a7, 0x5a6, 0x76b)](_0x3d6548); } break; } case _0x39e4aa[_0x479bb(0x34f, 0x3f1, 0x48d, 0x22b)]: { try { if (!this.#m) return; let _0x2057b9 = JSON[_0x479bb(0x64e, 0x97f, 0x7b8, 0x549)](_0x4569e8['message']); const _0x3a8d0b = {}; _0x3a8d0b['Content-Ty' + 'pe'] = _0x479bb(0x691, 0x5a0, 0x48b, 0x5c1) + 'n/json'; const _0x7567bb = {}; _0x7567bb[_0x479bb(0x4d0, 0x81e, 0x689, 0x4e2)] = _0x2057b9[_0x479bb(0x514, 0x641, 0x3cc, 0x162)] ?? _0x479bb(0x29f, 0x427, 0x2d8, 0x50e), _0x7567bb['avatar_url'] = _0x2057b9[_0x1b47ff(0xaef, 0x9ce, 0x981, 0x736)], _0x7567bb['embeds'] = [_0x2057b9[_0x1b47ff(0x84a, 0x96b, 0x859, 0xab4)]], I[_0x479bb(0xad, 0x238, 0x304, 0x27d)](this.#m, _0x3a8d0b, _0x39e4aa[_0x479bb(0x278, 0x230, 0x376, 0x4c7)], JSON[_0x1b47ff(0x65c, 0x6f4, 0x937, 0x65d)](_0x7567bb)); } catch (_0xbe1184) { console[_0x1b47ff(0xae3, 0x89e, 0x806, 0x9e0)](_0xbe1184); } break; } } }, { 'namespaces': [_0x39e4aa[_0x475f8e(0x551, 0xe4, 0x2b1, 0x33b)]] }); } #s(_0xb24bce, _0x598741) { return async _0x35a28e => { function _0x56a062(_0xd25160, _0x38546b, _0xa42ea4, _0x57c9d6) { return _0x5780(_0xd25160 - -0x333, _0xa42ea4); } function _0x11b533(_0x1c7f95, _0x5c73e8, _0x25ae32, _0x58bef6) { return _0x5780(_0x5c73e8 - 0x28c, _0x58bef6); } let _0x28a7c8 = _0x35a28e[_0x56a062(0x1ae, 0x320, 0x7, 0x13f)] ? _0x35a28e[_0x11b533(0x972, 0x76d, 0x96d, 0x880)] : _0x35a28e; this['logging'] && _0x208bd7[_0x11b533(0x82d, 0x7d6, 0x7ac, 0x600) + 'e'](_0x11b533(0x813, 0x75b, 0x516, 0x664) + _0xb24bce + ': ' + _0x598741 + '
' + _0x28a7c8 + '
'), _0xe0f62e[_0x56a062(0x1a1, 0x2ee, 0x41f, 0x244)]['error'][_0x11b533(0x5d2, 0x557, 0x5be, 0x528)]({ 'code': _0xb24bce, 'message': _0x28a7c8 }); }; } #e(..._0x2c700f) { function _0x3ebe64(_0x316346, _0x147ac8, _0x498319, _0xbcdaf1) { return _0x2efcde(_0xbcdaf1, _0x147ac8 - 0x80, _0x498319 - 0x143, _0x316346 - 0x429); } this.#o[_0x3ebe64(0x6f5, 0x724, 0x59d, 0x5a7)](..._0x2c700f); } [_0x2efcde(0x2b3, 0x604, 0x24f, 0x3b9)]() { return this.#C; } async #n(_0x385855 = 0xf35 + -0x23f3 * -0x1 + -0x3328) { const _0x13000c = {}; _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x16d, 0xe8, 0x371, 0x4a9)] = _0x2803bd(0x3f1, 0x3c5, 0x36e, 0x344), _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x307, 0x3ac, 0x2d0, 0x483)] = 'auth', _0x13000c['fyUEN'] = 'authtoken', _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x54a, 0x38f, 0x5d9, 0x516)] = _0x2803bd(0x798, 0x698, 0x557, 0x370) + 'tify'; function _0x33ea66(_0xa727b6, _0x12ae84, _0x41e6bf, _0x3d8588) { return _0x27f57c(_0x3d8588, _0x41e6bf - 0x207, _0x41e6bf - 0x72, _0x3d8588 - 0x14c); } _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x616, 0x84b, 0x6ea, 0x7bb)] = _0x2803bd(0x4f7, 0x3fa, 0x55f, 0x63f), _0x13000c['XhiYk'] = _0x33ea66(0x7a9, 0xa8c, 0x92e, 0xacc), _0x13000c['eAAwH'] = function (_0x44c2a1, _0x9e4b0c) { return _0x44c2a1 < _0x9e4b0c; }, _0x13000c['VNLVQ'] = _0x33ea66(0x69a, 0x474, 0x5fa, 0x72b), _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x5d9, 0x764, 0x5b3, 0x6ee)] = function (_0x5f5355, _0x25f764) { return _0x5f5355 >= _0x25f764; }; function _0x2803bd(_0x566f6f, _0x2becb4, _0x5a8946, _0x44f922) { return _0x2efcde(_0x44f922, _0x2becb4 - 0xb3, _0x5a8946 - 0x11b, _0x5a8946 - 0x155); } _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x4f1, 0x667, 0x3f3, 0x2dd)] = function (_0x301fc7, _0x2e4fc8) { return _0x301fc7 == _0x2e4fc8; }, _0x13000c[_0x2803bd(0x6dd, 0x65e, 0x560, 0x696)] = _0x2803bd(0x2d7, 0x3fa, 0x4b2, 0x46f) + _0x33ea66(0x68b, 0x6ec, 0x85f, 0x6f0) + 'rver respo' + _0x2803bd(0x447, 0x896, 0x692, 0x567), _0x13000c[_0x33ea66(0x669, 0x8dd, 0x67c, 0x5ca)] = function (_0x3c991a, _0x324197) { return _0x3c991a * _0x324197; }; const _0x3b18f1 = _0x13000c; this.#i = _0x385855, this[_0x33ea66(0x45a, 0x324, 0x513, 0x2f6)](_0x3b18f1[_0x33ea66(0x452, 0x5e1, 0x55d, 0x5e5)], k[-0x1 * -0x9e2 + -0xb5a + 0x178], k[this.#i]); let _0x2150da = new _0x4e9440(_0x33ea66(0xa66, 0x849, 0x900, 0xaa2) + this.#x + _0x2803bd(0x74b, 0x600, 0x504, 0x58c)); _0x2150da[_0x2803bd(0x5df, 0x282, 0x4ab, 0x5c4)] = _0xbe0821['Get'], _0x2150da[_0x33ea66(0x789, 0x6c2, 0x6a4, 0x7da)] = -0x821 + -0x16cc + -0x3 * -0xa63, _0x2150da[_0x2803bd(0x60e, 0x495, 0x518, 0x3ab)] = [new _0x2a1d17(_0x3b18f1['MVRyW'], u['get'](_0x3b18f1[_0x33ea66(0x4fa, 0x5a7, 0x575, 0x3a7)])), new _0x2a1d17(_0x2803bd(0x313, 0x48, 0x247, 0x67), se), new _0x2a1d17(_0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x5e6, 0x819, 0x5d9, 0x3fa)], u['get'](_0x3b18f1['zkEfg'])?.['toString']() ?? '0'), new _0x2a1d17(_0x3b18f1['pwutS'], u[_0x33ea66(0x314, 0x2ac, 0x446, 0x39e)](_0x2803bd(0x3a1, 0x741, 0x55f, 0x778))?.['toString']() ?? '0')], u['has'](_0x3b18f1['XhiYk']) && _0x2150da[_0x33ea66(0x8c6, 0x8a9, 0x75a, 0x938)](_0x3b18f1[_0x33ea66(0x6fe, 0x69c, 0x785, 0x6c2)], u[_0x33ea66(0x394, 0x5d4, 0x446, 0x400)](_0x3b18f1['XhiYk'])), this.#l = !(0x9d7 + 0x27a + -0xc51); for (let _0x3b838f = 0x1d64 + 0x1 * -0x1625 + -0x73f; _0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x4ed, 0x1a1, 0x337, 0x226)](_0x3b838f, 0x585 * -0x6 + -0x6d * -0x4 + 0x1f6f); _0x3b838f++) { if (_0x2803bd(0x269, 0x2de, 0x40e, 0x21c) !== _0x3b18f1['VNLVQ']) this['logging'] = _0x715c54; else { try { let _0x496b57 = await _0x4b8071[_0x33ea66(0x6e3, 0x49a, 0x477, 0x2f9)](_0x2150da); if (_0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x53d, 0x612, 0x5b3, 0x7bf)](_0x496b57[_0x2803bd(0x44a, 0x3e9, 0x36e, 0x465)], 0x1 * -0xfe7 + -0x13 * 0xef + 0x226c)) { let _0x1ff85d = _0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x4ea, 0x337, 0x3f3, 0x20e)](_0x496b57[_0x2803bd(0x52b, 0x34d, 0x36e, 0x40d)], 0x6cf * -0x3 + -0x1151 + -0x2686 * -0x1) ? [[_0x2803bd(0x55d, 0x5c3, 0x5fd, 0x5a8), JSON[_0x2803bd(0x5dc, 0x4da, 0x73f, 0x777)](_0x496b57[_0x33ea66(0x788, 0x6e7, 0x78d, 0x966)])]] : JSON[_0x33ea66(0x851, 0x86e, 0x92b, 0x6bd)](_0x496b57[_0x33ea66(0x8b1, 0x794, 0x78d, 0x8ab)]); for (let _0x4aad5b of _0x1ff85d) await this.#p(_0x4aad5b)[_0x2803bd(0x326, 0x12b, 0x3bf, 0x624)](this.#s(0xbe4 + 0x1e50 + -0x2a2b * 0x1, _0x2803bd(0x4db, 0x311, 0x4d7, 0x6bc) + _0x2803bd(0x4df, 0x255, 0x4b0, 0x419) + ' packet' + _0x4aad5b[0x28 * 0x3f + -0x1e88 + -0x52c * -0x4])); this.#l = !(0x5 * 0x615 + -0x1144 * 0x1 + -0xd24); return; } } catch (_0x4970c8) { this.#s(0x833 + 0x136f + -0x1b9f, _0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x784, 0x6b8, 0x560, 0x443)])(_0x4970c8), this[_0x2803bd(0x267, 0x50f, 0x3b1, 0x482) + _0x33ea66(0x861, 0x482, 0x5da, 0x729)] = 'Login fail' + _0x33ea66(0x9ba, 0x559, 0x798, 0x5b8) + _0x2803bd(0x41f, 0x482, 0x5bd, 0x5ae) + _0x2803bd(0x6a9, 0x9b6, 0x731, 0x67a) + _0x33ea66(0xab4, 0x667, 0x8f6, 0xa8c) + _0x2803bd(0x170, 0x34e, 0x342, 0xf5) + 'o' + this[_0x33ea66(0x6ea, 0x8fa, 0x702, 0x619)] + _0x2803bd(0x4b2, 0x414, 0x509, 0x488); } await E(-0xb82 + -0xa37 * -0x1 + 0x155 + _0x3b18f1[_0x33ea66(0x88e, 0x40a, 0x67c, 0x7fe)](_0x3b838f, -0x17ad + -0x1c34 + 0x33e6)); } } this.#l = !(-0x1 * 0x83 + -0x3e3 + 0x467), this[_0x2803bd(0x560, 0x444, 0x327, 0x3a7)](_0x3b18f1[_0x2803bd(0x4a0, 0x57e, 0x371, 0x2e4)], k[0x7 * -0x206 + 0xc5 * 0x3 + 0xbdf], this.#i), this.#i = 0x726 + 0x39 * -0x11 + -0x1 * 0x359; } async #f(_0x10d024, _0x23113f, _0x15b963) { function _0x7007c9(_0x15a974, _0x4f1283, _0x52de5b, _0x2478b3) { return _0x2efcde(_0x15a974, _0x4f1283 - 0x1b6, _0x52de5b - 0x125, _0x2478b3 - -0x60); } function _0x4386bb(_0x53bfe2, _0x852c0b, _0x2e4878, _0x336254) { return _0x2efcde(_0x2e4878, _0x852c0b - 0x16b, _0x2e4878 - 0xc7, _0x852c0b - 0xb1); } const _0x397e52 = { 'wwjwA': function (_0x540b36, _0x5de704, _0x18f483, _0x3e6601, _0xeac84) { return _0x540b36(_0x5de704, _0x18f483, _0x3e6601, _0xeac84); }, 'WEqQX': function (_0x2a3468, _0x29e40b) { return _0x2a3468 !== _0x29e40b; }, 'TXQsE': function (_0x567eb5, _0x542ff2) { return _0x567eb5 === _0x542ff2; }, 'sBmKH': function (_0x3c5417, _0x52bc55) { return _0x3c5417 + _0x52bc55; }, 'RoaJm': function (_0x278c2f, _0x4a0abe) { return _0x278c2f + _0x4a0abe; }, 'LxEOC': _0x4386bb(0x720, 0x640, 0x710, 0x4f9), 'gYHfj': function (_0x36924d, _0x42b418) { return _0x36924d + _0x42b418; }, 'UfWYi': _0x4386bb(0x510, 0x657, 0x505, 0x85b) + 'r', 'HRKlJ': function (_0x4a9273, _0x24d1b8) { return _0x4a9273 == _0x24d1b8; }, 'jpWmx': function (_0x47fee7, _0x1d3551) { return _0x47fee7 + _0x1d3551; }, 'Xaivb': 'Duplicate ' + _0x4386bb(0x4ec, 0x440, 0x31f, 0x230) + _0x4386bb(0x59c, 0x3f7, 0x67c, 0x324) + _0x4386bb(0x3f8, 0x5bf, 0x79b, 0x415) + _0x4386bb(0x221, 0x1a9, 0x14a, 0x1e6) + _0x7007c9(0x3f0, 0x27d, -0x15, 0x212) + _0x7007c9(0x68c, 0x4a9, 0x4e6, 0x562), 'WnaIO': function (_0x387c3e, _0x3e87c7) { return _0x387c3e < _0x3e87c7; }, 'GHVsZ': _0x7007c9(0x482, 0x394, 0x6bd, 0x46f) + _0x7007c9(0x243, 0x53, 0x374, 0x2e0) + _0x7007c9(0x1b8, 0x334, 0xb7, 0xcb) + _0x7007c9(0x4f7, 0x5ee, 0x4d0, 0x590) + _0x7007c9(0x5ec, 0x163, 0x44b, 0x356) + _0x4386bb(0x458, 0x2b4, 0x29e, 0x3ef) + 'e you adde' + _0x7007c9(0x3f5, 0x6b1, 0x2dc, 0x4cb) + _0x7007c9(0x235, 0x2b5, 0x321, 0x438), 'khbhm': function (_0x2690b5, _0x17ab09) { return _0x2690b5 ^ _0x17ab09; }, 'otWWK': function (_0x47cd1f, _0xd26055) { return _0x47cd1f + _0xd26055; }, 'DYjgV': _0x7007c9(0x3bb, 0x22e, 0x460, 0x2de) + _0x4386bb(0x628, 0x5c7, 0x782, 0x4b8) + 'f', 'FSXzz': 'help', 'YPige': function (_0x3c2f88, _0x5b79ae) { return _0x3c2f88 + _0x5b79ae; }, 'yLPMI': function (_0x758991, _0x1ffade) { return _0x758991 + _0x1ffade; }, 'ouaOG': function (_0x5ed10f, _0x49eb3d) { return _0x5ed10f + _0x49eb3d; }, 'SockQ': function (_0x253f72, _0xafa940) { return _0x253f72 + _0xafa940; }, 'xyDfF': _0x7007c9(0x10a, 0x3fd, 0x314, 0x354), 'qRdQo': _0x7007c9(0x436, 0x283, 0x436, 0x2c1) + _0x7007c9(0x45, 0x2db, 0x115, 0x279) + _0x4386bb(0x2dc, 0x2e7, 0xcb, 0x2c1) + _0x4386bb(0x373, 0x4c3, 0x70d, 0x5c3), 'NRkFh': 'connecting' + _0x4386bb(0x425, 0x284, 0x2de, 0x33e), 'MfWbJ': 'status', 'GRuZY': _0x7007c9(0x539, 0x485, 0x4d7, 0x2bd) + _0x4386bb(0x845, 0x6a9, 0x7ff, 0x900) + 'led§r', 'fQVIo': _0x4386bb(0x403, 0x229, 0x9, 0x1c2), 'NPUov': 'messages', 'ygiTI': _0x4386bb(0x87b, 0x663, 0x6b6, 0x468) + 'ge from se' + 'rver found' + _0x4386bb(0x314, 0x4f2, 0x363, 0x4b6), 'hKZsl': _0x7007c9(0x159, 0x2b2, 0xd2, 0x142), 'mSzLp': _0x4386bb(0x51a, 0x632, 0x40d, 0x7be), 'BTZtt': _0x7007c9(0x382, 0x2ed, 0x5cf, 0x456), 'KNybr': _0x4386bb(0x78a, 0x505, 0x55f, 0x4e2) + 'nk', 'XHVMi': _0x7007c9(0x2fd, 0x3ef, 0x245, 0x304) + _0x4386bb(0x3ea, 0x59f, 0x685, 0x735) + _0x7007c9(0x52e, 0x555, 0x700, 0x4ba) + _0x7007c9(0x161, 0x438, 0x30a, 0x28a), 'xUypB': _0x7007c9(0x5aa, 0x16f, 0x1c7, 0x3c0), 'yyfLJ': _0x7007c9(-0x4, -0x111, 0x159, 0x12a), 'tlJiU': _0x4386bb(0x240, 0x47a, 0x43b, 0x37b) + _0x7007c9(0x4b7, 0x21e, 0x223, 0x460) + ' your appe' + _0x4386bb(0x68e, 0x427, 0x2df, 0x53a) + _0x7007c9(0x514, 0x3e7, 0x671, 0x4c1) + _0x4386bb(0x6e5, 0x694, 0x90d, 0x45f) + _0x4386bb(0x438, 0x449, 0x1f8, 0x43b) + _0x7007c9(0x250, -0x38, 0x378, 0x159) + _0x4386bb(0x257, 0x47e, 0x286, 0x3b3) + 'ord server' + ' and run /' + 'claimdc us' + _0x4386bb(0x636, 0x6a6, 0x737, 0x41c) + _0x4386bb(0x70d, 0x4ec, 0x452, 0x69c) + _0x7007c9(-0x37, -0x15d, -0x16b, 0xe9) + _0x7007c9(0xb8, 0x28a, 0x40c, 0x277), 'sITGc': _0x7007c9(0x3e2, 0x11, 0x369, 0x21e) + _0x7007c9(0x144, 0x1a4, 0x35, 0x2ba) + _0x4386bb(0x4a9, 0x28f, 0x4e4, 0x3ad) + 'on this se' + _0x4386bb(0x39c, 0x336, 0x154, 0x134), 'yXgpT': function (_0x5a5962, _0x2a14bd) { return _0x5a5962 + _0x2a14bd; }, 'uyXBI': _0x7007c9(0x560, 0x18b, 0x26c, 0x347), 'NfTjK': _0x4386bb(0x337, 0x2bb, 0x1fb, 0x393) + _0x7007c9(0xde, 0x1bc, 0x1fb, 0x2e8), 'TrWiP': '§eYour pro' + _0x4386bb(-0x1d, 0x1a4, 0x3cf, -0xda) + _0x4386bb(0x416, 0x207, 0x1e9, 0xd8) + _0x4386bb(0x61f, 0x3b1, 0x467, 0x4f9) + _0x7007c9(0x3c6, 0x4d1, 0x5fa, 0x593) + _0x7007c9(0x1f4, -0x1, -0xb1, 0x1c7) + _0x4386bb(0x596, 0x568, 0x369, 0x4ab) + _0x7007c9(0x22f, 0x43e, 0x8b, 0x2fa) + 'og they wi' + 'll be set ' + _0x4386bb(0x5f1, 0x5ae, 0x3d3, 0x3de) + _0x4386bb(0x325, 0x2f4, 0x395, 0x3c6) + _0x4386bb(0x4d6, 0x699, 0x855, 0x457) + _0x4386bb(0x423, 0x4d9, 0x2d5, 0x2b1) + '§r', 'YUsvo': function (_0xfcc7d3, _0x48ce72) { return _0xfcc7d3 !== _0x48ce72; }, 'nEEuB': _0x7007c9(0x337, 0xd2, 0xe8, 0x222), 'BNAUu': _0x4386bb(0x3e6, 0x484, 0x25d, 0x25c), 'UGntb': _0x4386bb(0x636, 0x489, 0x6be, 0x5f4), 'ARzvx': _0x4386bb(0x401, 0x2b1, 0x3df, 0xeb), 'nnWLf': _0x7007c9(0x163, 0x4e6, 0x3e4, 0x306), 'yjGLA': _0x4386bb(0x1c5, 0x379, 0x54a, 0x380), 'JpuKH': _0x7007c9(0x30c, 0x35d, 0x176, 0x2f2) + 'already de' + _0x4386bb(0x77a, 0x5ce, 0x524, 0x80b), 'QjwRD': _0x4386bb(0x2b8, 0x1eb, 0x3d6, -0xa1) + _0x7007c9(0x5c1, 0x175, 0x453, 0x396) + _0x7007c9(-0xa, 0x327, 0xbf, 0xfd) + _0x4386bb(0x1ce, 0x35f, 0x550, 0x478) + _0x4386bb(0x675, 0x63c, 0x680, 0x3f9) + '!', 'AkmeQ': _0x4386bb(0x458, 0x403, 0x1db, 0x1b0) + _0x7007c9(0x4f0, 0x552, 0x472, 0x423) + _0x4386bb(0x5a7, 0x65f, 0x552, 0x797) }; switch (_0x23113f) { case _0x397e52['FSXzz']: { let _0x238d97 = _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x208, 0x500, 0xf2, 0x29b)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x729, 0x62e, 0x79d, 0x4d0)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x27f, 0x284, 0x11d, 0xc6)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x24, 0xb, 0x1f8, 0xc6)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x34b, 0x1d7, 0x3a0, 0x3b9)](_0x397e52['sBmKH'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x337, 0x29b, 0x678, 0x49f)](_0x397e52['YPige'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x7c, -0x94, -0x3d, 0x116)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x230, 0x280, 0xf0, 0x366)](_0x397e52['jpWmx'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x623, 0x3c2, 0x4b1, 0x49b)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x696, 0x823, 0x7a5, 0x59d)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x22, 0x1d7, 0x1e, 0xe7)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x266, 0x3ac, 0x334, 0x4a0)](_0x4386bb(0x2e9, 0x25d, 0x1e6, 0x1f7) + _0x4386bb(0x230, 0x19d, 0x82, 0x37) + 'ommands:
§' + 'o', this[_0x4386bb(0x606, 0x472, 0x3c0, 0x632)]) + (_0x7007c9(0x2a2, 0x289, 0x6ae, 0x4c0) + _0x4386bb(0x43c, 0x53e, 0x42f, 0x479) + _0x7007c9(0x4b9, 0x292, 0x1ef, 0x278) + _0x7007c9(0xf9, 0xea, 0x2fd, 0x123) + _0x4386bb(0x4dc, 0x463, 0x259, 0x47e) + _0x4386bb(0x4fd, 0x4e1, 0x438, 0x264)), this['prefix']), _0x7007c9(0x2f6, 0x7a1, 0x771, 0x558) + _0x7007c9(0x67c, 0x6ab, 0x3c4, 0x4cc) + _0x7007c9(0x3b1, 0x4da, 0x166, 0x2ef) + _0x4386bb(0x444, 0x470, 0x5a0, 0x3fc) + 'er.
§o'), this['prefix']), 'messages§r' + _0x7007c9(-0xb9, 0x47, 0x1af, 0x1a2) + _0x4386bb(-0x2b, 0x24a, 0x2b1, 0x3d5) + _0x4386bb(0x219, 0x2f5, 0x207, 0x46e) + _0x7007c9(0x517, 0x16a, 0x49e, 0x3f6) + _0x4386bb(0x20f, 0x2d3, 0x1a2, 0x11d) + 'o'), this['prefix']), 'status - c' + _0x7007c9(0x131, 0x46b, 0x407, 0x387) + _0x4386bb(0x16a, 0x3bd, 0x4d4, 0x3de) + ' server.
§' + 'o'), this['prefix']), 'logging [o' + _0x7007c9(-0x2d, 0x173, 0x280, 0x1e9) + _0x4386bb(0x343, 0x544, 0x740, 0x2f5) + _0x4386bb(0x708, 0x687, 0x4a3, 0x492) + _0x7007c9(0xdf, -0x1c, 0x21f, 0xa1)), this[_0x4386bb(0x638, 0x472, 0x4ca, 0x382)]), _0x7007c9(0x1a6, 0x109, 0x3ef, 0x1b0) + _0x4386bb(0x4ec, 0x299, 0x287, 0x9) + _0x4386bb(0x4ea, 0x33a, 0x47d, 0x122) + 'chat from ' + _0x7007c9(0x1b5, 0x12a, 0x9c, 0xe2) + _0x7007c9(0x46, 0x24c, 0xea, 0x253) + _0x7007c9(0x609, 0x710, 0x571, 0x500) + 'ages (on d' + _0x4386bb(0x4e9, 0x27a, 0x38, 0x3a2) + 'o'), this[_0x7007c9(0x353, 0x20d, 0x2b4, 0x361)]), _0x7007c9(0x2b3, 0x66e, 0x2a6, 0x40a) + _0x4386bb(0x487, 0x322, 0x341, 0x31d) + _0x7007c9(0x5ab, 0x5ca, 0x448, 0x413) + _0x4386bb(0x34e, 0x255, 0x336, 0x272) + _0x7007c9(-0x37, 0x13a, -0xf4, 0xfb) + _0x4386bb(0x379, 0x4fb, 0x69c, 0x4bf) + _0x7007c9(0x282, 0x27c, 0x3c9, 0x4b4) + _0x4386bb(0x620, 0x5ef, 0x825, 0x563) + 's relog).
' + '§o') + this[_0x4386bb(0x2f3, 0x472, 0x60e, 0x412)], _0x4386bb(0x45e, 0x38b, 0x307, 0x464) + 'top messag' + _0x4386bb(0x55b, 0x408, 0x30f, 0x480) + _0x7007c9(0x2bc, 0x16d, 0x11d, 0x180) + ' being vis' + _0x7007c9(0x31c, 0x510, 0x3bd, 0x33c) + _0x4386bb(0x5b0, 0x609, 0x85f, 0x62b) + _0x7007c9(0x623, 0x2a4, 0x251, 0x428)) + this[_0x7007c9(0x39e, 0x35c, 0x5a0, 0x361)], _0x4386bb(0x21d, 0x40d, 0x1fd, 0x2e1) + _0x7007c9(0x47, 0x11f, 0x2d2, 0xba) + _0x4386bb(0x516, 0x353, 0x4ca, 0x1db) + _0x7007c9(0x53c, 0x4e8, 0x536, 0x33f) + _0x4386bb(0x10b, 0x30c, 0x492, 0x79) + _0x7007c9(0x3f4, 0x1c1, 0x43f, 0x27c)); _0xe0f62e['bedrockCom' + _0x4386bb(0x585, 0x630, 0x53d, 0x595)]['forEach']((_0x25fc37, _0x3fe84e, _0x3fdc14, _0x182840) => { function _0x27d1c7(_0x2b9790, _0x4827c6, _0x4e2615, _0xf08016) { return _0x7007c9(_0x2b9790, _0x4827c6 - 0x103, _0x4e2615 - 0xab, _0xf08016 - 0x12d); } function _0xfd8477(_0x3bc2da, _0x3568de, _0x341aac, _0x282603) { return _0x4386bb(_0x3bc2da - 0x7, _0x3568de - 0x225, _0x282603, _0x282603 - 0x14f); } if (_0x397e52[_0x27d1c7(0x5a4, 0x643, 0x44d, 0x444)](_0x27d1c7(0x881, 0x694, 0x561, 0x622), 'brBff')) _0x397e52['wwjwA'](_0x432fa8, _0x506cd2, _0x5d1903[_0x27d1c7(0x1e7, 0x281, 0x6e, 0x255)], _0xe34424[_0xfd8477(0x32c, 0x509, 0x6a3, 0x315) + 'n'], _0xe10861[_0x27d1c7(0x2d7, 0x207, 0x3b5, 0x1f5)]); else { if (_0x397e52[_0x27d1c7(0x232, 0x2b, -0xb4, 0x1cb)](_0x182840[_0xfd8477(0xa46, 0x83b, 0x642, 0x9ae)], -0x174 + -0x1c4a + 0x1dbe)) _0x238d97 += _0x397e52[_0xfd8477(0x6c0, 0x7d5, 0x848, 0x7cc)](_0x397e52['RoaJm'](_0x397e52[_0x27d1c7(0x3ad, 0x639, 0x38d, 0x5cc)](_0x397e52[_0x27d1c7(0x789, 0x3cc, 0x60b, 0x5cc)]('§o', this[_0xfd8477(0x510, 0x697, 0x4c5, 0x41d)]), _0x25fc37), _0x397e52[_0x27d1c7(0x288, 0x8f, 0x325, 0x1da)]), _0x3fdc14) + '
'; else { for (let _0x1eb9c1 of _0x182840) if (_0x10d024[_0x27d1c7(0x519, 0x4fa, 0x6a6, 0x5f3)](_0x1eb9c1)) { _0x238d97 += _0x397e52[_0xfd8477(0x24d, 0x3fc, 0x1d7, 0x3bb)](_0x397e52['sBmKH'](_0x397e52[_0xfd8477(0x791, 0x841, 0x9c7, 0xa02)](_0x397e52['sBmKH']('§o' + this[_0x27d1c7(0x2da, 0x426, 0x557, 0x48e)], _0x25fc37), _0x397e52[_0xfd8477(0x54e, 0x3e3, 0x29f, 0x293)]), _0x3fdc14), '
'); return; } } } }), _0x238d97 += '
', _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x6c7, 0x502, 0x533, 0x538) + 'e'](_0x238d97); break; } case _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x3b, 0x41b, 0x4d2, 0x29a)]: { _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x43, -0x62, 0x38a, 0x1de)](this.#i, -0x465 + 0xe1 + -0x35 * -0x11) ? _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x3b8, 0x502, 0x708, 0x5d8) + 'e'](_0x397e52['qRdQo']) : (_0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x254, 0x396, 0x63e, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x397e52['NRkFh']), _0x462647[_0x7007c9(-0x13d, 0x224, 0x1ce, 0x104)](async () => { function _0x5533a7(_0x20eb43, _0x51944e, _0x26c22f, _0x230ef2) { return _0x4386bb(_0x20eb43 - 0x1cb, _0x20eb43 - -0x259, _0x230ef2, _0x230ef2 - 0x25); } function _0x459d27(_0x48604e, _0x1f91e8, _0x45659f, _0x2b4cee) { return _0x4386bb(_0x48604e - 0x187, _0x48604e - 0x53, _0x2b4cee, _0x2b4cee - 0x162); } await this.#n()[_0x459d27(0x36e, 0x3aa, 0x2d3, 0x296)](this.#s(0x463 * 0x7 + 0x74 * -0x14 + -0x1 * 0x159b, _0x397e52['UfWYi'])), console['log'](_0x5533a7(0x10d, 0x1b4, -0x5e, -0x16e) + _0x459d27(0x387, 0x46c, 0x2d4, 0x20b) + 'ted.'), _0x397e52[_0x459d27(0x342, 0xbb, 0x361, 0x21d)](this.#i, 0x14 * -0x1d + -0x1eb4 + 0x1 * 0x20f9) ? _0x10d024[_0x459d27(0x555, 0x71a, 0x6f4, 0x54a) + 'e'](_0x459d27(0x33e, 0x533, 0x530, 0x1d5) + _0x459d27(0x403, 0x446, 0x2f5, 0x320) + _0x5533a7(0x353, 0x4df, 0x597, 0x247)) : _0x10d024[_0x5533a7(0x2a9, 0x503, 0x37e, 0x45c) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x5533a7(-0x82, 0x179, 0x1c3, -0x45)](_0x397e52[_0x5533a7(0x3d5, 0x2d8, 0x4b1, 0x4fa)](_0x459d27(0x6a0, 0x549, 0x929, 0x90f) + _0x459d27(0x4b9, 0x363, 0x416, 0x6b7) + 'ing to the' + _0x5533a7(0x342, 0x4e9, 0xb3, 0x2c9) + _0x459d27(0x1ee, 0x17b, 0x139, 0xb), this[_0x459d27(0x4c5, 0x4ff, 0x74a, 0x628)]), _0x459d27(0x365, 0xfb, 0x4a4, 0x28b) + _0x459d27(0x61f, 0x671, 0x71e, 0x5c7) + _0x5533a7(-0x9f, -0x242, 0x24, -0x215) + _0x459d27(0x68d, 0x58e, 0x866, 0x87d))); })); break; } case _0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x24c, 0x21c, -0x35, 0x44)]: { if (_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x472, 0x5ab, 0x4a7, 0x317)](_0x4386bb(0x327, 0x531, 0x3d4, 0x6f5), _0x7007c9(0x620, 0x5a4, 0x4e4, 0x420))) { if (_0xd25f05['includes'](_0x237be2)) throw new _0x4e2bae(_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x52d, 0x494, 0x6fa, 0x2a0)] + _0x3dc51c); let _0x422bb4 = new _0xad03b9(_0x1d1fb9); return _0x44901d[_0x7007c9(0x403, 0x3eb, 0x10, 0x26c)](_0x29d936), _0x422bb4; } else { _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x2e8, 0x670, 0x283, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x7007c9(0x7ff, 0x5d9, 0x525, 0x5a0) + k[this.#i]); break; } } case _0x4386bb(0x417, 0x2a5, 0x364, 0x2c6): { _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x1ad, -0x4e, 0xe4, 0x1de)](_0x15b963[0xad9 * 0x3 + 0x22c3 + 0x1 * -0x434e], 'on') ? (_0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x4b9, 0x502, 0x3db, 0x279) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x68, 0x297, 0x4cf, 0x245)]), this[_0x4386bb(0x28, 0x2a5, 0x15, 0x452)] = !(-0x62 * -0x39 + 0x1c * 0x114 + -0x15 * 0x27a)) : _0x15b963[0x4 * -0x21d + 0x183f + -0x1 * 0xfcb] == _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x395, 0x3ff, 0xef, 0x1ba)] && (_0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x28d, 0x502, 0x5b0, 0x43a) + 'e'](_0x4386bb(0x203, 0x3ce, 0x1a8, 0x4e6) + _0x4386bb(0x402, 0x2d4, 0x3ea, 0xc0) + _0x7007c9(0x2e1, 0x4b7, 0x4c4, 0x341)), this['logging'] = !(0x1fb3 + -0x3c4 + -0x37 * 0x82)); break; } case _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x426, 0x1cd, 0x674, 0x417)]: { this['cache_mess' + _0x4386bb(0x1fa, 0x34a, 0x4ae, 0x585)] ? _0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](this[_0x7007c9(0x355, 0x182, 0xb1, 0x1fc) + _0x4386bb(0x1ff, 0x34a, 0x4b2, 0x530)]) : _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x3cb, 0x502, 0x345, 0x455) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x763, 0x520, 0x6b0, 0x3d5)]); break; } case _0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x1fc, 0x473, 0x347, 0x488)]: { if (_0x397e52['WEqQX'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x65b, 0x308, 0x383, 0x3d2)], _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x6b7, 0x5c2, 0x38a, 0x436)])) { try { u[_0x7007c9(0x2db, -0x11e, 0x1dc, 0xa5)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(-0x2e, 0x1d2, 0x17a, 0x10e)]) ? this.#$(_0x10d024) ? _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x3b3, 0x2b3, 0x37f, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(-0x11a, -0x17c, 0x232, 0x91)]) : (this.#e([_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x47e, 0x301, 0x151, 0x2a9)], [_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x89c, 0x6b2, 0x81a, 0x765)], _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x636, 0x17a, 0x53f, 0x3ba)]]]), _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x389, 0x297, 0x171, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0xda, 0x206, 0x20c, 0x465)]), this.#P(_0x10d024, -0x236f + -0x11 * -0x128 + 0x10f3 * 0x1)) : _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x46e, 0x502, 0x2c4, 0x6b6) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x491, 0x441, 0x478, 0x4be)]); } catch (_0x5c043c) { _0x208bd7[_0x7007c9(0x177, 0x337, 0x47e, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x48b, 0x3b, 0x119, 0x1ff)](_0x7007c9(0xfb, 0x43b, 0x1c2, 0x378), _0x5c043c)); } break; } else { if (_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x658, 0x5a7, 0x2e5, 0x46a)](_0x1b47a4[_0x4386bb(0x7ff, 0x616, 0x5fb, 0x56f)], -0x242 * 0xd + 0x11d * 0x17 + -0x4 * -0xf1)) throw _0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x43a, 0x43d, 0x3b1, 0x6af)]; let _0x1a029f = []; for (let _0x501e70 = 0xf9 * 0x1f + 0x23fd + -0x4224; _0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x61e, 0x57b, 0x794, 0x39b)](_0x501e70, _0x2d23cd['length'] - (0x223c + 0xf2b * -0x1 + -0x1310)); _0x501e70++)_0x1a029f[_0x4386bb(0x5c2, 0x37d, 0x442, 0x5fe)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x391, 0x5bb, 0x7e0, 0x4ab)](_0x5ac3a7['readBase64' + 'At'](_0x3a1726, _0x501e70), _0x314ff2[_0x4386bb(0x1ae, 0x1c0, -0x16, 0x2f8) + 'At'](_0x18a567, _0x397e52['otWWK'](_0x501e70, 0x7e1 + 0xa26 + -0x6 * 0x301)))); return _0x1a029f[_0x7007c9(0x142, 0x3c1, 0x15f, 0x165)](_0x4c901a => _0x44aeb9['Base64UrlL' + _0x4386bb(0x453, 0x387, 0x47f, 0x4b6)][_0x7007c9(0x30b, 0x265, 0x147, 0x2ae)](_0x4c901a))[_0x7007c9(0x2b6, 0x45a, 0x61, 0x25c)]()[_0x4386bb(0x3cf, 0x57c, 0x2f3, 0x693)](''); } } case _0x4386bb(0x5d5, 0x3a9, 0x371, 0x357): { try { _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x15f, 0x2c4, 0x244, 0x4fd) + _0x4386bb(0x3d8, 0x420, 0x57e, 0x3c1)](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x4ff, 0x5a0, 0x7d6, 0x687)]) && (_0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x597, 0x423, 0x288, 0x3b3) + _0x4386bb(0x2c3, 0x420, 0x1ce, 0x18a)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x542, 0x5d8, 0x5e1, 0x48f)], void (0x13 * -0x14a + -0x1189 * -0x2 + -0x2 * 0x54a)), this.#u[_0x10d024['name']] && delete this.#u[_0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x43c, 0x4cb, 0x384, 0x670)]]), _0x10d024['getDynamic' + 'Property'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x206, 0x396, 0x3a6, 0x313)]) && _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x417, 0x4a3, 0x46e, 0x3b3) + _0x7007c9(0x155, 0x3a8, 0x209, 0x30f)](_0x397e52['NfTjK'], void (0x1 * 0x2141 + 0x1025 * -0x1 + 0x49 * -0x3c)), _0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x27b, 0x37b, 0x313, 0x245)]); } catch (_0x3ac012) { _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x4ac, 0x1c0, 0x450, 0x21d)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x291, 0x35d, 0x274, 0x312)], _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x360, 0x39d, 0x49, 0x161)]) ? (_0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x2f3, 0x502, 0x303, 0x5e8) + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x62e, 0x554, 0x682, 0x664)]), _0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x3ac012[_0x4386bb(0x710, 0x499, 0x32c, 0x641)])) : this['name'] = _0x5e64a5; } break; } case _0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x482, 0x3ef, 0x4d4, 0x399)]: { if (_0x397e52['nnWLf'] !== _0x4386bb(0x30b, 0x417, 0x236, 0x47f)) { let _0x1e48a1 = _0x1ff90d[_0x7007c9(0x60c, 0x3a8, 0x112, 0x388)] ? _0x4edbb1['message'] : _0x179e1c; this[_0x7007c9(0x328, 0x2b2, 0x1f9, 0x194)] && _0x34e591[_0x4386bb(0x77c, 0x502, 0x76f, 0x65f) + 'e'](_0x4386bb(0x502, 0x487, 0x5ac, 0x2a4) + _0x5625c2 + ': ' + _0x4b4447 + '
' + _0x1e48a1 + '
'), _0x1308f2[_0x7007c9(0x4f5, 0x471, 0x172, 0x37b)]['error'][_0x4386bb(0x104, 0x283, 0x22d, 0x150)]({ 'code': _0x5b418d, 'message': _0x1e48a1 }); } else { console[_0x4386bb(0x563, 0x627, 0x505, 0x421)](JSON[_0x7007c9(-0xbf, 0x1a2, 0x5b, 0x1ce)](await K(_0x10d024))); break; } } case _0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x2a8, 0x1dd, 0x44a, 0x125)]: { _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x603, 0x562, 0x428, 0x4c6)](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x68c, 0x2f0, 0x4af, 0x4f3)]) ? _0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x7007c9(0x624, 0x4be, 0x2da, 0x478)]) : (_0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x7007c9(-0x121, 0x34c, -0x197, 0xda) + _0x4386bb(0x48c, 0x45d, 0x1d0, 0x3f9) + _0x4386bb(0x19c, 0x376, 0x326, 0x107) + _0x4386bb(0x6c, 0x2ae, 0x86, 0x4d7) + ' discord. ' + _0x4386bb(0x616, 0x53d, 0x3d8, 0x533) + _0x4386bb(0x76a, 0x51d, 0x63b, 0x61d) + _0x7007c9(-0x6a, 0x102, -0x89, 0x1eb) + 'ing them s' + 'imply run ' + '§o' + this[_0x7007c9(0x498, 0x41f, 0x54b, 0x361)] + _0x7007c9(0x5fb, 0x605, 0x384, 0x4ff)), _0x462647[_0x7007c9(-0x15e, 0x1c0, 0x323, 0x104)](() => { function _0x174f62(_0x597d49, _0x6fbeb, _0x5baa91, _0x13613c) { return _0x7007c9(_0x597d49, _0x6fbeb - 0x137, _0x5baa91 - 0xe9, _0x5baa91 - 0xc1); } function _0xe69e26(_0x298379, _0x382631, _0x3055af, _0xd9a1a1) { return _0x4386bb(_0x298379 - 0x27, _0x382631 - 0x368, _0x298379, _0xd9a1a1 - 0x141); } _0x10d024[_0x174f62(0x4cf, 0x45d, 0x432, 0x6b3)](_0x397e52[_0xe69e26(0x877, 0x96c, 0xb63, 0xb03)]); })); break; } case _0x4386bb(0x744, 0x662, 0x8b1, 0x88f): { _0x10d024['hasTag'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x7ae, 0x604, 0x3f0, 0x4da)]) ? (_0x10d024['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x397e52[_0x4386bb(0x24a, 0x3a0, 0x164, 0x60b)]), _0x462647[_0x7007c9(-0xe9, -0xb7, 0x117, 0x104)](() => { function _0x2ceba4(_0x773be1, _0x44a87c, _0x45d3f5, _0x3a03f6) { return _0x7007c9(_0x773be1, _0x44a87c - 0x1e6, _0x45d3f5 - 0x105, _0x3a03f6 - 0x50e); } function _0xc982a5(_0x2aae03, _0x383b7a, _0xc8da50, _0x43822f) { return _0x7007c9(_0x2aae03, _0x383b7a - 0x20, _0xc8da50 - 0x127, _0x383b7a - -0x1b0); } _0x10d024['removeTag'](_0x2ceba4(0xa35, 0x5a3, 0xa7e, 0x7ec) + _0x2ceba4(0x7af, 0xc51, 0x8fb, 0x9c4) + 'f'); })) : _0x10d024[_0x7007c9(0x56c, 0x36c, 0x501, 0x3f1) + 'e'](_0x397e52['AkmeQ']); break; } default: _0xe0f62e[_0x7007c9(0xae, 0x2be, 0x24c, 0x19b) + 'mands'][_0x7007c9(0x379, 0x19a, -0x91, 0x16e)](_0x23113f, _0x10d024) ? await _0xe0f62e[_0x4386bb(0xcc, 0x2ac, 0x1c2, 0x1cf) + _0x7007c9(0x754, 0x528, 0x600, 0x51f)][_0x4386bb(-0x3, 0x25f, 0x11a, 0x2c9)](_0x23113f, _0x10d024, ..._0x15b963[_0x7007c9(-0x79, 0xa0, 0x146, 0x165)](_0x468906 => new _0x367725(_0x468906))) : _0x10d024[_0x4386bb(0x26a, 0x502, 0x626, 0x2fc) + 'e'](_0x4386bb(0x565, 0x31f, 0x258, 0x50a) + _0x4386bb(0x299, 0x4c8, 0x3cb, 0x69c) + 'ommand or ' + _0x4386bb(0x4f, 0x2a7, 0x10e, 0x4a6) + _0x7007c9(0x31d, -0x5, 0xc3, 0x17e) + _0x4386bb(0x335, 0x2dc, 0x258, 0x4da) + _0x4386bb(0x4e6, 0x5d8, 0x41b, 0x5fe) + this[_0x4386bb(0x436, 0x472, 0x22f, 0x36d)] + (_0x4386bb(0x572, 0x3a7, 0x411, 0x2ef) + 'he full li' + _0x4386bb(0x38e, 0x254, 0x287, 0x202) + 'ands.§r')); } } async #p(_0xed2e4c) { const _0x5ab0fb = { 'LDBcf': _0x27ebef(0x3ae, 0x4ca, 0x530, 0x4c7), 'HmPqv': '§oYou have' + _0x581c59(0x336, 0x3a0, 0x523, 0x334) + 'ted.', 'hOhiz': function (_0x375d5a, _0x3c961c) { return _0x375d5a + _0x3c961c; }, 'QDxlx': _0x27ebef(0x3b3, 0x4c7, 0x645, 0x4a7), 'DaXZE': _0x581c59(0x46e, 0x33e, 0x5c9, 0x6bb), 'vgqcD': function (_0xcc26ac, _0x10a607) { return _0xcc26ac !== _0x10a607; }, 'YELQn': _0x27ebef(0x30c, 0x1af, 0x22a, 0x246), 'rgoza': _0x27ebef(0x4b1, 0x539, 0x239, 0x525), 'YOlvV': _0x27ebef(0x119, 0x350, 0x99, 0x211), 'hbsKz': _0x27ebef(0x1bd, 0x2b0, 0xe6, 0x1d2), 'PahYH': function (_0x5e007e, _0x207934, _0x503d36) { return _0x5e007e(_0x207934, _0x503d36); }, 'gqpzQ': 'set', 'bNJTx': _0x581c59(0x373, 0x359, 0x3f4, 0x66e) + 't', 'RWYxd': _0x27ebef(0x296, 0x4c1, 0x468, 0x85), 'SHhqT': _0x27ebef(0x29f, 0x41c, 0x2a5, 0x416) + _0x27ebef(0x45c, 0x2b2, 0x557, 0x2fa), 'uSMGz': _0x581c59(0x86d, 0x422, 0x62b, 0x638), 'oAVLZ': _0x581c59(0x587, 0x72c, 0x60d, 0x635), 'vJQRp': _0x581c59(0x239, 0x3ca, 0x4b3, 0x501), 'FjMRz': _0x581c59(0x37d, 0x4f2, 0x584, 0x46f), 'XUkOv': function (_0x3f1961, _0xfb8e88) { return _0x3f1961 === _0xfb8e88; }, 'ACwzK': _0x27ebef(0x34e, 0x10d, 0x570, 0x3d1), 'yQaBB': 'This comma' + _0x581c59(0x7cc, 0x542, 0x709, 0x51c) + _0x581c59(0x493, 0x598, 0x59e, 0x573) + _0x27ebef(0x1de, 0x38b, 0x225, 0xcd), 'Cokfe': _0x27ebef(0x1f2, 0x1b0, 0x42b, 0x3ca) + 'mmand resp' + _0x581c59(0x499, 0x6c6, 0x59f, 0x31c) + _0x27ebef(0x2de, 0x42a, 0x516, 0x395), 'VubST': _0x581c59(0x518, 0x4e0, 0x714, 0x73a), 'gvVuw': _0x27ebef(0x4cb, 0x3a1, 0x585, 0x3bf), 'bmrRQ': _0x27ebef(0x284, 0x171, 0x151, 0x13e), 'dOgay': _0x581c59(0x69c, 0x722, 0x54d, 0x3c0), 'nLmpc': _0x581c59(0x54d, 0x4fd, 0x5f4, 0x86f) + _0x27ebef(0x218, 0x171, 0xaa, 0x136) + _0x27ebef(0x246, 0x3eb, 0x339, 0x2e8), 'QbmEW': _0x581c59(0x3c1, 0x257, 0x27c, 0x3c8) }; let [_0x29e218, _0x44907f] = _0xed2e4c; function _0x581c59(_0x51d020, _0x273682, _0x262a3e, _0x4c8125) { return _0x27f57c(_0x4c8125, _0x262a3e - -0x1a, _0x262a3e - 0x13a, _0x4c8125 - 0x144); } function _0x27ebef(_0x26a864, _0x565840, _0x522a6c, _0x2d2ba4) { return _0x27f57c(_0x522a6c, _0x26a864 - -0x131, _0x522a6c - 0x192, _0x2d2ba4 - 0x5c); } switch (_0x29e218) { case _0x5ab0fb['rgoza']: { if (_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x25a, 0x219, 0x9d, 0x2ee)](_0x5ab0fb['YOlvV'], _0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x390, 0x61c, 0x5cd, 0x14e)])) { this.#v = _0x44907f[_0x581c59(0x59d, 0x4a9, 0x40e, 0x251)], this.#k = _0x44907f[_0x27ebef(0x2aa, 0x4bb, 0x1ce, 0x2e6)], this.#i = _0x44907f[_0x27ebef(0x280, 0x3, 0x90, 0x212)], this['logging'] = _0x44907f['logging'], this.#b = _0x44907f[_0x27ebef(0x13c, -0x10c, 0x391, 0x6e)], this.#h = _0x5ab0fb['PahYH'](X, _0x44907f['address'], _0x44907f[_0x27ebef(0x2aa, 0x1ed, 0x4eb, 0x50a)]), this.#e([_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x5d2, 0x865, 0x4b4, 0x85e)], [_0x5ab0fb['bNJTx'], this.#c]]), this[_0x581c59(0x1e6, 0x4fd, 0x2f2, 0xab)](_0x5ab0fb['rgoza']); break; } else this[_0x581c59(0x350, 0x2a6, 0x4f1, 0x5a8)](_0x5ab0fb['LDBcf']); } case _0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x59f, 0x5ab, 0x495, 0x4c6)]: { var [_0x1fe3f9, _0x41473a, _0x542d9a, _0xaaa1e6] = _0x44907f; if (this[_0x27ebef(0x5a6, 0x593, 0x5ca, 0x61c)]['has'](_0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x7dc, 0x4c0, 0x5d1, 0x69d)])) { if (_0x27ebef(0x157, 0x244, 0x48, -0x59) === _0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x3b7, 0x4ef, 0x375, 0x542)]) { const _0x277fc8 = {}; _0x277fc8[_0x581c59(0x420, 0x4ec, 0x53a, 0x60b)] = _0x35ea58; for (let _0x8fbbcd of _0x2d647d[_0x581c59(0x3bd, 0x3bc, 0x560, 0x7ee)](_0x277fc8)) return _0x8fbbcd; } else { let _0x1623ec = this[_0x581c59(0x697, 0x7b3, 0x6bd, 0x5b8)]['get'](_0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x68e, 0x527, 0x5d1, 0x62e)]); const _0x1e627b = {}; _0x1e627b[_0x581c59(0x42f, 0x579, 0x3b6, 0x448) + _0x27ebef(0x45c, 0x3e4, 0x6e8, 0x6b0)] = !(0x7 * -0xc7 + 0x18ad + 0x4 * -0x4cf), _0x1623ec ? _0x542d9a = _0x542d9a[_0x581c59(0x48a, 0x300, 0x2e5, 0x2ca)](_0x50764a => _0x1623ec[_0x50764a] ?? _0x50764a) : this.#e([_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x5d2, 0x62f, 0x4ee, 0x3c5)], [_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x3ef, 0x57d, 0x3d0, 0x1e4)], _0x1e627b]]); } } const _0x23e13e = {}; _0x23e13e['author'] = _0x1fe3f9, _0x23e13e['message'] = _0x41473a, _0x23e13e[_0x581c59(0x69f, 0x509, 0x534, 0x5b1)] = _0x542d9a, _0x23e13e[_0x27ebef(0x208, 0x46f, 0xbc, -0x80)] = _0xaaa1e6; let { author: _0x1c3547, message: _0x29c134, cancel: _0x267739 } = await _0xe0f62e[_0x581c59(0x5b7, 0x76e, 0x4fb, 0x4dc)][_0x27ebef(0x4b9, 0x316, 0x605, 0x290) + _0x27ebef(0x520, 0x518, 0x5dc, 0x5de)][_0x27ebef(0x1db, 0x447, -0x89, -0x39)](_0x23e13e)[_0x27ebef(0x4b7, 0x252, 0x62d, 0x378)](_0x545e73 => (typeof _0x545e73['author'] == _0x581c59(0x63a, 0x3e1, 0x406, 0x4d0) && _0x545e73['author']['length'] > 0x1161 + -0x1 * 0x1f24 + 0xd * 0x10f && _0x545e73['author']['length'] < -0x993 + -0xf72 + -0x1937 * -0x1 || (_0x545e73[_0x27ebef(0x207, 0x132, 0x38, 0x41e)] = _0x1fe3f9), typeof _0x545e73[_0x27ebef(0x3f1, 0x58d, 0x20b, 0x5ba)] == _0x581c59(0x1dc, 0x682, 0x406, 0x343) && _0x545e73[_0x581c59(0x76c, 0x2f7, 0x508, 0x6f4)][_0x27ebef(0x56e, 0x39e, 0x5e2, 0x557)] > 0x956 + 0x6a * -0x27 + -0x6d0 * -0x1 && _0x545e73[_0x27ebef(0x3f1, 0x193, 0x225, 0x659)][_0x581c59(0x8c3, 0x5f9, 0x685, 0x5b1)] < -0xd0 * 0x25 + -0x1e36 + 0x3caa || (_0x545e73[_0x581c59(0x426, 0x28e, 0x508, 0x768)] = _0x41473a), _0x545e73)); _0x267739 || _0x208bd7[_0x27ebef(0x45a, 0x477, 0x6d3, 0x3c9) + 'e'](_0x27ebef(0x180, 0x1d5, -0x5d, -0x8) + _0x1c3547 + '> ' + _0x29c134 + '§r'); break; } case 'ann': { if (_0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x387, 0x42f, 0x5bb, 0x64b)] !== _0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x667, 0x3a8, 0x524, 0x34e)]) { _0x208bd7['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0x44907f); break; } else _0x28d865[_0x581c59(0x30c, 0x2a5, 0x4f0, 0x767)]() && (_0x3fb471[_0x581c59(0x606, 0x494, 0x571, 0x725) + 'e'](_0x5ab0fb['HmPqv']), _0x46ae4d[_0x27ebef(0x249, -0x7, -0x23, 0x2d5)](_0x581c59(0x486, 0x485, 0x4c5, 0x4c1))); } case _0x5ab0fb['gqpzQ']: { if (_0x5ab0fb['XUkOv'](_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x2b5, 0x1f1, 0x60, 0x1fd)], _0x5ab0fb['ACwzK'])) { let [_0x4d4bbb, ..._0x49cac8] = _0x44907f; await this.#B[_0x4d4bbb](..._0x49cac8); break; } else { _0x54f285[_0x27ebef(0x4f6, 0x2e5, 0x3cb, 0x25e)](_0x64986[_0x581c59(0x6c4, 0x8ff, 0x6c1, 0x555)]); return; } } case _0x27ebef(0x4b2, 0x740, 0x6ba, 0x3cb): { let [_0x2715aa, _0x317009, _0x27a581] = _0x44907f; if (!_0xe0f62e[_0x581c59(0x4f9, 0x605, 0x38d, 0x271) + _0x27ebef(0x588, 0x62f, 0x5f3, 0x35e)]['isAllowed'](_0x317009[_0x581c59(0x6c5, 0x4f2, 0x64a, 0x3bf)](' ')[-0x1e93 * -0x1 + 0x13 * -0xe8 + 0x1 * -0xd5b]) && !_0x27a581) { this.#e([_0x5ab0fb['DaXZE'], [_0x2715aa, _0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x5ad, 0x414, 0x55a, 0x469)], !(-0x24a9 * -0x1 + -0x331 + -0xd * 0x293)]]); return; } await Y['runCommand' + _0x581c59(0x4f6, 0x3f9, 0x3b1, 0x223)](_0x317009)[_0x581c59(0x63d, 0x675, 0x5ce, 0x3f7)](async _0x30046d => { function _0x491089(_0x3fb051, _0x54fb7e, _0x58601a, _0x4935d3) { return _0x581c59(_0x3fb051 - 0x1aa, _0x54fb7e - 0xc0, _0x4935d3 - -0x2d3, _0x3fb051); } function _0xe0e5ce(_0x431bc6, _0x488ace, _0xeeabc8, _0x4507a8) { return _0x27ebef(_0x488ace - 0x377, _0x488ace - 0xda, _0x431bc6, _0x4507a8 - 0x28); } if ('rbkMv' === _0x5ab0fb[_0x491089(-0xa7, -0x9b, -0x157, -0x1)]) return this[_0xe0e5ce(0x658, 0x485, 0x5ee, 0x4f7)](_0x3aebb3) ?? this['get'](_0x5ab0fb[_0x491089(0x192, 0x6a, 0x136, 0xfe)](_0x5ab0fb['hOhiz'](_0x22cd3e, ':'), _0x4b0af5)); else this.#e([_0x5ab0fb['DaXZE'], [_0x2715aa, _0x30046d[_0x491089(0x1ae, 0x387, 0x522, 0x3af) + 'nt'], !(0x1 * -0xbfe + -0x229f + -0x1 * -0x2e9d)]]); }, _0x1a0439 => { function _0xa6c28a(_0x1d0a04, _0x4adb8a, _0x482f6e, _0x8ec76d) { return _0x581c59(_0x1d0a04 - 0x1a, _0x4adb8a - 0x1d1, _0x482f6e - -0x2ff, _0x4adb8a); } function _0x19d8ad(_0x4f58ba, _0x17378d, _0x4dfb9d, _0x39677c) { return _0x581c59(_0x4f58ba - 0x15b, _0x17378d - 0x6c, _0x39677c - 0x1ea, _0x17378d); } _0x5ab0fb[_0xa6c28a(-0x1a2, 0x2d7, 0x72, 0x2e7)](_0x5ab0fb['YELQn'], _0x5ab0fb['YELQn']) ? (_0x1174ec['sendMessag' + 'e'](_0xa6c28a(0x44, -0x1f, 0x1f9, 0x42f)), _0x435b7d[_0x19d8ad(0x7e9, 0x4cf, 0x951, 0x75b) + 'e'](_0x46713b[_0x19d8ad(0x5d4, 0x54b, 0x7d4, 0x6f2)])) : this.#e([_0xa6c28a(0x541, 0x2c5, 0x2ca, 0x110), [_0x2715aa, _0x1a0439[_0x19d8ad(0x72d, 0x5ea, 0x8ed, 0x6f2)] ? _0x1a0439[_0xa6c28a(0x14d, -0x55, 0x209, 0x1fb)] : _0x1a0439, !(0x1292 * -0x1 + 0x93d + -0x956 * -0x1)]]); })['catch'](this.#s(-0x1 * -0x194 + 0x146b * -0x1 + 0x12e4, _0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x1fd, 0x1c8, 0x303, 0x199)])); break; } case _0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x338, 0x2c5, 0x575, 0x5a1)]: { if (_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x21e, 0x187, 0x89, 0x23a)](_0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x60b, 0x4b9, 0x73e, 0x58b)], _0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x5fb, 0x389, 0x621, 0x460)])) return this[_0x581c59(0x6d, 0x18b, 0x256, 0x2d9)](_0x3f9af4, _0x6e4949, _0x2c2440[_0x27ebef(0x142, -0x66, 0x39f, 0x33c)], _0x51bf70); else { let _0x486cd4 = _0x44907f; this.#m = await I[_0x27ebef(0x13f, 0x155, -0xd0, 0x3b9)](_0x486cd4, { 'authorization': u[_0x581c59(0x351, 0x363, 0x225, 0x137)]('authtoken') }, _0x5ab0fb[_0x27ebef(0x5e4, 0x4b8, 0x6aa, 0x6cd)])[_0x581c59(0x5ad, 0x36a, 0x5ce, 0x4c1)](_0x423027 => _0x423027[_0x27ebef(0x455, 0x691, 0x53b, 0x5d3)]), _0x208bd7['getDimensi' + 'on']('overworld')[_0x27ebef(0x1b7, 0x18f, 0x27d, 0x201)](_0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x2bd, 0x2fb, 0x4ab, 0x706)]); break; } } case _0x5ab0fb[_0x581c59(0x20, 0x518, 0x2af, 0x37d)]: { let [_0x386798, _0x4c040c] = _0x44907f; await this.#M[_0x386798](..._0x4c040c); break; } } } #M = { 'ban': async (e, [t, s]) => { const _0xd82e56 = {}; _0xd82e56['jvhux'] = _0x41ba65(0x274, 0x6e9, 0x32e, 0x471), _0xd82e56[_0x16cbce(0x60d, 0x881, 0x928, 0x9e9)] = function (x, y) { return x === y; }, _0xd82e56[_0x16cbce(0x471, 0x689, 0x8d4, 0x905)] = _0x41ba65(0x40f, 0x3fd, 0x795, 0x575), _0xd82e56[_0x16cbce(0x68e, 0x876, 0x9d6, 0x8da)] = function (x, y) { return x !== y; }, _0xd82e56[_0x41ba65(0x17b, 0x412, 0x3e4, 0x350)] = _0x41ba65(0x735, 0x558, 0x2e1, 0x4d8); function _0x16cbce(_0xe16de, _0x363822, _0x4b0588, _0x42f854) { return _0x2efcde(_0x42f854, _0x363822 - 0x11b, _0x4b0588 - 0xbc, _0x363822 - 0x3bc); } const lqAilG = _0xd82e56; for (let [i, n] of this.#g[_0x41ba65(0x277, 0xbc, 0x479, 0x312)]()) if (lqAilG[_0x16cbce(0xaf7, 0x881, 0x80b, 0x739)](n, t)) { if (s) { this.#a[_0x16cbce(0x804, 0x7dc, 0x701, 0x600)](i, !(0x21ae + -0x18a7 + -0x907)); const _0x264d1c = {}; _0x264d1c['name'] = n; let o = _0x208bd7[_0x41ba65(0x617, 0x77b, 0x4aa, 0x50c)](_0x264d1c)[0x1 * 0x10ab + -0x1f1d + -0x2b * -0x56]; o && await o[_0x16cbce(0x30d, 0x56a, 0x774, 0x5bb) + _0x41ba65(0x149, 0x4ec, 0x254, 0x35d)](_0x41ba65(0x64c, 0x249, 0x5ab, 0x444) + t + (_0x41ba65(0x50b, 0x25e, 0x660, 0x486) + 've been ba' + _0x41ba65(0x4cf, 0x75b, 0x4ec, 0x5ca) + 'this serve' + 'r')), this.#e([lqAilG[_0x16cbce(0x609, 0x689, 0x509, 0x4b6)], [e, '*"' + t + (_0x16cbce(0x4f9, 0x608, 0x3d4, 0x7eb) + _0x41ba65(0x222, 0x226, 0x217, 0x329) + _0x41ba65(0x23a, 0x3db, 0x341, 0x2f5)), !(-0x22ea + -0x4d * -0x7f + 0x1d * -0x1d)]]); } else this.#a[_0x41ba65(0x3bf, 0x39a, 0x40d, 0x1d0)](i), this.#e(['com', [e, '*"' + t + ('"* was unb' + _0x16cbce(0x5a8, 0x7ab, 0x861, 0x91a) + _0x16cbce(0x52a, 0x4ac, 0x36b, 0x2bb) + 'r'), !(-0xb2d * -0x2 + 0x1a60 + -0x30ba)]]); return; } if (!s) { for (let [i] of this.#d[_0x41ba65(0x347, 0x1fc, 0x108, 0x312)]()) if (lqAilG[_0x16cbce(0x8e4, 0x881, 0x9e2, 0xa86)](i, t)) { if (lqAilG[_0x16cbce(0x7a0, 0x876, 0x786, 0x8cd)](lqAilG[_0x41ba65(0x4c6, 0x593, 0x378, 0x350)], lqAilG['JUshE'])) this[_0x41ba65(0x685, 0x4e3, 0x479, 0x5f2)](_0x41ba65(0x497, 0x472, 0x6e1, 0x471)) && this[_0x16cbce(0x72b, 0x5fc, 0x496, 0x557)](lqAilG[_0x41ba65(0x236, 0x293, 0x3a6, 0x452)]); else { this.#d['delete'](i), this.#e([lqAilG[_0x16cbce(0x633, 0x689, 0x797, 0x4f9)], [e, '*"' + t + (_0x41ba65(0x5f5, 0x1d1, 0x340, 0x44a) + _0x41ba65(0x407, 0x500, 0x2c6, 0x4bb) + _0x16cbce(0x5c7, 0x4ac, 0x439, 0x3d1) + 'r'), !(-0xc1e + -0x7c5 * -0x5 + -0x1 * 0x1abb)]]); return; } } } function _0x41ba65(_0x17b528, _0x41c3d1, _0x21d417, _0xb5cf8f) { return _0x27f57c(_0x41c3d1, _0xb5cf8f - -0x6e, _0x21d417 - 0x62, _0xb5cf8f - 0x14f); } s ? (this.#d[_0x41ba65(0x5e6, 0x366, 0x4ea, 0x4ec)](t, !(-0x1e19 * -0x1 + -0x42 * -0x53 + -0x337f * 0x1)), this.#e([lqAilG[_0x41ba65(0x425, 0x329, 0x40a, 0x399)], [e, 'Player *' + t + (_0x41ba65(0x553, 0x4ff, 0x3cd, 0x4e7) + _0x41ba65(0x4de, 0x3ce, 0x68e, 0x4d4) + _0x16cbce(0xb8a, 0x91a, 0x6a9, 0x919) + _0x16cbce(0x4ac, 0x65b, 0x812, 0x5d0) + _0x16cbce(0x67a, 0x516, 0x571, 0x369) + _0x41ba65(0x52, 0x24, 0x1a1, 0x260) + _0x16cbce(0x7a1, 0x95c, 0x74a, 0x9ba) + _0x16cbce(0x552, 0x6e4, 0x4a1, 0x6f6) + _0x16cbce(0x6d7, 0x790, 0x71b, 0x72b) + _0x16cbce(0x72b, 0x926, 0x94b, 0x8d1) + ' be able t' + _0x41ba65(0x2ca, 0x27b, 0x627, 0x45e)), !(0x83c * -0x1 + -0x193f + -0xb29 * -0x3)]])) : this.#e([lqAilG['NTHuB'], [e, 'Player *' + t + ('* not foun' + _0x41ba65(0x489, 0x862, 0x49a, 0x626) + _0x16cbce(0x631, 0x692, 0x663, 0x773)), !(-0x1625 + -0x1e19 + 0x343e)]]); }, 'mut': (e, [t, s, i]) => { const _0x235be3 = {}; _0x235be3[_0x317c7f(0x522, 0x569, 0x407, 0x501)] = '§oYou have' + _0x317c7f(0x5c7, 0x8dd, 0x956, 0x7da) + _0x5a4407(0x3ff, 0x4f8, 0x62c, 0x68e), _0x235be3['pLBZf'] = _0x317c7f(0xa00, 0x980, 0x72d, 0x77c); function _0x317c7f(_0x21fd88, _0x45d074, _0x44b16d, _0x1445f4) { return _0x27f57c(_0x21fd88, _0x1445f4 - 0x29d, _0x44b16d - 0x12f, _0x1445f4 - 0x1d3); } _0x235be3[_0x5a4407(0x212, 0x471, 0x2f2, 0x39a)] = function (x, y) { return x === y; }, _0x235be3['MMCkz'] = _0x317c7f(0xb44, 0xb2d, 0xb51, 0x9a4), _0x235be3[_0x317c7f(0x805, 0xb9f, 0x9bb, 0x984)] = _0x317c7f(0x651, 0x4e0, 0x3d4, 0x637), _0x235be3['MTqVy'] = _0x317c7f(0x847, 0x8e4, 0xa9c, 0x880), _0x235be3['UoQTG'] = function (x, y) { return x > y; }; function _0x5a4407(_0x434cdb, _0x238e13, _0x1d2070, _0x38f88a) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1d2070, _0x238e13 - -0x199, _0x1d2070 - 0x137, _0x38f88a - 0x87); } _0x235be3[_0x5a4407(0x473, 0x2cb, 0x48e, 0x29c)] = function (x, y) { return x * y; }, _0x235be3[_0x5a4407(0x493, 0x48c, 0x505, 0x440)] = _0x5a4407(0x32c, 0x323, 0x531, 0x95) + _0x317c7f(0xa41, 0x9d2, 0x964, 0x92b) + _0x5a4407(0x1ef, 0x2b7, 0x109, 0x3ae); const iTleon = _0x235be3; T(t)[_0x317c7f(0xabb, 0x914, 0xad5, 0x885)](async n => { const _0x4712c7 = {}; _0x4712c7[_0x4ab21(0x7f4, 0x3b4, 0x3b9, 0x5c2)] = iTleon['fbXmu']; function _0x2b1606(_0x35feaa, _0x7f9ef9, _0x5bf05e, _0x28a31a) { return _0x5a4407(_0x35feaa - 0x2a, _0x28a31a - 0x1c2, _0x35feaa, _0x28a31a - 0x52); } _0x4712c7[_0x4ab21(0xb0c, 0x9c3, 0xbcf, 0x9a4)] = iTleon['pLBZf']; function _0x4ab21(_0x4dc626, _0x17cb71, _0x5cdd8c, _0x1f7cad) { return _0x5a4407(_0x4dc626 - 0x13d, _0x1f7cad - 0x4c3, _0x5cdd8c, _0x1f7cad - 0x183); } const adAyum = _0x4712c7; if (iTleon['XCMPr'](iTleon['MMCkz'], iTleon[_0x4ab21(0x87f, 0xc80, 0xa7f, 0xa11)])) { let [_0xb91e4, _0x11b607, _0x500652] = this['split'](' ')[_0x2b1606(0x532, 0x4b5, 0x9e, 0x328)](_0x3d2cfc => _0xf1920e[_0x4ab21(0x948, 0x9de, 0x55c, 0x76b)](_0x3d2cfc)); return new _0x10027b(_0xb91e4, _0x11b607, _0x500652); } else n ? s ? (n[_0x2b1606(0x63d, 0x6a0, 0x375, 0x534)](iTleon[_0x2b1606(0x134, 0xf1, 0x40d, 0x2cc)]), this.#e([iTleon[_0x2b1606(0x61d, 0x4e5, 0x5f4, 0x615)], [e, n['name'] + (_0x4ab21(0x3d3, 0x7fa, 0x5df, 0x617) + ), !(-0x14d5 * 0x1 + 0xbc * -0x25 + 0x3001)]]), i && iTleon[_0x2b1606(0x139, 0x116, 0x2c1, 0x32f)](i, 0x248 * -0x7 + 0xa8d * 0x1 + 0x13 * 0x49) && _0x462647[_0x4ab21(0x896, 0x504, 0x74e, 0x78b)](() => { function _0xb8c9b(_0x45814a, _0x763a94, _0x5377d1, _0x1a60f8) { return _0x2b1606(_0x5377d1, _0x763a94 - 0x151, _0x5377d1 - 0x3a, _0x1a60f8 - -0x45); } function _0x21e4b0(_0x211aec, _0x4fbc05, _0x591718, _0x5b6f46) { return _0x2b1606(_0x211aec, _0x4fbc05 - 0x9a, _0x591718 - 0x185, _0x4fbc05 - 0x6); } n[_0xb8c9b(0x4a0, 0x401, 0x752, 0x4ee)]() && (n[_0xb8c9b(0x783, 0x4c7, 0x4a0, 0x56f) + 'e'](adAyum[_0x21e4b0(0x41b, 0x2c7, 0x493, 0x161)]), n[_0x21e4b0(0x4e4, 0x3a9, 0x1a9, 0x469)](adAyum['eUXmz'])); }, Math[_0x4ab21(0x850, 0x46c, 0x562, 0x5d8)](iTleon[_0x4ab21(0x578, 0x967, 0x658, 0x78e)](i, -0xd98 + -0x18 * -0x9b + -0x10 * -0x3c)))) : n['hasTag'](iTleon[_0x4ab21(0x505, 0x6d0, 0x347, 0x5cd)]) ? (n[_0x2b1606(0x433, 0x1e5, 0x18c, 0x3a3)](_0x2b1606(0x2e7, 0x4ab, 0x389, 0x508)), this.#e([_0x2b1606(0x39b, 0x6fb, 0x893, 0x60c), [e, n[_0x2b1606(0x600, 0x39f, 0x40c, 0x57d)] + (_0x2b1606(0x44e, 0x28a, 0x6ad, 0x489) + _0x4ab21(0x98e, 0x5c1, 0x991, 0x7f1)), !(-0x155e + -0x151c + -0x2a7a * -0x1)]])) : this.#e([_0x4ab21(0x71d, 0x9d3, 0xb99, 0x90d), [e, n['name'] + (_0x2b1606(0x51b, 0x831, 0x529, 0x59c) + _0x4ab21(0x8c0, 0xc0a, 0x7da, 0x9bb)), !(0x2 * -0x107e + -0x1 * -0x200f + 0xee)]]) : this.#e([iTleon[_0x4ab21(0x91f, 0x818, 0xb1a, 0x916)], [e, t + (_0x4ab21(0x517, 0x934, 0x69c, 0x737) + _0x2b1606(0x713, 0x5a3, 0x4fc, 0x5a8)), !(0xb * 0x26a + -0xc3 * -0x2f + -0x3e5a)]]); })[_0x317c7f(0x70b, 0x555, 0x8bb, 0x641)](n => { function _0x2ec681(_0x4339a6, _0x19c2f8, _0x18c1ec, _0x2ccc19) { return _0x5a4407(_0x4339a6 - 0x94, _0x19c2f8 - 0x35c, _0x2ccc19, _0x2ccc19 - 0xee); } function _0x521f02(_0xf9910f, _0x34ba28, _0x5e7e92, _0x2f0187) { return _0x5a4407(_0xf9910f - 0x5d, _0x34ba28 - -0x146, _0x2f0187, _0x2f0187 - 0x12f); } this.#e([iTleon[_0x521f02(0x10a, 0x30d, 0x8f, 0x152)], [e, n[_0x2ec681(0x896, 0x6e5, 0x5b0, 0x6c9)] ? n['message'] : n, !(-0x1 * 0x4f9 + -0x2500 + 0x1b * 0x18e)]]), this.#s(-0x1 * 0xc65 + 0x3 * -0x815 + 0x5 * 0x757, iTleon[_0x2ec681(0x6f3, 0x7e8, 0x7b7, 0x71a)])(n); }); }, 'tag': (e, [t, s]) => { function _0x49a7cc(_0x257693, _0x4d04b5, _0x1acb3d, _0x359098) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1acb3d, _0x4d04b5 - 0x115, _0x1acb3d - 0x1ec, _0x257693 - 0x409); } function _0x3b1eef(_0x29ffe4, _0x429fa5, _0x56294e, _0x470ca8) { return _0x2efcde(_0x29ffe4, _0x429fa5 - 0x144, _0x56294e - 0x114, _0x429fa5 - -0x5e); } const ofwcUN = { 'zaaTR': function (x, y) { return x == y; }, 'PJKfE': 'esp:nameTa' + 'g', 'DSmkJ': _0x3b1eef(0x4d6, 0x44b, 0x6c3, 0x324), 'HhPDE': _0x49a7cc(0x78b, 0x883, 0x5e4, 0x654) + _0x49a7cc(0x95d, 0xbe8, 0xae3, 0x88e) + _0x3b1eef(0xbd, 0x2b8, 0x491, 0x42d), 'ToniL': function (callee, param1) { return callee(param1); } }; ofwcUN['ToniL'](T, t)[_0x3b1eef(0x623, 0x450, 0x1f2, 0x538)](async i => { function _0x4f6c61(_0x3eda60, _0x5dcba5, _0x578b6b, _0x353e6e) { return _0x3b1eef(_0x578b6b, _0x353e6e - -0x158, _0x578b6b - 0x6c, _0x353e6e - 0x89); } function _0x3ad4df(_0x52e55b, _0x4ed233, _0x398543, _0x274243) { return _0x3b1eef(_0x4ed233, _0x52e55b - 0x406, _0x398543 - 0x193, _0x274243 - 0x20); } i ? (ofwcUN['zaaTR'](t, s) ? i[_0x3ad4df(0x7bb, 0x5a2, 0x7d8, 0x595) + 'Property'](ofwcUN[_0x3ad4df(0x7f5, 0x841, 0x5f1, 0xa63)], void (-0x116f * -0x1 + -0xbc9 + -0x5a6)) : i[_0x3ad4df(0x7bb, 0x715, 0x7d5, 0x882) + _0x4f6c61(0x19c, 0xa3, 0x2c0, 0x1b9)](ofwcUN[_0x4f6c61(0x1dc, 0x1d9, 0x500, 0x297)], s), i[_0x3ad4df(0x781, 0x52b, 0x86b, 0x895)] = s, this.#e([ofwcUN['DSmkJ'], [e, t + (_0x4f6c61(-0xc3, -0x171, -0x2b2, -0x26) + _0x3ad4df(0x4a8, 0x64a, 0x666, 0x2d6)) + s, !(-0x17 * 0x19 + -0x845 + -0x4 * -0x2a1)]])) : this.#e(['com', [e, t + (' not found' + _0x3ad4df(0x7ed, 0x770, 0x95b, 0x7e8)), !(-0xde6 + 0x2 * 0xc5 + 0xc5d)]]); })[_0x49a7cc(0x673, 0x775, 0x452, 0x507)](i => { function _0x1b98af(_0x23dcc8, _0x101c65, _0x2927bf, _0xdbc31b) { return _0x3b1eef(_0x2927bf, _0x23dcc8 - 0x4e, _0x2927bf - 0x9, _0xdbc31b - 0x2b); } function _0x219236(_0x2079fe, _0x5c4eb5, _0xde9674, _0x2c5841) { return _0x49a7cc(_0x2079fe - -0xd, _0x5c4eb5 - 0x139, _0x2c5841, _0x2c5841 - 0x179); } this.#e([_0x219236(0x8a5, 0x715, 0xa7c, 0x864), [e, i[_0x1b98af(0x3d8, 0x228, 0x33b, 0x445)] ? i[_0x1b98af(0x3d8, 0x3e4, 0x184, 0x4f0)] : i, !(-0x87 + -0x107 * 0x23 + -0x1 * -0x247d)]]), this.#s(0xe3 * -0x19 + -0xd * 0x2e1 + -0x14c * -0x2e, ofwcUN['HhPDE'])(i); }); }, 'loc': (e, t) => { function _0x553495(_0x10171d, _0x3c30bd, _0x34ab45, _0x4edbdb) { return _0x2efcde(_0x34ab45, _0x3c30bd - 0x1f, _0x34ab45 - 0x4d, _0x4edbdb - -0x2e3); } const fKUwNH = { 'OhnXM': _0x553495(0x1ab, -0xa9, 0x91, 0x1c6), 'WhRaH': function (x, y) { return x < y; }, 'DpGWm': function (x, y) { return x | y; }, 'SfQyp': function (x, y) { return x >>> y; }, 'poNNN': function (x, y) { return x !== y; }, 'zYPFb': function (callee, param1) { return callee(param1); } }; function _0x4c1cba(_0x346410, _0x562fb6, _0x712749, _0x52af19) { return _0x2efcde(_0x346410, _0x562fb6 - 0x32, _0x712749 - 0x55, _0x562fb6 - 0x3b6); } fKUwNH[_0x553495(-0x1eb, -0x196, -0x33e, -0xcc)](T, t)[_0x4c1cba(0x64f, 0x864, 0x62f, 0x644)](async s => { function _0x21ce3e(_0x2c90f2, _0xb5eb89, _0x3a4ac1, _0x4329b2) { return _0x553495(_0x2c90f2 - 0x105, _0xb5eb89 - 0xe5, _0xb5eb89, _0x3a4ac1 - 0x32f); } function _0x1f6883(_0xc309da, _0x16e29d, _0x51e285, _0x497162) { return _0x553495(_0xc309da - 0xec, _0x16e29d - 0x185, _0x16e29d, _0x51e285 - 0x1e7); } if (s) { let { x: i, y: n, z: o } = s[_0x21ce3e(0x48c, 0x480, 0x2a3, 0x254)]; this.#e([fKUwNH[_0x1f6883(-0x8f, 0x9c, 0xc1, -0x188)], [e, [Math[_0x21ce3e(0x288, -0x46, 0x1c0, 0x29b)](i), Math['floor'](n), Math[_0x1f6883(-0x198, 0x298, 0x78, -0x14c)](o), s['dimension']['id'][_0x1f6883(0x483, 0x55c, 0x475, 0x465)](-0xcc * 0x1 + 0x447 * -0x5 + -0x1 * -0x1639)], !(-0x140 * 0x10 + 0x148a + 0x2e * -0x3)]]); } else this.#e([fKUwNH[_0x1f6883(-0x49, -0x1b8, 0xc1, 0x294)], [e, t + (_0x21ce3e(0x331, 0x124, 0x31f, 0x302) + _0x1f6883(0x3f1, 0x5b8, 0x349, 0x113)), !(0x31 * -0x45 + 0x16de * 0x1 + -0x6 * 0x19c)]]); })['catch'](s => { function _0x4a3c05(_0x4fbcfe, _0x46b7f4, _0x3e67ab, _0x4de728) { return _0x4c1cba(_0x46b7f4, _0x4fbcfe - -0x78, _0x3e67ab - 0x12b, _0x4de728 - 0xef); } function _0x2b6eb5(_0xdeb85f, _0x562c36, _0x53ffa8, _0x4a8b89) { return _0x4c1cba(_0x53ffa8, _0x562c36 - 0x94, _0x53ffa8 - 0xff, _0x4a8b89 - 0x148); } if (fKUwNH[_0x4a3c05(0x79b, 0x9a5, 0x80c, 0x9c0)](_0x4a3c05(0x718, 0x6de, 0x953, 0x8ed), _0x4a3c05(0x718, 0x7f1, 0x909, 0x7b4))) { let _0x5bb1dd = 0x1832 + 0x403 * -0x5 + 0x10e2; for (let _0x156c81 = 0x1 * -0x139d + 0x5 * -0x1bf + -0x716 * -0x4; fKUwNH['WhRaH'](_0x156c81, _0x12e282['length']); _0x156c81++)_0x5bb1dd = (_0x5bb1dd << -0xda9 + 0x4 * -0x371 + 0x1b72) + _0x5bb1dd + _0x20c532['charCodeAt'](_0x156c81), _0x5bb1dd = fKUwNH['DpGWm'](_0x5bb1dd, 0x131a + 0x23a * -0x4 + -0x1d * 0x5a); return fKUwNH[_0x2b6eb5(0x921, 0x888, 0x8b0, 0xa5a)](_0x5bb1dd, 0x10a9 + 0x1 * -0x6ed + -0x9bc); } else this.#e([fKUwNH[_0x4a3c05(0x4fb, 0x324, 0x54e, 0x370)], [e, s[_0x4a3c05(0x726, 0x871, 0x525, 0x506)] ? s[_0x4a3c05(0x726, 0x7a2, 0x4e0, 0x663)] : s, !(-0x15d1 + -0x244a + 0x3a1c)]]), this.#s(-0x1c5 * 0x3 + 0x2353 + -0x29 * 0xbb, 'error whil' + _0x2b6eb5(0x883, 0x99e, 0xc1d, 0x8d7) + _0x2b6eb5(0x67b, 0x760, 0x5c7, 0x4ea))(s); }); }, 'inv': (e, t, s) => { function _0x1b580e(_0x31a9b5, _0x15a6d4, _0x28602d, _0x2db7d3) { return _0x27f57c(_0x2db7d3, _0x31a9b5 - -0x1ff, _0x28602d - 0x1bd, _0x2db7d3 - 0x1c7); } function _0x3d9a33(_0x50cbc7, _0x11c7b1, _0x364aac, _0x416da7) { return _0x27f57c(_0x416da7, _0x50cbc7 - 0x228, _0x364aac - 0x140, _0x416da7 - 0x112); } const ZauJmH = { 'INZlW': _0x3d9a33(0x80b, 0xa6b, 0x89d, 0x845), 'aofwW': function (x, y) { return x === y; }, 'nJmIK': _0x1b580e(0x8a, 0xd3, 0x23c, 0x52), 'hxjSs': function (callee, param1) { return callee(param1); }, 'JYEmi': _0x3d9a33(0x622, 0x6b6, 0x449, 0x6ee) + _0x3d9a33(0x6f8, 0x643, 0x835, 0x985) + 'etreiving ' + _0x3d9a33(0x626, 0x70b, 0x41c, 0x79f) + 'nventory.' }; T(t)[_0x3d9a33(0x810, 0x91c, 0x5ec, 0x5f5)](async i => { const yrFhPr = { 'AXgAn': function (x, y) { function _0x488a29(_0x1f6a5b, _0x2f512c, _0x12f1c8, _0x35b606) { return _0x5780(_0x1f6a5b - 0x2c9, _0x35b606); } return ZauJmH[_0x488a29(0x880, 0x74c, 0x81e, 0xa49)](x, y); }, 'WcRoU': ZauJmH['nJmIK'], 'UBhIx': _0x3e88ab(0x565, 0x5c1, 0x9fa, 0x7d6) }; function _0x3e88ab(_0x217694, _0x8bb238, _0x182440, _0x2b0855) { return _0x1b580e(_0x2b0855 - 0x3f2, _0x8bb238 - 0xe3, _0x182440 - 0x9a, _0x182440); } function _0x47850b(_0xf01f90, _0x3804f7, _0x41afdd, _0x254f5c) { return _0x3d9a33(_0x41afdd - -0x21f, _0x3804f7 - 0x111, _0x41afdd - 0x109, _0x3804f7); } i ? s ? await this.#I(i)['then'](n => { function _0x544310(_0x1a966f, _0x2cebb0, _0x784b43, _0x5e2f74) { return _0x3e88ab(_0x1a966f - 0x1ee, _0x2cebb0 - 0xa4, _0x1a966f, _0x5e2f74 - -0x95); } function _0x4b7f83(_0x4fed5e, _0x20ee75, _0x5f0fbb, _0x495fd1) { return _0x3e88ab(_0x4fed5e - 0x39, _0x20ee75 - 0x55, _0x495fd1, _0x5f0fbb - -0x2f); } if (yrFhPr[_0x544310(0x5f9, 0x533, 0x7a8, 0x5a2)](yrFhPr['WcRoU'], yrFhPr[_0x4b7f83(0x2fc, 0x4de, 0x493, 0x30c)])) this.#e([yrFhPr['UBhIx'], [e, n, !(0x3dd * -0x9 + 0x2106 + -0x95 * -0x3)]]); else return _0x1792bf[_0x4b7f83(0x2ef, 0x356, 0x4f0, 0x266)](_0x229389[_0x544310(0x677, 0x460, 0x441, 0x4de)]())['map'](([_0x40b2f7, _0x4fcd68]) => ({ 'name': _0x4fcd68, 'id': _0x40b2f7 })); }) : await ZauJmH[_0x47850b(0x50f, 0x1e9, 0x27a, 0x4d6)](de, i)['then'](n => { function _0x383301(_0x272468, _0x212907, _0x1013e3, _0x4f1ac2) { return _0x47850b(_0x272468 - 0x2, _0x1013e3, _0x212907 - 0x34a, _0x4f1ac2 - 0x73); } this.#e([ZauJmH[_0x383301(0x7c6, 0x88a, 0x998, 0x98e)], [e, n, !(-0x1150 + 0x1ed1 * 0x1 + -0x1 * 0xd81)]]); }) : this.#e([ZauJmH[_0x47850b(0x536, 0x63c, 0x540, 0x710)], [e, t + (_0x3e88ab(0x88b, 0x675, 0x4ba, 0x600) + _0x47850b(0x5f0, 0x777, 0x588, 0x5b9)), !(-0x1f1b + -0x10f2 + 0x300e)]]); })[_0x1b580e(0x1a5, 0x28e, 0x1a, 0x14)](i => { function _0xba19c7(_0x4cfc0f, _0x3a3d56, _0x596706, _0xc532d9) { return _0x3d9a33(_0x4cfc0f - -0x5fb, _0x3a3d56 - 0x147, _0x596706 - 0x39, _0x3a3d56); } function _0x2acae0(_0xd59540, _0x2366eb, _0x940f6, _0x42001a) { return _0x1b580e(_0x940f6 - 0x17d, _0x2366eb - 0xc4, _0x940f6 - 0x1f2, _0x2366eb); } this.#e([ZauJmH[_0xba19c7(0x164, 0x25, 0x317, 0x33b)], [e, ZauJmH['JYEmi'], !(-0x205b + -0x6 * -0x17d + 0x176e)]]), this.#s(-0x259 + -0x1 * 0x39a + 0x303 * 0x2, _0x2acae0(0x3d7, 0x9a, 0x262, 0x14c) + _0x2acae0(0xc1, 0x3b4, 0x19f, 0x427))(i); }); }, 'sta': (e, t) => { function _0x36757e(_0x3b0fa6, _0x58f944, _0x784dcc, _0x1ec163) { return _0x2efcde(_0x784dcc, _0x58f944 - 0x140, _0x784dcc - 0xfe, _0x58f944 - 0xe6); } function _0x25affd(_0x4fd712, _0xe886ed, _0x3a8b45, _0x26f062) { return _0x27f57c(_0x3a8b45, _0xe886ed - 0x133, _0x3a8b45 - 0x12d, _0x26f062 - 0xe4); } const fbhdlK = { 'oJfRk': _0x36757e(0x5ed, 0x66e, 0x66d, 0x7ea), 'vCLzf': _0x36757e(0x626, 0x3a7, 0x339, 0x258), 'efhHR': _0x36757e(0x44d, 0x58f, 0x3c3, 0x7fc), 'GNFtt': function (callee, param1) { return callee(param1); }, 'RrSfg': 'It wasn't ' + _0x36757e(0x439, 0x47c, 0x365, 0x385) + _0x36757e(0x1cd, 0x3fd, 0x472, 0x323) + _0x25affd(0x5d8, 0x3ad, 0x295, 0x23c) + _0x25affd(0x876, 0x830, 0x9ea, 0x7ca), 'FbytM': _0x36757e(0x148, 0x264, 0x9e, 0x133) + _0x25affd(0x420, 0x645, 0x8b2, 0x6a0) }; T(t)['then'](async s => { function _0x1517e6(_0x5a85f9, _0x3b2159, _0xf8b931, _0x1b7c76) { return _0x36757e(_0x5a85f9 - 0x120, _0x5a85f9 - 0x2ac, _0xf8b931, _0x1b7c76 - 0x1eb); } function _0x3a992a(_0x2125e0, _0x34f270, _0x1c96a3, _0x20a607) { return _0x25affd(_0x2125e0 - 0x188, _0x20a607 - -0xe1, _0x1c96a3, _0x20a607 - 0x1bf); } s ? await fbhdlK[_0x3a992a(0x7b7, 0x766, 0x43e, 0x630)](K, s)[_0x3a992a(0x408, 0x841, 0x66c, 0x63a)](i => { function _0x5d66bd(_0x3ac814, _0x5ba7ed, _0x494bea, _0x19be9c) { return _0x3a992a(_0x3ac814 - 0x1a3, _0x5ba7ed - 0x19c, _0x494bea, _0x5ba7ed - -0x216); } function _0x154ed9(_0x4beadb, _0x3bead8, _0x388aed, _0x4a1276) { return _0x1517e6(_0x388aed - -0x436, _0x3bead8 - 0xdf, _0x3bead8, _0x4a1276 - 0x76); } fbhdlK['oJfRk'] === fbhdlK['vCLzf'] ? _0x32cd0f[_0x154ed9(0x221, 0x32b, 0x334, 0x13b)](_0x154ed9(0x1f8, 0x286, 0x7d, 0x225) + _0x5d66bd(0x5b0, 0x4ef, 0x455, 0x580) + _0x154ed9(0x4f7, 0x65c, 0x42d, 0x441) + this['name'] + _0x154ed9(0x335, 0x2ae, 0x39f, 0x22f) + _0x226536) : this.#e([fbhdlK[_0x154ed9(0x32d, 0x466, 0x49d, 0x4e5)], [e, i, !(0x1d32 + 0x106e + 0x490 * -0xa)]]); }) : this.#e([fbhdlK['efhHR'], [e, t + (' not found' + _0x1517e6(0x7d7, 0x7a9, 0x939, 0x62b)), !(-0xb6b + 0x165f * 0x1 + -0xaf3 * 0x1)]]); })[_0x36757e(0x1aa, 0x350, 0x3d2, 0x520)](s => { function _0x3a8ec1(_0xa1e026, _0x11dcaa, _0x465267, _0x5c91a3) { return _0x36757e(_0xa1e026 - 0x62, _0x465267 - -0x390, _0x5c91a3, _0x5c91a3 - 0x1b5); } function _0x1821a0(_0x4370ed, _0x5e0522, _0x597066, _0x774318) { return _0x36757e(_0x4370ed - 0x93, _0x597066 - 0x3b1, _0x4370ed, _0x774318 - 0x43); } this.#e(['com', [e, fbhdlK[_0x3a8ec1(0x333, -0x22, 0x17d, 0x29)], !(0x1b6 + 0x2 * 0x24e + -0x651)]]), this.#s(0x185e + 0x1bb2 + -0x1 * 0x33fd, fbhdlK[_0x3a8ec1(0x28c, 0x1a3, 0x14b, -0x2b)])(s); }); }, 'pxc': (e, [t, s]) => { function _0x36ee59(_0x430369, _0x127907, _0x4bffc1, _0x2c7ae5) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4bffc1, _0x127907 - 0xe, _0x4bffc1 - 0x16f, _0x430369 - 0x3c); } function _0x1f100f(_0x211eee, _0x4183d2, _0x34d12c, _0x2be712) { return _0x2efcde(_0x211eee, _0x4183d2 - 0x15d, _0x34d12c - 0x106, _0x4183d2 - 0x3d4); } const _0x46a87d = {}; _0x46a87d[_0x36ee59(0x13f, 0x276, 0x3b, -0x159)] = _0x36ee59(0x4e5, 0x597, 0x285, 0x72e); const IvhWYN = _0x46a87d; this['proximity_' + _0x1f100f(0x640, 0x78b, 0x5e3, 0x645)] = s, t ? (this[_0x1f100f(0x77c, 0x952, 0x917, 0xb32) + _0x1f100f(0x757, 0x8b4, 0x980, 0xaad)] = t, this.#e([IvhWYN[_0x1f100f(0x749, 0x4d7, 0x4fc, 0x54c)], [e, _0x36ee59(0x338, 0x54d, 0x1ec, 0x415) + _0x36ee59(0x2bc, 0x2af, 0x2ae, 0x270) + t, !(-0x891 + -0x2d1 * 0x9 + 0x21ea * 0x1)]])) : this.#e([IvhWYN['VmBhk'], [e, _0x1f100f(0x518, 0x5b9, 0x63a, 0x7d2) + _0x1f100f(0x76d, 0x52b, 0x4e1, 0x436) + s, !(-0x1bd5 + 0x1 * -0x12e4 + 0x2eb9)]]); }, 'kil': (e, t) => { function _0x1a1eaf(_0x12b3d6, _0x118ea7, _0xa4971d, _0x56b3f8) { return _0x27f57c(_0x12b3d6, _0x118ea7 - 0xa1, _0xa4971d - 0xc3, _0x56b3f8 - 0x8c); } const PyLbVf = { 'AorlV': function (callee, param1) { return callee(param1); }, 'psygJ': function (x, y) { return x / y; }, 'TeGhD': function (x, y) { return x - y; }, 'ocbLw': _0x1a1eaf(0x707, 0x741, 0x9d9, 0x904), 'OAlXI': _0x1a1eaf(0x196, 0x3ed, 0x60b, 0x55f), 'LNwcc': _0x7002f7(0x48f, 0x468, 0x5d0, 0x595), 'xpOuB': _0x1a1eaf(0x689, 0x738, 0x6bd, 0x8a7), 'kGRfW': 'com', 'ekqyX': 'error whil' + _0x7002f7(0x5df, 0x55a, 0x7f8, 0x7c5) + _0x1a1eaf(0x6e2, 0x4f1, 0x661, 0x46d) }; function _0x7002f7(_0x285e6e, _0x20a13b, _0x154e9b, _0x1f8667) { return _0x2efcde(_0x285e6e, _0x20a13b - 0x4c, _0x154e9b - 0x1a7, _0x1f8667 - 0x271); } PyLbVf['AorlV'](T, t)[_0x1a1eaf(0x4cf, 0x689, 0x7fd, 0x438)](s => { function _0xbc517b(_0x4ea889, _0x32449, _0x665b5c, _0x50aabb) { return _0x1a1eaf(_0x32449, _0x4ea889 - -0x4a7, _0x665b5c - 0x14e, _0x50aabb - 0x2b); } function _0x2a8ba8(_0x3231ef, _0x3d7dff, _0x1854fa, _0x47b217) { return _0x1a1eaf(_0x1854fa, _0x3231ef - -0x49f, _0x1854fa - 0xc5, _0x47b217 - 0xc4); } PyLbVf['xpOuB'] !== _0x2a8ba8(0x304, 0x495, 0x483, 0x2c0) ? s ? (s[_0x2a8ba8(-0xf7, -0x220, -0x2de, -0x9a)](), this.#e([PyLbVf['kGRfW'], [e, _0xbc517b(-0x1ae, -0xbe, -0x18a, -0x344) + ' ' + s[_0xbc517b(0x14e, -0xef, 0x316, 0xe2)], !(0x42a * -0x8 + 0x4d6 + 0x2d9 * 0xa)]])) : this.#e([PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(-0x1cb, -0x1fb, -0x1a1, -0x38c)], [e, t + (' not found' + ' online.'), !(0x23e4 + 0x6 * 0x153 + 0x31 * -0xe5)]]) : PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(0x276, 0x1ec, 0x27a, 0x20d)](_0x160328, { 'tps': _0x5bc293['floor'](PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(0x1d8, 0x24d, 0x410, 0x3fa)](-0xb * -0x16f + 0x2e42 + -0x1 * 0x16f7, PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(0x24d, 0x212, 0x4e4, -0x2)](_0x945508[_0x2a8ba8(0x4b, -0x236, 0x26a, -0x167)](), _0x4b3fce))), 'overworld_entities': _0x41cde4['getDimensi' + 'on'](PyLbVf[_0xbc517b(0x2ef, 0x71, 0x235, 0x3df)])[_0xbc517b(-0xbf, 0xc0, -0x1e8, -0x34c) + 's']()[_0xbc517b(0x299, 0x1c0, 0x3bd, 0x1d7)], 'nether_entities': _0x50848c[_0x2a8ba8(0xd1, 0x334, 0x1dc, -0x77) + 'on'](PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(-0x6a, -0x3e, -0x28, -0x1ef)])['getEntitie' + 's']()[_0x2a8ba8(0x2a1, 0x411, 0x33d, 0x32b)], 'end_entities': _0x805572['getDimensi' + 'on'](PyLbVf[_0x2a8ba8(-0xa0, -0x271, -0x274, -0x32b)])[_0x2a8ba8(-0xb7, -0x20, -0x2ae, -0x13) + 's']()[_0xbc517b(0x299, 0x1d, 0x10a, 0x48)] }); })[_0x1a1eaf(0x1db, 0x445, 0x34f, 0x5ae)](s => { function _0x4a5760(_0x44dc2c, _0x55c00a, _0x3926ed, _0x5a6bf3) { return _0x1a1eaf(_0x44dc2c, _0x3926ed - -0x444, _0x3926ed - 0x69, _0x5a6bf3 - 0x10b); } function _0x2952fd(_0x1447b4, _0x5e3f4e, _0x6ca3c0, _0x35a416) { return _0x1a1eaf(_0x5e3f4e, _0x1447b4 - 0x1ce, _0x6ca3c0 - 0x1f, _0x35a416 - 0x69); } this.#e([PyLbVf[_0x4a5760(-0x4c, 0x4f, -0x170, -0x2a8)], [e, s[_0x4a5760(-0xc4, 0x234, 0x17f, 0x104)] ? s[_0x2952fd(0x791, 0x7f5, 0x5ac, 0x873)] : s, !(-0x1af6 + 0x14a * -0x17 + 0x389d)]]), this.#s(-0x6b * 0x27 + -0x12cb + 0x232b, PyLbVf['ekqyX'])(s); }); }, 'lst': e => { const _0xcda9a2 = {}; _0xcda9a2[_0x110d37(0x1e6, 0x20c, 0x2ad, 0x1b5)] = _0x435b38(0x380, 0x6af, 0x49c, 0x2f2); function _0x110d37(_0xf13363, _0x1987f2, _0x3d8b99, _0x4d9feb) { return _0x2efcde(_0xf13363, _0x1987f2 - 0x77, _0x3d8b99 - 0x79, _0x3d8b99 - -0x23); } const RSONJa = _0xcda9a2; function _0x435b38(_0x1df4a5, _0xc84307, _0x19dcb6, _0x3882f3) { return _0x27f57c(_0xc84307, _0x19dcb6 - -0x147, _0x19dcb6 - 0x29, _0x3882f3 - 0xe4); } let t = {}, s = !(0x30f * -0x8 + -0x1 * -0x12d + 0x174c); for (let i in _0x5f59b1) for (let n of _0x208bd7[_0x435b38(0x418, 0x4fc, 0x433, 0x687)]({ 'gameMode': i })) t[n[_0x435b38(0x25a, 0x42f, 0x40d, 0x647)]] = i, s = !(-0x3e1 + 0x1d3f * 0x1 + -0x195e); this.#e([RSONJa['nDwNk'], [e, t, s]]); }, 'tps': e => { const _0x41225f = {}; _0x41225f[_0x1ad181(0x311, 0x304, 0x263, 0x234)] = _0x1ad181(0x501, 0x65d, 0x485, 0x3f2); function _0x1ad181(_0x443bee, _0x409e28, _0x1ca6ab, _0x367933) { return _0x27f57c(_0x443bee, _0x1ca6ab - -0x15e, _0x1ca6ab - 0xd4, _0x367933 - 0x100); } function _0x545bb1(_0x49a1d7, _0x39b8ea, _0x30c670, _0x44a660) { return _0x2efcde(_0x30c670, _0x39b8ea - 0x1a7, _0x30c670 - 0x138, _0x49a1d7 - 0x3a0); } const ZwMiPp = _0x41225f; he()[_0x1ad181(0x6e0, 0x647, 0x48a, 0x4d2)](t => { function _0x280180(_0x374c6c, _0x5aafa8, _0x1f64ad, _0x3f21a2) { return _0x545bb1(_0x5aafa8 - -0x78, _0x5aafa8 - 0x127, _0x3f21a2, _0x3f21a2 - 0x13); } this.#e([ZwMiPp[_0x280180(0x770, 0x5af, 0x780, 0x70b)], [e, t, !(0x34 * -0x12 + -0x37 * 0x63 + 0x2c5 * 0x9)]]); }); } }; #B = [async e => { this.#v = e; }, async e => { function _0x402cf4(_0x33399c, _0x5274a5, _0x31398f, _0x2a7b26) { return _0x2efcde(_0x2a7b26, _0x5274a5 - 0x23, _0x31398f - 0x126, _0x5274a5 - 0x41); } const MipxKp = { 'rMLST': function (callee, param1, param2) { return callee(param1, param2); } }; this.#h = MipxKp[_0x402cf4(0x57, 0x1d4, 0x36d, 0x57)](X, e, this.#k); }, async e => { const _0x2c5b5b = {}; _0x2c5b5b[_0x45826c(0x556, 0x5d2, 0x2fe, 0x6db)] = _0x45826c(0x839, 0x975, 0x645, 0xac6) + 'pe', _0x2c5b5b[_0x4fa470(0x127, 0x460, 0x4c2, 0x31d)] = _0x4fa470(0x1c9, -0x148, 0x2d6, 0x140) + 'n/json'; function _0x4fa470(_0x330183, _0x530050, _0x48a5d0, _0x293f6f) { return _0x2efcde(_0x48a5d0, _0x530050 - 0x111, _0x48a5d0 - 0x133, _0x293f6f - -0x17d); } _0x2c5b5b[_0x45826c(0x5c5, 0x483, 0x59b, 0x4d9)] = _0x45826c(0x603, 0x488, 0x724, 0x441); const wMJYjY = _0x2c5b5b; function _0x45826c(_0x3c912e, _0x3c61fd, _0xdb297e, _0x22bd54) { return _0x2efcde(_0x22bd54, _0x3c61fd - 0x116, _0xdb297e - 0x19e, _0x3c912e - 0x38e); } this.#k = e, this.#h['headers'] = [new _0x2a1d17(wMJYjY['aXeMJ'], wMJYjY['gcyDf']), new _0x2a1d17(wMJYjY[_0x45826c(0x5c5, 0x4a4, 0x436, 0x525)], e)]; }, async e => { function _0x3f3c98(_0x5c1f3f, _0x2edb45, _0x494626, _0x12baa2) { return _0x27f57c(_0x12baa2, _0x494626 - 0xeb, _0x494626 - 0x49, _0x12baa2 - 0x3); } this[_0x3f3c98(0x1f5, 0x4d3, 0x419, 0x3dc)] = e; }, async e => { const _0x28ae91 = {}; _0x28ae91[_0x462af4(0x54b, 0x651, 0x72c, 0x75d)] = 'esplorator' + 'i:self_dea' + 'f'; function _0x17d862(_0x4bb53c, _0x46f371, _0x36d04f, _0x35df70) { return _0x27f57c(_0x46f371, _0x35df70 - 0x34d, _0x36d04f - 0xfb, _0x35df70 - 0xa8); } _0x28ae91[_0x462af4(0x44c, 0x702, 0x617, 0x5b8)] = function (x, y) { return x == y; }, _0x28ae91[_0x17d862(0x550, 0x811, 0x470, 0x68b)] = function (x, y) { return x > y; }, _0x28ae91[_0x17d862(0xa13, 0x67e, 0x7b8, 0x844)] = _0x17d862(0x653, 0x4ba, 0x675, 0x6c6); function _0x462af4(_0x20f732, _0x3c843c, _0x4f3d64, _0x30698f) { return _0x2efcde(_0x4f3d64, _0x3c843c - 0x50, _0x4f3d64 - 0xc9, _0x30698f - 0x4b0); } _0x28ae91[_0x462af4(0x617, 0xa5b, 0x587, 0x7e3)] = _0x462af4(0x5b2, 0x8ef, 0x8d6, 0x7ec), _0x28ae91['HxtHf'] = 'status'; const OHawQA = _0x28ae91; if (OHawQA[_0x17d862(0x4e6, 0x691, 0x5b1, 0x58f)](e, -0x4 * -0x578 + 0x1 * -0x55a + 0x421 * -0x4) && OHawQA[_0x17d862(0x76d, 0x909, 0x8a6, 0x68b)](this.#c, 0x1a7 * -0x11 + 0x1 * 0x4c7 + 0x1750)) { if (OHawQA[_0x17d862(0x7ed, 0x909, 0xa37, 0x844)] === OHawQA[_0x17d862(0x62c, 0xa43, 0x623, 0x7ba)]) _0x38052d['addTag'](OHawQA[_0x462af4(0x661, 0x4df, 0x9c0, 0x75d)]); else { this.#n(); return; } } this[_0x17d862(0x43c, 0x788, 0x3ee, 0x659)](OHawQA[_0x462af4(0x4a1, 0x475, 0x521, 0x5e4)], k[e], this.#i), this.#i = e; }, async e => { function _0x4056e1(_0x3dadd9, _0x436d8, _0x347aa0, _0x48d6c3) { return _0x27f57c(_0x436d8, _0x48d6c3 - -0x2e1, _0x347aa0 - 0x140, _0x48d6c3 - 0x1d6); } function _0x56d234(_0xbb6f1f, _0x5d2875, _0x1de9f6, _0x3c78f5) { return _0x2efcde(_0x5d2875, _0x5d2875 - 0x99, _0x1de9f6 - 0xfa, _0xbb6f1f - 0x3f5); } this[_0x4056e1(0x2d1, 0x269, -0xc4, 0xb5) + _0x56d234(0x68e, 0x7ac, 0x8fc, 0x6b8)] = e; }, async (e = -0x3ae + -0x1f * 0xef + 0x4a9 * 0x7, t) => { t && (this.#x = t), this.#i = -0x1fcf + 0x153 + 0x1e7f, await E(e), await this.#n(); }, async ([e, t]) => { const _0x45c004 = {}; _0x45c004[_0x52e62e(0x4cc, 0x2b2, 0x368, 0x600)] = _0x52e62e(0x769, 0x6f4, 0x862, 0x694), _0x45c004[_0x52e62e(0x3ac, 0x374, 0x555, 0x375)] = _0x1a222c(0x33d, 0xf1, 0xc5, 0xcc), _0x45c004[_0x52e62e(0x55f, 0x692, 0x4b9, 0x789)] = _0x52e62e(0x50c, 0x348, 0x411, 0x2db); function _0x52e62e(_0x87d135, _0x36311a, _0x2cf52f, _0x3d1afa) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3d1afa, _0x36311a - 0x1db, _0x2cf52f - 0x1bd, _0x87d135 - 0x165); } const JYdsIe = _0x45c004, _0x3c212b = {}; function _0x1a222c(_0x1e634b, _0x47243a, _0x229004, _0x509a04) { return _0x27f57c(_0x509a04, _0x229004 - -0x14c, _0x229004 - 0xd2, _0x509a04 - 0x33); } _0x3c212b[_0x1a222c(0x3b0, 0x21d, 0x408, 0x4d9)] = e; for (let s of _0x208bd7[_0x1a222c(0x2fa, 0x3bf, 0x42e, 0x63f)](_0x3c212b)) _0x462647[_0x52e62e(0x2c9, 0xd3, 0x438, 0x383)](() => { function _0x1e044d(_0xf5d7b2, _0x2ce259, _0x32bdc7, _0x1a91b8) { return _0x1a222c(_0xf5d7b2 - 0xab, _0x2ce259 - 0x56, _0x1a91b8 - 0x387, _0x2ce259); } function _0x5a8fac(_0x3a499d, _0x23046d, _0x387cf7, _0xbd1101) { return _0x1a222c(_0x3a499d - 0x1f4, _0x23046d - 0x140, _0x3a499d - 0x338, _0x23046d); } if (JYdsIe[_0x1e044d(0x73e, 0x534, 0x5cd, 0x5bc)] !== JYdsIe[_0x5a8fac(0x56d, 0x3fa, 0x6cb, 0x3fc)]) { let _0x2df352 = _0x32cd6d[_0x1e044d(0x671, 0x4da, 0x729, 0x624)](_0x55dc2e); _0x2df352 && _0x2e0339[_0x1e044d(0x725, 0x52e, 0x516, 0x641)]([_0x2df352[_0x5a8fac(0x6d7, 0x8fe, 0x618, 0x7bd)][_0x5a8fac(0x915, 0xb6a, 0x88d, 0x76b)](JYdsIe[_0x1e044d(0x7f6, 0x8c3, 0x8b0, 0x6dc)], ''), _0x2df352['amount'], _0x2df352[_0x5a8fac(0x6ff, 0x52c, 0x4f5, 0x8fb)]]); } else s[_0x5a8fac(0x739, 0x56f, 0x962, 0x8ba) + 'Property'](JYdsIe[_0x1e044d(0x85a, 0x5ad, 0x98f, 0x76f)], t); }); }, async ([e, t]) => { const _0x12cd6a = {}; function _0x51502b(_0x404bd9, _0x5ac3d8, _0x49a1f6, _0x265557) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5ac3d8, _0x49a1f6 - 0x36f, _0x49a1f6 - 0x77, _0x265557 - 0x6d); } _0x12cd6a[_0x6b825f(0x530, 0x200, 0x36f, 0x316)] = _0x51502b(0x66a, 0x722, 0x6b3, 0x6a7) + _0x6b825f(0x4c3, 0x4e9, 0x4ef, 0x33f); const PjXCPq = _0x12cd6a, _0x386ab9 = {}; function _0x6b825f(_0x1bfff6, _0x167e82, _0x32f239, _0x37e3df) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1bfff6, _0x167e82 - 0xc0, _0x32f239 - 0x99, _0x37e3df - -0x9); } _0x386ab9[_0x51502b(0x753, 0x7c6, 0x8c3, 0x777)] = e; for (let s of _0x208bd7[_0x6b825f(0x4d1, 0x5cd, 0x4d3, 0x437)](_0x386ab9)) s[_0x51502b(0x953, 0xab1, 0x8bc, 0x9fb) + 'Property'](PjXCPq[_0x51502b(0x7c4, 0x8b2, 0x7c8, 0x689)], t); }, async e => { const _0x4acb5e = {}; _0x4acb5e[_0x4c38c4(0x370, 0x16f, 0x37b, 0x13b)] = _0x4c38c4(0x462, 0x324, 0x3f3, 0x118) + _0xc102c9(0x806, 0x714, 0x6d0, 0x7b0); function _0x4c38c4(_0x5777b8, _0x30d38c, _0x577ba5, _0xbcb394) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5777b8, _0x30d38c - -0xac, _0x577ba5 - 0x3e, _0xbcb394 - 0x7); } _0x4acb5e[_0xc102c9(0x6fe, 0x64c, 0x8a3, 0x8e7)] = _0xc102c9(0x53f, 0x35c, 0x76c, 0x2b5) + 'oles packe' + _0x4c38c4(0x585, 0x56c, 0x6b2, 0x5d9) + _0xc102c9(0x9a5, 0xb2e, 0x89e, 0x712); function _0xc102c9(_0x4374f8, _0xb9997c, _0x24c5ea, _0x41a238) { return _0x2efcde(_0x41a238, _0xb9997c - 0x78, _0x24c5ea - 0x159, _0x4374f8 - 0x3b3); } const KHYgEo = _0x4acb5e; this['additions'][_0xc102c9(0x524, 0x515, 0x3fd, 0x7a1)](_0xc102c9(0x649, 0x641, 0x64f, 0x839) + 'les') ? this[_0x4c38c4(0x484, 0x62b, 0x874, 0x8c2)][_0xc102c9(0x7d3, 0x8e7, 0x671, 0x8d6)](KHYgEo[_0xc102c9(0x494, 0x314, 0x45a, 0x602)], e) : this.#s(-0x1caf + -0x235f + 0x4016, _0x4c38c4(0x270, 0x507, 0x2b1, 0x712) + _0x4c38c4(0x31c, 0x275, 0x32a, 0x18c))(KHYgEo[_0x4c38c4(0x54a, 0x3d9, 0x654, 0x4ff)]); }]; async #D() { const _0x4bbb0c = {}; _0x4bbb0c['YCPNd'] = 'cache over' + ' limit: re' + _0xf6aed0(0x557, 0x2a3, 0x2e3, 0x4ed), _0x4bbb0c[_0x8f8134(0x41f, 0x3df, 0x1bc, 0x5ae)] = function (_0x9658d6, _0x140a0d) { return _0x9658d6 - _0x140a0d; }; const _0x10c5d2 = _0x4bbb0c; function _0xf6aed0(_0x3ab8b5, _0x1c27e9, _0x194053, _0x24b475) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1c27e9, _0x24b475 - -0x162, _0x194053 - 0xf5, _0x24b475 - 0x18b); } function _0x8f8134(_0x3d809d, _0x20b993, _0x4ffa39, _0x36dcf7) { return _0x27f57c(_0x3d809d, _0x20b993 - -0x32b, _0x4ffa39 - 0x6c, _0x36dcf7 - 0x1aa); } this.#o[_0xf6aed0(0x70a, 0x4bf, 0x51b, 0x53d)] > this.#b && (this.#s(0xe1 * -0x17 + 0x2125 + -0xce7, _0x10c5d2[_0xf6aed0(0x311, 0x46b, 0x434, 0x445)])(''), this.#o['slice'](_0x10c5d2[_0xf6aed0(0x7b6, 0x825, 0x3b6, 0x5a8)](this.#o[_0x8f8134(0x5a5, 0x374, 0x1be, 0x12b)], this.#b))); } #T = async () => { let _0x553b92 = 0xe * 0x1e1 + 0x507 + -0x1f55; _0x462647['runInterva' + 'l'](() => { function _0x47d61a(_0x20b5f4, _0x113618, _0x561b88, _0x47f853) { return _0x5780(_0x47f853 - 0x32, _0x113618); } function _0x2b1c10(_0x1cd5d9, _0x1060d9, _0x54318b, _0x5d8ce7) { return _0x5780(_0x54318b - -0x17f, _0x1cd5d9); } _0x553b92 >= this.#v ? this.#l || (this.#S()[_0x2b1c10(0x30b, 0x3f7, 0x1e4, 0x373)](this.#s(0x1 * 0x167e + -0x14 * 0x1c6 + 0xd05, 'on_tick er' + _0x2b1c10(0x6c4, 0x6d8, 0x544, 0x73d))), _0x553b92 = 0x204 * -0xb + 0xf * -0x60 + 0x1bcc) : _0x553b92 += -0x35 * 0x7b + -0x1027 + -0x3c9 * -0xb; }, 0x3e * 0x1f + -0xf8d + 0x810); }; async #S() { const _0x178473 = { 'LRnJt': _0x1f3590(0x6a3, 0x715, 0x791, 0x6aa) + _0x1f3590(0xa89, 0x5de, 0x7a9, 0x81c), 'PJYeU': _0x1f3590(0x9b6, 0x6c6, 0x886, 0x762), 'jkgbm': function (_0x294a23, _0x21390e) { return _0x294a23 < _0x21390e; }, 'gdQGK': function (_0x49990f, _0x434e1e) { return _0x49990f >= _0x434e1e; }, 'waXpO': function (_0x4081fb, _0x36044f) { return _0x4081fb === _0x36044f; }, 'zycQr': _0x491de1(0x545, 0x60f, 0x3b0, 0x778), 'VqzXW': _0x1f3590(0xaef, 0xa7c, 0x900, 0x97b), 'UARQg': function (_0x588591, _0x48b901) { return _0x588591(_0x48b901); }, 'oHFtR': function (_0x5e292d, _0x5ec3ea) { return _0x5e292d + _0x5ec3ea; }, 'aFlBQ': function (_0x183111, _0x50755) { return _0x183111 ** _0x50755; }, 'bHSFA': _0x1f3590(0x4e9, 0x752, 0x6d7, 0x5a3), 'LscjI': _0x491de1(0x4f9, 0x712, 0x269, 0x357) + _0x1f3590(0x5ac, 0x698, 0x7e3, 0x6cd) + _0x1f3590(0xbcb, 0xa54, 0xa8c, 0x964), 'zkqMZ': function (_0x40aba9, _0x5eec23) { return _0x40aba9 < _0x5eec23; } }; function _0x1f3590(_0x5309a2, _0x464d11, _0x1cc39c, _0x374286) { return _0x2efcde(_0x1cc39c, _0x464d11 - 0x2, _0x1cc39c - 0x11d, _0x374286 - 0x38a); } function _0x491de1(_0x38e428, _0x8806a, _0x33a5fc, _0x3644cf) { return _0x2efcde(_0x8806a, _0x8806a - 0xca, _0x33a5fc - 0xa7, _0x38e428 - 0x244); } switch (await this.#D()[_0x1f3590(0x453, 0x425, 0x3ce, 0x5f4)](this.#s(0x1 * -0x835 + 0x1 * 0x8d + 0x7bc, _0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x912, 0xa5c, 0x687, 0x8d8)])), this.#i) { case 0x56 * 0x22 + 0x26ee + -0x3259: { let _0xfe272e = this.#o; this.#o = []; try { this.#h[_0x491de1(0x690, 0x5de, 0x751, 0x764)] = JSON[_0x1f3590(0x7cf, 0x7a0, 0x4f9, 0x5b8)](_0xfe272e); } catch (_0x2309cc) { this.#h['body'] = [[_0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x932, 0x786, 0x8f4, 0x8ae)], [-0x2b * -0xb5 + -0x21f7 + 0x53 * 0xb, _0x2309cc]]]; } this.#l = !(0x1 * 0xe + -0x1e8c + 0x1e7e); for (let _0x4dbed3 = -0x115d + 0xf3e + 0x21f; _0x178473['jkgbm'](_0x4dbed3, -0x23 * -0xf + 0x2638 + 0x3 * -0xd69); _0x4dbed3++) { try { let _0x20bb24 = await _0x4b8071[_0x1f3590(0x6bb, 0x247, 0x5fc, 0x4c0)](this.#h); if (_0x178473['gdQGK'](_0x20bb24[_0x491de1(0x45d, 0x3ad, 0x1d3, 0x2ae)], -0x1574 + 0xc6f * -0x1 + 0x22ab)) { let _0x3a9117 = JSON[_0x1f3590(0x89b, 0xa4b, 0x9de, 0x974)](_0x20bb24[_0x491de1(0x690, 0x61a, 0x5de, 0x427)]); _0x178473['gdQGK'](_0x20bb24[_0x491de1(0x45d, 0x57f, 0x1c8, 0x663)], -0x1517 + 0x539 * -0x3 + -0x5 * -0x796) && (this.#o = _0xfe272e[_0x491de1(0x49d, 0x27f, 0x61a, 0x50e)](this.#o)); for (let _0x16c231 of _0x3a9117) await this.#p(_0x16c231)[_0x1f3590(0x6b7, 0x802, 0x79c, 0x5f4)](this.#s(-0x3f1 + 0x89 * -0xf + 0xc01, 'error whil' + _0x491de1(0x59f, 0x3b2, 0x814, 0x429) + _0x491de1(0x726, 0x960, 0x6e4, 0x7fc) + _0x16c231[0x1342 + 0x85f * 0x3 + -0x2c5f])); this.#l = !(-0x5c9 + -0xb * 0xf7 + 0xdd * 0x13); return; } } catch (_0x4ee5e1) { _0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x698, 0xa10, 0x8eb, 0x90d)](_0x178473[_0x491de1(0x57b, 0x567, 0x5a6, 0x56a)], _0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x738, 0x3bc, 0x72b, 0x5f0)]) ? _0x17cb86[_0x491de1(0x56b, 0x377, 0x34a, 0x381)](_0x13c98c, _0x574132) : (this.#s(0xcdd + -0x28b + -0xa3c, _0x1f3590(0x59a, 0x332, 0x217, 0x491) + _0x1f3590(0x7b5, 0x4e0, 0x421, 0x632))(_0x4ee5e1), this['cache_mess' + _0x1f3590(0x7e0, 0x877, 0x611, 0x623)] = _0x4ee5e1); } this.#o = _0xfe272e[_0x491de1(0x49d, 0x3f1, 0x653, 0x567)](this.#o), await _0x178473[_0x491de1(0x6cb, 0x66d, 0x548, 0x703)](E, _0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x34c, 0x790, 0x76e, 0x58b)](_0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x599, 0x6bc, 0x62f, 0x68f)](_0x4dbed3, -0xf8d + 0x10a9 + 0x119 * -0x1), -0x1 * 0xc9d + 0x5d * 0x11 + 0x675)); } this.#l = !(0xbfb + -0x3ec + 0x80e * -0x1), this[_0x1f3590(0x3a0, 0x522, 0x796, 0x55c)](_0x178473['bHSFA'], k[0x1 * -0xf9 + 0x161 + 0x65 * -0x1], this.#i), console['warn'](_0x178473[_0x491de1(0x740, 0x910, 0x8ff, 0x881)]), this.#i = -0x53 * -0x3f + -0x1 * -0x621 + -0x1a8a; break; } case 0x13d * 0x11 + -0x212 * 0xe + -0xb * -0xb9: _0x178473[_0x1f3590(0x9d6, 0x995, 0x90d, 0x8bb)](Math['random'](), 0x16b8 + 0x224c + -0x3904 + 0.1) && !this.#l && this.#n(-0x37d + -0xaf4 + 0xe75)['catch'](_0x2ceb2e => { }); } } async[_0x27f57c(0x2f8, 0x30c, 0x39b, 0x22a)](_0x17b5b0, ..._0x2b7df7) { function _0x314ca6(_0x1beac3, _0x1387c2, _0x914683, _0x5441d1) { return _0x27f57c(_0x914683, _0x5441d1 - 0x37d, _0x914683 - 0x10, _0x5441d1 - 0x4e); } const _0x46c980 = {}; _0x46c980[_0x5748da(0x63f, 0x535, 0x774, 0x4a0)] = function (_0x2d596f, _0x4701fa) { return _0x2d596f + _0x4701fa; }, _0x46c980[_0x314ca6(0x84c, 0x8f0, 0xa79, 0xa55)] = _0x5748da(0x687, 0x704, 0x8fb, 0x768), _0x46c980[_0x314ca6(0x611, 0x535, 0x6e2, 0x6b1)] = function (_0x2b7d27, _0x5157be) { return _0x2b7d27 in _0x5157be; }, _0x46c980[_0x5748da(0x77d, 0x70d, 0x775, 0x6a8)] = function (_0x503090, _0x3d5572) { return _0x503090 === _0x3d5572; }; function _0x5748da(_0x36fdb2, _0x4a2703, _0x474349, _0x31da55) { return _0x27f57c(_0x31da55, _0x4a2703 - 0x3b, _0x474349 - 0x124, _0x31da55 - 0x1b0); } _0x46c980[_0x5748da(0x6cf, 0x447, 0x1fe, 0x2e5)] = _0x5748da(0x2e7, 0x345, 0x28e, 0xaf); const _0x11075d = _0x46c980; if (_0x11075d[_0x314ca6(0x4aa, 0x91d, 0x7cd, 0x6b1)](_0x17b5b0, this.#_)) try { this.#_[_0x17b5b0](..._0x2b7df7); } catch (_0x459655) { if (_0x11075d[_0x5748da(0x935, 0x70d, 0x853, 0x8d3)](_0x11075d[_0x5748da(0x2e8, 0x447, 0x60d, 0x69b)], _0x314ca6(0x7c3, 0x755, 0x529, 0x5ad))) { _0x188a50 += _0x11075d['wsnfe'](_0x11075d['wsnfe'](_0x11075d['wsnfe'](_0x11075d['wsnfe']('§o', this['prefix']) + _0x10268b, _0x11075d['eOBWE']), _0x4989a4), '
'); return; } else this.#s(-0xa3f + -0xfb1 * 0x1 + 0x19f1, _0x5748da(0x6f3, 0x4f7, 0x38f, 0x6b4) + 'e emitting' + ' ' + _0x17b5b0 + _0x5748da(0x75e, 0x668, 0x3d2, 0x876))(_0x459655); } } async['on'](_0x188097, _0x58ddc2) { this.#_[_0x188097] = _0x58ddc2; } #P(_0x41b513, _0x1ce233 = 0x9b * -0x14 + 0x1 * -0x1a6b + -0x9 * -0x453) { this.#w[_0x41b513['id']] = _0x462647['runTimeout'](() => { delete this.#w[_0x41b513['id']]; }, -0x38 * 0x54 + 0x1 * -0x865 + -0x11 * -0x199); } #$(_0x5cd3e) { return this.#w[_0x5cd3e['id']]; } *#E(_0x1882ed, _0x27348e) { function _0x279787(_0x5fed61, _0x39fe21, _0x361471, _0x3ab208) { return _0x27f57c(_0x39fe21, _0x3ab208 - 0x26, _0x361471 - 0x1e0, _0x3ab208 - 0x1b8); } const _0x53b81f = { 'jKUQf': function (_0x1bee17, _0x20fb80) { return _0x1bee17(_0x20fb80); }, 'FRtAm': function (_0x22bb08, _0x5b3dc6) { return _0x22bb08 / _0x5b3dc6; }, 'QslXx': _0x279787(0x4f2, 0x7fe, 0x7a9, 0x6c6), 'bqjzF': _0x2d31f0(0x283, 0x230, 0x27a, 0x3ee), 'LFWiG': _0x2d31f0(0x395, 0x10e, 0x287, 0x22f), 'gCZTv': _0x279787(0x44a, 0x786, 0x74b, 0x524), 'OOFke': _0x2d31f0(0x1f8, -0x8d, 0x10d, 0xfa), 'ZRTti': function (_0x593a95, _0x36bdf3) { return _0x593a95 === _0x36bdf3; }, 'oujMg': function (_0x48fed6, _0x2c0436) { return _0x48fed6 === _0x2c0436; }, 'sEjZK': 'LAqNI', 'txGXa': function (_0x43d8e2, _0x58f780) { return _0x43d8e2 >> _0x58f780; }, 'sksac': function (_0x5f3f61, _0x5d1db9) { return _0x5f3f61 - _0x5d1db9; }, 'ciYjL': function (_0x2414dd, _0x263e2c) { return _0x2414dd === _0x263e2c; }, 'AtPSR': function (_0x21c9b7, _0x50b5be) { return _0x21c9b7 > _0x50b5be; }, 'BndIp': function (_0x273ddc, _0x7059de) { return _0x273ddc + _0x7059de; }, 'ftEjW': _0x2d31f0(0x675, 0x40a, 0x90a, 0x5a4), 'tqAaW': function (_0x58b24a, _0x1fb013) { return _0x58b24a !== _0x1fb013; }, 'zPnuE': _0x279787(0x5c1, 0x1f7, 0x1fb, 0x3b4), 'GxSTz': _0x279787(0x43e, 0x4bd, 0x2a0, 0x40a), 'UBhEa': function (_0xcf5959, _0x38ec62) { return _0xcf5959(_0x38ec62); } }; function _0x2d31f0(_0x3de93f, _0x3e5acd, _0x1dc6a2, _0x54a3df) { return _0x2efcde(_0x54a3df, _0x3e5acd - 0x10b, _0x1dc6a2 - 0x56, _0x3de93f - 0x71); } try { let _0x588f35 = []; for (let _0x33193a of this.#y) _0x1882ed[_0x279787(0x3b7, 0x412, 0x527, 0x30e)]('testfor @s' + _0x279787(0x231, 0x429, 0x5db, 0x3c3) + _0x279787(0x5c6, 0x2ea, 0x5c1, 0x565) + 'lot.enderc' + 'hest,item=' + _0x33193a + '}]')[_0x279787(0x4b4, 0x553, 0x73b, 0x6c2) + 'nt'] > 0x2044 + -0x2 * -0x76d + -0x2f1e && _0x588f35[_0x2d31f0(0x33d, 0x178, 0x2fb, 0xf3)](_0x33193a); yield; let _0x3c49ba = []; for (let _0x4c9eb7 of _0x588f35) { if (_0x53b81f['gCZTv'] !== _0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x45d, 0x3c0, 0x3aa, 0x2fb)]) { if (!_0x1882ed[_0x2d31f0(0x441, 0x506, 0x1c2, 0x55d)]()) return _0x27348e(); let _0x4386c4 = -0x3e * 0x55 + -0x1 * -0x3b + 0x145b, _0x5955c3 = 0x106 * 0x1f + -0xba5 + -0x13d5; for (; _0x53b81f[_0x279787(0x582, 0x749, 0x54e, 0x692)](_0x1882ed[_0x2d31f0(0x21f, -0x71, -0xf, 0x78)](_0x279787(0xc8, 0x489, 0x2ae, 0x337) + '[hasitem={' + _0x2d31f0(0x476, 0x48c, 0x6d6, 0x41b) + _0x2d31f0(0x1bb, 0x309, 0x1a3, 0x3fd) + 'hest,item=' + _0x4c9eb7 + (_0x2d31f0(0x384, 0x3b8, 0x4b6, 0x140) + '..') + _0x5955c3 + '}]')[_0x2d31f0(0x5d3, 0x6fe, 0x51d, 0x798) + 'nt'], -0x72b + 0x1ada * -0x1 + 0x2205);)_0x4386c4 = _0x5955c3, _0x5955c3 *= 0x26dd * 0x1 + -0x336 * -0x4 + -0xa57 * 0x5; for (; _0x4386c4 != _0x5955c3;) { if (_0x53b81f['oujMg'](_0x53b81f['sEjZK'], _0x53b81f[_0x279787(0x886, 0x6a6, 0x505, 0x63c)])) { let _0x4c1c96 = _0x53b81f['txGXa'](_0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x2e0, 0x31e, 0x412, 0x239)](_0x5955c3, _0x4386c4), -0x218d * -0x1 + -0x20b6 + -0xd6); _0x53b81f[_0x279787(0x268, 0x181, 0x482, 0x23a)](_0x4c1c96, 0x3a9 * 0x2 + -0x2 * -0xcd4 + 0x1 * -0x20fa) && (_0x4c1c96 = 0x1700 + -0x361 + -0x117 * 0x12), _0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x17d, 0x2e2, 0x290, 0x403)](_0x1882ed[_0x2d31f0(0x21f, 0x4a4, 0x152, 0x132)](_0x2d31f0(0x248, 0x46b, 0xfb, 0x135) + _0x279787(0x36e, 0x202, 0x593, 0x3c3) + 'location=s' + 'lot.enderc' + _0x2d31f0(0x278, 0x1e2, 0x14, 0x109) + _0x4c9eb7 + _0x2d31f0(0x384, 0x31f, 0x618, 0x46e) + _0x53b81f[_0x279787(0x86f, 0x653, 0x54c, 0x709)](_0x4386c4, _0x4c1c96) + '..' + _0x5955c3 + '}]')['successCou' + 'nt'], -0x765 * -0x2 + 0x3a2 + 0x6 * -0x312) ? _0x4386c4 += _0x4c1c96 : _0x5955c3 -= _0x4c1c96; } else { let _0x52f61f = _0xd99f15[_0x279787(0x38d, 0x63d, 0x27d, 0x46f)](); _0x2088df['runTimeout'](() => { function _0x10a3d5(_0xc6ff0c, _0x2dab15, _0x4b5ef4, _0x37c0ec) { return _0x279787(_0xc6ff0c - 0x1ce, _0x37c0ec, _0x4b5ef4 - 0x16b, _0x2dab15 - 0x137); } function _0x56d22e(_0x5026d1, _0x112e5d, _0x4ed382, _0x44fa2a) { return _0x279787(_0x5026d1 - 0x17a, _0x112e5d, _0x4ed382 - 0x7f, _0x5026d1 - -0x131); } _0x53b81f['jKUQf'](_0x3b70bf, { 'tps': _0x44ded6[_0x56d22e(0x1a3, 0xeb, 0x2, 0x8e)](_0x53b81f[_0x10a3d5(0x689, 0x6bd, 0x759, 0x547)](0x120c + -0xb2 * -0x2f + -0x2 * 0x5d5, _0x22a08b['now']() - _0x52f61f)), 'overworld_entities': _0x1b2feb[_0x10a3d5(0x52c, 0x62c, 0x806, 0x791) + 'on'](_0x53b81f['QslXx'])[_0x56d22e(0x23c, 0x4cd, 0x207, 0xc0) + 's']()[_0x10a3d5(0x90d, 0x7fc, 0x77c, 0x5e0)], 'nether_entities': _0x369d53[_0x56d22e(0x3c4, 0x2e6, 0x1f7, 0x37e) + 'on'](_0x53b81f[_0x56d22e(0x25b, 0x330, 0x2c6, 0x3a8)])['getEntitie' + 's']()['length'], 'end_entities': _0x1613d7[_0x10a3d5(0x4ae, 0x62c, 0x40a, 0x703) + 'on'](_0x53b81f[_0x10a3d5(0x255, 0x468, 0x35d, 0x4b3)])[_0x10a3d5(0x5dd, 0x4a4, 0x2ac, 0x564) + 's']()['length'] }); }, 0x130d + 0xc * 0x163 + 0x23a7 * -0x1); } } _0x3c49ba['push']([_0x4c9eb7['replace'](_0x53b81f['ftEjW'], ''), _0x5955c3]), yield; } else return _0x6a9ef4[_0x279787(0x6e8, 0x771, 0x6f7, 0x5a0)]({ 'name': this[_0x2d31f0(0x1de, -0x59, 0x24e, 0x44e)]() })[0xb * 0x13d + -0x1 * 0x1575 + 0x7d6]; } _0x53b81f['jKUQf'](_0x27348e, _0x3c49ba); } catch { if (_0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x3ae, 0x5e3, 0x167, 0x4cb)](_0x53b81f['zPnuE'], _0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x329, 0x533, 0x40f, 0x3bf)])) _0x53b81f[_0x2d31f0(0x562, 0x3f6, 0x44e, 0x37a)](_0x27348e, []); else return _0x2d2bc6[_0x2d31f0(0x27f, 0x1ed, 0x2f, 0xa0)](this); } } async #I(_0x3b2a18, _0x4882f9 = -0x937 + 0x1 * 0x6ad + -0x17 * -0x1e) { return new Promise((_0xa731e3, _0x2ec14d) => { _0x462647['runJob'](this.#E(_0x3b2a18, _0xa731e3)), _0x462647['runTimeout'](_0x2ec14d, _0x4882f9); }); } #m; #y = []; #w = {}; #l = !(-0x86f + -0x13d0 + 0x8 * 0x388); #c = -0xbeb + 0x25d9 * 0x1 + -0x19ee; #C = -0x1bb * -0x5 + -0x902 + 0x1 * 0x5b; #i = -0x1bc7 + 0x12fd * 0x1 + 0x8ca; #b = -0x233 + -0x19d5 + 0x6b * 0x44; #k = ''; #o = []; #v = 0x1 * -0x10e2 + -0x1235 + 0x2367; #_ = {}; #h;[_0x2efcde(0x1c3, 0x4e, 0x3f4, 0x1f4)] = !(-0x1 * -0x1a9b + 0x1 * 0x65d + -0x20f7); #x; #u = {}; #a; #d; #g;[_0x2efcde(0x5cc, 0x394, 0x741, 0x57e) + _0x2efcde(0x29c, 0x6b6, 0x674, 0x4e0)] = -0x102d + 0x106b * 0x1 + -0x3e;['proximity_' + _0x27f57c(0x536, 0x4f1, 0x389, 0x531)] = !(0x245a + 0x1347 + -0x37a0); }; _0x2f5c46[_0x27f57c(0x289, 0x234, 0x2f2, 0x138) + 'ables'][_0x2efcde(0x773, 0x47e, 0x557, 0x52e)][_0x2efcde(0x280, -0x47, 0x29b, 0x13b) + 'd'] = function (_0x3f565c, _0x27c1d5) { function _0x4527ee(_0x386950, _0x407be6, _0x9a327, _0x51fa77) { return _0x27f57c(_0x386950, _0x51fa77 - -0x2ae, _0x9a327 - 0x97, _0x51fa77 - 0x1a1); } const _0x49e1e2 = {}; function _0x42bf8b(_0x6501cb, _0x3e6750, _0xefbe98, _0x2569f8) { return _0x2efcde(_0x3e6750, _0x3e6750 - 0x14c, _0xefbe98 - 0x90, _0xefbe98 - -0x6e); } _0x49e1e2[_0x42bf8b(0x724, 0x522, 0x573, 0x4fb)] = function (_0x73c15b, _0x504ea6) { return _0x73c15b + _0x504ea6; }; const _0x4791e3 = _0x49e1e2; return this[_0x4527ee(0x130, -0x103, 0xa7, -0x6f)](_0x27c1d5) ?? this[_0x42bf8b(0x257, -0xe0, 0x97, -0x122)](_0x4791e3[_0x4527ee(0x68d, 0x692, 0x700, 0x46d)](_0x4791e3[_0x4527ee(0x579, 0x2b0, 0x5b7, 0x46d)](_0x3f565c, ':'), _0x27c1d5)); }, _0x2f5c46[_0x2efcde(0x352, 0x440, 0x10a, 0x385) + _0x2efcde(0x4e1, 0x611, 0x5da, 0x415)][_0x2efcde(0x6c1, 0x68e, 0x6b5, 0x52e)][_0x2efcde(0xb5, -0xbf, -0x141, 0x13b) + 'd'] = function (_0x1d9fe2, _0x526a2e) { const _0x52b711 = {}; _0x52b711[_0x4eb442(0x390, 0x190, 0x59c, 0x455)] = function (_0x353a40, _0xee2948) { return _0x353a40 + _0xee2948; }; function _0x2cab1c(_0x30637e, _0x6e4817, _0x43dc91, _0xbf6baa) { return _0x27f57c(_0x6e4817, _0x43dc91 - 0x1d1, _0x43dc91 - 0x61, _0xbf6baa - 0x1d5); } _0x52b711[_0x2cab1c(0x727, 0x783, 0x742, 0x972)] = function (_0x554a49, _0x23ed08) { return _0x554a49 + _0x23ed08; }; const _0x27cb20 = _0x52b711; function _0x4eb442(_0x317564, _0x594486, _0x2cc325, _0x5ae1ad) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5ae1ad, _0x317564 - 0x4e, _0x2cc325 - 0x94, _0x5ae1ad - 0x145); } return this[_0x2cab1c(0x3fa, 0x5e7, 0x410, 0x5b4)](_0x526a2e) ?? this[_0x4eb442(0x28d, 0x67, 0x464, 0x23f)](_0x27cb20[_0x2cab1c(0x2dc, 0x6b1, 0x513, 0x2fd)](_0x27cb20[_0x2cab1c(0x880, 0x79b, 0x742, 0x9ad)](_0x1d9fe2, ':'), _0x526a2e)); }, Array['prototype'][_0x27f57c(0x8f9, 0x6cd, 0x4b2, 0x638) + 'l'] = function (..._0x1fcb01) { for (let _0x37cecd of _0x1fcb01) if (!this[_0x5bf0ba(0x8d0, 0xaa6, 0x7c6, 0x9fb)](_0x37cecd)) return !(-0x1a6b + -0x114 * 0x1c + -0x1 * -0x389c); function _0x5bf0ba(_0x12cae0, _0x4ca39f, _0x10ebf0, _0x12edef) { return _0x27f57c(_0x12edef, _0x12cae0 - 0x321, _0x10ebf0 - 0x143, _0x12edef - 0x1db); } return !(-0xb * -0xb5 + 0x4d4 * 0x5 + -0x1feb); }, Array[_0x2efcde(0x793, 0x653, 0x2e2, 0x52e)][_0x27f57c(0x3a4, 0x278, -0x16, 0x48) + _0x27f57c(0x196, 0x310, 0x241, 0x1e0)] = function (_0x3dd0af, ..._0x35d176) { function _0x5717c0(_0x13e0dc, _0x147777, _0x146c2f, _0x4ac3c9) { return _0x27f57c(_0x13e0dc, _0x147777 - 0x28d, _0x146c2f - 0x127, _0x4ac3c9 - 0x106); } function _0x54c38f(_0x15c489, _0x5621f3, _0x170d31, _0x105674) { return _0x2efcde(_0x105674, _0x5621f3 - 0x1c9, _0x170d31 - 0x159, _0x5621f3 - -0x193); } const _0x1ac55c = {}; _0x1ac55c[_0x54c38f(0x114, -0x7b, 0x7b, -0x95)] = function (_0x349164, _0x4b8124) { return _0x349164 + _0x4b8124; }; const _0x2ec4b9 = _0x1ac55c; for (let _0x38fb6f of _0x35d176) if (!this[_0x54c38f(0x1f6, 0x2e2, 0x575, 0x337)](_0x38fb6f) && !this[_0x5717c0(0x79f, 0x83c, 0x7a6, 0x67e)](_0x2ec4b9[_0x5717c0(0x4b8, 0x4df, 0x625, 0x580)](_0x2ec4b9[_0x54c38f(-0x174, -0x7b, -0x249, -0xc2)](_0x3dd0af, ':'), _0x38fb6f))) return !(0x1 * 0x16db + 0xb63 + -0x1 * 0x223d); return !(-0x16 * -0xc2 + 0x12cf + 0x1 * -0x237b); }; var Q = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' + _0x27f57c(0x3a9, 0x5ac, 0x3dd, 0x446) + 'UVWXYZabcd' + 'efghijklmn' + _0x27f57c(0x505, 0x61d, 0x740, 0x6d6) + 'yz01234567' + '89-_'; String['prototype'][_0x27f57c(0x4be, 0x249, 0x7b, 0x189) + 'At'] = function (_0x14fdd3) { function _0x1eb79c(_0x2839e6, _0x2c5cd8, _0x3c30a7, _0x3cdd09) { return _0x2efcde(_0x2c5cd8, _0x2c5cd8 - 0x78, _0x3c30a7 - 0x5f, _0x2839e6 - -0x85); } function _0x11692c(_0x5b8060, _0xa32b50, _0x15bcb2, _0x58c071) { return _0x2efcde(_0x58c071, _0xa32b50 - 0xb, _0x15bcb2 - 0x154, _0x5b8060 - -0xb3); } const _0x135132 = {}; _0x135132['qphJA'] = function (_0x4ded9a, _0x2183da) { return _0x4ded9a >= _0x2183da; }, _0x135132[_0x1eb79c(0x562, 0x458, 0x756, 0x4aa)] = function (_0x1ddfaa, _0x16a932) { return _0x1ddfaa + _0x16a932; }; const _0x11ac06 = _0x135132; return _0x11ac06[_0x11692c(0x520, 0x57a, 0x3eb, 0x6bf)](_0x14fdd3, -0x32 + -0x1465 * 0x1 + 0x1497 * 0x1) ? Q[_0x11692c(0x3db, 0x2e7, 0x620, 0x1c9)](this[_0x11692c(0x25b, 0x88, -0x6, 0xe7)](_0x14fdd3)) : Q['indexOf'](this['charAt'](_0x11ac06[_0x11692c(0x534, 0x3b2, 0x37c, 0x2d4)](_0x14fdd3, this[_0x1eb79c(0x4e0, 0x608, 0x5f7, 0x575)]))); }; var N = class r { #t; static #r = _0x27f57c(0x3b0, 0x5d3, 0x6ec, 0x42a) + 'an setup a' + _0x2efcde(0x311, 0x28c, -0xdb, 0x159) + _0x27f57c(0x122, 0x382, 0x3b6, 0x570) + _0x27f57c(0x5a6, 0x60d, 0x5ef, 0x864) + _0x27f57c(0x962, 0x6cb, 0x5fb, 0x940) + _0x2efcde(0x32a, 0x3ba, 0x12, 0x281) + _0x27f57c(0x6d9, 0x67c, 0x412, 0x8d7) + _0x27f57c(0x3a1, 0x3a2, 0x32b, 0x1a9) + _0x27f57c(0x789, 0x5f3, 0x655, 0x7c9) + _0x27f57c(0x3f7, 0x652, 0x632, 0x6b6) + _0x27f57c(0x373, 0x369, 0x417, 0x561) + _0x27f57c(0x229, 0x484, 0x601, 0x6c4) + 'You can re' + 'quire a ne' + 'w token fr' + _0x2efcde(0x658, 0x308, 0x39d, 0x467) + _0x2efcde(0x41b, 0x1bd, 0x2c4, 0x3bf) + _0x27f57c(0x6cb, 0x570, 0x6d2, 0x561) + 'ing §o/new' + _0x2efcde(0x227, 0x1f3, 0xef, 0x123) + '
'; constructor(_0x2149d6 = !(0xe56 * -0x2 + -0xe10 + 0x5 * 0x88c), _0x28a2b8 = !(-0x55 * 0x67 + 0x12a8 + 0xf8b), _0x1f95fb = -0x1 * 0x21b5 + -0x453 + 0x2608, _0x5849fb) { const _0x3644cc = {}; _0x3644cc[_0x48d3f9(0x561, 0x4ae, 0x88d, 0x6a4)] = _0x26d039(0x5e5, 0x847, 0x7bf, 0x371) + _0x26d039(0x7c5, 0x614, 0x6e2, 0x7bc) + _0x26d039(0x6ba, 0x8d0, 0x8af, 0x55c), _0x3644cc[_0x48d3f9(0x837, 0x8d7, 0xa51, 0x890)] = function (_0x1ede6c, _0x47f60c) { return _0x1ede6c + _0x47f60c; }, _0x3644cc['xRKki'] = _0x48d3f9(0x961, 0x873, 0x95b, 0x8d7) + _0x48d3f9(0x9fe, 0xb6a, 0x788, 0x8e2), _0x3644cc['qpxEM'] = 'Discord to' + _0x48d3f9(0x8b4, 0x7fe, 0x8cd, 0x64f) + _0x26d039(0x46f, 0x31d, 0x398, 0x5f7) + _0x26d039(0x5be, 0x555, 0x7f1, 0x71b) + ' it in the' + _0x48d3f9(0x73d, 0x4a5, 0x8a0, 0x6ba) + _0x48d3f9(0x649, 0x760, 0x611, 0x625) + _0x26d039(0x4f6, 0x713, 0x58d, 0x3f2), _0x3644cc[_0x48d3f9(0x5c9, 0x725, 0x5bc, 0x6ce)] = _0x26d039(0x8b0, 0x7fc, 0x9ff, 0x7e2) + _0x26d039(0x4d9, 0x4d4, 0x532, 0x74c) + 'qU', _0x3644cc[_0x48d3f9(0x6a3, 0x7ab, 0x667, 0x745)] = function (_0x4e0910, _0x1c12c6) { return _0x4e0910 ?? _0x1c12c6; }, _0x3644cc[_0x26d039(0x7dc, 0x934, 0xa1c, 0x7f1)] = _0x26d039(0x471, 0x5db, 0x61a, 0x680) + 'mydomain.g' + 'g', _0x3644cc['TDKvJ'] = _0x48d3f9(0x9d6, 0xadb, 0x6f0, 0x8a4) + 'tput mode', _0x3644cc[_0x26d039(0x88c, 0xabe, 0x8c5, 0x6b7)] = _0x48d3f9(0x41a, 0x617, 0x3e6, 0x667); function _0x48d3f9(_0x44432e, _0x3410ee, _0x1d35bb, _0x5a1eb9) { return _0x2efcde(_0x44432e, _0x3410ee - 0x1e8, _0x1d35bb - 0xed, _0x5a1eb9 - 0x41a); } _0x3644cc[_0x48d3f9(0x93e, 0x9c3, 0x73d, 0x815)] = _0x48d3f9(0x6fe, 0x839, 0x6aa, 0x5cf), _0x3644cc['oueAw'] = _0x48d3f9(0x7bc, 0x97e, 0x904, 0x8db), _0x3644cc[_0x26d039(0x80f, 0x73e, 0x718, 0x9c4)] = _0x48d3f9(0x957, 0xa60, 0xa11, 0x818) + 'nk'; function _0x26d039(_0x19b7c8, _0x1500a0, _0x3d8aff, _0x52658f) { return _0x27f57c(_0x1500a0, _0x19b7c8 - 0x1f6, _0x3d8aff - 0x197, _0x52658f - 0x1d2); } _0x3644cc['RDeqY'] = 'Startup no' + _0x26d039(0x406, 0x653, 0x506, 0x2d1) + 's'; const _0x2a050c = _0x3644cc; this.#t = new _0x3cffc1()['title'](_0x2a050c['pNAiQ'])['textField'](_0x2a050c['HHdTA'](r.#r, _0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x497, 0x35f, 0x5a1, 0x5ee)]), _0x26d039(0x443, 0x507, 0x692, 0x430))['textField'](_0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x88b, 0x7fa, 0xb03, 0x67f)], _0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x5e4, 0x392, 0x6b4, 0x440)])['textField'](_0x26d039(0x7ab, 0x84c, 0x831, 0x6ea) + _0x26d039(0x835, 0xabe, 0x8fe, 0x855), _0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x65b, 0x83e, 0x81a, 0x589)](_0x5849fb, _0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x7dc, 0xa48, 0xa65, 0x852)]))[_0x48d3f9(0x585, 0x364, 0x799, 0x54c)](_0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x867, 0x983, 0x9ec, 0x868)], [_0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x88c, 0x855, 0x693, 0xa2d)], _0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x72b, 0x6f0, 0x929, 0x7d6)], _0x2a050c[_0x48d3f9(0x6f7, 0x7bd, 0x45e, 0x52e)]], _0x1f95fb)[_0x48d3f9(0x656, 0x848, 0x643, 0x5cb)](_0x2a050c[_0x26d039(0x80f, 0x835, 0x8c0, 0x63c)], _0x2149d6)[_0x48d3f9(0x729, 0x7f6, 0x776, 0x5cb)](_0x2a050c[_0x48d3f9(0x8ae, 0x85d, 0x83e, 0x95d)], _0x28a2b8); } static async[_0x2efcde(0x46d, 0x580, 0x6a1, 0x442)](_0x1cfde7) { const _0x42223f = {}; _0x42223f['hViht'] = _0xac297f(0x44d, 0x350, 0x548, 0x498) + _0xac297f(0x1e1, 0x2ce, 0x2e3, 0x11f), _0x42223f['iciDQ'] = _0xac297f(0x356, 0x4bf, 0x550, 0x5f7), _0x42223f[_0x656335(0x8c, 0x5b, 0x17a, 0x158)] = _0xac297f(0x4a4, 0x962, 0x733, 0x817); const _0x3f7ef7 = _0x42223f; function _0x656335(_0x4b5fd9, _0x54b73a, _0x5dc824, _0x5bd6cd) { return _0x27f57c(_0x54b73a, _0x5dc824 - -0x15c, _0x5dc824 - 0xb8, _0x5bd6cd - 0x16d); } let _0x1a7281 = $[_0xac297f(0x323, 0x66b, 0x451, 0x614) + 'e'](); function _0xac297f(_0x5a47f8, _0x141d0, _0x2b45f4, _0x2a4c15) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5a47f8, _0x2b45f4 - 0xc, _0x2b45f4 - 0x151, _0x2a4c15 - 0xed); } return new r(_0x1a7281[_0x656335(0x2fb, 0x29c, 0xe3, 0x2be)]('discord_li' + 'nk'), _0x1a7281['get'](_0x3f7ef7[_0x656335(0x401, 0x1e, 0x273, 0x23d)]), _0x1a7281[_0xac297f(0x5e, 0x17a, 0x24b, 0x2bc)](_0x3f7ef7['iciDQ']), _0x1a7281[_0x656335(-0x9c, 0x49, 0xe3, -0x137)](_0x3f7ef7[_0x656335(-0x4, 0x69, 0x17a, -0xec)])).#t[_0x656335(0x2d4, 0x3cc, 0x420, 0x3bb)](_0x1cfde7); } }, M = new _0x3cffc1(), ge = _0x2efcde(0x67f, 0x593, 0x663, 0x499) + _0x27f57c(0x2e5, 0x313, 0x396, 0x153) + _0x2efcde(-0x5f, -0x13b, -0x104, 0x159) + _0x2efcde(0x470, -0x3b, 0xb1, 0x248) + _0x2efcde(0x60e, 0x551, 0x6d2, 0x4d3) + ' this is t' + 'he first t' + _0x2efcde(0x2ee, 0x2bf, 0x4a3, 0x542) + _0x2efcde(0x2f, 0x32d, 0x48d, 0x268) + _0x2efcde(0x4d8, 0x41b, 0x444, 0x4b9) + _0x27f57c(0x403, 0x652, 0x606, 0x4b8) + _0x2efcde(0x382, 0x12, 0xb8, 0x22f) + 'd token.

' + _0x27f57c(0x484, 0x39c, 0x343, 0x2b5) + 'quire a ne' + _0x27f57c(0x293, 0x4b6, 0x6df, 0x494) + _0x27f57c(0x36f, 0x5a1, 0x831, 0x58c) + 'scord serv' + _0x2efcde(0x58a, 0x592, 0x538, 0x436) + _0x27f57c(-0x5b, 0x225, 0x42e, 0x1f1) + _0x27f57c(0x21f, 0x25d, 0x40a, 0x188) + '
'; M['title'](_0x2efcde(0x4a, 0x2cb, 0x1f0, 0x2b5) + _0x2efcde(0x6e7, 0x309, 0x43c, 0x495) + 'ings'), M[_0x27f57c(0x3dc, 0x22f, -0x33, 0x26e)](ge + (_0x27f57c(0x844, 0x5f7, 0x71b, 0x834) + _0x2efcde(0x670, 0x499, 0x357, 0x4c8)), _0x27f57c(0xc0, 0x24d, 0x335, 0x2b8)), M[_0x27f57c(0x3cb, 0x22f, 0x22c, 0x326)](_0x27f57c(0x59d, 0x417, 0x283, 0x5af) + _0x2efcde(0x35c, 0x33, 0x48, 0x235) + _0x27f57c(0x30d, 0x279, 0x339, 0x3ed) + _0x2efcde(0x2fc, 0xd5, 0x25b, 0x28e) + ' it in the' + ' past you ' + _0x27f57c(0x56f, 0x345, 0x149, 0x54b) + _0x2efcde(0x40b, 0x3c6, 0x82, 0x1c6), _0x27f57c(0x63a, 0x6ba, 0x4dd, 0x589) + _0x2efcde(0x2cf, 0x237, 0x110, 0x1a9) + 'qU'), M[_0x27f57c(0x2c9, 0x22f, 0x3f6, 0x2e)](_0x2efcde(0x58a, 0x497, 0x2f6, 0x47b) + 'tional]', _0x2efcde(0x200, 0xe9, 0x1c6, 0x141) + _0x2efcde(0x777, 0x512, 0x7dc, 0x572) + 'g'), M[_0x27f57c(0x374, 0x26c, 0x341, 0x4d2)](_0x27f57c(0x6e2, 0x5c4, 0x59b, 0x383) + _0x27f57c(0x52c, 0x54b, 0x6ec, 0x77d), ['default', _0x27f57c(0x2bc, 0x2ef, 0x324, 0x2db), _0x2efcde(0x374, 0x484, 0x2ee, 0x4c1)], 0x1651 + 0x1de1 + 0x8b3 * -0x6), M[_0x27f57c(0x34b, 0x2eb, 0x2ec, 0x2df)](_0x27f57c(0x43b, 0x538, 0x2f6, 0x4a3) + 'nk', !(-0xf7f * -0x1 + -0xd + 0x3 * -0x526)), M[_0x27f57c(0x213, 0x2eb, 0x2ba, 0x1a2)](_0x27f57c(0x418, 0x28c, 0x1b8, 0x497) + 'tification' + 's', !(0x1431 + -0x24b6 + 0x5a * 0x2f)); var u = $[_0x2efcde(0x409, 0x478, 0x38d, 0x30b) + 'e'](); async function me() { const _0x152aed = {}; _0x152aed[_0xf9de22(0x3f7, 0x35b, 0x3ef, 0x118)] = _0xf9de22(0x4b4, 0x5c1, 0x7b9, 0x747) + 'pe', _0x152aed['soYgt'] = _0x3c757a(0x4f0, 0x709, 0x568, 0x370) + _0x3c757a(0x424, 0x4b8, 0x37c, 0x302), _0x152aed[_0xf9de22(0x393, 0x288, 0x25, 0x2)] = function (_0xfb965c, _0x539e88) { return _0xfb965c === _0x539e88; }, _0x152aed[_0xf9de22(0x6a6, 0x4f3, 0x26c, 0x334)] = _0x3c757a(0x3f6, 0x417, 0x67b, 0x653), _0x152aed[_0x3c757a(0x7d5, 0x98d, 0x70f, 0x570)] = function (_0x28c9e3, _0x3ff94c) { return _0x28c9e3 + _0x3ff94c; }, _0x152aed[_0x3c757a(0x3d8, 0x530, 0x5fc, 0x3da)] = _0x3c757a(0x70e, 0x561, 0x5fa, 0x588) + _0xf9de22(0x35c, 0x4a5, 0x5ce, 0x382) + _0x3c757a(0x579, 0x416, 0x7b8, 0x71e) + _0x3c757a(0x741, 0x8ca, 0x706, 0x655) + _0x3c757a(0x32b, 0x4b8, 0x4bf, 0x51f) + _0xf9de22(0x1bd, 0x388, 0x54d, 0x47b) + _0xf9de22(0x4b5, 0x6d8, 0x445, 0x4ea), _0x152aed[_0x3c757a(0x7cd, 0x703, 0x801, 0x854)] = _0xf9de22(0x502, 0x4a7, 0x554, 0x2cb), _0x152aed[_0x3c757a(0x624, 0x74d, 0x8a1, 0x828)] = _0xf9de22(0x6fb, 0x565, 0x69f, 0x36e) + _0x3c757a(0x6ad, 0x89c, 0x733, 0x888) + 'x'; function _0xf9de22(_0x5f32aa, _0x9ea456, _0x110730, _0x4fa9a0) { return _0x27f57c(_0x5f32aa, _0x9ea456 - -0x24, _0x110730 - 0x115, _0x4fa9a0 - 0x196); } const _0x4814ef = _0x152aed; Object[_0xf9de22(0x374, 0x463, 0x6ac, 0x5c6) + _0xf9de22(0x908, 0x6dc, 0x554, 0x4fc)](_0xe0f62e['bedrockCom' + 'mands'], _0x3c757a(0x5f4, 0x3b6, 0x851, 0x828), { 'get': () => u[_0xf9de22(0x189, 0x21b, 0xb8, 0x142)](_0xf9de22(0x5bf, 0x4d7, 0x74e, 0x482)) }); let _0x3e2e8a = []; _0x31d389['makeTable'] = _0x33ba2c => { function _0x319fc4(_0xb9dce6, _0x2c896a, _0x4deba3, _0x29e750) { return _0x3c757a(_0x4deba3 - -0x101, _0x2c896a, _0x4deba3 - 0x196, _0x29e750 - 0x179); } function _0x114b81(_0x27d5d2, _0x50bc16, _0x523d57, _0x5afee1) { return _0x3c757a(_0x50bc16 - -0x131, _0x5afee1, _0x523d57 - 0x1a6, _0x5afee1 - 0x9); } if (_0x4814ef[_0x114b81(0x486, 0x274, 0x467, 0x470)](_0x4814ef[_0x319fc4(0x58c, 0x44e, 0x50f, 0x350)], _0x319fc4(0x19a, 0x175, 0x2f5, 0x3c6))) { if (_0x3e2e8a['includes'](_0x33ba2c)) throw new Error(_0x4814ef[_0x319fc4(0x629, 0x530, 0x6d4, 0x90e)](_0x4814ef[_0x114b81(0x460, 0x2a7, 0x1cf, 0x1cf)], _0x33ba2c)); let _0x4b5fc9 = new x(_0x33ba2c); return _0x3e2e8a[_0x114b81(0x60d, 0x3ce, 0x5bd, 0x316)](_0x33ba2c), _0x4b5fc9; } else { let _0x417d81 = new _0x44a984(_0x4353d9); return _0x417d81[_0x114b81(0x20d, 0x465, 0x548, 0x4b6)] = _0x5231f4, _0x417d81[_0x319fc4(0x588, 0x456, 0x488, 0x45e)] = _0x27bcda[_0x4a9049], _0x417d81[_0x114b81(0x6c5, 0x4c5, 0x2fd, 0x4b7)] = [new _0xfec4da(_0x4814ef['FaXWA'], _0x4814ef[_0x319fc4(0x6e5, 0x86e, 0x62c, 0x6c0)]), new _0x2cc569(_0x114b81(0x53f, 0x377, 0x512, 0x4f0), _0x5e578c)], _0x417d81; } }, Object[_0x3c757a(0x580, 0x45a, 0x7a9, 0x601) + _0xf9de22(0x7c1, 0x6dc, 0x4be, 0x7e9)](_0x31d389, _0x4814ef[_0x3c757a(0x7cd, 0xa61, 0xa1d, 0x5aa)], { 'get': () => [..._0x3e2e8a] }), await import(_0x4814ef[_0x3c757a(0x624, 0x68d, 0x5c9, 0x684)])[_0xf9de22(0x43d, 0x380, 0x261, 0x13c)](_0x48980c => { function _0x211c2f(_0x199773, _0x204cc6, _0x4a0936, _0xe25498) { return _0x3c757a(_0xe25498 - -0x3ac, _0x204cc6, _0x4a0936 - 0x1b0, _0xe25498 - 0xd0); } function _0x4180c0(_0x55b43c, _0x29daf0, _0x5d8a3a, _0x163df4) { return _0x3c757a(_0x163df4 - -0x4e5, _0x29daf0, _0x5d8a3a - 0xaa, _0x163df4 - 0x140); } console[_0x4180c0(-0x158, -0x2e, -0xc4, 0x126)](_0x211c2f(0x2b6, 0x11, 0x4bb, 0x26c) + _0x211c2f(0x1e6, 0x20a, 0x19d, 0x1e9) + _0x211c2f(0x108, 0xd7, 0xc3, 0x4e) + _0x211c2f(0x2e, 0x41a, 0x465, 0x2c3) + _0x4180c0(0xe8, 0x7, 0x233, 0x206) + _0x4180c0(0x1da, 0x234, 0x460, 0x286) + _0x48980c); }); function _0x3c757a(_0xf2da20, _0x7ff2e9, _0x557366, _0x543d29) { return _0x2efcde(_0x7ff2e9, _0x7ff2e9 - 0x18f, _0x557366 - 0x16a, _0xf2da20 - 0x233); } let _0x4a681c = new j(); } me(); export { I as Requests }; function _0x14ab() { const _0x4f5ae7 = ['tification', 'JVRcN', 'bridgeInit', 'e retrievi', 'ciYjL', 'mOQLX', 'eason: ', 'ZRgRp', 'cASYg', 'zXdyP', 'ender_ches', 'yZMdO', 'zGPHh', '_list', 'nd records', 'Nehet', 'Error whil', 'ory error', 'MYbKD', 'tqyKK', 'un ', 'ing §o/new', 'vailable c', 'xVPfG', 'hasPartici', 'FVWSc', ' the serve', 'XHVMi', 'version', 'file pictu', 'KlNVl', 'textField', 'rlzGq', 'NGkcC', 'a database', 'kGRfW', 'ServerVari', 'qCgkn', 'yEWMV', 'EHyPn', 'TXQsE', 'RJPTH', 'ed to ', 'g.
§o', 'ywPOb', 'VmBhk', 'delete', 'get', 'rXpaA', 'failed req', 'ACLtH', ' check err', 'BridgeInfo', ' already r', 'AtPSR', 'LxEOC', 'extra_prop', 'readBase64', 'zmrim', 'iFTao', 'hannel', 'e.g. !', 'oueAw', 'Tckmo', 'yUBrj', 'idge][Plug', 'VeHzl', 'FNCnv', ' resume di', 'idge) conn', 'IPUHn', 'y "name"', 'you killed', 'drockBridg', 'UnFiJ', 'bridge-plu', 'unsubscrib', '-token§r.
', 'eVkTr', 'loSOI', 'RoaJm', 'rminate', 'tags', 'setBody', 'fbXmu', 'ided token', 'yjGLA', 'EzgCP', 'ovuJt', 'trim', 'PvGnT', 'NhJWo', 'dropdown', 'max_cache', 'HxtHf', 'level', 'request', 'hxjSs', 'jEwyC', 'Post', '§eWe will ', 'getPrefixe', 'online', 'afterEvent', 'includesPr', 'u have alr', 'player's s', 'e.g. play.', 'mc look li', 'nySqV', 'XsukH', 'MFDjd', 'rxgrz', 'QyeQS', 'YLktC', 'ken as arg', 'lot.enderc', 'SmeFy', 'match', 'rmrLM', 'ArCUO', 'GwVAT', 'cJRRw', 'clear', 'Startup no', 'reload', 'True', 'tlJiU', 're and nam', 'set to ', '[0m', 'nd customi', 'this playe', 'nd nametag', 'ext', 'wing you m', 'SWEzy', 'zqNDr', 'LfkNf', 'JdKdK', 'e characte', 'nSfCJ', 'run', 'ItemTypes', 'db:', 'xRKki', '	function ', 'pLBZf', 'KLMQP', 'MfWbJ', 'FAmSA', 'toString', 'KNybr', 'skTrv', 'liiHg', 'has', 'vwLhg', 'registerCo', 'floor', 'getSpawnPo', 'yLPMI', '§9<', 'off', 'MqPrL', 'spmwr', 'MVRyW', 'Server', 'jpnjc', 'get stats ', 'rror
', 'XhfSw', 'olgKW', 'sUfyd', 'r BedrockB', 'RXuYv', 'ecting...', 'DJXcn', 'xwiMW', 'callback', 'cYRbh', 'dcu', 'fUeUn', 'received r', 'JkcsH', 'rvvKl', 'QbmEW', ' was renam', 'fUqMZ', 'bXQSu', 'rMLST', 'r never jo', 'WcRoU', 'defaultVal', 'CFvmi', 'PlShQ', 'ror messag', 'bpMsm', 'rted chara', 'iGNmM', 'tify', 'playerName', 'amount', 'OryQn', 'GfsCo', 'linkdc', 'st of comm', ' picture a', 'vSPlk', 'SBRxr', 'erties', 'dAHpI', '7WFVegZZZC', 'get invent', 'getNearbyP', '
List of a', 'erver', 'runCommand', 'ne instanc', 'ave settin', 'toggle', 'QDxlx', ' was muted', 'jNspb', 'legacy', 'Tybfo', 'nly be run', 'ime', 'tyle go to', 'aDPXx', 'gCommand', 'ssage', 'OhnXM', 'IohyS', 'mmand', 'Iomsd', 'BNAUu', 'Qlhwi', 'hsdZY', 'Iqimc', 'map', ' this)', 'ns] error ', 'aXeMJ', 'iscord).
§', 'gSJIU', 'cBLdJ', 'UoQTG', 'kill', 'isAllowed', 'ouaOG', 'GyLNV', 'LFWiG', 'emit', '...', 'petDeath', 'is server.', 'efixedAll', 'testfor @s', 'ISikW', 'an setup a', 'RfORU', 'BUteN', 'oratori:se', 'ElAMw', 't allowed ', 'e ingame s', 'scord from', 'iuDpJ', 'eAAwH', 'Cokfe', 'mute', 'proximity ', 'GRuZY', 'rror', ' make your', 'parsing co', 'eXDzd', 'NJuhy', '/server', 'nnect by §', 'sleeping', ''t be long', 'iFcxt', 'n/json', 'from', 'i:player-l', 'logging', 'QMZAL', 'you are no', 'chatUpStre', 'EDTCb', 't:
', 'AkuqY', 'bedrockCom', 'lf_deaf] ', 'sages from', 'author', 'mention', 'test', 'oHFtR', ' - list er', 'e make sur', 'WiaVq', 'rect', 'cause', 'hest,item=', 'zokSg', 'skewI', 'esp:nameTa', 'can ignore', 'readPlayer', 'getEntitie', 'parseFloat', 't discord:', 'linkdc§r -', 'i/use-file', 'nether', 'getDynamic', 'xZcdz', 'XUkOv', 'r run "rel', 'zYPFb', '.gg', 'status', 'fQVIo', 'wbULz', 'XhYpB', ' method pl', 'displayNam', 'HxglJ', 'ncqvm', 'ame', ' server.
§', 'gging disa', 'LNwcc', 'zjWCq', 'iInMx', ' have been', 'setMethod', 'he server', 'Base64UrlL', 'to run it.', 'bqjzF', 'tup', 'stringify', 'the discor', 'rom this s', 'name_black', '**§r', 'descriptio', 'fyUEN', 'ken (if yo', 'eady conne', 'iPztA', 'BwbXh', ' cleared.', '§ediscord ', 'lRDgf', 'oqgsn', 'ready', 'HRKlJ', 'zmvVq', 'removeTag', 'pKseb', 'watchdogTe', ': xbox pic', 'es receive', 'FaXWA', 'entries', 'HBHzA', 'se Bedrock', 'n/off]§r -', 'e entries ', 'e visualis', '"* was ban', 'default', 'NChna', 'connecting', 'xUypB', 'vgqcD', 'us: ', 'bZLEK', 'nukTe', 'FREie', 'ingame', 'location', 'PKEQv', 'concat', 'OAlXI', 'n your scr', 'cache_mess', 'ned from t', 'health', 'yXgpT', 'bWRfM', 'messages i', 'You can re', '[hasitem={', 'idge) Miss', 'ri/use-js
', 'VqzXW', 'qzPcw', 'e this add', 'ri/use-in-', 'catch', 'yujXA', 'XNQdt', 'discordCom', '§cThere is', 'sksac', ' from /con', ' reset you', ' with this', 'dKgOW', 'tQyXq', 'auth', 'getDefault', 'mode', 'unknown', 'in] Custom', 'Player lis', 'pwnCq', 'formValues', 'YUsvo', '§cdiscord-', 'MyHOd', 'ce set to ', 'he first t', 'gVIYD', 'dge connec', 'JUshE', 'rver.§r', 'zzHmI', 'ENPwr', 'VfUbk', ' streamed ', 'pNAiQ', 'AkrGx', 'tly using ', 'txt', 'eady added', 'playerDeat', 'KnMex', 'Async', 'first logi', 'PgALA', 'PHDGG', 'hViht', 'discord_ro', 'HDElL', 'replaceAll', 'age', 'kQQCC', ' it you ne', 'WFUST', 'gVjNC', 'ZXCSb', 'rning: as ', ' past you ', 'token', 'scord-mess', 'i:ban-list', 'BjPTC', 'TrWiP', 'HufjF', '\*\*.+\*\*', 'uest', 'playerJoin', 'eclqJ', 'starting', 'ACwzK', 'fjbfm', 'essages fr', 'getItem', 'ialize', 'hOhiz', 'ajgwi', 'ke your di', 'WIiNt', 'BedrockBri', 'petDieLog', 'RqgNY', 'GxSTz', 'VDvvN', 'QBKoB', 'usfXG', 'reverse', 'applicatio', 'aioXl', 'IXeTq', 'It wasn't ', 'lOago', 'AURUs', 'KqkQj', 'player's i', 'ng you mes', 'idge) Stat', 'sort', 'deaf', 'ewMjF', 'wXUwm', '<@\d+>', 'push', 'NTHuB', 'Naods', 'rNOoO', 'nDwNk', 'as you use', 'YrWtx', ' not found', 'playerCoun', 't error', 'ist', 'ument:', 'ommands fo', 'server alr', 'deaf§r - s', '§\l.+?§r', 'een.
', 'Discord to', 'authtoken', 'pfp', ' and resta', 'pant', 'ggBDg', 'playerSpaw', 'equired.', 'AiqSD', 'string', 'HovJH', 'i:token', 'KTqPr', 'se wait.§r', 'RVNqe', 'RekDx', 'e server o', 'TICK_MAX', 'QjwRD', 'uWIOb', 'ended to u', 'OSYNT', 'Entity', 'URqGx', 'pfSHE', 'help for t', 'xLFmn', 'unlink', 'esp:join_t', 'xyDfF', 'otWWK', 'new distan', 'sourceEnti', '§\w', 'server con', 'etag for c', 'YyBrT', 'cancel', 'GYqeP', 'fig' folde', 'aFlBQ', 'JxjBL', 'parseInt', 'readLocati', 't_item_lis', 'AXgAn', 'getInstanc', 'tus of the', ' running o', 'charAt', 'now', 'QrsCN', 'YPige', ' command e', ',quantity=', 'PLCxw', 'PZYoh', 'g player', 'etreiving ', 'ng token t', 'getCompone', 'link is no', 'fQjmO', 'unmute', '§eerror lo', 'RuPRW', 'CjbRh', 'cache chec', '§cdiscord ', 'ing token ', 'scriptEven', 'the_end', 'nReason', ' was unmut', 'runTimeout', 'e changes ', 'ver.', 'MeLIE', 'zibKO', 'DHbOa', '§cYou cann', 'eZNBU', 'VubST', 'XuNRX', '\*.+\*', 'DJGja', 'goRoC', 'tReceive', 'yz01234567', 'max_attemp', 'zycQr', 'isOp', 'i:use-file', 'ziPjn', 'CAoPi', 'VhJrC', 'tqAaW', 'esplorator', 'ykzRd', 'idge) prov', 'discord:em', 'JlsPR', 'dge discon', 'WlKxP', 'NyCpE', '. You cann', 'aVDWZ', 'gDc', 'amhUq', 'd token.

', 'gbyAr', 'oXvjY', 'defineProp', 'ybZgN', 'to your di', 'idge) Movi', 'ZRgsj', '§cYou are ', 'BasicDatab', 'ation sett', 'JqmrV', 'method', 'es from di', 'discord:me', 'eAll', 'en you rel', 'e decoding', 'undeaf§r -', 'failed log', 'dcNametag', 'clearDynam', 'OZlhu', 'player', 'dge][Plugi', 'timeout', '§cCommand ', 'content', 'hiWjW', 'hSZxT', '@discord_u', 'jsySG', 'icProperti', 'Kzoia', 'XFebX', 'getAll', 'SpawnLocat', 'Property', 'NpRyP', 'TuPFp', 'nEEuB', 'NfTjK', 'filter', 'user', 'arance fro', 'WEqQX', 'kick "', 'tity', 'gwoEH', 'ole', 'w token fr', 'hasCommand', '"* was unb', 'YFVSh', 'isArray', 'twRka', 'error whil', 'deadEntity', 'mple §opla', 'ServerSecr', 'jvhux', 'hbsKz', 'terminateR', 'being used', 'ings', 'nLmpc', 'GHVsZ', 'ed.', 'kvqqo', 'name error', 'sITGc', 'tableNames', 'o join**.', 'MWBRR', 'gnCLD', 'getDimensi', 'possible r', 'getObjecti', ' discord-s', 'chatComman', 'ssible con', 'tellraw @a', 'ualised on', ' using fil', 'playerDieL', 'age show o', 'BYSFO', 'bled', 'd settings', ' the '/con', 'origin pro', 'MutedBB', 'settings a', 'esp:pfp', 'GcUPq', 'or propert', 'bzPTO', 'axmSa', 'stop showi', 'is_tamed', 'uSMGz', '/login', 'yEdLQ', 'typeId', 'ridge addo', 'world', 'connect', 'le connect', 'ort. Pleas', 'enabled', 'RXQJU', 'getTick', '" §lyou ha', 't create m', 'mDYfC', 'FjdJu', ' currently', 'scord serv', 'wsnfe', 'prefix', 'hKZsl', 'headers', 'cbBan', 'registerAd', '*§r', 'edrockBrid', 'uYnXZ', '§eIn order', 'errored', 'cxvDz', 'discord', ' your disc', 'eLog', 'PqLFX', 'isValid', 'addTag', 'wCfkg', 'kXSIq', 'the userna', 'Bad additi', '- Error ', 'HpIrH', 'error', 'nameTag', 'ynUCI', 'events', 'zKhex', 'CLsVc', 'aESny', 'nbYCg', 'Bedro', 'egistered.', 'KeMZm', 'Xaivb', 'round', '[BedrckBri', 'oAVLZ', 'urrent sta', 'message', 'zefpe', 'ot open Be', 'aVkSq', 'OOFke', 'rNrCx', 'wcLrN', 'anned from', 'game', 'JpEwB', 'fig folder', 'ord server', 'idge) Disc', 'FbytM', 'resume sho', 'forEach', 'rUJOU', 'ARzvx', 'mjvUN', 'TgqsW', 'ZikcW', 'INZlW', 'Discord li', 'haGnU', 'eason', '<@&\d+>', 'startup_no', ' been unmu', 'FjMRz', 'location=s', 'GgYBa', 'OucHy', ' name-ban ', 'HSfVJ', 'output', 'xZiUb', 'gMvaj', 'Couldn't s', 'sender', 'onnected.', 'getAllPlay', 'tput mode', 'cted.§r', 'setDynamic', 'roles', 'ets', 'hxOOR', ' no such c', 'gUWrq', 'addHeader', 'name', '* added to', 'se a diffe', 'entityDie', 'i:resetAll', 'tUvzP', 'set', 'oad" in or', 'wBoJS', 'BbNpw', '@minecraft', 'oHVMv', 'FRtAm', 'RrSfg', 'c nametag.', 'avnve', 'wgGjF', 'nd as it's', 'nimEH', 'Get', 'mRIUs', 'bSlMR', 'n.
§o', 'xhRKT', 'mSzLp', '1.4.3', '_mode', 'cvhqv', 'er by runn', 'CiTQU', 'wgUjM', ' is not mu', 'yQaBB', 'llowing to', 'while impo', 'KQAIY', 'SfQyp', 'ktDKX', 'getPlayers', '.§r', 'show', ' event:
', 'XhiYk', ' online.', '[tag=!espl', 'HmDgT', 'Identity', 'ettings.§r', ' to your x', 'bhJeF', 'body', 'PJKfE', 'i:use-js', './bridgePl', 'yFFjc', 'sendMessag', 'XhXGs', 'les', 'discord_li', 'rawtext', 'd from the', 'ed due to ', 'wfzMt', 'VWqTG', 'FkJLt', 'NZGAs', 'VjAKA', 'poNNN', 'XGwlN', 'forbid', 'damagingEn', 'e remove B', 'i:connect', 'black_list', 'Lemep', 'yarXn', 'allow_mode', 'om your di', 'connection', 'RzCGz', 'unlink§r -', 'WIwpN', 't to resum', 'YCPNd', 'watchdog t', 'ygiTI', 'yfrJy', 'PTkHg', 'KLMNOPQRST', 'r streamed', 'jpfXg', 'includes', 'HHdTA', 'NPUov', 'UZtQT', 'addition e', 'ugins/inde', 'Origin [op', 'damageSour', 'sTner', 'bled on th', 'onse objec', 'iyied', 'dgeSetting', 'i:settings', 'already no', 'zkEfg', 'getScore', 'KdOFL', 'UARQg', 'en.
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**Wa', 'undeaf.', 'scord mess', 'values', 'successCou', 'subscribe', '
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